I purchased Xara 8 in June but now have a new computer. I downloaded the program to my new computer and all seemed to be okay with the install, but I can't change the unit default from millimeters to inches. In fact I can't change the units to anything; it keeps reverting back to millimeters. Then I tried changing the font default and it changed it to millimeters no matter which unit I chose. I don't know if any of the other options can be changed. I generally change them as I need them. Should I uninstall it and try again? I lost my CD copy to theft and have to use the online download.
I rarely (never) use the default color or stroke size of my blending options so I always have to go through the process of changing those with every layer. There's got to be a better way. I would like to have my blending options default to what I use most so I could simply click stroke and move on.
How do you change/save the default blending options?
how to change the default setting under Jpeg options when saving changes, at present its ticked for Qulaity 12 Max but we want it on Quality 8 high and its a real pain having to change this setting every time we edit an image.
I have been using Xara for a very long time. I have recently started a side business generating signs and banners and continue to use Xara as my primary graphics editor, but I've discovered a tiny issue and I'm hoping there is some way around it. The Font Size live preview slider is limited (for some reason?) to sizes less than 32pt, and the font drop down list starts getting coarse after 24pt and tops out at 72pt sizes. Since most of what I'm doing involves text sizes larger than 72pt and much larger than the 32pt the slider allows, both of those options for adjusting font size have lost their usefulness.
Is there any way for me to adjust the values for the slider and/or for the drop down list to allow larger numbers? I realize I could use a scaling factor and layout my signs as a fraction of their intended size, but then I have hope to remember to change the scale when I import it into my sign cutting software or run the risk of wasting vinyl, so that would be my last choice.
Surely I can't be the only person who uses large text?
Also, any issues with exporting text into EPS and getting a change in the case of the text? If I export "This is Text" as an EPS file, when I import it into my sign cutting software, I sometimes get "tHIS IS tEXT", but if I import the same EPS into Xara it looks normal. Not sure if that is Xara or the sign cutting software (LXi Express Expert edition)... Until I figure that one out, I make sure to convert text to editable shapes before exporting it...
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
I have generated frame that has 100 members in it. Is there a quicker way of changing G_L unit to a mm so that I don't have to go into all 100 parts to change the custom properties? also I do not need unit string to be appear in my BOM.
I am using the 3ds Max Design 2014 tutorials. I am working in the Civil View section of the tutorials. My problem is that in the SOS dialog, when I insert the measurements in the tutorial, I believe they are supposed to be in meters. Such as the measurements I am instructed to enter are like 2.0, 0.45 and so on. But when I enter the numbers, they display in foot and inches. I went to CIVIL VIEW "PREFERENCES", but here is no way to change the settings.
The properties unit of all my Revit's door, wall, windows..etc is millimeter. How do I change it back to inch and feet?It was also strange that when I opened some files, the unit became inch and feet. The units of doors, windows, etc became inch and feet.
However, when I create a new project, the unit becomes millimeter again.
I can not get the ruler to display - and yes I know how to turn it on and to change the unit of measurement. Also the options for setting the diameter of the clone stamp is no where to be found. BTW, I'm using the expert mode and even tried the other modes, still no dice. There does seem to be some change in the margin border when I attempt to display the ruler (just gets slightly wider, but no ruler). Perhaps there is a a button some where to make all the adjustments visible like I am used to seeing in previous versions.
I created a couple of Unistrut structural member and published them to the CC.
Once they were in the CC I setup the proper code allowing these members when placed in an assembly to show up as shown in the parts list.
Now sometimes when the member is an odd length it will show up with the decimal places in the part number (i.e. P1001--46.621) This is fine when it comes to the part number showing up as a decimal. In the description we are now wanting to show this in fractional form such that 46.621 in the part number shows up as 46-5/8 in the description.
When I edit the family table for these members, specifically the columns that house this coding, I am not seeing anywhere on how to change this. Does this can be done and if so what the coding is to accomplish this? Without changing the global units of the drawing?
I am working on creating various standard sized window elevations using dynamic blocks. Each window elevation needs to have text underneath it that tells you the unit size of the window. While I have successfully created all the various elevations using dynamic blocks I can't figure out how to make the text appear to change with the various window unit sizes. for instance I have a small window that has text underneath showing 1818 (18"wide x 18"high). I need text to change to say 1820, 1824, 1830, etc. I can get the 1818 text to stay centered under the elevation as the window gets wider/higher but that is it.
how to produce a PDF with CMYK.I've got Xara Photo & Designer 9 which more than suits my needs for the work I do.That was until recently when I needed artwork to be exported as PDF with CMYK.
I know I read a fix here somewhere but I couldn't locate it today. In Designer Pro X, I would like to undock the text options (ab tab). Adding another question if I may...I try to save Butt Cap to start in the line gallery for a template I use as Default Template, but always resets itself to Round Cap?
I don't know what the best practices are for rendering, but I've got settings I prefer to use, and I want to set them as a default in AE, but can't seem to find that option
First, they deprecated h.264. it's really the only valid option for rendering tight compression to be viable size for uploading. but i enabled the feature to show old formats.What I need to do is set it so it automatically defaults to my settings. it's a real pain to have to manually change that every time I render.
Also, along these lines I have a related question. Well, related sort-of.
I use Adobe Media Encoder when i can, i realize this is one reason they deprecated h.264 fronm AE. BUt what I don't get, is why I can't render anything that's GPU heavy in ME? for instance, if I use Element 3d it will utilize the cuda cores heavily in my video card. But I can't render those in ME. when I try to I get many many many many back to back errors and it finally jsut fails. I have a supported video card, though not a 'top dog' it's a GeForce GTX 770 which is plenty to tackle the work.
The color gallery allows me to change the sort order of the palettes. How do I make the new sort order "stick" so I don't have to re-do it each time I reuse the gallery?
Could we have a more definitive way to establish personal defaults for IMPORT.
When I import from my camera card, I normally start in the Folder sub-panel of Library and do a right-click "Create a new folder inside ..." and then after that is completed I select the folder just created and right click again and "Import to this folder ..."
This brings up IMPORT with my destination already visually established AND the folder already created within my folder structure and then all I need to do is quickly verify my options and click IMPORT in the lower right corner.
But for the life of me, I couldn't get my options to be sticky ... e.g. preview resolution, destination, etc. I'd set them, do the IMPORT as above, finish it and when I'd go back in they wouldn't have been left the way I set them. But I knew that sometimes this DID happen.
Turns out that if you invoke IMPORT via the button in the lower left corner of Library and complete the sequence (rather than import to this folder via a right-click) ... then options set from that initiation point are sticky and are rembered the next time you go in.
My question is: could we not have a more specific way of saving the defaults on the screen so no matter how you entered IMPORT, you can establish your default and 'lock' it.
When i open the control bars dialog the options for changing icon size are always greyed out. Sometimes the menu item for control bars is also greyed out had to close Xara just to access it again. how to control icon size other than at one point it says you can. The actual image it shows in the help files also have all the options for icon size greyed out.
Basically when I export a PDF and open it in acrobat it opens 'page width' I'd like it to be 'fit page' so the customer sees the whole proof, not just the top of the page.
I don't see any settings, but I only have 1 fully functional eye so I thought I'd ask you all.
IF there isn't a setting for it, can the fine people at Corel add this setting in the export dialog in the future some time? That'd be awesome.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I like to use non-default zoom options like 35% and 75%, but I can't use them both at the same time, and whichever one I'm using disappears every time I open a new image or restart the program. It would be nice if the zoom was controlled by a vertical slider that can go to any number between 1 and 800, or at least 1-100.
My company outputs IGES files and we always use the settings "Surfaces" and "144-Trimmed", however, the default for Sufrace Type is "143-Bounded" so we have to open up the options dialog box and change to "144-Trimmed" every time. How can I set Inventor's Default to "144-Trimmed" so I never have to mess with it again?
Size of page differs in page size dialogue box to that listed in print options box. I changed computers and it works correctly in the second one in that the page size is the same in both boxes, but I still cannot get it to work in the original pc. Both the file and the printer are common. Reinstalling Xara does not work. It looks like it is not installing correctly, even though it appears to be.
The "Apply" button is missing on my print options menu (XDPX9). I cannot apply any of the functions such as Imagingsetting - crop marks, output settings, layout settings, separations settings.