Is there an advantage to putting videos or photos on the main timeline as opposed to starting everything on an overlay track? On a previous post (Resizing overlay tracks) resize problem with photos and began to wonder if all of the editing couldn't just take place on overlay tracks.
I'm making a video slideshow for my friend's wedding and I'm trying to use some overlay pics in a couple segments but want the overlay track to dissolve with the main track and can't get it to work for some reason. Specifically I'm trying to make a remote control pop into the bride's hand (I'm using "Grow Old With You" for one of the songs and thought it would be cute during the "even let you hold the remote control" part). Anyway I went through the trouble of creating the remote control object etc. but even though I can drag a transition to the object it doesn't seem to affect it any. Instead it affects the main track.
Here's what happens specifically...I have dissolve applied to both the main track picture (the bride) and the remote control (overlay track)...and the dissolves are set to trigger at the same time. The bride starts to fade but the remote control stays solidly on the screen - and then something weird happens, the object transition effect seems to overwhelm the main transition for a second and the whole screen flicks black for a second and then abruptly goes on to the next slide. If I delete the object transition effect the abrupt black screen thing doesn't happen but the remote control obviously doesn't fade either, which makes the video seem very amateurish. I checked all the edit settings for both the main and overlay tracks and nothing seems to work with this. I can't believe a glitch like this could have existed for this long without Corel fixing it...Right?
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
iF you use 4 overlay tracks. If I want to insert it later into a movie in the middle of a video track timeline.
How can I do it. Because the effect is only on overlay tracks.
Is the a way to change it so all the overlay tracks merge into one video track in the timeline ?Then I could inset it anywhere I wanted in the timeline.
Also when you want to make a DVD one option near the bottom is "use first clip as introductory video" What does that mean?
I am using photos for a slideshow. How do you resize a photo or video on the overlay track to the exact size on the timeline? I know you can use the resize handles but is there a faster way?
Ive created a box, turned it into a symbol called box,Inside box i have a left to right animation with auto play turned off.I then went back to the main stage, clicked the box, added action, on click to play, yet it does nothing.How do i Play the symbols timeline?
Just getting started with Animate and coming to it from Flash, as may be apparent from my question. How do you set a variable to the main timeline from within a symbol?
I have 24 pairs of clickable elements, each in their own symbols, and all 24 of those symbols sit inside another symbol. I want all 24 to be able to set the same global variable when clicked. I can't find that this question is addressed anywhere, which makes me think I may be stuck in a Flash mindset and approaching the task in the wrong way. (There are however MANY discussions of how to address objects at different levels in the hierarchy. That's well covered.)
Relatedly, how do you access a function on the main timeline from within a symbol?
Adobe should consider putting together a support page (or pages) just for folks migrating form Flash. In the materials I've encountered so far there seems to be a studied effort to refrain from mentioning Flash in any way. I imagine there are a lot of people out there like me who have a deep background in Flash coding, but are just getting started with Animate.
I'm new to edge animate but have a Flash background and I'm working in Edge Animate on a game which is structured in several scenes. Each scene I did put in a symbol. Now I wonder how to build the main timeline or the "story - controller" so to speak. I have all the scenes but I do not know how to connect them.
In Flash it was possible to add keyframes of scenes one after another (like stairs) and jump forward or backward if needed to load the movie clips. In Edge Animate all scenes (or symbols) are in place from the beginning of the timeline and I cannot move the symbol to a later keyframe. Of course I can move animations in the timeline. The only way I think is to hide the symbols first and make them visible if needed. But this does not seem to be the right way and I don't understand the concept of structuring complex animations yet.
I would like to know how to structure several scenes in Edge Animate properly. Something like a scene loader or unloader would be useful.
I'm having trouble with my animated Lens Flare and the inaccuracy between the main timeline. It's the default AE filter. I have the Lens Flare animation in a composition called textbox which is within the main composition.
If you look at the screenshot you'll see the animated lens flare which moves from left to right. This animation is in my textbox comp.
On the second screenshot you'll see I'm at the same time, but the flare animation is inconsistent. I can't figure out what it is. I have the fps all the same.
In trying to learn Edge, is there a way to return playback (play from) once an animation is complete within a symbol?
For instance, I have the main timeline that shows a symbol animation on creationcomplete, but when the animation is finished in the symbol and I hide the symbol, the main timeline is no longer playing. What would I need to do to return playback control to resume playback of the main timeline? I have a label I would like to play from on the main timeline, but I have not found a way to call the main timeline from within the symbol.
1. I have my timline. There is a button. I have made a symbol. This symbol should not be visible at the start. If I click the button it should make the symbol visible and start it.
So... What is the code I should give my button? Should the sybol be on the timeline? Should it be turned off or should I just turn off autoplay?
What I have so far is:
The symbol is in the timeline. It is set "on" and I can make it play with:
So far so good. My problem now is that the symbol should be over my button. So it is not possible to press it. So logically the symbol should be turned "off" (then I can click the button under it) and when I click the button the symbol should turn on and then play. So actually what is the code to turn it "on"?
2. I have a button in a symbol. Can this button controll the main timeline. It should for example got to frame Number 30 on the main timeline. Is that possible? What is the code I have to give the button?
I tried so many stuff and it wont work. I am new to edge and java script etc.
The scenario is this, I have a symbol(TitlePage) on my main timeline. Inside the symbol(TitlePage) there is a play button. How can i set a click event on this symbol that access the main timeline(stage) labels?
Since my main menu include only one movie, is it possible to skip the main menu, so the submenu with the selected chapters will become the only one menu?
there are dozens of files in the sub-folders but nothing in the main folder.I also looked at the events viewer and found 1 error; that v. of Quicktime was newer so installation would not proceed (but I presume this refers only to QT installation, not overall).I'm running W7 -64-bit on quad-core intel with 3 gigs RAM & 1.5 TB hard drive. Nvideo 8500GT video.
I'm using VS 11. Is there a way to insert gaps between clips on the main video track? I can do this when I move the clips to the overlay track, but I need the overlay track for actual overlays, so I don't want to do that for this project. I need gaps so I can put in narrative text between each clip.
Alternatively, is there a way to have multiple overlay tracks?
If I have two cameras pointing toward one subject (say someone being interviewed) what would be the best way to place the two video tracks in X3?
One I would be the main video track, but would the other have to be the over lay track? Is there an option to create a 2nd main video track that I could switch between? So when I am editing an interview clip I could pick between video track 1 or 2 and choose the angle I want?
I have been a user of Media Studio pro 8 for some years now and I have just downloaded and installed Coral Videostudio demo version. I am working with overlays and in particular to rotate an overlay together with motion.
The motion side I can see how to do it but I cannot find a rotate options which will rotate the clip a degree at a time. The only rotate option I can find is in 90deg at a time.
I would like to have the overlay tracks be increased up to 99 tracks, like some of the other programs have. They also have more audio tracks available as well.
I've installed NewBlue ColorFast, and it shows up in VS X6 as expected. If I drag and drop it onto the video track, the changes I make apply, no problem. But if I drag and drop it onto the overlay track, then make the changes I need, they don't stick … they go away when the dialogue is closed. Is this filter limited to the video track only? Or do I have a problem here?
I rendered (in animation software) a series of .png files with transparency for an overlay in VidStudio. 150 of them that all need to be shortened from the default photo duration of 3:00 seconds. Plus, for each one, I will need to adjust the size of the overlay track. Is there a way to manage the entire track for these adjustments? Or a place to adjust the preferences..?
When I try to combine 2 videos to play over each other (i.e. one full screen one anchored in a corner) the overlay track plays at an accelerated rate with no sound, whereas the main video will play as normal. However if I switch them around the same problem arises, the overlay video plays fine the main accelerated with no sound.
If I play them separately they will both play fine. The video I am trying to anchor was recorded with a webcam and therefore may be the problem. If I need to give more details w/ specs etc.
I am attempting to put together a video showing the subject (my wife) as she is working in her flower bed.. I shot the video from a tripod. I have a PNG photo of a fence with a knot hole. I am attempting to follow her as if I am seeing thru a knot hole.I have the video of her on overlay track 1 and the fence/knot hole on overlay 2. How do I track her in the middle of the knot hole? Can the overlay tracks somehow be key-framed?
I'm just about ready to buy Corel Studio Pro X5, but one "issue" is bothering me, I cannot fade in and out the overlay track. I can drag the cross-fade onto the image or video, but it doesn't cross-fade with the actual video. Instead, the screen suddenly goes black and the overlay track fades in. Same on the way out, it just fades to black (queue the music ) and then the underlying video pops back in.
I have a trial version of VideoStudio Pro X4.The overlay tab is not present at the top of the interface. Is this feature left off of the trial version? The video I have in the overlay track is blank and cannot be seen over the main track. Am I doing something wrong or is the feature not part of the program? I need to be sure there is a chroma key feature that works well before buying the program.
Using Video Studio X4 I have noticed that I can insert a Title to the overlay tracks. The initial title goes to the title track, but can be dragged to the overlay track.
I’ve had a look at the track manager and as expected there is still the option to use two title tracks. Even so the ability to use the overlays for titles is very interesting.
If I place a video in the overlay track, it doesn't retain its normal size, but is resized to small window in the middle. This makes it very hard to align components with the video track. Is there some way to disable this resizing of the overlay track video and just have it retain its normal size? (The same size as the video track video)
I haven´t used VS X3 for a while... everything as fine. Recently I used it again, and it happened that the fade-in/fade-out buttons (in the video edit group of controls) for the overlay clips do not work. Even though I select them to enable the fading, the overlay video starts without any fading.Is there any special setting somewhere that can change the behavior of these buttons. Also the rotating fade in/out does not work ay more.
I have seen tutorials and used successfully the process needed to produce a cross fade between the primary video and overlay tracks in VS pro x5, but it's a process requiring several steps. I was recently revisiting my VS version 9 located in another computer when I noticed that VS9 seems to automatically place crossfades between the two tracks.
Is it possible to do this in VS pro X5? Was this feature abandoned on versions later than VS9?