VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - Overlay Function Not Present
Apr 23, 2012
I have a trial version of VideoStudio Pro X4.The overlay tab is not present at the top of the interface. Is this feature left off of the trial version? The video I have in the overlay track is blank and cannot be seen over the main track. Am I doing something wrong or is the feature not part of the program? I need to be sure there is a chroma key feature that works well before buying the program.
I've tried everything I can think of to get the audio to playback after capturing from a VHS tape, but can't figure it out. I can hear the audio output from my sound card during capture, but playback has no audio. I noticed in the Video Properties box of the Options menu in Capture that the "audio source" says "pass through to sound card", but the "audio source" box is grayed out and can't be changed. I am using an S-Video cable for the video from the VCR, and L/R audio to a stereo plug into my Line In on the motherboard. I can hear the audio during capture, but not playback. BTW, the only means I have at this point is to use Pinnacle Studio to capture, then export as an mpg. file to import into VideoStudio. Pinnacle gives me a choice in audio inputs. Why is VSX4 not allowing that?
I have been a user of Media Studio pro 8 for some years now and I have just downloaded and installed Coral Videostudio demo version. I am working with overlays and in particular to rotate an overlay together with motion.
The motion side I can see how to do it but I cannot find a rotate options which will rotate the clip a degree at a time. The only rotate option I can find is in 90deg at a time.
I would like to have the overlay tracks be increased up to 99 tracks, like some of the other programs have. They also have more audio tracks available as well.
I've installed NewBlue ColorFast, and it shows up in VS X6 as expected. If I drag and drop it onto the video track, the changes I make apply, no problem. But if I drag and drop it onto the overlay track, then make the changes I need, they don't stick … they go away when the dialogue is closed. Is this filter limited to the video track only? Or do I have a problem here?
I rendered (in animation software) a series of .png files with transparency for an overlay in VidStudio. 150 of them that all need to be shortened from the default photo duration of 3:00 seconds. Plus, for each one, I will need to adjust the size of the overlay track. Is there a way to manage the entire track for these adjustments? Or a place to adjust the preferences..?
When I try to combine 2 videos to play over each other (i.e. one full screen one anchored in a corner) the overlay track plays at an accelerated rate with no sound, whereas the main video will play as normal. However if I switch them around the same problem arises, the overlay video plays fine the main accelerated with no sound.
If I play them separately they will both play fine. The video I am trying to anchor was recorded with a webcam and therefore may be the problem. If I need to give more details w/ specs etc.
I am attempting to put together a video showing the subject (my wife) as she is working in her flower bed.. I shot the video from a tripod. I have a PNG photo of a fence with a knot hole. I am attempting to follow her as if I am seeing thru a knot hole.I have the video of her on overlay track 1 and the fence/knot hole on overlay 2. How do I track her in the middle of the knot hole? Can the overlay tracks somehow be key-framed?
Is there an advantage to putting videos or photos on the main timeline as opposed to starting everything on an overlay track? On a previous post (Resizing overlay tracks) resize problem with photos and began to wonder if all of the editing couldn't just take place on overlay tracks.
I'm just about ready to buy Corel Studio Pro X5, but one "issue" is bothering me, I cannot fade in and out the overlay track. I can drag the cross-fade onto the image or video, but it doesn't cross-fade with the actual video. Instead, the screen suddenly goes black and the overlay track fades in. Same on the way out, it just fades to black (queue the music ) and then the underlying video pops back in.
Using Video Studio X4 I have noticed that I can insert a Title to the overlay tracks. The initial title goes to the title track, but can be dragged to the overlay track.
I’ve had a look at the track manager and as expected there is still the option to use two title tracks. Even so the ability to use the overlays for titles is very interesting.
If I place a video in the overlay track, it doesn't retain its normal size, but is resized to small window in the middle. This makes it very hard to align components with the video track. Is there some way to disable this resizing of the overlay track video and just have it retain its normal size? (The same size as the video track video)
I haven´t used VS X3 for a while... everything as fine. Recently I used it again, and it happened that the fade-in/fade-out buttons (in the video edit group of controls) for the overlay clips do not work. Even though I select them to enable the fading, the overlay video starts without any fading.Is there any special setting somewhere that can change the behavior of these buttons. Also the rotating fade in/out does not work ay more.
I have seen tutorials and used successfully the process needed to produce a cross fade between the primary video and overlay tracks in VS pro x5, but it's a process requiring several steps. I was recently revisiting my VS version 9 located in another computer when I noticed that VS9 seems to automatically place crossfades between the two tracks.
Is it possible to do this in VS pro X5? Was this feature abandoned on versions later than VS9?
I now know how to get my main video and overlay tracks to cross fade. I also know that the default cross fade effect using the overlay properties option has a duration of approx 30% of the entire clip.
Is there a way to control the duration of the overlay fade in / fade out?
I'm trying to key frame an overlay video ( or picture) from a distorted position to another different distorted position. I tried Picture in Picture but that effect only changes position not distortion (well it can be distorted with rotating x,y or z but it does not give the desired effect). So how can achieve that effect
My second problem is that while the video (or picture) moves from one point to another point at certain positions I want that video become invisible. Again I tried Picture in Picture. Why picture in picture gives a black background? First I tried to remove that black background with chroma key but some parts of the video became invisible (because of black background). Since I defined a mask, I can not define another mask to specify invisible positions. When I tried mask frame for that video, the mask frame also moves with the video. I want the mask to stay where it is.
My last question is about texts. I want my text to move from right to left. There are lots of fancy text effects, but I couldn't find that one. There is one close to that one but the letters bends to one side.
When I place an .avi file onto the overlay track it will only play the sound and not the video. The screen just remains black with the sound coming through.
iF you use 4 overlay tracks. If I want to insert it later into a movie in the middle of a video track timeline.
How can I do it. Because the effect is only on overlay tracks.
Is the a way to change it so all the overlay tracks merge into one video track in the timeline ?Then I could inset it anywhere I wanted in the timeline.
Also when you want to make a DVD one option near the bottom is "use first clip as introductory video" What does that mean?
I want to create arrows as an overlay on a sports video to highlight a certain player. Thought I could do this by creating a title using Winding3 font - but when i select Windings3 font in Corel Video Studio - instead of seeing arrows - like i do in Word, I see the alphabet? Is there any way to create Arrows in Corel VideoStudio 4Pro?
I am trying to do a highlight film for my son's football game. On TV you see hi-lite film with a particular player spotlighted with a yellow circle - or even just a hand drawn circle around the figure which follows the player. Can this be done in Corel VideoStudio Pro X4?
I can't seem to trim a clip in the overlay track. When I'm scrubbing through it the F3 and F4 keys will not work. This is a clip that I have already used Multi-trim to create.
An Overlay track has a photo on the end of the track, there are also photos at the start of the track.
When right clicking on this track behind a photo at the start end of the track to insert a photo behind an existing photo, the new photo goes behind the photo at the end of the track.
Is there any way to use right click and insert the photo where you want it?
I am about to upgrade to x4 I been using VS for a long time - The new version works very smoothly on my laptop and most of the work on this versions seems to be just making it work better which is great.
Overlays is there any thing more that can be done with moving the overlays around? direction/style is very limited or maybe I am don't know some tricks or new features.
I would like to have the overlay re-size as it moves (or not) there seem to be no way to customize the path and spin
Making a DVD NTSC slide show of some Christmas pix. Opening photo is outside of house with snow on the ground. It's in vertical orientation (taller than it is wide). To show the entire house photo results in a video image of the house with black areas on the left and right of the photo. No problem.
As it fades in from black, thought it would be cool to have actual snow falling over the photo. Fine, fired up Cool 3D PS and made a particle overlay avi file of 720x480 of snow falling.
I insert snow avi into overlay track #1 over house photo. Of course, since the house photo is not 720 wide, the snow also falls into the black (border?) area outside the house photo. No problem. I just adjust the overlay avi so that it's the same dimensions as the house photo. Okay, the snow looks a little too distorted that way.
So, I return the overlay avi back to it's original 720x480 size and insert a black jpg into overlay track #2 to cover the snow on the left side of the photo. Insert same black jpg into overlay track #3 to cover the snow on the right side of the photo. (Creating a two track, pseudo mask?) For the most part, it works. In the preview window it looks great (doesn't it always?). When I render it, though, there is snow falling just outside the left and right edges of the house photo. Not much, but enough to be noticeable. The pseudo mask idea works, but not 100% for some reason.
Been moving the black jpgs in overlay track #s 2 & 3 more and more onto the photo, but when I render each version it doesn't seem to make any difference. What am I not seeing here to fix it? Just want the snow to fall on the photo and not outside of it.
Summary . . .
Video track: House photo (and other images) Overlay #1: Snow particle avi Overlay #2: Black jpg covering the area left of the photo Overlay #3: Black jpg covering the area right of the photo
P.S. - Think it would matter since I did not resize the house photo, leaving it in it's original 3000 x 4000 file size?