A couple of years ago I bought VS 11.5 and had absolutely no problems with it. Two weekends ago, my computer (Windows XP pro) blew up - I have now installed it (VS 11.5) again on my new computer, which runs Windows 7. When I double click the icon to load it, the following warning box appears:
Cannot initialize the application. The screen resolution is too small to play the video. The screen resolution must be set to at least 1024 x 768. Followed by an "OK" box, which if clicked, gets rid of it.
Clicking START, CONTROL PANEL, DISPLAY, ADJUST RESOLUTION, it tells me that the resolution is 1280 x 960, both of which are greater than the minimum advised.
I do not understand the technical side of computers - I just use them for my work as a photographer
I have Photoshop CS5 32 bit installed on my PC with Vista home premium. I am buying a new PC with 64 bit Windows 7 installed, and it also has the option to upgrade for free to Windows 8 pro. Will my CS5 work on windows 7 and if I take the free upgrade will it work on Windows 8 pro?
Does it matter that CS5 is 32 bit and the new PC will be 64 bit? I don't want to get the free upgrade if it means my CS5 won't work on it, as I am happy wioth CS5 and do not need to upgrade to CS6 yet.
I just installed PaintShop Pro X4 trial version on windows 8 consumer preview. The installation went fine, however, I cannot start the program. I don't get any error, but it just doesn't start. How can I start using this program on windows 8. I tried it on windows 7, and it works without any issue. but I really like to use it on windows 8.
Try starting Autocad LT 2009 and get Error Message: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to close the application."
It was recommended to uninstall and reinstall the software ... the software will not uninstall ... get the following message:"The following problems were encountered which prevented AutoCAD LT 2009 from updating successfully:? - Error opening installation log file, Verify that the specified log file location exists and that you can writte to it"
what all versions of Adobe PhotShop CS is compatible on Windows 7 64bit Operating System? In case if it is not compatible on Windows 7 64bit OS,then will there be any free upgrade provided by Adobe.If not then what would be alternative product to be installed and the License cost details per head.
Let me know whether Adobe Photoshop CS6 of version 13 is compatible on Windows 7 64bit Operating System? In case if it is not compatible on Windows 7 64bit OS,then will there be any free upgrade provided by Adobe.
If not then what would be alternative product to be installed and the License cost details per head.Also please provide the URL or location from which the licensed product can be downloaded as well as the installation documentation.
Is there a service pack in the pipeline that will allow Inventor 2013 to run on Windows 8.1? It was working fine on 8 but crashes on the loading screen now Ive upgraded to 8.1. Upgrading to 2014 is not an option for me as my professor uses 2013 software and he will not be able to open 2014 files.
whether the following specified Adobe Photo Elements of given version is compatible on Windows 7 64bit Operating System? In case if it is not compatible on Windows 7 64bit OS,then will there be any free upgrade provided by Adobe for each individual mentioned product version.
Adobe PhotoShop elements of version 1.Adobe PhotoShop elements of version 10.Adobe PhotoShop elements of version 2.0Adobe PhotoShop elements of version 7.0Adobe PhotoShop elements of version 9.
If not then what would be alternative product to be installed and the License cost details per head for each product mentioned above. provide the URL or location from which the licensed product can be downloaded as well as the installation documentation.
Am I correct in assuming that mts files aren't compatible with VSX2? I can drag them to the library but when I put them on the timeline the program shuts down. These are HD files from my Canon video camera.
I also can't import them- I've tried every way to get the files into VS but it shuts down.
Does if VideoStudio X3 is compatible with my ATI TV Tuner 650 Pro capture card? It works fine within my Roxio Media Creator 10 program, but I want to use Pro X3 to capture. However, the program always returns the error: Either no video capture driver is installed in this system, or no device is connected.
It is stated quite clearly on Corel's website that Video Studio Pro X3 is "Enhanced! NVIDIA® CUDA™ GPU acceleration and Intel® Core™ i7 CPU optimization "
Post on this forum seem to indicate a serious problem and that users with i7 processors have to change their Bios settings each time they use Video Studio and disable one of the great features of this CPU, i.e. Hyperthreading. Is this true or only under certain conditions ?
I have been a user of the old MSP8 editing program for some time, just updated the PC and would like to use the New video studio x5, is this compatible with the Canon XLH 1 A HD camera.
Media players are not compatible with DV.avi files. So I need to convert my DV.avi movies which I made/kept during several years to a media player compatible format. I want to keep as much as possible the original DV quality. I tried almost all conversion possibilities within VSX3.
MOV conversion looks as one of the best, but like I mentioned in another thread I only get progressive mode, which unfortunately results in judder when there is motion, line twitter because of the (poor?) VS deinterlacer, which also cause stair casing on slant structures (line doubling?). Up to now I keep it on an MPEG2 9800kb/s LFF conversion.
Do any of you know if Videostudio X5 is compatible with Windows 8? I currently have it installed on a Windows 7 system, and I am thinking about upgrading to Windows 8.
When trying to create a disc it opens dvd factory 2010 and does everything Ok but when I try to burn the project it gets about 95% through the burn process and fails. It seems like it is putting the files on but failing in the "writing lead out" phase. I've tried 3 different dvd burns to make sure that isn't the issue. I can create a file and then use nero to burn the disc fine but not when going through VS pro x3/DVD factory
I have a new computer with Windows 7. I just loaded VS x2 with all the patches and extra content. I can create projects fine but when I try to "share" and create a disk nothing happens. I clock on the "create disk" button and a small square grey box appears next to the button but nothing else happends.
I have the most current Windows 7 drivers & updates and drivers for my disk drive. It worked fine in Windows XP.
I have used X2 for a couple years, but recently bought a new PC with Windows 7. I finished a project (successfully), then after finding and downloading the Windows 7 patches, I was able to burn the project. However, at some point roughly 5 minutes in, all the audio is ahead of the video by about a half a second, and remains that way for the remainder of the project. Watching the project in X2, it works fine, so it is a burn issue. I tried normalizing audio, but that doesn't work. It just seems like a software glitch.
I upgraded my computer to Windows 8 from Windows XP with a clean install. I've installed VS X5 & SP1 on it. I now find I can't create a custom profile either by copying an existing one or building a new one from scratch. I think Windows 8 is protecting something but not sure.
Make Movie Template Manager New select Windows Media Video for file type and enter a name Select Profile tab Click Customize button on bottom Now in Manage Profiles select a profile then click copy error message "The profile could not be saved. Restart the encoder and try again"
Try to create new profile upon saving error "Access is denied 0x80070005" then click ok then "An error has occured. If the error continues, consider reloading the session file, starting a new session, or restarting the encoder."Maybe this also happens on Windows 7 but I don't have that. This works fine on Windows XP.
I installed the 30-day trial version of VideoStudio Pro X5 (VSX5_Pro_TBYB.exe (1 431 816 336 bytes) from [URL] on my new Windows 8 laptop. Everything seemed to work fine until i started to experience problems with "hanging splash screen" during start-up. To solve this, I uninstalled VS Pro X5. Now, I am not able to re-install the software.
The installation seems to work OK until the EUL-screen. When checking "I accept the terms...", and pressing the Next-button, nothing happens.
I've tried (with no luck):
* Manually uninstalling/removing according to this
* Created a local new user and tried to install X5 on this
* Checking "zombie" security issues according to this
I'm having major problem with trying to record a screen capture. It's my first time trying corel videostudio. When I click record screen capture region the program minimizes but nothing else pops up and there is no frame on my monitor region. I've tried every compatibility mode, and it does the exact same thing. no recorder bar pops up.
Don't bother checking the specs on my profile, as this post is about another computer.I just have two questions for now to try and minimize time to correct the problem.
Question 1: Can the VSPro X2 Windows 7 compatibility patch be installed before installing the program?
Question 2: Should compatibility mode be tried before installing a compatibility patch? Or should the compatibility patch be installed first?
Background: I have Service Pack 1 and have already downloaded the VS Pro X2 compatibility patch for Windows 7 (UVS125_Win7_Patch.exe [URL]
I bought VSP X2 a couple of years ago for daughter( living in another location) using Win XP at the time. Now she has Windows 7 notebook, and when she tries to install VSP X2 she gets an error something like this: "application incorrect...xstrace.exe" (I am in process of trying to get exact error message) Device information: Will get if needed.Program version: VSPro X2Patches/updates that have been installed. Daughter has SP1 but not installed yet because she cannot install the main program. As noted above I have downloaded and sent her the Windows 7 compatibility patch, but need to know if she can install it before installing the program.
I have VideoStudio Pro X5 ultimate. Build # I have upgraded my operating system from Windows 7 to windows 8. On windows 7, Screen Capture worked just fine. On windows 8 it does not operate. I get a message as follows: “VSSCap. Prepare Record Failed!!! #42” How can I get Screen Capture to work on my Windows 8 system? All other functions of VideoStudio Pro X5 seem to work OK. I tried to submit a question to Corel as to what this Error code means and how to correct the problem but they say "NO TECKS AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION" And just log me out?
What "Prepare Record Failed!!! #42" means and or how to correct it? It seems to me that if Corel gives you an error message then they should support that error but they do not! Why don't they? They say that Windows 8 and VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate are completely compatible then why am I getting this message. Corel really should support it's message errors and not let its customers struggle for an answer? I love VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate and try as I may I cannot solve this problem.
Creating DVD from project file. I'm using Windows 8 and VSX5. Video clips are all MTS file(AVCHD) Total size DVD is about 7.xxgb. Project is 16:9 and Dolby 2ch.
First time, Burning process looks OK but it has an error message when it was 6% progress convert. Attachments are error message and dump file.
Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer!) show that VideoStudio was installed into a sub directory named "Documents," yet that sub directory is empty except for the VS sub-folders.
I want to know whether or not I can delete that particular folder named "Documents" (which includes those VS sub-folders) SAFELY.
All my VideoStudio files are in my own custom-named folder, and seem to be working quite well from there.
NOTE: I tried to provided a jpg graphic showing my situation, but this forum limits the upload file size to a ridiculous 256KB's, which is the size of a postage stamp!
I use Windows 7 Home Premium, and I recently installed VideoStudio Pro X6. After making a video file, I found that the file details that are usually visible within Windows Explorer were not present. For example, when making a video using older versions of VideoStudio Pro, Windows Explorer would display the file size, video length, frame width and height, frame rate, data rate, etc., but now with Pro X6 none of these details can be found. When right-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer to check the properties tab, all the fields reserved for these details are blank.
Is there a setting within Pro X6 that I am overlooking that enables the saving of these details again?
Some of the movies I've been creating play OK in Windows Media Player but when you try and skip to a later part of the movie by holding and moving the toggle bar there is a 'Windows Media Player has a problem playing the movie' error. All the videos are the correct length and file size. Is there a problem with the files and would it affect how they play on Vimeo? Do I need to do them again? What can I do differently?
I have been creating movies with the following properties: MPEG-4 Files 24 bits, 1280 x 720, 25 fps Frame-based H.264 Main Profile Video: 5000 Kbps 44100 Hz, 16 Bit, Stereo MPEG AAC Audio: 128 Kbps
The source files are: PAL (25 fps) Microsoft AVI files 24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps Lower Field First Matrox DV/DVCAM -- type 2 PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo
I try to install vsx6 on my windows 8.During the installation a message appear : "Operation failed with 0x8007047F. The specified program is not windows or ms-dos" when i close this message, the installation continue and finish successfully !I can open it, but i can't manipulate video or something else. The application failed and must be closed !I try to install on my old windows XP and that works fine !
I have a Windows 8 64-bit system. Why Corel VideoStudio X6 has Windows Media Encoder 9 Series included in the installation package. It is not even supported on Windows 7 and 8. [URL]