Xara :: Options To Un-Clip A Photo
May 30, 2012Where are the options to Un-Clip a photo?
Page Background> 'cliped photo.jpg'
This image is (masked) and hiding the page BG .
Where are the options to Un-Clip a photo?
Page Background> 'cliped photo.jpg'
This image is (masked) and hiding the page BG .
I have an original copy of Corel Xara that I purchased many years ago.
On the disc is a huge amount of clip art and other items, I tried to incorporate these into the Designs Gallery but whilst I could get the graphics to work I could not get the images to show in the drop downs against the icons in the designs gallery. I just got a grey blank panel with the graphic name. This means that I still have to search through the manual to find a specific graphic.
Fortunately I also have the 500'ish page manual (approx 100 per page) for the clip art/symbols/fonts/etc..etc.
I may not use many of the graphics but it would be good to be able to install selected images with the pictures.
I want to add Xmas clip art from XDP7 to XDPx. In the design gallery of XDP7 there is a category called "Xmas (download). I looked in the clip art folders of XDP7 and cannot see a folder for the Xmas art. I see no indication of any kind of Xmas clip art. I read posts about adding old clip art on the forum but I really don't understand exactly what to do.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm discovering clip view more and more recently and noticed that when you convert a clip view to editable shapes, the clipped shapes are trimmed inside the line width, very clever.
I used to intersect shapes to perform this kind of action but this method is superior as is involve much less fiddling with stacking and does not cut in the middle of the line.
how to produce a PDF with CMYK.I've got Xara Photo & Designer 9 which more than suits my needs for the work I do.That was until recently when I needed artwork to be exported as PDF with CMYK.
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View 8 Replies View RelatedI know I read a fix here somewhere but I couldn't locate it today. In Designer Pro X, I would like to undock the text options (ab tab). Adding another question if I may...I try to save Butt Cap to start in the line gallery for a template I use as Default Template, but always resets itself to Round Cap?
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe color gallery allows me to change the sort order of the palettes. How do I make the new sort order "stick" so I don't have to re-do it each time I reuse the gallery?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased Xara 8 in June but now have a new computer. I downloaded the program to my new computer and all seemed to be okay with the install, but I can't change the unit default from millimeters to inches. In fact I can't change the units to anything; it keeps reverting back to millimeters. Then I tried changing the font default and it changed it to millimeters no matter which unit I chose. I don't know if any of the other options can be changed. I generally change them as I need them. Should I uninstall it and try again? I lost my CD copy to theft and have to use the online download.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use Xara sometimes to resize images/photos. Quite often I use the clip view function to crop the image to the precise size I need.
I just recently found that when I export my clipped views, always as pngs, they have a very small 1 to 2 pixel edge around them. I can keep clipping but it continues to stay there. I exported with alpha and without to see if it made a difference but it doesn't.
I am now having to use my raster program to resize but had liked using Xara for it. The raster program works fine and I suppose every program has its uses so I just won't use Xara for photo clipping and exporting anymore. I just think that there shouldn't be an issue since Xara seems to want to handle photos more.
The attached images show extreme closeup of a blue image on a black background (the black background is used for checking this very problem).
When i open the control bars dialog the options for changing icon size are always greyed out. Sometimes the menu item for control bars is also greyed out had to close Xara just to access it again. how to control icon size other than at one point it says you can. The actual image it shows in the help files also have all the options for icon size greyed out.
Im just really starting to use 7
Putting aside the fact that you really can't see stars at sunset, and that if Polaris ever shows up near a setting sun, it's the End Of The World -- it's equally easy to add the stars to a nighttime photo..Next. Am trying to build a collection of photo-editing tips on the Xara-Users forum -- [removed link -link broken and or requires membership to view]
Xara's a LOT easier to use than Photoshop. But it is different. I know Xara's really for vector artwork, but when you end up using it more and more for photo editing, it's useful to have a bunch of techniques in one place.
Where are the Scale Line Width options Icons located?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm trying to cut a photo of a tree and place it over a photo of a house so the house can be seen through every twig and leaf, at the moment I can only move the tree with the existing back ground. I have PHOTO & GRAPHIC DESIGNER 7.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSize of page differs in page size dialogue box to that listed in print options box. I changed computers and it works correctly in the second one in that the page size is the same in both boxes, but I still cannot get it to work in the original pc. Both the file and the printer are common. Reinstalling Xara does not work. It looks like it is not installing correctly, even though it appears to be.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe "Apply" button is missing on my print options menu (XDPX9). I cannot apply any of the functions such as Imagingsetting - crop marks, output settings, layout settings, separations settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought Corel Draw X5 sometime back and had no issues.Then two weeks ago I purchased the Corel Draw X6 upgrade to take advantage of the 64 Bit design and the Free Corel Web Designer add on.My system is an AMD Phenom 965 x4 with a Win 7 HP 64 Bit OS loaded... 8GB RamI did non uninstall CD X5, when I loaded the CD X6So the problem....In Connect when I open a folder with pic files (raster) the Viewpane icons display normally...when I open a folder with Clip Art (vector) files each file displays the same default thumbnail with filename text caption... In my previous CD X5 32 bit install the Connect app worked with out errors displaying a Clip Art vector preview. Now after installing X6 64 bit, Connect in both x5 32 & x6 64 does not display previews for the clip-art .
View 3 Replies View RelatedCorel Photo Paint X4.
I have an object with a clip mask.I post a new object.
How do I drag the clip mask existing in the new object?
I tried to drag with the mouse, but it closes the program.
I scanned a photo in to be edited, once I edited it when it comes to printing it wont come out the same size. My printing options are all about different frame sizes to put the photo into.
So I tried creating a new document where I set the size in centimetres, but when it comes to print how come I cant seem to get the option to print that size.
In PE11, can I display the photo bin contents and tool options at the same time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just found that there is F4 shortcut to show/hide Tool Options xDOverall I've disabled "Auto Show Tool Options" option and use F4 ..
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible that I LOST my aspect ratio option in tool options when cropping a photo for the website??? It is gone and I am sure it was there before. Using photo ratio, customer or other is no good for what I am doing. .
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to create a brochure. I have a photo which I want to place over 2 pages (see attachment).How do I do this ?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow in the world can i erase part of a photo? new to designer pro 7. just have not been able to work this out. finally got the program to launch.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm working with the attached photo. As you can see (or rather, can't see) Jeanine's eyes are obscured by the glare on her glasses. I'm sadly finding little blips and blurbs such as this on all the outside shots because this event took place on an absolutely spectacular day (not that I'm complaining given the bizarre weather we've been having). It's just I could not see in the camera's display some of the problems. I even had a couple that are completely blurry though they looked fine on the display at the time.
What is the simplest way to quickly correct this? I have several similar shots of her but the glare is present in all of them. It's actually worse in a couple of them.
I want to take a photo I have and make it into a drawing that actually looks like a drawing. I'm going through tutorials and don't see exactly what I'm referring to, I have a photograph image of a flower that I took - now I want to make that flower look like a hand-drawn color pencil drawing. how to get this effect? I know how to use the shape editor tool to get the outline of the photo, but how to create the fills to look like shaded pencil/charcoal fill?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an old photo with very little contrast; it is faded badly. How can I improve it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedA few websites claim there is a special tool in Photo & Graphic Designer 9 for whitening teeth in a photo.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I export a Xara P&GD file as a PDF, none of the photo edits make it through. I cropped & lightened a lot and they show up as the original darker version. I did "save" the file and all its editing prior to exporting it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedNow that I've learned to isolate part of a photo using the mat, when I exported what I cut out it was tiny. My original photo was thousands of pixels wide. It reduced the cut out area exported to about 200 x 300 pixels which was a tenth of the size. I read a recent post on importing at same size using the utilities menu and clicking the last bitmap option to import at same dpi, so I did that using another photo so the utilities menu would show, then closed that photo and imported my photo again. But when I exported it to jpg it was tiny again. I checked to see the option in the utilites menu was still set. Is there a limit to picture size? I like to work with large photos so they print well as giclees and photographs. why I can't import and export at the full size .Am I having a problem because the dpi of the original is 72 dpi?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am completely unable to get a couple of the photos to resize to where they will print in an 8x10 (960x768) format. No matter what I do, they're either cut off or they're distorted. I know the problem is that the original jpg file from my camera is not exactly the right proportions but isn't there some way to correct that using DPX?
In the three above, the people on the ends are cut off when I order the prints, despite my edits and resize efforts.In this one, the print comes out distorted because the sides are squashed in when it is printed at the store.