Photoshop :: How To Default All Options
Dec 13, 2007how to Default all photohop options. like etc.
View 2 Replieshow to Default all photohop options. like etc.
View 2 RepliesI rarely (never) use the default color or stroke size of my blending options so I always have to go through the process of changing those with every layer. There's got to be a better way. I would like to have my blending options default to what I use most so I could simply click stroke and move on.
How do you change/save the default blending options?
how to change the default setting under Jpeg options when saving changes, at present its ticked for Qulaity 12 Max but we want it on Quality 8 high and its a real pain having to change this setting every time we edit an image.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI don't know what the best practices are for rendering, but I've got settings I prefer to use, and I want to set them as a default in AE, but can't seem to find that option
First, they deprecated h.264. it's really the only valid option for rendering tight compression to be viable size for uploading. but i enabled the feature to show old formats.What I need to do is set it so it automatically defaults to my settings. it's a real pain to have to manually change that every time I render.
Also, along these lines I have a related question. Well, related sort-of.
I use Adobe Media Encoder when i can, i realize this is one reason they deprecated h.264 fronm AE. BUt what I don't get, is why I can't render anything that's GPU heavy in ME? for instance, if I use Element 3d it will utilize the cuda cores heavily in my video card. But I can't render those in ME. when I try to I get many many many many back to back errors and it finally jsut fails. I have a supported video card, though not a 'top dog' it's a GeForce GTX 770 which is plenty to tackle the work.
I purchased Xara 8 in June but now have a new computer. I downloaded the program to my new computer and all seemed to be okay with the install, but I can't change the unit default from millimeters to inches. In fact I can't change the units to anything; it keeps reverting back to millimeters. Then I tried changing the font default and it changed it to millimeters no matter which unit I chose. I don't know if any of the other options can be changed. I generally change them as I need them. Should I uninstall it and try again? I lost my CD copy to theft and have to use the online download.
View 4 Replies View RelatedCould we have a more definitive way to establish personal defaults for IMPORT.
When I import from my camera card, I normally start in the Folder sub-panel of Library and do a right-click "Create a new folder inside ..." and then after that is completed I select the folder just created and right click again and "Import to this folder ..."
This brings up IMPORT with my destination already visually established AND the folder already created within my folder structure and then all I need to do is quickly verify my options and click IMPORT in the lower right corner.
But for the life of me, I couldn't get my options to be sticky ... e.g. preview resolution, destination, etc. I'd set them, do the IMPORT as above, finish it and when I'd go back in they wouldn't have been left the way I set them. But I knew that sometimes this DID happen.
Turns out that if you invoke IMPORT via the button in the lower left corner of Library and complete the sequence (rather than import to this folder via a right-click) ... then options set from that initiation point are sticky and are rembered the next time you go in.
My question is: could we not have a more specific way of saving the defaults on the screen so no matter how you entered IMPORT, you can establish your default and 'lock' it.
Basically when I export a PDF and open it in acrobat it opens 'page width' I'd like it to be 'fit page' so the customer sees the whole proof, not just the top of the page.
I don't see any settings, but I only have 1 fully functional eye so I thought I'd ask you all.
IF there isn't a setting for it, can the fine people at Corel add this setting in the export dialog in the future some time? That'd be awesome.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
how to change the default options when creating a video?
I keep forgetting to turn off "smart render" and "non-square pixel rendering" in the options dialog when I convert.
Also it would be nice to be able to turn on Dolby 5.1 by default as well.
How to set a default under options for export to PDF? I need to set the Vector resolution so it defaults to 720 DPI instead of 400 DPI.
Inventor Suite 2013 Ultimate
I like to use non-default zoom options like 35% and 75%, but I can't use them both at the same time, and whichever one I'm using disappears every time I open a new image or restart the program. It would be nice if the zoom was controlled by a vertical slider that can go to any number between 1 and 800, or at least 1-100.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy company outputs IGES files and we always use the settings "Surfaces" and "144-Trimmed", however, the default for Sufrace Type is "143-Bounded" so we have to open up the options dialog box and change to "144-Trimmed" every time. How can I set Inventor's Default to "144-Trimmed" so I never have to mess with it again?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use Print Preview in X4 for all printing - great tool.
When I use Print Preview in X6 the print options are not saved when I exit Print Preview to make adjustments.
I make the correction - go back into Print Preview and all options have gone back to default. Is there anyway of correcting this.
how to use Live Trace in Illustrator but now instead of the Tracing Options window having a button that says "Trace" it's now showing a button that says "Set to Default." I'm sure something isn't selected right or something similar, but I can't figure it out. why "Trace" is no longer an option?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a situation where the default behavior of my rectangle tool (or any of the other shape tools) is now different. I'm on Mac OS X 10.6.5 running Illustrator CS5. It acts as though the option-shift keys are pressed, so whenever I draw an object, it draws from the center point and the dimensions are constrained, so i can only draw a square or circle, not a rectangle or ellipse. Additionally, whenever I use the selection tool, it clones the object I drag, and also constrains the positioning, so i can only drag in a 0, 45 or 90 degree angle (or multiples thereof). It's as if my option-shift keys are permanently pressed (if I actually press option-shift, the behavior persists). I tried using a different (brand new) keyboard, tried throwing away preferences, and the problem remains. I also tried booting up Illustrator CS4, and the weird problem showed up there! This behavior just started happening spontaneously. I couldn't think of anything weird that happened (a crash, a new plug-in, etc.). I can't find a preference that sets this behavior either.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am using Photoshop cs6 on my Mac and I'm having trouble with the options bar in the way. When I open two or more windows within Photoshop the options bar is covering up the X's that allows me to close them out and the tabs themselves. I have attached an image to show the problem. I have tried to move the option bar, but it seems that Photoshop wont allow me to do this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedNone of the 3d functions in photoshop CS6 are available to use. All menus are "greyed out."
Could the problem be the system requirements?
My system -
MacOS 10.7.5
Processor 2.4 Ghz Intel Core Duo 2
4 GB 667 Ram
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB
I have always saved my jpg files at quality at maximum, 12, prgressive scan 5. about a week ago I noticed that my jpg files are becoming pixleated after I save them, so much so that it looks as tho I have saved them in Paint Shop.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I select Edit > Preferences > Performance the following is displayed: GPU SettingsNo GPU options available with Photoshop Standard Graphic Hardware Acceleration is unavailable. You will need to upgrade your video driver and possibly your video card. Spec: Windows XP64, Dual Xeon 3.6 Ghz, nVidia Quadro fx 4400 (512MB) with latest driver 182.46 Video BIOS
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a font that shows up in my text edit files--which suggests it's on my Mac. but it doesnt show up in photoshop font options. how do i get it in there?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn CS5, the options bar stayed above my toolbar and pallettes, so that my second monitor was free of all tools. Just the image.
But with CS6, it seems the options bar has been moved to the top of my image monitor.
Is there a way to force the options bar back above the tools on my other monitor?!
Why are the majority of my edit options grayed out. I cant copy and paste
View 10 Replies View RelatedThe title says it all really: I've been trying recently to use the 3D features in CS6 (not a usual part of my workflow, which is probably why it has taken me so long to notice)
but all options are grayed out, regardless of the document settings, layer options etc. I simply cannot work in 3D at all! I am working on a Mac Pro (mid 2010) with 13 Gb of ram, so system resources are not the issue.
Is it a system issue? That's strange because I have plenty of RAM.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI keep seeing posts and videos referring to the Airbrush option in the Brush settings panel. My CS6 doesn't have this option. It goes Wet Edges to Build-Up to Smoothing to Protected Texture at the bottom of the list. Is this a glitch? Should I be seeing the Airbrush option here?
Also, I'm having a little trouble with the brushes I'm using. I was able to trace out my drawing with a simple brush but when I went to shade it it doesn't look very good. I was following along with this tutorial
and at 6:40 in the video he starts filling in the hair and mine looks completely weird. I realize he isn't using Photoshop but I was wondering if there is a way to duplicate the brush that he is using.Â
I color separated an image in to 3 spot colors (Pantones) using Channels. But when I go to save the image as a DSC all the regular file options are missing. I only see Photoshop, Photoshop Raw, and Large Document formats available.
See the attached screen shot showing relevant dialogs and menus. Using Photoshop CC on Mac.
Having just successfully installed Photoshop CS4 for Windows (XP-SP3), I was arranging my worksapce. When I tried to move the options bar from the top of the screen and dock it at the bottom (as I have always done in CS3) I find that I cannot. Has the ability to dock the options bar at the bottom of the screen been removed..? If not, how does one accomplish this..?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi wanted to make a new brush so i went to the "Brush palette" but all i see there is what U can C in the picture below, where is the "spacing" and the "hardness" and all the other option that the help file shows that should be there?
i have photoshop 7
I'm not so good with PS yet . Well I saw in many tutorials how to smudge. And for that you need to set some brush options. They do this by pressing a button in the upper right corner. I use PS 5.0 and this doesn't has this. Here's a screenshot. Anyone knows where the brush / smudge options are ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm touching up some images I want to export to Premiere Pro 2.0 and wanted to make sure I'm using the write/best settings. I selected the 720x480 pre-set when making a new project. It has the following settings; 720x48072 pixels/inch (should I go larger?)RGB (should I use CMYK?)8 bit (should I use 16 bit?) Are the default settings best? I want to use the largest/best image quality possible. I'm using the CS2 suite btw.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen applying blending options like lets say a drop shadow, if i apply it to a layer and modify lets say the direction of the shadow it applies it to every layer with a drop shadow...same with bevels. Is there any way to prevent this?
View 2 Replies View Related