VideoStudio :: Combining 3 MPG Files To Create Larger File
Nov 22, 2010
I am putting together 3 mpg files from the hard disk of a camcorder that records in mpg format. Separately, all 3 files combine to approx. 1 GB. When I combine these files using VideoStudio PRO X3, my file size jumps to 2-2.5 GB. All I'm doing is combining and that's it. No effects, no titles, nothing. How come the size explodes so much and how can I combine the 3 files and still have the original combined size of approx. 1 GB?
we are using adobe animate to make medical related flash type cards, we have completed our work BUT
problem is this when job is done edge animate created multiple files to including Scripts, images and HTML files, which becomes very difficult to upload on a server when we need to uplaod thousands of edge files on our site.
is their any way that all the files are compiled into one file? so it will become really easy to uplaod thousands of flash card. secondly, is their any way to encrypt all stuff?
I have some pairs of left and right videos that plays fine on 3D player that combine both files to 3D output. How do I edit the pair to one side by side video with videoStudio 5 pro?
I have re-installed APDS Ultimate 2013 onto a new computer and am having some issues setting up my styles and etc...for the most part I have been working on it as I go with no issues...but I can't remember how I set up my export to dxf settings before. I think I just used the default settings, I exported to dxf from the idw environment by saving copy as and selecting dxf from drop down menu and selecting something like AutoCAD 2004. This has worked before and still does now, but the problem is the dxf's that are exported are huge. The drawing is of a single tiny part with basic geometry. The picture below shows the size difference between the files.
how I can make it a normal size, I don't really care about the size of the dxf except for the fact that I can't email it because we have a limit of 10MB.
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
I have never used any video editing software and I have a Video issue I want to shoot video with a Nikon D3100 DSLR in either 720P or 1080P. The camera produces MOV format (see more at the end of the post). I want to record the audio on a Zoom H4 digital recorder (see more at the end of the post.)
I want to combine the audio from the H4 and the video from the Nikon and have them in sync. The vid is of musicians so I need the video of the musicans hands syncing properly with the music they are playing. This will be shot in a "studio" situation. Not a concert.
I will ask the main quesitons first then give some tech specs on the gear.
1) Can the Corel X3 or X4 video software remove the audio from the MOV file and replace it with either the WAV or MP3 from the Zoom H4?
2) With two different devices recording audio and video, will there will be some differences in sync that have to be corrected?
3) Can Corel make adjustments to the audio speed without changing pitch if I need to do that to sync the audio to the video?
4) The H4 can record in WAV or Mp3 in a variety of bitrates. Forgetting the audio quality, does the WAV or MP3 format make a difference as far as syncing goes?
5) If all of this can be done in Corel does it make a difference if I get the X4 or the less expensive X3 software. At least at this point the only extras I would be adding is a title.
Tech specs on the equipment:
The Nikon D3100 produces HD video in .MOV format using file compression of H.264/MPEG-4 Advanced Video Coding.
Frame Rate is: 1,920 x 1080 (Full HD) 24p (23.976fps) 1,280 x 720 (HD) 30p (29.97fps) 1,280 x 720 (HD) 25p (25fps) 1,280 x 720 (HD) 24p (23.976fps)
The Zoom H4 can record in either WAV or MP3 in a variety of bitrates, including 44.1, 48 and 96kHz.
When I create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video clips in VS Pro X3, all files give me extensions *.mpg, and they can be played with my LG BD 570 player. However, When I create Blu Ray H264, 1920X1080 video clips in VS Pro X4, all files give me extensions *.m2t, and these video files can NOT be played with my LG BD 570 player.
Is there anyway I can create Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) video files with extensions *.mpg in VS Pro X4? What is the difference between Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) *.m2ts and Blu Ray H264 (1920X1080) * .mpg file?
I have several different video clips with different formats from different cameras I'd like to use in one project. Is this possible and if so, is the rule to use the lowest common denominator? e.g. One file type is 25fps, 720x576 non-hd and another is 50fps, 1280x720 hd, so the output would have to use the first specs? What about different clips and the upper, lower, frame based thingy? I did try one experiment combining the two examples above using the first specs to create and avi file and the original 720x576 quality was reduced but the 1280x720 came out fine. Thats why Im asking - If I created the output based on the first lower specs, why did the clip with those specs turn out worse?
I bought VideoStudio x5 about 3 weeks ago, there has been a bit of a learning curve but I am starting to get what I want. I still cant figure out one problem. I am screen capturing with another program because well videostudios screen capture doesn't work that well. My program produces AVI's and I bring them into video studio and piece them together. When I piece videos together, it skips for some reason a second or 2 into the second track. I have tried converting to mp4, hdv 720p - 30p (for PC), AVCHD (1820x720 60P), "Same as first video clip" and they all do the same thing. Here I have a youtube link to a video that I converted from AVI to mpeg and you can hear when I say "Naming Conventions" there is no problem [URL]
Here I have a youtube link to a video that I combined 2 seconds from a previous clip and when I say "Naming Conventions" you can hear the problem. [URL]
I transferred from 8mm film to video and am now editing them in VideoStudio4. I have a bunch of clips that are now edited in my timeline and I want to merge (combine) them so I can add music with the appropriate length for the three clips combined. Is there a way to merge the three clips into one?
We have been asked many times if it is possible to combine two projects and still retain the editing functions, That both projects open in the same timeline showing all clips and the edits that have been applied, allowing for further editing of the full project.
We have always assumed this is not possible and suggest rendering the project to a video file, to be added to the second project. Otherwise use Nesting, adding the VSP to the timeline, something I do not recommend anyway.
Video Studio uses Instant Projects and these do open in an existing project and display individual clips.So why cant we create our own Instant Project” of a project and simply add that to another project. Well we can.I have just tried and was successful, there was a but of a delay in reading the clips with Video Studio doing a Not Responding act, It was quite a long project, a bit of patience and things loaded ok.
Using File – Export as Template an Instant Project Template will be created having the default location within the Custom library.Once created can be added to any project.
I am trying to CREATE A VIDEO FILE in X6. The video files are in AVI format (taken from DSLR). When I do try to create a video file I get the error message:
I do not get this error in X4. Further, it seems I don't get this error message in all AVI files. Some are ok, others aren't. very strange indeed.
My first video camera was a 30 fps NTSC and I output my videos as MPEG-4 HD files. Then I bought a new PAL video camera. To be safe I uninstalled my copy of VSProX4 and reinstalled it, checking the PAL option. However, when I created my first video clip using the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list, it created a file at 30 fps and not surprisingly the panning was very jerky. I uninstalled the program and ticked the option to uninstall all personal data. I also deleted the VSProX4 folders from user/user/my documents/. When I reinstalled the program all my saved projects came up on the screen and it still wants to make MPEG-4 files at 30 fps.
Presumably I should have deleted the Corel folder from the progam files folder after I'd deleted the program to get rid of all personal settings. Anyway, my question is this: is it actually possible to create MPEG-4 files at 25 fps (or preferably at 50 fps as this is what I am shooting)? If so, what do I have to do to get VSProX4 to create them? Is there some way to edit the MPEG-4 HD option in the drop down list from Create a Video File? If not, is it possible to make a template for MPEG-4 HD at 25 or 50 fps? The reason I'm keen to get this right is that I can play MPEG-4 HD files from a USB stick plugged into my TV. The only other way I can watch them on TV is to create AVCHD files and write them to a DVD.
Corel videostudio does not create proxy files.I bought pro x3 in february, but did not install it before yesterday. I installed the version linked in the purchase email from february 2011. I have not installed any updates or patches, so the version i use is Corel VideoStudio Pro
- Corel is installed on c drive
- proxy folder is set to a folder on my d-drive
- Just to be sure to create proxy files, i've set: "Create proxy when video size is above 352 x 240"
- I have checked "auto generate proxy teamplate"
- i have checked settings-smart proxy manager-enable smart proxy
I have created a new project and added 2 files.
file1.AVI video compression: MJPEG compressor attributes: 24 bits, 1280 x 720 total frames: 340 file size: 41 738 KB
file2.AVI video compression:Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder attributes: 24 bits, 1920 x 1080 total frames: 222 file size: 13 061 KB
I select both files, right click and choose "create smart proxy file"I open the "smart proxy queue manager" and i see the two files dissapear. However, they just fly through as nothing is really done with the files When the files are gone from "smart proxy queue manager" i open "smart proxy manager", and there's no files here. There is neither files in the proxy folder i've chosen.
I've also tried to play the video, hoping the files will be created automatically. I've tried to create the proxy files after installing the patch for pro x3.I've tried to reinstall videostudio.
I still can't get the proxy files, which means i can't edit the video either. When i preview with the editor, it stops all the time. The thing is, i managed to create the proxy files a year ago when i first tried the x3-version, and that's why i bought the i can make it work?
these are two photos combined from separate shots to create a panorama. unfortunately, the photographer must have shot the two photos at different times in the day or did some sort of different aperture/shutter speed settings or something, as the exposures are quite different. but it's not just a question of using brightness/contrast... the tone of the two photos are completely off. i've used brightness/contrast and just about when i get the background pretty close, the foreground is way off, and vice-versa. i also tried using adjustments with a gradient map, and selecting different tones, but it still won't do it just right. how to match the tone of the two photos perfectly so it looks like they are one photo, obviously. they need to appear completely continuous.
I have two videos of the same event that I would like to switch between. There is audio to sync to the video as well.
What I wanted to do was: 1) Put the main video in the main video track 2) Put the audio in the music track and aling with the main video 3) Put the secondary video in the overlay track. Align it with the audio and set the overlay to cover the entire screen. 4) Cut out most of the overlay video (spit the clip into sections and delete most of them).
That worked as far as it went -- the main video shows, interspersed with the secondary video, and everything is aligned with the audio. The problem is that the change between video perspectives is quite aburpt, but I cannot figure out how to make the transitions be seamless.
I added transitions to the beginning and end of each small clip on the overlay panel, but that didn't really make things seamless, particularly at the end of the clip -- there isn't anything to cross cut to, and if it fades to black then the main video pops up immediately when the overlay clip ends.
I tried splitting the video in the main track at the spot where the overlay comes in and adding a transition to the end of it; no matter what i try with the ripple settings, that throws the audio out of sync when the overlay is finished. I also tried deleting that section in the video track and moving the video from the overlay track into the video track; that was difficult enough to make sure that the sections were exactly the same length, but then I still have the problem with the transition lengthening the clip and throwing off the audio. I guess I could somehow figure out how to trim exactly the right amount of time from the clip I am inserting to solve that problem. Really, I guess I'd have to do that twice -- once for each transition -- because if otherwise the audio would be off in the clip being inserted. So I need to trim 1 second (or whatever) from the beginning; split it somewhere, and then trim 1 second from the end.
I have several discrete projects which I have created in VideoStudio over time and would now like to combine some into a single project before editing.
Need brief overview of the different formats in "Create Video File"?
MPEG-4, DV, DVD and the difference between this and Create Disk?
I have created my project on a laptop that does not have a DVD Burner. Should I create an MPEG file and copy it over to a desktop that has a DVD burner? Just looking for the best way burn a DVD.
I am using Video Studio Pro x3 with Movie Factory 2010
I have tried to burn a disc with .mpg .mpg 2 .mp4 and .wmv formats and ALL have failed. I have created chapters in V Studio and they are not seen once i click on create disc and I have gone thru the grief of recreating the chapters
All of this has failed, at the end - 99% of burning. With the .wmv file, burning failed after 10 seconds. I have been able to sucessfully burn a disc using Windows burning software, so I know my drive is working fine, but really want to do this professionally (windows software created its own chapters and they are NOT where I want them and don't seem to be editable.
I have a presentation in less than 2 weeks, and need to have DVD ready before then
I have a jpg file from which I need to crop a 128x128 section and create a bmp file from it.
I've cropped the image and copied it into a new file. But when I go to save it (as .xcf), I see my smaller image but it is centered within a gray border that is the size of my original image. I want just the 128x128 part and nothing extra.
I've attached a screen shot to show what I am dealing with.
Screen Shot 2013-10-21 at 10.31.13 PM.png (32.41K) Number of downloads: 6
Whenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?
I have two .TIFF files that I need to combine into one file that I can resave as a .TIFF or a .PDF. What is the best way to do this? It will be a flyer that needs to be printed front-and-back..
I have a NAS device on my home network that I am using to host my video content. The videos are played from a Windows PC, an iPhone and an XBox 360. I need the videos to be high quality and viewable from all three devices.
Currently, the MP4s created via VideoStudio are incompatible with the XBox. How can I make compatible MP4s?
Media Info shows the following information for the incompatible MP4 created in VideoStudio.
Select all General Format : MPEG-4 Format profile : Base Media Codec ID : isom File size : 119 MiB Duration : 3mn 32s Overall bit rate mode : Variable Overall bit rate : 4 682 Kbps Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18
Video ID : 1 Format : AVC Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec Format profile : Main@L3.1 Format settings, CABAC : Yes Format settings, ReFrames : 2 frames Format settings, GOP : M=3, N=15 Codec ID : avc1 Codec ID/Info : Advanced Video Coding Duration : 3mn 32s Bit rate mode : Variable Bit rate : 4 517 Kbps Maximum bit rate : 5 000 Kbps Width : 1 280 pixels Height : 720 pixels Display aspect ratio : 16:9 Frame rate mode : Constant Frame rate : 30.000 fps Standard : NTSC Color space : YUV Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0 Bit depth : 8 bits Scan type : Progressive Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.163 Stream size : 114 MiB (96%) Language : English Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Color primaries : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4, SMPTE RP177 Transfer characteristics : BT.709-5, BT.1361 Matrix coefficients : BT.709-5, BT.1361, IEC 61966-2-4 709, SMPTE RP177
Audio ID : 2 Format : AAC Format/Info : Advanced Audio Codec Format profile : LC Codec ID : 40 Duration : 3mn 32s Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 160 Kbps Channel(s) : 2 channels Channel positions : Front: L R Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz Compression mode : Lossy Stream size : 4.06 MiB (3%) Language : English Encoded date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18 Tagged date : UTC 2012-04-18 15:14:18
I never had a problem exporting my projects as Quicktime MOV files until a few months ago. Now it seems when I create a QT file they come out blurry/ fuzzy/unusable. I have uninstalled/reinstalled VSPX3 and QT (and have tried to do it on several computers) but nothing has worked.
I am trying to create dvd's fro some home videos. They are larger than can fit on a cd so I am trying to create video and audio_ts folders which I will then compress with dvdshrink before burning them using movie factory. however, I am consistently getting a cannot create file error which seems to occure when the file reaches 8.58 gb.
i first creat mp4 file with "upload to web" i want to make a dvd with this file . i press share-creat disc-dvd and when the file insert the vs4 crash. i record it here [URL]
I am receiving CADD files from different people (trades) for a project, how do I combine them to one file so I can see them overlayed on each other and as different layers?
I am creating my Final Grading surface with from 2 surfaces - a proposed road surface and a proposed grading surface. (Note of roads within the road surface)
The issue is that when I paste the proposed road surface (that consists of several looped sections) over the proposed grading surface, the proposed grading surface within the looped road areas dissappears.
I have tried several options using boundaries for the inner looped areas on my road surface, and has altered my order of opterations for my final surface edits, and many other things also.