AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Default In Options For PDF Export
Feb 2, 2012How to set a default under options for export to PDF? I need to set the Vector resolution so it defaults to 720 DPI instead of 400 DPI.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
How to set a default under options for export to PDF? I need to set the Vector resolution so it defaults to 720 DPI instead of 400 DPI.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
In Inventor, when I export my idw to PDF, then open the pdf, the PDF opens with the "layers" browser open. Its easy enough to click the little arrow and close it, but I had rather not do that everytime.
I can change the defualt for this one file (via acrobat>File > properties, initial view tab). But that does not work when I create another new pdf.
Nothing in the Inventor options when I export it makes a difference.
Basically when I export a PDF and open it in acrobat it opens 'page width' I'd like it to be 'fit page' so the customer sees the whole proof, not just the top of the page.
I don't see any settings, but I only have 1 fully functional eye so I thought I'd ask you all.
IF there isn't a setting for it, can the fine people at Corel add this setting in the export dialog in the future some time? That'd be awesome.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I purchased Xara 8 in June but now have a new computer. I downloaded the program to my new computer and all seemed to be okay with the install, but I can't change the unit default from millimeters to inches. In fact I can't change the units to anything; it keeps reverting back to millimeters. Then I tried changing the font default and it changed it to millimeters no matter which unit I chose. I don't know if any of the other options can be changed. I generally change them as I need them. Should I uninstall it and try again? I lost my CD copy to theft and have to use the online download.
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Our existing method automated of exporting the DXF shape files works great but I have a problem with drilled/tapped holes. I have configured the DXF output to put the external profiles on a named layer and done the same for internal profiles.
The problem arises with the DXF output of a drilled/tapped hole also being on the internal profile layer as the plasma machine see's any hole (drilled or not) as a plasma cut hole. I need to to be able to put drilled/tapped holes on a different layer but I don't want to have to do this manually (open DXF in Autocad, select and change drilled/tapped holes to another layer), save DXF file, as 80-90% of the parts we use on a machine are plasma cut 9no manual cutting).
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So I would prefer to have it unchecked by default. How would I do it?
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Enable Heads-up Display
Edit Dimension when created
Look at sketch...on...creation
No new sketch goes to x-y plane
This may happen after when I open parts from Inventor 2011 (maybe 2010) into 2012, then create a new part. I would expect the 2012 App Options to be the master, so I don't know why a legacy part would be allowed to change those settings.
Inventor Professional 2014
Windows 7, x64
Dual-core i7, 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M
HP Elitebook 8540w
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Public Sub ActiveObjectDefaults()
Dim oDocument As DrawingDocument
Set oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim DrgStMgr As DrawingStylesManager
Set DrgStMgr = oDocument.StylesManager
Dim ObjDfStyle As Style
Set ObjDfStyle = DrgStMgr.ActiveStandardStyle.ActiveObjectDefaults
MsgBox ObjDfStyle.Name
End Sub
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Dell t1500 i7 8 gb ram
Windows 7 64 bit
ati firepro v4800
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