VideoStudio :: No Longer Create Working QuickTime MOV Files
Nov 4, 2010
I never had a problem exporting my projects as Quicktime MOV files until a few months ago. Now it seems when I create a QT file they come out blurry/ fuzzy/unusable. I have uninstalled/reinstalled VSPX3 and QT (and have tried to do it on several computers) but nothing has worked.
I got a new laptop and loaded VS x4 on it. I have a complex edit that I started on my big desktop, where everything worked fine. I have a mix of AVCHD and MOV (1080i QuickTime) files, and they work together with no problem on the desktop computer.
However, the new laptop simply can't "see" the QuickTime files. I can't load them into the Library, so I can't re-link them in my project. I updated my version of VS x4 to SP2 on this computer, and still no go with the MOV files. How do I get VS to recognize the MOV files?
Edit: I can play the MOV files on the computer and I loaded the latest version of QuickTime. But VideoStudio still doesn't recognize QuickTime (MOV) files. MOV is not a selection in the drop-down list when I choose formats of videos to load into the Library.
On a pro account, Vimeo has no time limits. Yet using the tool to upload to Vimeo in VS X4 forces a trim to 25 minutes. Is there a work around? Is there any way to replicate the settings on the Vimeo upload without the time limit? I can't seem to find a way to replicate the Vimeo upload settings using the custom portion, or the mp4 HD portion of the share tab.
I have an animation I am trying to render as a Quicktime using H.264 compression at 720x480 with just one camera. I have 4 different sound clips (wavs) loaded into the scene. When I scrub the slider, the sound works just fine. However, when I render the scene as the mov, the sound does not render with it. Do you know why this isn't working and how to fix it so the sound will render with the mov?
I am using the ProSound option and rendering the scene at 30fps. Normally the sound works just fine when I render but now it won't work.
I have tried dozens of times after reading great tutorials like here: [URL] but still no luck exporting multichannel discrete quicktimes in premiere pro CC. I have created and set a sequence for multichannels, then assigned channels in timeline to match and set export to match but still nothing but ONE working track out of 4 on number 1 and sometimes 2. I have tried outputting 4 strereo tracks with 8 channels panned and unpanned, 4 mono tracks, ect, ect.
Note: I am not seeing the split track button under the pan knob in the mixer like I did in version 6. Is this normal for CC?
I've tried to compile videos in Quick time format at 800 x 600, 65% quality, using MPEG4 compression and each time it compiles at a much lower resolution than it should be, I used the Indeo compression for AVI and THAT compiles to my liking at 800 x 600, 65% quality, DivX is only free for 15 days, Xvid and Windows Encoder makes no difference (that can be noticed), Quicktime, DirectX and Windows Media Player is up to date.
I'll try compiling it using a compressor other than MPEG-4, but I'm not too hopeful of improvement, why it can compile AVI, but not Quicktime, I tried batch converting AVI to Quicktime, it still doesn't work.
How to render HD 1920 x 1080 video clips into the .mov, 1080p format required by my stock agency. I've gone into Share>Create Video File>Custom>Quicktime Movie Files>Options>General... but I am unable to find a 1920 x 1080 option. 800x600 is the highest setting with the default being 720x480. I'm using VS Pro X4 and also tried X2.
Original clip info for one camera: Type H.264, 24 bits, 1920x1080p, 16:9, 59.94fps Vari. bit rate 26,000
Any recommendation for a quicktime .mov compression setting that results in good quality and a manageable file size?
Pro X3 Windows Vista
I'm doing a video and the client requested the final product as a quicktime file. I've had good results with creating .wmv files but haven't had much luck with .mp4 or .mov files. Using the "custom" option under "create video file" I select "Quicktime Movie Files" as the type. Every compression option I choose comes out crappy and a very small file size. When I select "no compression" the video looks great, but it's almost 2 gigs (the video is only about a minute long). The client will be uploading this video to a product page on Amazon and I think they have a maximum file size, probably around 500 MB.
I hope to convince the client to just accept a .wmv or maybe even a .flv file instead since I think Amazon accepts both of those. But in an effort to give them what they want, I hope to deliver in a .mov format.
I started with V6. Currently using trial of X4. Got a Canon T2i for Christmas....mostly for HD video. Never have worked with HD video before so not real familiar with file extensions etc. However I do know that HD video is a different animal altogether…..Very large files and some program issues.
Took some test video in 1080p… about 30 seconds. Files are in MOV format. Drop the file in program and hit play on the preview pane. Very choppy and stuttering. Make sure smart proxy is enabled and it is. I then save the file as a 1080p AVCHD. Now…. that file plays just fine in the preview pane. Another thing I tried was converting the MOV file into an AVI with a free program called Pazera Free MOV to AVI. That conversion with an AVI extension also had the choppy issue. Should I convert the files first from MOV to AVCHD or is there another HD format that is better?
Recently I discovered that the swf flash animation files were no longer linked. After re-installing the flashplayer off the VS disk they are working again. I decided I should check out all the rest of the files and found 5 VS image files that are not working. They show up in the pull down menu, but the preview is only a white screen. I found them on the computer files and copied then into VS, but still only a white preview. I can see them using Windows Live Photo Gallery just fine so they are in the computer, but VS just won't open them correctly.
I did some filming today, using my Canon 5D MK II, converted the MOV files to AVI using NEOscene, then ran them through smart proxy in Videostudio PRO X3. When I started editing, I noticed some files were causing the project to freeze and stutter on playback. On closer examination I noticed that about 10 of the 40 or so files had not had smart proxy files created, and that all of these were above 1GB in size. Is this a glitch, or is it just something Videostudio can't do for files that large?
Sony Vaio laptop Intel Duo Core 2.2ghz Windows 7 home premium 64 bit 4GB Ram
In CS5 I would always save my in-progress .gifs as Quicktime Movies. Since upgrading, I have not been able to open any of these QuickTime files, and I also cannot open .mp4 files that I created in Photoshop CS6. I don't have any plugins installed, if I should.
For some reason, suddenly when I import video frames to layers, it is now set as Quicktime files that can only be opened (AVI,MPEG etc) and won't pick up MMV files at all. I used to make a lot of gifs fine with WMV files (thats the only format Photoshop PS5 would let me open for years), now it is set up as Quicktime files all of a sudden. It only opens AVI files as well, other video formats pop up with blank screens and then go transparent. Is there any way I can fix this? I'd like to be able to make gifs with WMV files again.
Is there some way you can open MP4 files onto Photoshop CS5 as well? Converting Youtube vids to WMV is quite a process.
When I create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video clips in VS Pro X3, all files give me extensions *.mpg, and they can be played with my LG BD 570 player. However, When I create Blu Ray H264, 1920X1080 video clips in VS Pro X4, all files give me extensions *.m2t, and these video files can NOT be played with my LG BD 570 player.
Is there anyway I can create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video files with extensions *.mpg in VS Pro X4? What is the difference between Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) *.m2ts and Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) * .mpg file?
My current workflow is to use 3ds max to render image sequences of animation, then to use Media Encoder to convert them to mov files using the Quicktime Animation codec. The problem is that using these clips in Premiere prevents me from scrubbing the sequence timeline fluidly, even tho all of the files are being accessed from a Thunderbolt drive on a Macbook Pro. Even opening them in the Quicktime player causes sluggish playback. The images rendered are 1280x720. Because of the animation being frame based, I need the derived video to not drop frames like some codecs do, so the Quicktime Animation codec prevents that and it preserves the alpha channel in the images. So my question is, what can I do to improve this so that scrubbing the timeline becomes fluid?
I am trying to CREATE A VIDEO FILE in X6. The video files are in AVI format (taken from DSLR). When I do try to create a video file I get the error message:
I do not get this error in X4. Further, it seems I don't get this error message in all AVI files. Some are ok, others aren't. very strange indeed.
My first video camera was a 30 fps NTSC and I output my videos as MPEG-4 HD files. Then I bought a new PAL video camera. To be safe I uninstalled my copy of VSProX4 and reinstalled it, checking the PAL option. However, when I created my first video clip using the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list, it created a file at 30 fps and not surprisingly the panning was very jerky. I uninstalled the program and ticked the option to uninstall all personal data. I also deleted the VSProX4 folders from user/user/my documents/. When I reinstalled the program all my saved projects came up on the screen and it still wants to make MPEG-4 files at 30 fps.
Presumably I should have deleted the Corel folder from the progam files folder after I'd deleted the program to get rid of all personal settings. Anyway, my question is this: is it actually possible to create MPEG-4 files at 25 fps (or preferably at 50 fps as this is what I am shooting)? If so, what do I have to do to get VSProX4 to create them? Is there some way to edit the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list from Create a Video File? If not, is it possible to make a template for MPEG-4 HD at 25 or 50 fps? The reason I'm keen to get this right is that I can play MPEG-4 HD files from a USB stick plugged into my TV. The only other way I can watch them on TV is to create AVCHD files and write them to a DVD.
Corel videostudio does not create proxy files.I bought pro x3 in february, but did not install it before yesterday. I installed the version linked in the purchase email from february 2011. I have not installed any updates or patches, so the version i use is Corel VideoStudio Pro
- Corel is installed on c drive
- proxy folder is set to a folder on my d-drive
- Just to be sure to create proxy files, i've set: "Create proxy when video size is above 352 x 240"
- I have checked "auto generate proxy teamplate"
- i have checked settings-smart proxy manager-enable smart proxy
I have created a new project and added 2 files.
file1.AVI video compression: MJPEG compressor attributes: 24 bits, 1280 x 720 total frames: 340 file size: 41 738 KB
file2.AVI video compression:Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder attributes: 24 bits, 1920 x 1080 total frames: 222 file size: 13 061 KB
I select both files, right click and choose "create smart proxy file"I open the "smart proxy queue manager" and i see the two files dissapear. However, they just fly through as nothing is really done with the files When the files are gone from "smart proxy queue manager" i open "smart proxy manager", and there's no files here. There is neither files in the proxy folder i've chosen.
I've also tried to play the video, hoping the files will be created automatically. I've tried to create the proxy files after installing the patch for pro x3.I've tried to reinstall videostudio.
I still can't get the proxy files, which means i can't edit the video either. When i preview with the editor, it stops all the time. The thing is, i managed to create the proxy files a year ago when i first tried the x3-version, and that's why i bought the i can make it work?
My photoshop CS education version has been working great. Now, today it comes up partially but won't fully function. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it twice to no avail.
Need brief overview of the different formats in "Create Video File"?
MPEG-4, DV, DVD and the difference between this and Create Disk?
I have created my project on a laptop that does not have a DVD Burner. Should I create an MPEG file and copy it over to a desktop that has a DVD burner? Just looking for the best way burn a DVD.
I am using Video Studio Pro x3 with Movie Factory 2010
I have tried to burn a disc with .mpg .mpg 2 .mp4 and .wmv formats and ALL have failed. I have created chapters in V Studio and they are not seen once i click on create disc and I have gone thru the grief of recreating the chapters
All of this has failed, at the end - 99% of burning. With the .wmv file, burning failed after 10 seconds. I have been able to sucessfully burn a disc using Windows burning software, so I know my drive is working fine, but really want to do this professionally (windows software created its own chapters and they are NOT where I want them and don't seem to be editable.
I have a presentation in less than 2 weeks, and need to have DVD ready before then
I was trying to use a couple of filters when I noticed that some of them are no longer working. They are still there but can not even be selected to be used. I don't believe that I may have changed an option to bring this about but I may have.
I have some pairs of left and right videos that plays fine on 3D player that combine both files to 3D output. How do I edit the pair to one side by side video with videoStudio 5 pro?
I am putting together 3 mpg files from the hard disk of a camcorder that records in mpg format. Separately, all 3 files combine to approx. 1 GB. When I combine these files using VideoStudio PRO X3, my file size jumps to 2-2.5 GB. All I'm doing is combining and that's it. No effects, no titles, nothing. How come the size explodes so much and how can I combine the 3 files and still have the original combined size of approx. 1 GB?
I have a NAS device on my home network that I am using to host my video content. The videos are played from a Windows PC, an iPhone and an XBox 360. I need the videos to be high quality and viewable from all three devices.
Currently, the MP4s created via VideoStudio are incompatible with the XBox. How can I make compatible MP4s?
Media Info shows the following information for the incompatible MP4 created in VideoStudio.
Select all General Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media Codec ID : isom File size : 119 MiB Duration : 3mn 32s Overall bit rate mode : Variable Overall bit rate : 4 682 Kbps Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18
Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Format profile : Main@L3.1 Format settings, CABAC : Yes Format settings, ReFrames : 2 frames Format settings, GOP : M=3, N=15 Codec ID : avc1 Codec ID/Info : Advanced Video Coding Duration : 3mn 32s Bit rate mode : Variable Bit rate : 4 517 Kbps Maximum bit rate : 5 000 Kbps Width : 1 280 pixels Height : 720 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 30.000 fps Standard : NTSC Color space : YUV Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0 Bit depth : 8 bits Scan type : Progressive Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.163 Stream size : 114 MiB (96%) Language : English Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Color primaries : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4, SMPTE RP177 Transfer characteristics : BT.709-5, BT.1361 Matrix coefficients : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4 709, SMPTE RP177
Audio ID : 2 Format : AAC Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec Format profile : LC Codec ID : 40 Duration : 3mn 32s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 160 Kbps Channel(s) : 2 channels Channel positions : Front: L R Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz Compression mode : Lossy Stream size : 4.06 MiB (3%) Language : English Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18