VideoStudio :: Thumbnail View For Clips In Timeline?
Feb 3, 2013is it possible to show thumbnails of a clip in the timeline like this one?
View 2 Repliesis it possible to show thumbnails of a clip in the timeline like this one?
View 2 RepliesWorking on a 28:30 project with 8 hours of footage shot over 13 days. I have seperate bins for each day. Some bins are displaying the clips in reverse order while in thumnail view and I cannot change it to be in sequential order. I've tried sorting it in list view first, but that doesn't work. I have the latest version of Premiere CC.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust upgraded to X6 last week to start to edit a short movie that I am working with my students. Since is our first short with a lot of takes (about 74 takes in 7 scenes) and we had a lot of problems shooting because take more time them we thought! Well, now I am editing it but I need to export the edited clips (takes) in the time line to add special effects in HitFilm, so theres a way to export all those clips as MP4 or any format in a batch?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat does this icon indicate? See the attachment.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a lengthy video highlights project with many clips less than 5 seconds and want to know the easiest way to bulk move at least 10+ clips at a time on the timeline to either an earlier or later point than they're currently at. In essence, I'm hoping that I can "bulk" cut and paste all these clips together instead of doing it one clip at a time by either dragging each individual clip or cutting and pasting.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using X6. When I tried to launch a music track from "Smartsound", (from the owned section) the "Add to Timeline" was greyed out.
I Split the Audio from the video and it landed in the VoiceOver track. Is it possible to make it land in one of the music tracks?
Is it possible to alter the volume across all the clips on the timeline without having to alter each clip separately?
I have recently upgraded from VS11 to Pro X3. However when attempting to play clips in timeline, X3 crashes.Playing 'project' works fine.
OS is Vista.
My question is, does Videostudio X5 have the capabilities to either:
A) Batch convert while using one or more of the FX
B) Export multiple clips in one go from the timeline?
I have 120+ short video clips that I need to crop to a different size. I've figured out how to crop them to the size I need by using the "Croping" function in the FX. There seems to be no way however to apply this to all the clips at once in the Batch Convert.
The only way I can do it is to import all of the individual clips to the timeline and then export them at a time....taking a lot of my time. I notice they all retain their same file names in the timeline. Isn't there a way I can select all of them at once and export them with their individual file names all in one go (with any FX I've added)?
How to identify clips in the media library that are inserted in the timeline. There is no "tick" mark to tell us
View 7 Replies View RelatedI recently got a new pc, installed X3 and transferred my project files and relinked my clips for the current project i'm working on but when I went to preview my work it does not display the video instead just shows a green screen. It does this in both the timeline and the preview window.
View 6 Replies View RelatedAs I was assembling a project, I noticed that a red line showed above the first clip - it seems to be the selected range. I didn't know I had selected a range and seem to be unable to get rid of it. Titles I placed in front of the first clip are ignored when I try to play the project and rather it starts with the first clip, the selected range clip. When I deleted the first clip, the selected range remains. How to I get rid of this selected range and what did I do to select it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow I can activate the scroll line when playing my clips in the Storyboard view.
VS pro X2 has this feature, but I'm unable to find it in VS proX3. It's impossible to see which clip is being played let alone be able to edit.
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a Premiere Pro CC project with another editor. On his latest version, some of the clips on the timeline have a "+/-" or "+2" or "-2" on them. He's not sure how that happened, and I've not seen it before. What do those mean, and how do I get rid of them? I've tried Googling, but search engines don't respond well to "+/-".
View 1 Replies View RelatedNothing happens when I try to move the clips to the timeline. Have Windows 8.1. Premiere Pro CC.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've just watched an Adobe TV video by Julianne Kost about video features in PS CS6.At one point she converts a video clip into a Smart Object in order to apply a PS filter, but when I do this, the entire Filters menu is grayed out.
The mp4 clip plays normally in the Timeline otherwise.
I have got some questions:
1. How can I select many clips on the timeline? (I work with a Wacom tablet.) When I press the pen onto the tablet and move it, I can only pull the gap. In connect fx it works, when I hold cmd.
2. If I set markers in the timeline, is there a way to also see them in connect fx?
3.There is a function in Final Cut: When I I select a clip from the timeline and press "f" , I can go on working on its source clip in the viewer. Is there something similar in smoke? I cannot find the name for this function, so I cannot search for it in the keyboard shortcuts.
4. If I render something, is there a way that Smoke automatically copies the file (without copying the effects)? The reason for that question is: I applied timewarp to a clip, then I wanted to go on working on the clip in connect fx, but the length of the clip changed - it was shorter. When I went on working in action and put some lense flares and rendered it, everything was bended and looked weird. It looked great but I did not intend to do something like this.
The next questions are no real questions but rather problems.
5. When I work with audio (audio clip locked), I cannot really cut on the music, because 5a. sometimes the amplitudes do not match the music. An example: There is no amplitude, but the music goes on for 2 seconds. 5b. And when it is correct and I cut on the beat and render it, it is not sync anymore some moments later or when I restart smoke. (It only displaces 1 or 2 seconds from the sync.)
6. Since I have updated from pre-release 4 to pre-release 5, I cannot export anymore. I have read a lot on blogs, but I could not really find my problem. I cannot even press the export button.
I was wondering if when I stop a looping clip playing in my timeline, I could have it stop at the frame I stop on instead of stopping at the positioner or in-point. This is a very vital problem I'm having.
I have come up with a work-a-round but it doesn't work near as smoothly as I would like it to.
All I do for the workaround is instead of hitting space when I stop, I hit right alt to set an in point then hit space to stop and "A" to move to my newly created in-point. But it doesn't work as smoothly as it should. I would really like it to perform like playing a clip in the desktop works. It just loops around and when I stop, it actually stops.
I'm coming from a Symphony and FCP background. I do a lot of keying in the timeline when I'm finishing, so I'm often moving the green screen clip from track 1 to 2 and then putting the BG on the lower track. I'm used to being able to constrain the movement of the clip so that it doesn't slide around on the timeline and get out of sync when I move it. Does smoke have a hotkey for this? I've noticed if I hold shift, I get some indication of where Smoke is lining up the clip relative to other clips by some highlighting, but this does not constrain the clip I'm moving.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can;t drag slected clip from the source monitor to the timeline.. it allows me to take audio but video won;t travel with it.. even if I just grab the video only icon.. it won't do it... i am using PP CC
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am having an issue with Premiere 6.0 that I can't seem to solve. Some audio clips are showing up in red in the timeline and they just don't work at all. Here is how this went down.
I had to format my computer due to Windows related troubles and so I reinstalled the OS, installed all of my Adobe software and dropped the files back into their original locations. When I fired up premiere and opened the project, everything was looking fine and dandy until certain clips showed up in red and just didn't work.The only clips that were affected were audio tracks from AVI files that I separated from the video. They are not missing , premiere knows where they are and if I drag one into the timeline it will work just fine.
I see that all but the first 7 seconds of the edited clips on the timeline are now cross-hatched. There's no video or sound when I scrub over the cross-hatched portion. I've tried removing all effects and transitions but no joy. There are several other sequences in this project which are all working normally.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm working in PS CS and open a folder of pictures it always reverts to List view even though I exited last time in Thumbnail view. How can I set it to open in Thumbnail view by default?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to disable or hide or bypass the selected clips in timeline? I don't want to hide the whole tracks.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to drag multiple clip from timeline into desktop or library but all the clips always got spliced into a single clip. How to keep them as separated clips ? or individual clips ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI zoomed in on previous clips double clicking the timeline monitor and using the four corners tool. However, now when I drag clips in, they become distorted and zoomed in. How can I reset the monitor to match the source monitor?
View 2 Replies View Relateddoes archiving enables us to directly import a timeline without having its clips loaded in the system (like fcp and other NLEs) ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can get the thumbnail view of the active document from below code
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
System.Drawing.Bitmap bit = doc.Database.ThumbnailBitmap;
How can i get the thumbnail view of the dwg file by passing filename means like below.
Document doc = .....(fileName) : here fileName is dwg file.
I am using windows 7 64bit and I have install Corel X5 & X6 both on my machine. When there was only corel x5 installed I was able to see thumbnaill view of CDR files in windows explorer but now when I have install x6 I am unable to see CDR file's thumbnail view.
View 3 Replies View Relatedon WinXp and i think Max 8, you used to be able to see a max file as a thumbnail in windows. This meant if you wanted to merge a character, for instance, you didn't have to click though 50 files whilst looking at the preview window, you just viewed the folder by thumbnail and quickly grabbed the right file.
After going to max 9 (again, not too sure on versions) and vista we lost that ability, I posted around at the time but found no solutions.
So, I'm on windows 7 64 bit now and Max 2011 and was curious if this feature was ever fixed or even addressed/dismissed formally by Autodesk?
In the newest version of how do you get the thumbnail view to be the default type of view when opening a file in Windows XP? Instead it always defaults to LIST view when you open the program. In my current old version 3.2 it saved the last view 'state' you used but this is gone in the newer versions - at least since 2008.
Windows by default saves the last view 'state' of a folder when last accessed and the old version of also had this windows behavior. MS Word, Excel, ect.. also has this behavior and saves the last open file view state you used. does not respect the windows folders default view state - it uses its own and defaults it to LIST every time.
I have not been able to upgrade for years because LIST view is worthless when viewing hundreds of pictures. Is there any way to get the default windows behavior back or is there a setting that saves the file open view state?