VideoStudio :: X4 Menu Interface Unresponsive

Aug 4, 2011

Having troubles with the Videostudio program menu (not video menus) becoming unresponsive? At times, when I click on on a menu item (e.g., Edit) it changes intensity but doesn't drop down. It knows I am clicking on it by the change in intensity, but nothing happens. It's true for all menu items. To get any to function I have to do something elsewhere, like slightly resize one of the windows (although it's not just a case of clicking anywhere - only some actions reset the menu). Then all is well for a while.

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3ds Max :: Flickering In Light Menu Interface

Jul 7, 2011

I've installed 3ds max 2012 and noticed that when I enter the modify panel of a light in 3ds max 2012, I have an annoying flickering on some of the items in the modify menu of the light, especially the phrase "Incandescent lamp color shift when dimming" flickers all the time, which is very disturbing. And worse, I can't select the option in the Light distribution type roll out menu with my mouse, I have to do it with the arrows on the keyboard, and it flickers when I try to click, and same thing for the shadows type roll out menu.

See pics.

And all of these problems were not in 3ds max 2011? I've already installed the hotfix 1 and sp1 for 2012.

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AutoCad 2D :: Add Quick Leader To Dimension Menu In Customize User Interface

Dec 31, 2013

I made the switch from acad 2006 to 2014. I was able to add quick leader to my dimension menu in customize user interface, but I don't have an icon in my dimensions toolbar. I figured it out, I needed to customize toolbars also, not just menus.

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VideoStudio :: Main Menu Plays Movie As Well As Menu Clip?

May 27, 2013

Using VS X5 - Just making up a menu for my dvd im burning. Haven made a menu since using ..VS11+ I think it was.

All seems very very familar...similar etc and not asking it to do anything out of the ordinary which 11+ couldnt cope with ( just nowadays using all this AVCHD malaky etc )

Question -Main menu of my dvd - Why am I getting on my main menu page the begininings of my movie!!! I have my main menu setup ( bringing in a pre-made 30second clip on which I will put 'Press Play to watch movie' and/or 'chapter select'. ) When i preview my main menu page...I see the 30second clip i wanted but as it runs so too does my actual movie - at the same time.

I cant seem to find a button to ..basically..tell it not to play the movie as soon as you load the dvd but instead to wait until the 30 second main menu runs and automatically reruns etc until YOU decide to press the 'Play movie' button.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Opens But Is Unresponsive

Oct 11, 2013

I can open photoshop but it does not respond to anything, not even the Ctrl key. I have a new pheonix envy and windows 8. I have only used this photoshop program for one editing project. I have tried to reset the preferences with the keyboard shortcuts but nothing happens. I cannot quit the program or close the window. The program is completely frozen everytime I open it and all I can do it restart the computer. What could be causing this? It was working before I edited some photos....

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Photoshop :: CS6 Constantly Becomes Unresponsive?

Oct 23, 2012

Whenever I open a document a document (large size / small size / lots of layers / very few layers) photoshop opens the document, about 70% of the file previews and the Mac rainbow wheel starts spinning and Photoshop becomes entirely unresponsive.

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Lightroom :: How To Use Controls - Unresponsive

Feb 26, 2013

I am trying to use the controls in Lr and they are unresponsive. They worked fine before but not now.

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Becomes Unresponsive When Using CS6 / Have To Restart

Aug 23, 2012

Since I upgraded to Photoshop CS6, I've found that every once in a while the keyboard becomes unresponsive.  I can't tell whether anything specific that I'm doing triggers it, but I'll be editing an image and will press a shortcut key and find it doesn't work. It doesn't happen when I first open up an image, but usually after I've been working for a while. As far as I can tell (it's pretty random) it seems to happen when I'm using a tool to apply an effect to an image, like this last time it happened when I'd been using the Spot Healing Brush repeatedly on a photograph. (Of course that could be correlation without causality, since I'm a big fan of the Spot Healing Brush and tend to use it quite a bit whenever I'm editing photos). Note that the modifier keys still function, but all of the letter and number keys are unresponsive.
Sometimes - and lately it seems like it happens always, there's a sound associated with the shut off.  It's possible that the times I didn't hear the sound I had my speakers off.  It's a brief clicking noise - and I don't think it's any of the built-in alert sounds on my Mac, since I just listened to all of them and I recall this sound being different - but the sound is definitely coming from my speakers and is not a mechanical sound from the machine.  The only way I've found to get my keyboard responding again is to shut down Photoshop and restart.
I'm on a Macbook Pro, 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7, with 8GB Ram; I'm on OS X 10.7.4 (not quite ready to upgrade to Mountain Lion).

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Is Unresponsive After Mavericks?

Oct 26, 2013

PSE 11 has become very slow, sometimes unresponsive, after installing the new OS X Mavericks.

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VideoStudio :: DVD With No Menu

Aug 9, 2010

All I want to do is transfer some video files to DVD. I do not want any of Corel's menus to appear: I just want to put the DVD in a player and have the video start playing.

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Photoshop :: Lighting Effects Filter Unresponsive

Jun 24, 2012

The lighting effects filter is unresponsive.  It appears on my images with the accompanying controls in the layers panel.  However, when I try to use the on screen controls, they do not respond.

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Photoshop :: Why Is CS6 Slow And Practically Unresponsive For HD Video

Apr 26, 2013

Loading just one HD video clip into CS6 and the scrubber is unresponsive. Try to shorten clip and it doesn't work. Won't play video, just sound. 8GB RAM, Windows7 64 bit. Are there settings in Preferences to make this work?

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Photoshop :: Lighting Effects In CS6 - Unresponsive And Freezes

Mar 9, 2013

i just bought PS CS6 about 2 months ago and i'm finally getting to play with it & I'm trying to use my lighting effects but when i open that particular tool, my PS goes unresponsive and freezes. i can use all my other tools except that one.

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Photoshop :: Unresponsive - Window Becomes Grayed Out Color?

Jan 3, 2013

I will be working on my mac on photoshop then If i switch to the mail app or any other app on my mac most times, Photoshop becomes unresposive when I go back to it, Like its still in the background but cant make it work without keep clicking off and on the window several times. Attached is a picture of what the window looks like when it becomes in this unresponsive state.[URL]...

As you can see the window becomes in a greyed out colour and I have to keep clicking on the window then off the window (desktop) then so forth until it eventually lets me work again

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Program Goes Unresponsive And Then Crashes

Jun 7, 2012

I'm in Autocad if I use the "open" command and go to a file directory there are several subfolders that we have to save drawings in before we make changes to them. If I copy and paste from one folder to the next while in the open dialog box it copy the file fine but the next time I try to open any drawing file the program goes unresponsive and crashes.

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AutoCAD LT :: Mouse Unresponsive In Model / Paperspace

Jul 31, 2013

Opened AutoCAD LT 2012 on a home laptop which I have used multiple times. The mouse is unresponsive in the drawing space, regardless of paper or model space. I am missing my crosshairs and can't pan or zoom. I can click on menu's, ribbon, command prompt or otherwise as long as it is outside the normal workings space. I can not close a drawing unless I close the entire program. Finally, I have to click in the command prompt space in order to type a command. I tried rebooting and it appears my last resort may to repair or reinstall the software. 

AutoCAD LT 2012
Windows 7
Dell Precision laptop
Logitech cordless mouse

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Premiere Pro :: Sequence Tab And Some UI Elements Unresponsive / Do Not Update In CC

Oct 5, 2013

In a last few weeks I am having a peculiar problem with CC Premiere Pro.Sequence tab and all of it content become unresponsive/does not redraw upon any action other than changing the tab size by dragging it's borders or by using next edit/previous edit shortcuts. No other action redraws the UI.I am flying blind.As a part of troubleshooting I have opened an old (CS6) project in CS6. It works just fine in there. When opening the same project in Premiere CC the behavior described occurs.I do not get any error messages.Seems to have started after one of the CC updates.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Menu Templates

Mar 7, 2011

What programs are available to create dvd menu templates to be used in VS X4? Right now I'm using the TBYB version but if I were to purchase I would like to be able to create and adding my own templates since there don't appear to be very many that come with the program, only a couple that I can see anyways.

I like the fact that I can burn video files and menus to disc within VS but the current selection of menus makes this feature mostly useless so I'm wondering how I could add more.

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VideoStudio :: Use Old Menu Templates

Apr 26, 2011

Is it possible to import menu templates from Videostudio 11 to the latest Pro X4. I am trying to to keep all my holiday movies with the same template and can find the files in VS 11 but not sure if I can import and which file I would import it into.

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VideoStudio :: How To Create A New Menu From Zero

May 27, 2011

I have installed the evaluation version of VideoStudio Pro X4 in order to test it.When I whant to create a Blu-Ray menu, I have only one menu template. Is it normal ?

After modifying it, I can't find the way to save it, in "Favorite" for example.How to create a new menu from zero ?Or this menu creation tool is very limited, or I missed something.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - DVD Menu Creation

Apr 23, 2012

I am on a 30 day trial of Videostudio pro X5, I am trying to create a simple menu via "nuts & bolts" like I could about 5 yrs ago on DVD-LAB. I do not care for the "wizard" approach....why, because you don't get exposed as to what is going on under the hood. Presently i don't care for transitions, motions, background music and alot of the other fluff work. This can all come later!

I know there are lots of tutorials for trans coding source video from one format to another. In a nutshell, I want to render to DVD, 3 Television episodes. One menu with 3 selections, play selected episode til end, return to menu and wait. I want to be able to pick my font type & Font size and and episode title, if I had more episodes a "More" selection link to a 2nd page menu from there a "previous" button to go back to 1st page.

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VideoStudio :: How To Add More Chapters To DVD Menu

Aug 29, 2011

Any way to add more Chapter pointers on the actual DVD menu itself. It seems like the provided DVD menu templates, and I've installed the extras in VSP X4, only have 4~5 chapter pointers per DVD menu page. There's plenty of screen space to add more chapter pointers but how to do it. I tried clicking on one and doing a copy, but can't seem to go any further than that. I must be missing something somewhere. I want to have 6~12 links to chapters on each DVD menu page. I don't need a preview image for each chapter pointer, just a simple text pointer is fine.

Is there a way to do add more to the DVD menus?

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VideoStudio :: DVD Menu Functions

Sep 20, 2013

I am using Video Suite X5 and have made a video with chapters. After playing one of several chapters I want the DVD to return to the menu but it continues to play the remainder of the disc. I found a setting for Clip Playback that has settings of "Continue to Play the Next Clip" and "Back to Menu". I set this to 'Back to Menu" re-burn, but after playing a chapter, it still continues to play the disc and does not return to the menu.

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VideoStudio :: Create Top Menu For DVD In X2?

Mar 2, 2011

This actually applies to all the versions I have used since VS10. I have never been able to create a top menu for the dvd which looks like the ones on commerical dvd's, namely, to have buttons not only to "play movie" but also to "view chapters" etc. The user's manuals appear to be mum on this point.

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VideoStudio :: Cannot Get Past Menu - Pro X2

Apr 23, 2011

Video Studio pro X2 (

After editing my clips and am ready to burn,I select SHARE, CREATE DISK, DVD, create a menu and get stuck in a closed loop.Instead of NEXT after I preview the final product, the window has BACK, so I end up in the window where you select if you want a menu. Click NEXT and am back at the menu window with BACK in the box.

This same VS pro X2 was on my old computer (XP) and made many burns with no problems.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Where Are Menu Templates

Nov 29, 2011

I just upgraded from X3 to X4 (probably means X5 is on the way...). When I upgraded to X3, I had some "My Favorites" DVD menu templates in VS10+ which I managed to transfer to Movie Factory SE by moving some files (*.ufo?) from some VS10 directory to somewhere in Movie Factory. It's too long ago -- can't remember the details.

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VideoStudio :: Delete Menu?

Apr 13, 2011

Is it possible to delete a Menu. I burned a DVD but the Menu is wrong. When I recall the *.VSP file it has the Menu that I don't want. How can I delete it? If this is not possible is my edited video saved somewhere without the Menu?

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3ds Max :: Add Multi / Sub-Object To Slot In Material Editor - Everything Unresponsive

May 6, 2013

Design 2012 and 2013 has been giving me problems in the material editor.

System Specs:

Win 7 Pro 64
AMD FX-8320 Black Edition
16GB Ram
Sabertooth 990FX
Max Design 2013 R6

Basically, when i add a sub-object to a slot in the material editor (Using Mental Ray)nothing happens right away, so I have to do it again to get it to show up in the material editor. When i do get it to show up the slot looks all wrong and distorted, everything is unresponsive. I can save the scene and restart Max and everything will be ok, but as soon as i try to add another Multi material to another object it happens again. This was happening also prior to updating to R6 which i did last night. I've read a post about the same thing for 2012 but there was no solution.

I just tried it with Direct3D rather than Nitrous and did not run into this issue (using default Scanline).Just switching to Mental Ray and changing the standard material to MR A&D made the program unresponsive again. I'm starting to think it's MR that is giving me issues. Upon closing Max i get an error message saying that an error occurred and the program will close.Just switched to OpenGL and tried it with MR, still getting the same results.

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Illustrator :: AI CC Is Unresponsive - Adjust Zoom To Get Edit Shown

Jun 20, 2013

The program launches. That's about all it does.

Ex. I drew a box with a white fill and black border.I tried to swap the fill and border and nothing happened.I zoomed out and it showed the change. Basically anytime I do something I have to adjust the zoom to get it to show the edit I wanted.
Then it won't let me close the document or quit the program. Not sure what to do.

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VideoStudio :: Why Does Menu For Rendering Take So Long To Appear

Aug 9, 2012

I don't know if it was like that before, but since X4 I have a minor problem when I start to render a video: The longer the project is, starting from 5 mins, the longer it takes for the rendering menu to appear. I have uploaded a video on YouTube to make clear what I mean.


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VideoStudio :: DVD Menu Changes Not Saved Properly

Mar 6, 2011

There seems to be an issue with edits to DVD menus not being saved properly. This is in addition to the chapter names problem I've read about.

Whatever changes I make to the menu in the Create Disc dialog, such as adding a graphic and changing text to the Main menu, are lost upon closing the Create Disc dialog and returning back to the VSPX4 Share workspace.

In short, this is my workaround:

1. Save the current project (File > Save).
2. Click Share > Create Disc.
3. After the Create Disc dialog pops up, remove the movie that's labeled "Untitled."
4. Add the .VSP project just saved.
5. Add chapters, edit the menu text, and so forth.
6. Click the "Close" button.

The DVD chapter markers will update on the VS timeline. Previous chapter markers on the timeline are deleted. I now want to see if the edits to the menu have been saved, so:

7. Click Share > Create Disc again.
8. Remove the movie labeled "Untitled." That always comes back.

Edits I made the last time are still there.

9. Continue with adding chapter markers, editing the menu...

With my strategy, all chapter markers have to be added in the Create Disc dialog. Chapter markers on the timeline in the VS Edit workspace get passed to the Create Disc dialog, but they are associated with the movie labeled "Untitled" which I delete. There is no point in adding chapter markers to the timeline in the VS Edit workspace.

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