Xara :: How To Remove / Close Or Shut Off Layers Menu
Apr 27, 2011How to remove or close or shut off the layers menu.
View 6 RepliesHow to remove or close or shut off the layers menu.
View 6 RepliesWhat is this used for? From reading, it seems as though if you use this command it is a way to turn on and shut off layers?
View 2 Replies View Relatedall the twirly triangle dropdown menu things (what's the official term?) underneath the contents menu of layers. Especially now that I'm working with Convert to Shape Layer functionality I'm wondering what an efficient/shortcut based way to work with these inner menus is. For instance when converting Text to Shape layers - it seems like I'm spending most of my time dealing with twirly triangle management
I don't even know how to search for them: obviously searching for anything "collapse" takes one to a bunch of collapse transformations stuff.
Sometimes when I use the freehand or shape tool to outline an object I want to cut out it doesn't turn black. I have magnified the objects before looking for a possible break in the line but don't ever find one. So I usually just end up reloading the photo and usually have success which is a pain.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn the Page & Layer Gallery there are the small eyes to make objects Visible or not. If for example a document has one layer so Layer 1, closing the Visible eye beside the layer, all objects disappear. Which is anyway my target, just in this way the eyes beside individual objects became gray, saying that "click parent to show".
Is there maybe way to close all objects visible with one step, but be able individually open them after? As I can see this works only on that way that if the individual objects are closed one by one, in that way can be opened one by one, but if closed in one on layer level, in that case can be opened only on that level. I would like to avoid close all objects one by one
Have been using Xara products for years and currently on Photo and Graphic Designer V7.
Normally, I have the three windows icons in the top right (minimise, maximise and close) and these normally operate on the whole of the Xara window. (If I minimise, then Xara minimises to the task bar and I see my desktop etc.)
However, today, if I click on minimise, then the drawing (within Xara) minimises, and I'm left with the Xara window but no buttons to minimise, maximise or close the whole window .... it's just there and the only way I can see behind it is to drag the sides in or use FILE / EXIT to close the program.
Been searching for this one. Haven't been able to find an answer.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do i show and close the parts list iso-main menu with code?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen X7 and its Group Editing mode first came out, there were grumblings about the "Closing Document" dialog that appears when clicking on the little "X" found on the Edit Inside tab.
I am sure most folks have found that can all be bypassed (assuming you want to keep the edits you just made). But for those that haven't, simply click the Save Icon in the Standard Toolbar.
I am new to photoshop. Sometimes I accidently close the layers tab. How do you get it back?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen i'm going to print may files with 36 layers, corel x5 will close and nothing happen in printing.
note: the file is edited in corel x3 but the printing will done in x5.
Many times this has happened to me and I have never been able to figure it out. How do I remove a 3D extrude? I had almost finished a new project and was attempting to 3D extrude part of it when the program crashed now I am stuck with parts etruded and I can't seem to remove those parts. Unfortunately the part I am concerned about was difficult to do because it was an experiment text wrapping an object. Maybe I can open one of my saves and get it back that way. I don't know because I only just now thought of that possibility. Never the less I still want to know.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am doing a layout for a box sleeve I have some text in a bullet list and I want a space but DPX9 adds a dot how do I just create a space without the dot?FB Box.xar
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running Photoshop CS6 under Windows 7-32bit, on a Dell Optiplex 360 with 4GB of RAM installed. My hard drive has 96GB of free space, so system resources seem adequate.
I recently replaced an old multi-function printer and a flat-bed scanner with a new multi-function printer that is capable of flat-bed scanning too. I have disconnected the old devices and uninstalled the drivers, not only from my computer but from all the other computers on my home network too. But the File_Import menu still shows all three devices even though two of them have been permanently disconnected.I would really like to make the scanners that I no longer have disappear from that import menu.
I'm using Mac Photoshop CS5 running on Mountain Lion.
In the Photoshop import menu I've built up quite a list of scanners -- equipment I no longer have.
Any way to pare that list down to just the actual scanner I'm using now?
Seems like something needs to happen at the system level but I can't locate the offending prefs/config file(s)
I've recently installed AutoCAD 2014 and am working to get it compatible with my company's internet standards.
There are some features that are not cool with our IT & Security to have enabled in our office.
I'd like to remove these 3 items from the upper right menu. (see attached image).
The items are...
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if there is a way to make the MENU text (file, edit, arrange, utilities, etc) larger in Designer Pro 6?
All other programs on the computer are a good size, it seems that this one is the odd one out. I don't want to change the screen resolution generally.
The fonts on the menu (File, Edit etc) are way too small in comparison with other programs on my desktop. Is there a way to enlarge them? Adjusting the screen resolution is not an option. I have noticed this with previous version of Xara that I have used. How to do this if it is not in the program settings?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to access help movies from the Help Menu in Xara P&G6, instead of the movie I am getting the window as displayed in the attached graphic.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I choose NEW from the File menu, a short list of templates appeared.
I have created more templates than shows in that list.
How can I have more of them show in the drop-down list?
Or add a folder to that list to access the extras?
I have been asked to remove text from an image but the owner does not have the original layered image but only the jpg. I wondered whether it is possible to remove the text from the image, or any recommendations on what to do?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI still want the web stuff ripped out.Easy, delete the HTMLfilter.dll and remove the web related buttons from the tool bars.
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI immediately "imported " my pictures to my Catalog. As I began to read and view the tutorials, I realized that this was probably premature and so I "removed" the pictures. Somehow, in this process, I also removed the menu bar "catalog" from the left side of the screen (now it just shows "folders"). How do I reinstate the Menu bar "Catalog"?
When I eventually imported my pictures again, there were now duplicates of every picture and many pictures have several duplicates. What is the best way to remove duplicates rom Lightroom? Also, I checked "My Pictures" on my PC and all these duplicates are there, as well.
I am exporting thousands of shots for my website and I am making a customized watermark/copyright title for each collection. It is working fine except now I have quite a few customized watermarks which I probably will never use again. How do I remove these from the pull down menu?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI've used Xara for a while now, but I've never figured out how to remove or delete a curve edit handle. I mainly want to get rid of ones that are created spontaneously when I add/delete other points on a shape. Attached is an example where the curved cusp of the arrow came, seemingly, from nowhere. All I want to do is restore the angular property. I've tried moving the handle to be on top of the point indicator, but that's an imprecise action ... that often leads to the shape spinning wildly.
View 6 Replies View Relatedis there maybe method to remove the transparency from an object with key shortcut?
So faster than selecting the object, clicking on Transparency tool and selecting in menu No transparency
I have drawn a colorful graphic with lots of little pieces, colors. Didn't name colors in it or built it with tints/shades of other colors. I want to make it grayscale now. What is fastest/most practical way to do that? Histogram works on bitmaps but I would like to retain vector format.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to disable - Content menu (menu on right mouse click in Explorer) - Browse with Corel PaintShop Pro X3/X4 ? I do not use this "feature".
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