As I was assembling a project, I noticed that a red line showed above the first clip - it seems to be the selected range. I didn't know I had selected a range and seem to be unable to get rid of it. Titles I placed in front of the first clip are ignored when I try to play the project and rather it starts with the first clip, the selected range clip. When I deleted the first clip, the selected range remains. How to I get rid of this selected range and what did I do to select it.
Upon dragging a clip from the library and onto the timeline, is there anyway of knowing which clips have been used already from the library view? In other words, I'd love to see some type of indicator or "check" mark that would allow me to know exactly which clips in the library view are already part of my timeline. Sometimes, there are clips that are sitting in the library that have not been included in my final production.
Having been on Revit for more than 8 years there's nothing more difficult to explain to a new user than how the View Range functions. It's one of the first features one must deal with with Revit and yet it can yield illogical results without proper use. The #1 youtube video on Revit's View Range is 20 MINUTES long! Here's my top reasons why View Range is illogical:
1. It does not behave like the "view range" of all other Revit view types. Sections, Elevations, 3d views are all based on a simple concept, a direction, and a 3 dimensional bounding box. With floor plans, elements can appear (or not appear) in a floor plan that is clearly cut so that they shouldn't if the user doesn't understand the rules (and there are lots).
2. It has "Additional View Range Rules" (or exceptions to logic), 7 in fact, which takes Revit Wiki over a page to describe. Each rule is complicated and very situational. No other Revit view types have exceptions. Why floor plans need to have special exceptions is absurd and political. These exceptions must also slow down regeration time of the model since it must process different groups of elements individually to determine their view state in the floor plan.
3. Modern architecture does not adhere to simple boxy shapes and user's need to trust that their view range is actually cutting the surface as they see it. No exceptions or special rules.
4. View Range has a Top and a Cutting Plane elevation. It is completely illogical for any element to appear above the cutting plane. This can easily lead to misinterpretation of 2d drawings because some elements may not appear in section even though they are above the cutting plane. Views should have a cutting plane, direction (up or down in this case) and a depth. Simple, just like all other Revit views.
5. The View Depth "range" is rarely used effectively. The only practical use is to show low roofs of buildings with higher roofs, or possibly foundation elements. Scope boxes or Underlays can accomplish this task much simpler. All the additional line-styles that accompany View Depths are just unnecessary and add more things for the user to manage. It's time to kill View Depth.
It's in Autodesk's best interest to make Revit a user-friendly application. This is one area that needs attention. Keep Revit easy to use without having to watch a 20 minute video.
I have a third floor view that continues to show the 2nd floor room fill colors, despite the fact that underlay is off. Floor 3 is visible and present (though) I can't grab it because I don't control that work set. The third floor room fill is not visible unless I make the cut plane 10'. That suggests that the 3rd floor is out of place, I think. But it seems fine in section.
I can't figure out if this is a bug in the view range or a problem in the model.
Note that the upper range is 12'2". The bottom of the range is offset 4' to show a parapet/roof of an adjoining structure. The clip depth is not effecting the visibility of the 2nd floor room fills at all, though it does effect the 3rd objects like the parapet.
I would think the clip depth would get rid of a lower floors room fill, which I assume is associated with the floor object.
How do you set the view range to show a window with a sill height of 5'-0" and a dog door with a head height of 2' in the same wall on a floor plan view?
I've got some troubles creating a proper ceiling plan. What goes wrong (imo) is that my wall sweep is shown on my ceiling plan while it shouldn't.First image shows the ceiling plan. (on image 3 you will see the wall sweep I mentioned in red).
This image shows the view range used.This images shows the section (right), 3d (top left) and ceiling plan (bottom left) highlighted the wall sweep.Why / how do I prevent this wall sweep from showing up?
Is there a way to get sheet number of the base view for the Selected Child view (Mainly for Section. Detail Views). Because the Section views, Detail views (initially they would have created on the same sheet where the parent is, then they moved to different sheets). So we place the parent view sheet number.
i would simply like to automatically have the layer shown in the timeline as soon as i select it in the composition window. Sometimes there are so many layer that i will have to look for it. I know, i can just press p (for example) a few times and it will show. But this could mess up what i have already opened in this layer.
This is based on prior work with Adobe Premiere and switching over to Smoke 2013...
since you were asking for feedback on the editor UI from Mac users...
a) is there a cut button that allows to cut a clip into two at the current marker positions? (e.g. to repeat certain elements)
b) is there an easy way to add extra frames at the beginning or the end of the clip by holding the first or last frame? (very important, but cannot find how to do this). Ideally this would just require dragging the beginning or end of the clip somehow...
c) There should be an easy option to add frames by extending the last or first frame in the case of transitions. Is there one? On Premiere, there's an option for this, makes it much faster to add transitions if there is limited movement in the source material
d) is there a way to auto stretch a clip on insert into the timeline to the selected region? time warp and frame-hold options (beginning, end, both)?
e) why is it not possible to drag clips back into the media hub on the left? (e.g. imported an AAF with a bunch of clips, now want to store some of the clips for later re-use in another timeline or part instead of having to keep it on the timeline)
f) the zooming into the timeline is cumbersome - is there a way to draw a rectangle to auto-zoom into that area? Premiere has a little scroller at the boom to select the zoom level. very useful.
g) for timeline zooming, could you support gestures on the MacBook touch pad? If you push two fingers apart, the timeline should horizontally zoom in. Two fingers together should allow to zoom out. This is actually not just for the timeline. We need this in all views in Connect FX, Action etc. Would make working so much quicker. And it's really standard Mac stuff. (Two fingers without pushing apart could enable panning? And/or space + mouse movement to pan?)
While in CFX, Action, Text edit, Axis etc, is there a way to see the output of the timeline? I know while in CFX you can set the CFX output as a context but what if I have multiple CFX composites stacked up and I want to see the final output of the timeline while editing or modifying something inside a CFX or Action node?
I've been getting a "Serious Error" message consistently when using Premiere Pro CC on my Macbook Pro. It only seems to remedy itself after a system restart, but eventually it will happen again. Most recently it happened after I used After Effects without issue. Here are my system specs and a copy of the error log.
I have read as many reviews of PSE11 as I can find but none have mentioned the Timeline, which I use every day. Does it still exist in PSE11? What about the full screen view and compare side by side view? Do they still exist. If they do, can you still see the image full-size by clicking on it in full screen view?
Something I haven't met before and can't find in the manual. Not sure what I touched but a red bar has appeared on the timeline, running from the start of the project to the point where I was editing. Now it will only play the project from the start to this point and I can't add a title after this.
How do you add markers on the timeline? Also, can I add markers to individual clips so I can line them up? Example, have a beat to a music lined up, and on a video I got something I want to align with the beat, can I place a marker on the audio and another on the video?
I use another NLE and VSP X6U. One thing that I would like is timeline markers. Why? I do quite a few videos where the transitions have to be on the beat of the music. I do this with timeline markers that are placed on the 'beat' of the music. I can then move the in and out points of a video or image and it will "snap" to the position of the marker.
Also, I can label these markers, so I can use them to "remind" me of what I want to do between them.
WHen i try to add MP4 file using videostudio pro x 3 in the timeline , i get this error below . THe file type is MPEG 4 media file.
When i convert it to WMV file , it works . videostudio can have a patch and fix this because it takes me so long to convert from MP4 to WMV . This file type is now Windows Media Movie.
I'm working on a short project on Corel Videostudio X4. I have been working on the timeline, but can't figure out how to move the timeline around. For example, is there a way I can take the whole project and push it forward 30 seconds so I can stick another clip in?
certainly the topic has already been covered but with the hundreds of responses I struggle to find it, then propose it a new:
how do I put in the time line already been settled for good, a video clip so that the whole time line moves?
Note: I added the other video clips in many 4-track, not using the main track, which is empty.So should I insert a video clip that I had forgotten about 20 minutes before the end, so you have to move automatically all the work (including effects, subtitles, etc), so it all coincides, without having to move the whole hand. ...
I have added some pictures too the timeline(slideshow) and i want too add some pictures between items on the timeline. i would like to move items too the right side, including music, text that is already placed underneath the pictures.
With adobe premiere this is really simple, i have watched about 100 clips at you tube but can't find it. I have tried using the CTRL key but than i need to select each item seperate...way to much work to select hundreds of items.
What does an orange line between the timeline and the chapter / cue marker line indicate. (see picture below).
I am halfway through a project and suddenly notice this orange line that wasn't there before. I've looked through the documentation and see no mention of its meaning, and what I did that triggered it to show up.
i am using video studio since its 8 version. now testing the trial version of x4. but a very useful editing tool, i think, missing still now. that is video editing fade in fade out manually in the timeline. its possible to do this in audio. but is it possible in case of video. many other video editing soft. do this. but why corel still not updating in their package?
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
When I use the timeline everything goes from 00:00sec to 00:24sec then it gabs to 01:00 and so on.... Why is that and can I change it to use 60sec instead?