VideoStudio :: X6U - Timeline Markers
Nov 30, 2013
I use another NLE and VSP X6U. One thing that I would like is timeline markers. Why? I do quite a few videos where the transitions have to be on the beat of the music. I do this with timeline markers that are placed on the 'beat' of the music. I can then move the in and out points of a video or image and it will "snap" to the position of the marker.
Also, I can label these markers, so I can use them to "remind" me of what I want to do between them.
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Jun 30, 2011
How do you add markers on the timeline? Also, can I add markers to individual clips so I can line them up? Example, have a beat to a music lined up, and on a video I got something I want to align with the beat, can I place a marker on the audio and another on the video?
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Jul 5, 2013
If i have a clip on the timeline and i doubleclick it to bring it up in the source monitor and add markers. The markers appear in the clip in the source monitor, but they the markers don't show up on the clip in the timeline. Never had this issue with CS6 (or FCP). Is it just a setting? Or this is a bug in Premiere CC?
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Jan 30, 2013
I am working on a timeline of out company's work through the past 20 years. I have the base mechanics down by making a "rough layout".
Going back and forth between "years" (noted as large 1,2,3,4 text blocks) is fine by using the arrows at the bottom.
My problem is that I'd like to be able to jump to any year from any year. So I added the numbers buttons to go to the marker for that year. Here's the script I'm using to do that (in this case I'm going to the label "two"):;
// stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label)
The problem is that I want it to play the timeline to the number I've selected. So if I'm on "4" and click on "1" I want it to scroll through 3 and 2 to get to one.
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Jun 5, 2013
But, how do I enable Snap to Markers in the Timeline View?
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Mar 9, 2011
With VSX3 DVD production done by DMF 7 SE , are chapter markers added in the project timeline useless as we have to redo all chapters when transfered by VSX3 into DMF 7 SE ? or is there a way to have the markers trigger a chapter as before ?
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May 27, 2012
I am evaluating Video Prox5,and wanted to know if it nis possible to place cue markers on Audio track as an aid to sync particular points of video and Audio.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have created several chapter markers in the video timeline and when I go to share and create a DVD or blu ray disk I see the chapter markers are reflected in the the create chapter menu which is what I would expect. I don't want to create a whole disk but I want to create a video file like mp4 that includes the chapter markers as part of the video file. I believe that the mp4 format supports chapter markers based on this page [URL]
I can't seem to create a video output file that also includes the chapter markers. Is this possible in video studio x4 or am I forced to create a DVD or blu ray disk with a menu structure in order to preserve the chapters in the resultant output?
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May 8, 2013
Something I haven't met before and can't find in the manual. Not sure what I touched but a red bar has appeared on the timeline, running from the start of the project to the point where I was editing. Now it will only play the project from the start to this point and I can't add a title after this.
How can I clear this red bar?
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Jul 28, 2011
how to move everything i have in the timeline over so i can put other things in front of it?
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Dec 28, 2010
WHen i try to add MP4 file using videostudio pro x 3 in the timeline , i get this error below . THe file type is MPEG 4 media file.
When i convert it to WMV file , it works . videostudio can have a patch and fix this because it takes me so long to convert from MP4 to WMV . This file type is now Windows Media Movie.
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Aug 25, 2012
I'm working on a short project on Corel Videostudio X4. I have been working on the timeline, but can't figure out how to move the timeline around. For example, is there a way I can take the whole project and push it forward 30 seconds so I can stick another clip in?
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Feb 1, 2013
certainly the topic has already been covered but with the hundreds of responses I struggle to find it, then propose it a new:
how do I put in the time line already been settled for good, a video clip so that the whole time line moves?
Note: I added the other video clips in many 4-track, not using the main track, which is empty.So should I insert a video clip that I had forgotten about 20 minutes before the end, so you have to move automatically all the work (including effects, subtitles, etc), so it all coincides, without having to move the whole hand. ...
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Apr 5, 2013
I have added some pictures too the timeline(slideshow) and i want too add some pictures between items on the timeline. i would like to move items too the right side, including music, text that is already placed underneath the pictures.
With adobe premiere this is really simple, i have watched about 100 clips at you tube but can't find it. I have tried using the CTRL key but than i need to select each item seperate...way to much work to select hundreds of items.
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Aug 6, 2010
What does an orange line between the timeline and the chapter / cue marker line indicate. (see picture below).
I am halfway through a project and suddenly notice this orange line that wasn't there before. I've looked through the documentation and see no mention of its meaning, and what I did that triggered it to show up.
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Jun 18, 2012
Is there a way to combine 2 or more projects together on a timeline, such a way that you can see/adjust all clips, overlays etc from each of them?
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Jun 4, 2011
i am using video studio since its 8 version. now testing the trial version of x4. but a very useful editing tool, i think, missing still now. that is video editing fade in fade out manually in the timeline. its possible to do this in audio. but is it possible in case of video. many other video editing soft. do this. but why corel still not updating in their package?
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Jul 4, 2012
Is there not a way to save the progress of your timeline? So far my workflow has me editing every clip in library mode, then transferring it all down to the timeline so I can insert music, titles, transitions, etc.....and due to the size of my project, I wasn't able to finish before leaving tonight. So I saved everything (or so I thought), but when I opened my project later in VS again, there was nothing in the timeline! (it saved all of my edited files above in the library, but all of my work on titles, overlays and music was lost). Did I do something wrong, or does this program force you make all of those detailed edits and additions in one fell swoop without any chance of saving or taking a break?
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Feb 14, 2011
When I use the timeline everything goes from 00:00sec to 00:24sec then it gabs to 01:00 and so on.... Why is that and can I change it to use 60sec instead?
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Jun 15, 2011
Is there an advantage to putting videos or photos on the main timeline as opposed to starting everything on an overlay track? On a previous post (Resizing overlay tracks) resize problem with photos and began to wonder if all of the editing couldn't just take place on overlay tracks.
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Jul 23, 2012
I want to reverse a clip in the time line and cant get to the appropriate place to do so in X5.I click the media icon-select the clip in the timeline-click options and the FX screen shows.I am not able to get rid of the FX screen to get where I want to.I have selected the storeyboard view and gone back but still the FX scgreen is the only option.
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Dec 13, 2012
Not had this before, just put a couple of minutes clip into the timeline ready to edit and when I play through it, the video is jerky/jittery on playback. If I click on it in the library and play it without pulling it in to the timeline, it is fine, and if I click on the video without opening the programme, it also plays fine ? If you watch the timeline scrubber as the video jerks, you can see a trail of little white shadows that the scubber leaves behind as it stutters ? I have tried with other clips and it does exactly the same ! The clip is AVCHD clip, and.... I have let it create a smart proxy file before playing it.
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Aug 7, 2013
How does one position a clip along the timeline where it needs to be? I'm either doing something wrong or there is a bug in the software
dragging a video clip(any format) from the library to the video track results in the clip being placed at the beginning. I cannot be drag/re-position it along the timeline. Also, the clip can be shortened using the handles on either end, but cannot be expanded back to its original size in the timeline. for now, I'm using the trim markers to do so. I contacted tech support & received a head-scratching out-of-context reply. Either they're not understanding me or don't care.
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Jun 10, 2011
Well, I bit the bullet, and I'm slowly learning the tricks of Video Studio. Here's my question... is there anyway I can "park" footage on the lower video tracks without them showing up in my preview video? In other words, I typically place clips on lower timeline tracks and eventually insert them into the final video after tweaking the main video track. When "other" clips are parked at the lower tacks, they appear in the preview footage, which I do not want to see.... yet.
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Oct 22, 2013
I'm currently working on a video that has alot of individual pictures etc in the timeline. I would like to delete a few of the pictures from the video. when I delete the pictures I get an opening in the video that I don't wish to have. How do I shift the entire video over to fill that gap? On the flip side of the coin. Is there a way to insert a clip into the timeline and shift everything down around the inserted clip?
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Jul 5, 2011
I'm looking to upgrade from my copy of Ulead's Media Studio Pro 7. According to the Ulead's web site, "Corel is not planning any future updates to this product" so I'm assuming that Video Studio Pro X4 would be Corel's replacement product.
Media Studio Pro is the FileStrip Mode of the Timeline Display. I'm experimenting with the trial version of Video Studio Pro X4 and I haven't found a way of getting that type of display mode. Is it possible to get the timeline to display such a mode?
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Jun 24, 2013
Every time I delete a video clip from the timeline the music track gets deleted as well. How can I avoid deleting the music track?
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Feb 18, 2012
what the function is of the small rectangle (left under in the VSX4 screen) which, when hit shows "Automatically Scroll Timeline" .
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Sep 8, 2013
Just upgraded to X6 last week to start to edit a short movie that I am working with my students. Since is our first short with a lot of takes (about 74 takes in 7 scenes) and we had a lot of problems shooting because take more time them we thought! Well, now I am editing it but I need to export the edited clips (takes) in the time line to add special effects in HitFilm, so theres a way to export all those clips as MP4 or any format in a batch?
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Jan 18, 2011
Returning to Video Studio 10 after a period of disuse. All went fairly well until I managed to do something which resulted in a red line appearing in the timeline as per the pic below...
As a result, I can't view any part of the (as yet rather short) compiled video as hitting 'play' takes me straight to that red lined section (which is blank)...
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Sep 17, 2013
I am currently using VideoStudio X6 Ultimate (although the application seems to say Pro). Hopefully I have posted this in the correct part of the forum.
I am running into some seriously debilitating issues with Corel VideoStudio X6. First off, I have just spent the past 12 hours rendering a 27 minute video. This is insane! There's something really off (unless this is the norm with VS x6?)
Under performance I have everything ticked. Except Enable Hardware Encoder Acceleration (it's greyed out!). I have made sure to install an older Nvidia driver ( 320.18), tried W8's driver (320.56), and the latest Beta right now which is 326.80. I have installed CUDA 5.5, didn't work. Installed CUDA 5.0 (current) still greyed out. Will try version 4 now.
Smart Proxy is enabled (my videos are all 1080p), yet VideoStudio is unable to make a single proxy of any video even if I right click and choose Create Smart Proxy File. The folder is empty. Nothing ever appears in the Queue. I have tried restarting, moving the video sources, still nothing.
I have a screenshot of one of the video sources as an attachment. The videos originated from my screen recording in Ubuntu 13.04. They were originally .MKV files, but VideoStudio X6 is unable to handle MKV.
I am trying to render this project out as a MPEG-4 file, at 1920x1080 using H.264-MAIN. I had unticked Perform non-square pixel rendering, but that was a wrong move to make. However, even with it ticked, my second current render right now is taking just as long.
My target is to make a video for youtube, previously I used Kdenlive. However, I wished to add the cool effects that VideoStudio X6 boasted. It seems to be unable to handle an overdose of it's own effects.
I have added a screenshot, so you can see what I am working with. Maybe even spot where my beginner mistakes are.
In summary, my problems are:
1. EXTREMELY long rendering time (in contrast, a 20 minute video in Kdenlive only takes 1 hour to render H264 at 1920x1080).
2. Unable to make CUDA work with VS X6. Tried many driver versions. GTX680 is a CUDA card.
3. Timeline playback is really a NIGHTMARE. Constant hanging trying to move through it. Unable to get even a single video source through the Smart Proxy process.
I have only been using X6 for the past 5 days, yet I am slowly regretting this purchase.
My system specs:
OS- Windows 8 Professional 64Bit
CPU - AMD Phenom II 965 3.4GHz
GPU - Asus Nvidia GTX 680 2GB
RAM - 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz
Sound - Asus Xonar 7.1
I also tried rendering to a separate hard drive to see if that would improve render times. Still the same long render experience.
source.png (7.85 KiB) Viewed 1953 times
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