I've made all sketches and workplanes etc not visible.
When i edit a sketch down the tree, obviously the sketch becomes visible but the problem I have is some other sketches and workplanes also become visible.
projected geometry not updating between sketches in inventor 2013. I hope this will be fixed in 2013 sp1. I have noticed it happening alot when I project a line of another sketch that makes a single point in my new sketch. once the original skecth is changed the second one doesnt update sometimes. It doesnt do this 100 percent of the time just when I need to get stuff done.
Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram Windows 7 64 bit ati firepro v4800
I need to downscale whole assembly if its possible. If not, its no problem for me to downscale every single part separately (apx. 30pcs) and then put it together again but I need to downscale it with all its modeling history - sketches, planes and other geometry. I can't select them when using DERIVE function.
I can "Get Model Sketch" to make it appear visible in a drawing view. But I can find no way to use these "edges" or "lines" or "entities" or whatever they are, later in a drawing view sketch. No way to project them from Model Sketch to Drawing View sketch. I can attach leaders and dimensions to these Model Sketch entitites but I can find no way to use them in a sketch owned by the drawing view. Am I missing something?
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline.
1.open up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I'm trying to create a solid using the inside geometry of a shell in Inventor 2011. is there a simple way of doing this? i have attached the part i'm working on and need a solid that represents the free space inside the shell.
Is there a way to hide project geometry from model sketch? I am modeling a sheetmetal part where I need to sketch centermaks, part number etc. for laser cutting. I want to use xy planes for symmetry reasons when sketching, but I don't want them to appear in dxf. This is a problem if I create a dxf directly from the model.
Usually I create dxf files from drawing by adding new sheet where I create flat pattern view from the spesific part (excluding machinigs etc, only thermal cut boundaries visible). In the drawing I am allso able to show model sketches and hide unwanted project geometry. Is it possible to include these sketches to dxf?
Quite often we cretae schematic line drawings for clients approval before creating full 3D models for production. Is it possible to achieve this in Inventor and maybe go on to use the sketches as a master filoe to drive the design? Or should I continue to get approval based in AutoCAD and then switch over to Inventor?
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I just wanted to know if you could make sketches in one part or file, somehow save it with a name, then open a new or existing part file and import that saved sketch. Is there a way to do this? Also, can you make blocks, as we could in AutoCAD, in Inventor?
I then created a Custom iProperty which consisted of the following "formula": Finished Material Size = <Thickness> x <Width> x <Length> Lg.
eg. of Finished Material Result : Finished Material Size = 6 x 25 x 300 Lg.
The problem comes up when dealing with diametrical components as the above formula will only populate for square or rectangular parts. Which would work if I could use iLogic code to populate the Finished Material Size iProperty. I have tried but failed.
First I created another user parameter called "Geometry Type" which has a drop down selection of either "DIA" or "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR".I then created the following iLogic code to set 0 as the value for the "unused" size parameters
If PART_GEOMETRY = "DIA" Then WIDTH = "0"If PART_GEOMETRY = "DIA" Then THICKNESS = "0"If PART_GEOMETRY = "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" Then DIA = "0" The part I just can't get to work is as follows.
I need some iLogic code which will populate the "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE" custom iproperty with one of the following based on my "GEOMETRY TYPE" selection. "DIA" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = Ø <Dia> x <Length> Lg.
While "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = <THICKNESS> x <WIDTH> x <LENGTH> Lg.I tried the following code but it does not work:
I am working on a research project that requires that I scan a cast object and shell it out to a width of .125 inches. I used my school's 3D scanner to scan the cast, and I have a good model. I've made it a surface and exported it as an STP and an IGS into Inventor. I used the Sculpt feature to make it a solid object, but then I could not shell it because a few flaws in the cast made miniscule holes.
I then tried to use the scanning program's spline feature to cut the cast into splines to loft in Inventor. However, this made 5 non-connected lines at each location, so I couldn't loft. How to create a solid and then shell with either method?
In attempting to use either 'export face as' or 'export sketch as' from a solid model in Inventor 2013 the resultant DXF file ALWAYS consists of PolyLines. This prevents other "downstream" software from properly importing the file as a DXF. Thus far the ONLY work-around I have found is to open the DXF in AutoCAD, Explode the polylines, and then re-save as a DXF from AutoCAD.
I have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?
I am trying to find a way to import a laser scanned mesh or point cloud file into Inventor (2013) such that I can use it to make a parametric representation of the form. The import format can be STL, OBJ, VRML, XYZ or PLY. I have tried the Mesh Enabler from Autodesk Labs but the files I am looking to work-on are bigger than the enabler can cope with and my system slows right down or locks-up.
I know bespoke reverse engineering software is the ideal way to go but I was hoping there was a way to model over a mesh to represent its form to create a placeholder in a parametric assembly. I'm not looking for accuracy, just a surface or solid output that can be constrained to native inventor parts. If I could get the files to STEP or IGES someway that would be enough.
I would like to be able to export from an Inventor .dwg or .idw made up of various views (either made from an Inventor .ipt or .iam) to an AutoCAD 2000 or later .dwg, and have the objects modeled in the Inventor .ipt/.iam that is shown in these views to already be shown as blocked entities when the AutoCAD .dwg is created. Also it is important to have the scale be exactly 1:1 from the Inventor drawing to the AutoCAD drawing that is created, so that no resizing/scaling is necessary. Is it possible to create such an AutoCAD 2D drawing from any release of Inventor and if so, what are the steps/procedure for making it???
I know that the solid model of an .ipt or .iam can be made to show blocked edges that appear as a block so why not two steps further and have this capability translate through to an .ipt or .iam Inventor drawing to a save copy as AutoCAD drawing???
I have several files that have lost their geometric data that is usually there when they are primitives. This also removes the grips that allow me to resize the objects on the fly. Is there any possible way "apply" new data to these objects without recreating them? Is there a command, an express tool or a lisp routine that can accomplish this?
I have an assembly with a few parts inside and want to create a new part(hose) in the assembly and link some faces from other parts within the assembly to my new part to show the routing of the hose.
Can I link faces within an assembly to one of the assembly components.
i would like to use 3d dwg files from the 50 wood joint library for cnc processing. Therefore i load a dwg file (like attached) into account and want to start editing the wireframe, but thats not possible. Furthermore I expected to be capable of producing a solid for further processing in a CAM software.
How can I edit and make the attached geometry a solid?
I have a curved solid with a pattern subtracted from it in a model representing a sheet of mdf . is there a way to flatten the surface of the solid to get the geomerty of the cuts. I supose is same as matrial map.
i need to export Geometry Data (in properties) X,Y,Z coordinates/points from a Sold 3D object into Excel (csv.file) I have tried data extraction (EATTEXT) but it doesn’t pick the points up unless I add points manually.