I am trying to export some artwork as a PDF so I can get it printed, but every time I try to export it I get the attached message. I have tried various times always after a reboot but with no luck.
The file is only just under 7mb in size so I can't figure out why it is doing it.
It is important that I export with layers as I have a cutter guide included so the printer can see where he needs to position the print on the sheet and it is printed on both sides.
My mindset doesn't work properly with shapes - more with lines and curves from point A to point B.
My normal usage of Xara is for banners and posters etc. not art or technical drawing. Anyway, I wanted to create a specific shape in Xara - it's not that I can't create it otherwise (it's very simple to create in CAD and export as PDF - import into Xara), it's that I can't create it in Xara - No matter what I try I cannot create this exact shape. I say exact specifically because I can close to fudge it, that's not the point. How would I go about creating this shape exactly.
For some reason I am unable to create text to follow a curved path. For example, I created a simple curved line using the shape editor tool. After selecting the completed line I select the main text tool (the other text tool, fit text to curve, is grayed out and not selectable). However, wherever I insert the cursor along the curved line I still end up with a straight line of text. After much experimentation I still cannot figure it out. I know I am leaving out a simple step.
I can't open a new Illustrator file. It sends me this error: Can't create a new illustration. Problems occurred while saving the print file.I opened a previous document created in CC, but it will not allow me to copy and paste items from one doc to another. I have rebooted with no avail.
I'm currently doing some testing of 2014 SP1 and noticed the Copy Styles routine when creating Plan Production Sheets doesn't seem to function as it did in 2012?
Using 2014 SP1, I data referenced a Pipe Network into a Plan Prod. sheet that was created before the Pipe networks were created. After data referencing the first Pipe Network into the plan sheet, I tried to label my pipes and structures, noticed none of our custom styles got copied (during create sheets command) into the sheet?
In 2012 they did.We have a lot of these Plan Production dwt's here and it's going to be a major PITA if all Plan Production.dwt's will need to have all Styles within them.
The nice thing about the way it used to work is the styles only needed to be maintained in a couple base.dwt's.
In addition to these Pipe & Structure label styles missing the list goes on throughout the Settings tab. Only present styles seem to be of "in use" nature such as pfl style, Alignment style, pfl view style etc. where the sheet creation process pulled specific information into the sheet dwg from source dwg.
Also did a quick test of our 2012 configuration and majority of , if not all, styles from source dwt do get copied over eliminating the need for them within the Plan Production dwt's. 2012 SP3 used here.
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I recently upgraded to PhotoshopCS5.5 and find that I can't print on my HP Photoshop Premium printer. I'm using a MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8. I also am unable to open 2 images at the same time.
I wanted to create an A4 borderless print in my canon mg6150 from within the print module. I can do a borderless print using the canon easyprint.
I go into page setup and the properties of my printer and set the page layout to borderless and click OK.
However, I am unable to set the margins to zero. When I go back into my page setup and check the page layout, it has reverted to normal so it has ignored my setting.
I am using Xara pgdMX to create a pdf from which I use another program to create a flip-book.All the links have a blue rectangle around them when they appear in the flip-book.I am told by the flip-book team that I should make them transparent in Acrobat... which I don't have. URL...
I'm making a brochure on A4 but I want to print it om A3 paper that is folded to A4. What is the best approach to do this. The A4 pages are good for copying the text from MS word into the xar file. But after that I have to print it on A3 in the right printing order.
Long-term user of CorelDraw, and have just found Xara P&GD, which is quite a revelation. I've re-designed my business card and how to print to A4, pre-perforated card. CorelDraw can make use of Avery templates for printing the single business card design, multiple times, on the same sheet of card, but I can't find a way to do this with Xara without physically copying the design to make a composite A4 layout. Can Xara do this the "template" way?
I am completely unable to get a couple of the photos to resize to where they will print in an 8x10 (960x768) format. No matter what I do, they're either cut off or they're distorted. I know the problem is that the original jpg file from my camera is not exactly the right proportions but isn't there some way to correct that using DPX?
In the three above, the people on the ends are cut off when I order the prints, despite my edits and resize efforts.In this one, the print comes out distorted because the sides are squashed in when it is printed at the store.
Reading the Help document it says that transparency in a document is rendered as a bitmap when printing because PostScript can't handle it. This is also the case when exporting to certain file formats.
Isn't there a better solution to this? There are some truly magnificent tools in Xara and I'm sure this means that the technology is there to render documents in a suitable form when printing and exporting.
I've just tried to get a simple logo using some flat transparency from Xara into a Microsoft product and the transparent parts have given me big headaches as I want a true vector solution. The only way I found to work was going via Adobe Illustrator. If Illustrator can do it then why can't Xara? Isn't there some way that Xara can analyse the parts with transparency and create new vector objects where possible?
How does everyone else handle this - do you all simply ignore the transparency tool and work without it?
I went to lock a Layer (the whole layer) and could not - I had to Lock the item IN the Layer (one item: and the Layer still did show as Locked).I have a screen shot; but, it's been a bit & I don't see how-to attach it.Plus, shouldn't I have been able to Lock the Layer & the item in it? Is this a Bug?
I am feeling a bit dumb at the moment. How does one print something larger than the "physical" page size--ie., tiled pages--in Designer Pro 6?
I have a drawing that is 3 times the length of US letter size (actual size of the drawing is 7.5" x 30"). US letter size is 8.5" x 11". The page is defined as landscape, so 11" width, 8.5" height.
I regularly do this using another program and will have constant need to do so in the future.
I like to make and print custom cards for family and friends. I use a heavy matte finish paper to print on. But the printing is never as vibrant as my screen image, and this includes photos.
Today I tried this and it worked fine. I converted the image to be printed to a 300dpi bitmap, then using the Photo Tool > Enhance menu, I increased the Saturation to the point where the image looked psychedelic. When I printed on the dull finish card stock, the colors looked just right.
I have a clear black and white bitmap which I am trying to vectorise using the bitmap tracer tool under utilities, i have tried tweaking the settings to so many different combinations but it still traces it with jagged edges and it's not very 'clean' as opposed to the original image. it's a black and white drawing with definitive shapes.
I created this simple graphic with a mix of the straight line tool and the shape tool. Any color I drag on to any panel of this hat only changes the background color. I've made sure that all these lines have snapped to the appropriate edges and have tried many combinations of joining shapes and converting to shapes, etc...
I have noticed the vectors don't seem to work the same so I'm not sure this is even possible.
I have a client who asked me to create artwork for a banner she is printing for a trade show. The banner is 19.5 FEET long and almost 8 feet high. I have designed the banner as 6.5x2.6ft with the intent of then dividing it into 9 equal parts which I would blow up to 6.5x2.6 and send off to the printer. So far so good. The problem is that the segments are still so large that when I try to export them as PDFs, I am running out of memory. I tried doing them as jpegs, but when I change the resolution for export to 300dpi, nothing changes- the number of pixels x umber of pixels doesn't increase. My client needs this artwork off to her printer asap and I am at a complete loss.
I used to use Xara Xtreme 4 and loved it. Since changing my computer to one with Windows 7 I have not been able to use Xara Xtreme.
Needed to print out an old Xara image today so downloaded and installed Xara Web Designer 7 as this seems to be the nearest I can get to the old Xara Xtreme that runs on my laptop.
However, I can't find any "Print" option. It's not under File, Ctrl P doesn't do anything, nothing under right clicking. I need to print something quickly and I've given up trying to find the Print option. where have they 'hidden' Print?
Also, am I correct in thinking Web Designer 7 is the nearest program with features to Xara Xtreme or are the features of Xara Xtreme loss forever to this new web site design program?
The website is run on WordPress, and so I did not design the site in Xara. However, I designed the graphics. I had them all in one Xara file. Today, I wanted to add more mouseovers. You can see the ones I have by hovering over the right-hand side of the page. There were 5 or so pages in the file with a variety of ideas and small graphics that I exported to png files and uploaded to the site.
When I opened the file, it had only 1 blank page. I was horrified. I noticed that the latest and greatest Xara is a bit quirky, compared to the previous 2 versions.
Seems to no longer be able to choose a color outside the program window.. Previous versions were able to choose any color on my monitors. Might add, I miss being able to click an object and open the color editor directly..
I closed the program & reopened... It then allowed selecting a color outside the program window. Weird. And now I see that rather than "color picker on the context menu, it's "fill color". Wow, I'm losing it today.
For some reason, I'm not able to get my Mask Mode button "turned on" -- the Help section pointed to "Window > Mask mode on" -- but even though a shape / object / photo is selected, mask features always remain unavailable.
I purchased Designer Pro 9 about a month ago. I have tried about 30 times, no kidding, to change the US Letter template from Arial 10 to Verdana 12. It happened again this morning and I've decided to finally come to the forum and find out what's going on.
Here's what happens: I open US Letter and make the changes, then choose Save Template. When I reopen it, it's still Arial 10. Makes no difference if I choose "Use as default template" or not. I even tried saving it as a template with a different name, Verdana 12, but it still opens as Arial 10.
As a test, I opened Designer 6, chose New, US Letter, and changed the font to Brussels 12. I then selected Save Template, saved it as Brussels 12, and closed out. Then I chose File/New/Brussels 12. It opened as a letter template with Brussels 12 point. That's the procedure I used years ago to change US Letter to Verdana 12 in Designer 6, and so the Save Template function still works in that version.
Because nothing I've tried seems to work, I am wondering whether any template I create will be saved in 9.
This post is regarding using Designer Pro to edit print ready PDF's (with crop marks, colour bars etc) created using Photoshop and Illustrator. I can do the edits, but if I try and export the file it corrupts (colour values change, some text changes col)
The files are supplied to me by a designer and sometimes I need to do urgent changes myself before going to print. I have unticked the 'add printers marks' box to avoid a double set of marks and colour bars and have the fonts installed too.
i have been trying for the past hour to export these two files as pdfs for large format print. everything exports fine except the gold trophy design, how to export these for use for large format solvent printing, i normally dont have a problem but this golden shield vector appears to be the problem.