VideoStudio :: Split By Scene
May 28, 2013
I have been using VS for quite some time, along with my Panasonic GS500. When capturing my video, VS would create a file for every start /stop of the video. I shoot high school football. This is extremely convenient for cataloging plays, because each play is its own file. I know that "Split by Scene" is available, but it does not create a file for each play.I recently purchased a Canon XH-A1s and wanted to move to HD. will the new Canon camera and VS Pro X4 provide for the same type of capture, when optioned for HD.
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Oct 14, 2012
I am using VS Pro X4 on a Windows XP Pro PC. When I 'capture' video from by vidcam (DV tapes) using 'split by scene' all the resulting clips all contain the first frame of the following clip.
I had this problem a year ago using my laptop on a VIsta Business platform and though that perhaps the 'problem' had something to do with Vista (well Vista isn't everyone's ideal platform) but now I am experiencing it on an XP PC so I am thinking that it is caused by VS Pro X4.
Is there a fix for this and/or a setting to stop this annoying problem. I am thinking that if No then I should reinstall VS 9, which I never had this problem with, just to allow me to capture video by scene correctly.
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Dec 31, 2010
I have used my Video Studio Pro X3 to creat a few videos. When I now try to creat a video the split by scene buttion is greyed out. I dont think I have done anything with the settings on my Camera a Sony HDR CX7EK. I record in standard definition and the file created has an extension .mpg with 720x576, 25 frames per second. The only difference this time around is that I took the memory card from the camera and transfered it to the computer with a reader instead of using the sony transfer and charging docking station. Strange is that I can also not split by second when using old projects where I could split scnenes some 6 months ago.
I also did read in a few other posts the button is greyed out if you record in analog cameras, which is understandable, but to my dissmay it seems like splitting by scene does not work on HD recorded files, is that true as i have used the HD function in the camera and created AVCHD files with file extension .MTS and plan to creat a few movies later on?
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Oct 10, 2011
I have recently captured video (6 tapes each tape to a separate folder on disk and 'folder' within VS) from my VidCam (DV tape) and selected 'split by scene'. I was using VS9 as at the time I was having problems using Pro X4.
Every clip/scene captured for the first tape I captured to disk includes the first frame from the following clip. This only seems to have affected the first tape I captured.I will have to cut the last frame from each clip if I rearrange the order of the clips on the timeline.
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a maya designed animation model file ( with 3000 frames. I want to split it into 3 maya scene files each of which have 1000 frames.
How can I do this in Maya 2012?
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Mar 11, 2012
it is possible to select a part of a video scene and apply brightness/contrast just to that part of the scene. I have a scene with a sign in the foreground which is in shade whereas the rest of the scene is well lit.
it is possible to select part of an image using the 'magic wand' feature of Paint Shop Pro and wondering if this can be done within VSX4.
I guess it could be done the hard way of splitting the clip into separate frames and then brighten the sign in each frame using Paintshop Pro and then 'reassemble' the frames back into a video clip but this would be very time consuming.
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Mar 4, 2011
Ok, just got and installed the box version of VS X4. Uninstalled the TBYB ver and then installed the boxed full version. It retained all the custom instant projects I downloaded for the TBYB ver and all other downloads. I went through it all to see what content was added and saw a lot of new content.
But when I went to the Disc authoring program I saw only 6 basic and boring menu templates under AVCHD and Blu-ray and only 3 templates under BD-J while all the smart scene menus were found only under DVD?!?
Why are the smart scene menus missing from AVCHD and Blu-ray?
I also find it sad to see the 3D menus in the really bad DVD Factory Pro 2010 not available in X4 but interesting to find the templates in instant projects.... any way of making these DVD menus for AVCHD or Blu-ray?
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Dec 1, 2013
I have made six slideshows and saved them as mpg files. I have not made any chapters. I now want to do a DVD menu. What I would like to try is a first menu screen with two options "Play All" and "Scene Selection". Play-all will play all and then return to this first menu page. Scene-selection will go to a second menu page. Any scene selected will play and then return to this second screen which will have a link back to the first menu. I'm really at a loss to see how to do this using the menu creation in VS. Is it possible?
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Mar 21, 2011
I am using VideoStudio Pro X3 on my Windows XP Pro machine (see profile for specifics) to capture and edit video from my Canon Elura 100 MiniDV Camcorder. The problem I am having is that VS Pro X3 is stopping the capture during scene changes. It stops both the software and the camera. This does NOT happen on every scene change, but happens at differing times throughout the tape. It requires me to restart the capture from that scene forward. This happens regardless of whether or not I have the 'Split by Scene' option enabled. It is frustrating to have to sit through the entire tape restarting the capture at various scene changes. Previous tapes I have used Windows Movie Maker to capture the video. I have tried WMM to capture these tapes and it does work successfully without stopping at scene transitions. A related question is on Data Rate. The data rate listed under the properties menu in VS Pro X3 is almost 2x for the clips captured with VS Pro X3 vs the same clip captured with WMM while all other attributes are the same (including file size)?
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Jan 28, 2011
I just downloaded trial of this and it seems easy and good app. I have still images at the beginning and after that the video starts
[image 3s] [image 1s] [video][video][video][video][video]
I want to make the [image 1s] longer than 1s but cannot drag it's end or modify the second field any bigger. It wont accept.
Also cannot move the video after it because it always remove the gap. So how to make middle image stay longer ?
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May 26, 2011
VS9 enables users to virtually split clips by scene before adding them to the work space. It does not split the actual file but just keeps pointers to the various scenes. VS9 keeps this data in a file named scenedb.dat. However if the clip is moved to a different location then the scene information is not re-linked and is essentially lost (as far as VS is concerned) although the data is still in the scenedb.dat.
Is there any way to go around this problem and recover the scene info after a clip is moved?
That is, besides not moving the clips to a different folder than the one it was in when the scene data was first generated and/or re-generating the scen information?
I tried simple editing of the file path in the .dat file but this does not seem to work. It would be nice to understand the encoding rule for the scenedb.dat file to 1) update it 2) use it to generate some index db outside of VS (e.g. html page).
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Nov 8, 2010
Although I configured 'scene divided' the VS x3 captured only one file. On another computer the scenes were divided.
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Nov 4, 2010
Using VS Pro X3. Is there a way to split by time (vs. by scene/content)?
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Aug 4, 2013
I've been doing a project using two different cameras, I've done some of it and saved as a .mpg without a problem.Now for some reason I cannot use the split clip tool it is greyed out all the time no mater how I have the clip in the timeline be it set to clip or project.
I made one cut to align two clips now nothing..As I say I've completed three parts of the project without a problem using the split clip tool.
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Oct 28, 2013
After spiting the audio form a DVD in X5, I want to make a CD of the audio (narration) .What is the best way to do ?
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm using Corel Video Studio Pro x4 to make a promotional video for an upcoming event, and I used the split audio function to, surprise, separate the audio. Here's the problem: It has no sound. When I play it as a clip, it works fine. But if I play the project as a whole or add any kind of filter to it, it is mute. I've tried saving the project and opening it in a media player, still nothing. My music track and video track play fine, but the split audio does not.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have my editing all done for a 2 hour 12 minute video. It has been my experience that I can get about 1hr 7min. on a DVD. Normally when i'm done editing, I choose Share > Create Video File > DVD. This creates a DVD compatable mpeg-2 file for burning later. I know I want to create 2 seperate DVD's. How do I split the video? Is it possble to slpit in the editing phase? I'm using VS pro 12.
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Nov 3, 2010
I captured approximately 1 hour DV file contained different scenes from different places. Now, I would like split this file for smaller parts and save them as a separate .avi files.
Is this possible to do this by VSX3 (e.g. cut or multitrim on timeline and save to separate folder each pieces?
If X3 cannot do this, what software you can recommend for relatively easy and quick multi-split, without loose quality?
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Jul 15, 2013
Is it possible to undo the Split Audio function once you have used it?
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Feb 13, 2013
I often work in big files, such as 200 GB size files that usually contains 4-5 hours of recording. I make web series and require my videos to by like 15-20 minutes long. So far I've been taking these huge files, cropping them down to length and then waiting the compress, however this is a very bad method and very time consuming, because after I crop a video that fits the 15-20 minutes limit, I have to wait for it to compress completely before I can continue to work on the next one, which basically means, that even though it takes like 5-10 minutes to edit a video it takes more like an hour per episode because I need to stop and wait before I can work on the next episode.
Is there a way to queue up a ton of pre-edited projects and then make it all compress to seperate video files during the night or something? It would really save me a lot of effort.
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Jul 30, 2011
Because the inbuilt MPEG encoder lack descent contrast Im thinking of using another video/audio encoder. I then have a question about the audio. If I separate the audio from the video in the project, is the 5.1 information preserved in the wav file?
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Jun 24, 2012
when producing quiet long films (e.g. 2 hours), is it better to split it into e.g 3 individual projects, or is it better to work on it as one?This, because I want to avoid the loss of data or already produced sequences, if one project is getting to big.
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May 14, 2012
I've edited with VideoStudio 7, 10, 11, X2, X3 and X4 and just switched to X5. An issue that I experienced (and resolved) early in my use of VS Pro X4 has now resurfaced with VS Pro X5 and I can't recall how I "fixed" the issue last time.
My main video track is in its usual spot on the top row of the timeline (in Timeline View). Ripple editing is enabled. When I use the scissors to manually split the main track at any point, an audio fade-in is automatically applied to the trailing clip after the split. At the same time, the audio levels on both the leading and the trailing clip (before and after the split point) are instantly reset to 0 db. This is particularly maddening when I've carefully re-adjusted my main track's audio levels before applying the split.
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Feb 22, 2012
I was looking for a simple piece of software to do basic but frame-precise clip editing like trimming and I learned about Corel VS. (Well, I was looking for a tool to work with less common formats like flv, f4v but...)
Anyway, I stumbled upon this message that reads like: "the current operation can't be completed because the current clip's duration is less than 3 seconds". I tried both in easy and advanced edit but I simply can't trim a clip.
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Aug 21, 2011
I have a project with dozens of clips. Is there any way to mute or split audio for all or multiple clips rather than doing it for one clip at a time?
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Dec 11, 2011
I have been using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 recently. I split a number of video files on a daily basis. This is what I do:
I take an Avi file that has a duration of about 30 minutes. I drag and drop the video into the "video track" area in the program.
Then I use the little "slider" thing and drag it to 15 minutes and click on the "scissors" symbol. which results in making the video split into 2 parts.
I delete the first part on the "video track" are and then I click on "share"-->"create video file"-->"custom"-->I choose Avi .
The compression I choose is Xvid Mpeg-4, 24 Bit RGB, and the Audio Format is Mpeg Layer 3, 8 Bits, 11.025 Hz Mono
The resulting video does not have any sound . This does not happen if I delete the 2nd part and create the video file with the first 15 minutes only. This happens with almost all of my videos (all of them are avi).
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Sep 2, 2013
I made all my polygons with the same technique but somehow interactive polygon split tool does not split all polygons... I attached a file with which I have problem. Split tool just "disappears" after submitting changes...
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Dec 10, 2011
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
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Feb 13, 2011
I recently purchased Video Studio Pro X3 - and after going through the knowledge base and product read me, I have been unable to find an answer to the following problem I have:
I have a number of videos (HD 1080p) that I have recorded. Each video is on average 50 minutes in length - what I want to do it to be able to do is to slice this video into 10 x 5 minute videos (based on topics discussed in the video), (so essentially clip the video into these segments and edit each one) and then when producing the video file - actually create 10 separate video files (all with editing in place) instead of one single large file.
As far as I have been able to work out, I need to go through the whole file, clip relevant sections, edit them, and then save project. I then need to go trim the saved file 10 times, to extract each time the single 5 minute video I want to create. This is a fairly manual and time consuming process, hence my hope that I can create 10 files based on the clips I have made in the larger 50 minute file in one go.
as I have 30 videos to edit, so looking for ways to save time!
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Oct 10, 2013
I have been using various versions of VideoStudio for years to successfully edit videos for courtroom presentations, but this is the first time I have been asked to create a video using two videos playing simultaneously or a side by side image. The first video is a surveillance camera video of a traffic accident, and the second video is a video of a reconstruction of the accident recorded later on the same surveillance system. Even though we can play the videos separately in court, the prosecutor is asking whether or not there is a way to combine both videos into one final product, thereby showing the actual accident side by side with the recreation.
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Oct 17, 2013
When I render a 3D scene in Photoshop CS6, is the GPU of my system of any use? Whenever I render any 3D scene in PS, I have noticed that the GPU stays idle, it does nothing, everything seems to be done by the CPU. Is it supposed to be this way?
OpenGL _is_ correctly enabled in PS and I have just one video card in my system (GTX660 Ti 3GB).
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