Xara :: Xtreme - Are There Default Settings For Units
Oct 16, 2013
Everythime when starting a new project I first go to 'Options' > 'Units' > 'Page units' and set it from 'Inch' to 'Pixels' is there a way to set this as default ?
Note: I'm currently using the old free version Xtreme 5 Silver because lost the paid version after a system format and register code that didn't work anymore, perhaps of newer version there an easy setting for that, on this one I haven't found it yet.
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
A copy whichever version of Xtreme was the last one before the flyout buttons, copy of the default toolbars?
I've used Xtreme Pro v6 since it was released with just the pointless 3D and Live Effect buttons removed from the toolbar, and always mean to get round to putting the other buttons back as they were but always seem to be too busy. I particularly dislike the gallery flyout buttons and can never find the bitmap and name gallery without spending 10 seconds or so looking for it.
Installing Xtreme Pro v7 is the prompt I needed to get the toolbars sorted out once and for all. I'm sure I can work more quickly if the buttons are where I'm used to, but just as with the keyboard I can type very quickly so instinctively know where the keys are, but couldn't write the keys in order if my life depended on it!
how to adjust the default settings of my drawing units. I have adjusted these so that if I create a new drawing they are set as I want them. But when I output a drawing from
I work with a land surveying package. I use both AutoCAD 2006 and R14. When I export a cad dwg from the survey software and open it in R14 my drawing units are as I want them E.G Direction Control = North = 270 and should be set to clockwise. If I open the same exported drawing but in 2006 the settings change. If I create a new drawing in 2006, the settings are as I want them.
Is it possible to change the default settings of Xara Designer Pro for Units so that whenever a new file is started, it automatically uses the Default Units / Page - Pixels?
the new Xara Pro X9, but did happen to notice... Is there any way to get the old style drawing back like Xara Xtreme 2? In Xara Pro X9, it seems you have to drag a line to make one, where in the older versions it was click a point move click another point and it draws a line between them, it was much easier to draw lines and bend them on the fly with the older version, or am I missing a step with the new software.
I downloaded some fills and brushes from Xara Xone, but even after reading the instructions given, I am unable to add them to Xtreme Pro 4. I unzipped and extracted the files to a folder on my flash drive. When I went to add them to Xara I could access the folder where they reside, but the files didn't come up.
I need to create a sign wave in Xara Extreme or Web Designer. I can generate it with another system I have and export that to a Graphics Stream File (GSF) or png image. Not sure if I can import either of those, though.
What I want to do once I get it into Xara is apply a color to the sine wave and fade from left to right (or vice versa).
how to use PNG with transparency as "photo frame" for bitmap (photo) in Xara Xtreme Pro v5?
I'm try to design pages for photo book in Xtreme. I have set of files in PNG format as "frames" for photos. For example, I attach one (14_v.png) to this message. In another editor I can use them as "masks" for photos - in second attach (capture.png) you can see on left - usual photo, on right - photo with mask as photo frame. How I can make same effect in Xara Xtreme? I try to use different modes, substract/add shapes and other - but no luck.
I am trying to cut a piece of the enclosed text/image. It is an h and I want to simply cut the the curly part of the h at the end so I can attach it to the end of another text f, but with me using a rectangle and the Clipview technique to do this I am getting a larger space for the entire image so when I attempt to change the colour the whole rectangle's colour changes.
how I can simply trim the end/curly side of the h without getting rid of the png style effect?
I know how to go in to my settings and change the default page settings on a new design, but I want my settings to ALWAYS come up with the settings I change them to. How do I set these so that every time I start Xara I don't have to go change the settings AGAIN?
I want to change the default precision shown in my drawing from two decimal places to three. In my .idw file the "Units" tab does not seem to be there. I see Standard, Sketch, Drawing, Sheet. I could change each dimension one by one, but there's got to be an easier way.
I am trying to resize the artboard so it will be an exact size in pixels. However whenever I use the artboard tool, the contextual toolbar will show me the size in mm. I went to Preference > Units > General and while it appears to be set to show pixels, it doesn't seem to affect the artboard measurements.
Our school rercently updated to Inventor 2014, When working starting a new assembly we seslect the standard mm ipt icon, however as soon as you create a new compont it defaults to inches, we can change the units using styles editor, but this only changes this componont when you create another part it also defaults to inches.
Can you change the setup so that it will always be in mm.
I am working on AutoCAD 2014 and every time I receive and open a new file from our collaborators in Italy, the file units "turn into" inches.
This means that I have to go to Drawing Utilities, Change the units to cm, and then have to Scale everything so that the measurements make sense again.
I've gone into OPTIONS and have set CM as thed default measurements, but this problem persists. I know that the office in Italy can't possibly be working in inches, so I'm assuming there's something that's "lost in translation" when it comes to opening the file on my end.
I have a query on the units for Autocad, every time i start Autocad up it defaults to inches, i have to change the units manually to mm using in units. is there a way to set this that i don't have to keep doing this?
why it seems that Revit ignores the Project Units setting in the template file when opening an IFC file? Even when the template is targeted in the IFC open dialogue?
The IFC was exported from ACA 2008 with the Imperial units set.After opening the IFC file in Revit 2012, the project is set for Metric, even though the referenced template (.rte) is set up with Imperial.
I have just installed my autocad 2013 software. I've set the units to millimeters. But the workspace is still in inches. Even the dimentions are coming in inches. How to set the unit in millimeters?
how to open AUtoCAD 2012 so the default units are set to imperial? I only have one autocad icon (as opposed to a metric and imperial icon which I have seen before).
Is there anyway to create a default setting so that units stay in pixels. Each time I bring in a new image in Photo-Paint X6, I have to reset units back to pixels by clicking Tools, Options, Document, Ruler. It would a time saver if I could somehow make pixels a default setting.
Where is the configuration for the Default Template Measurement units stored? Have tried creating an application options file, but on the clients this setting is not read/stored (still set to inches after import).
Is this setting stored in the registry? Where?
...and why does Inventor default to a non metric measurement unit?
can I get xara to use the 100% instead of 75% as a default?
I know how to save settings like this to documents, but as soon as I close all documents, the settings are gone, units settings too, it always forgets them, so annoying. Did I miss a save button?
I'm working on a project where I will have to do a lot of various scaling using Bilinear resampling. Is there a way to make this the default scaling method in PS CS6 (Mac OS).
I keep on forgetting to switch the scaling method, and thus often have to scale the image twice.
im doing this for class and the book tells me to hold trl Al and shift as soon as i open photoshop. this isnt working and because im doing this for school im on a bit of a time crunch.