VideoStudio :: Screen Capture In X5 Failed With Windows 8?

Jan 8, 2013

I have VideoStudio Pro X5 ultimate. Build # I have upgraded my operating system from Windows 7 to windows 8. On windows 7, Screen Capture worked just fine. On windows 8 it does not operate. I get a message as follows: “VSSCap. Prepare Record Failed!!! #42” How can I get Screen Capture to work on my Windows 8 system? All other functions of VideoStudio Pro X5 seem to work OK. I tried to submit a question to Corel as to what this Error code means and how to correct the problem but they say "NO TECKS AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION" And just log me out?

What "Prepare Record Failed!!! #42" means and or how to correct it? It seems to me that if Corel gives you an error message then they should support that error but they do not! Why don't they? They say that Windows 8 and VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate are completely compatible then why am I getting this message. Corel really should support it's message errors and not let its customers struggle for an answer? I love VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate and try as I may I cannot solve this problem.

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VideoStudio :: Capture Failed - Corrupt Files

Aug 8, 2012

After apparently successfully capturing dv from Sony Cam (V1P) and Panasonic NVGS400 via firewire, I get message 'capture failed, corrupt files'. This happens with VS4 and VS5 both of which are installed on this computer. Settings are lower field first, dv1. All patches are installed.

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VideoStudio :: Error / Failed To Initialize Video Capture Plugin

May 1, 2012

After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset

Now when I select video capture I get the following message:
failed to initialize the video capture plugin
Open driver failed
cannot create the video capture filter

I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.

I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Screen Capture In X3 On Windows 7 X64

May 20, 2010

I've used PSP for many years and used the screen capture many a time. But I can't get it working fully on Windows 7 x64. I usually have it configured to use F10 to start the capture of an area. It was working a bit (but never with IE8) about 30 minutes ago but just isn't working at all now.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture In Pro X6

Apr 8, 2013

I have a new issue with screen capture in VS pro x6. When I try to capture the sound from my computer i.e. a clip on (you tube) when I hit the record button (the red circle) I get this message:

it counts 3-2-1 then…at 1 (Prepare Record Failed!!! #15)

However it works fine if I disable it… when I record my voice when it is screen recording, no problem.

Also, when I try to record a game play, full screen, it stops once I launch the game, a message says that my screen capture is complete without me hitting the stop capture button!!

My computer is running win 7 Prem. Service pack 1 64 bit 12 GB RAM Intel core i7 @ 3.40 GHz

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Xara :: How To Use Built In Screen Capture Tools Under Utilities / Screen Capture

Jun 21, 2011

Setup: Designer Pro 7 on win 7 (64bit)

Trying to use the builtin screen capture tools under Utilities/Screen capture.

There appears to be no way to do a selected capture or partial selection of parts of a window. Instead we have:

Full screen []
active window []
content of active window [x]

So I selected the last one above as shown `Content of Active Window'

But what I actually get is a mini version of the entire Designer pro 7 application Including the menus, borders, and all that guff that no one usually wants in a capture of part of the full screen.

So what does `Content of active window' mean as apposed to `Active window'?

Its really unbelievable that there is no provision like `Region' found in most screen grab tools where you select with the mouse what you want captured.

Maybe I'm just missing how to use this thing, but have included the result of what a `content of active window' does. Its a mini version of the entire application...

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Capture Computer Screen?

Oct 6, 2013

I am using VSX4 and I wonder is it possible to capture the computer screen with this version? If not will any of the newer versions that will capture the screen? If not do you know of a program that will do that?

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VideoStudio :: Any Way To Change Screen Capture FPS

Feb 19, 2013

I'm trying to capture game video and am only getting 15 fps. Is there a way to change this setting?

I've looked in the pdf manual, the menus and can't find any information on this.

I tried searching the forums for "capture" and "screen capture" but those words a flagged as "too common"

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture In X5 Pro Ultimate?

Apr 7, 2012

I have been playing around with the screen capture fature of X5 Pro Ultimate and I am having problems.

When I set the capture to custom and then drag the frame/window or whatever you call it around the section I want to capture it always captures too high and then cuts off bottom. If I capture in full screen is there a crop feature?

The things I want to capture have a window within the full page and I am trying to capture just the window, ie. a Youtube or any other web based video. the dragghing custom isn't working and I see not crop option.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Not Working

Jan 22, 2013

I am using X5 with win XP, I can select an area for screen capture but the record button is greyed out, nor will the f11 button start a recording.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Screen Capture Not Functioning

Mar 26, 2013

The Screen Capture feature did function at one time. Currently, the Screen Capture feature in not functioning for unknown reasons and, I'm not sure for how long it's been non-operational. The icon is available but when I click on it, nothing happens. I contacted Corel who suggested updating DirectX, Microsoft Visual C++ 2010, Microsoft NET Framework 4 web installer, and all critical Windows updates and re-try, which I did, and nothing changed. Also, if I re-install the software, does that affect my currently saved projects? Will VSP X5 be able to locate the media files I've utilized in the projects?

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Videos With 3?

Feb 6, 2011

I would like to know if I can make screen capture videos with VP3 like you can with camtasia or one of those. I'm ready to download camtasia but I wanted to check here first.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Screen Capture Audio

Aug 30, 2012

Now starting to use X5 and found that the "Screen Capture", which is so handy, has audio problem when I capture a person speaking, such as an instructional video. It says it won't record audio if you have Windows XP. So I improvised by using my mic, holding it close to my speaker. Only, the recorded speaking is out of sync with the captured persons lips moving. Regarding this, may I recommend and hope that Corel will do what Pinnacle has done long ago for syncing sound with video... when it's not in sync as in Screen Capture. True, In Corel's Pro X5 I can split audio from video, which sends it to the narration track, which is NOT always available. But in Pinnacle, in their video track on the timeline, I was able to lock the "audio wave form" in the video track, as well as lock and unlock the video track separately. So I was able to unlock the audio in the video track and move only the audio, left or right, until it synced with the video. It made things so much more easy then trying this when the video audio is in the narration track.

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VideoStudio :: Operation Failed With 0x8007047F / Specified Program Is Not Windows Or MS-Dos

Jun 13, 2013

I try to install vsx6 on my windows 8.During the installation a message appear : "Operation failed with 0x8007047F. The specified program is not windows or ms-dos" when i close this message, the installation continue and finish successfully !I can open it, but i can't manipulate video or something else. The application failed and must be closed !I try to install on my old windows XP and that works fine !

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VideoStudio :: X4 Video Capture - No Display On Screen?

Mar 21, 2011

As I launch a videocapture on videostudio pro X4, I don't get any video display on my screen, only hearing the sound. Afterwards, the generate file is OK with picture and sound.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Games In When They Are Fullscreen?

Jan 28, 2013

Maybe I am just missing something but I am only able to record when I play any game when it is in a windowed mode, no matter the size, but does not record any game that is in a full screen mode. No matter if I select a specific part of the screen it or default full screen to record it will just record the background not the game. Also if I try to force the screen capture to the game specific it will try to switch to it then back to the screen capture menu with nothing recorded or changed.

I am using VideoStudio x5 pro version

Win8 64-bit
i7-3770k @3.5
ASUS sabertooth z77 mobo
Radeon HD 6970

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VideoStudio :: Screen Or Frame Capture/ Help Files

Aug 24, 2013

Two quick questions:

How do I capture a screen, or frame and how do I get to the help files?

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Recordings / No Sound

Mar 23, 2012

I downloaded the trial version of VS X5 in hopes that I could consolidate programs. I have and use Camtasia Studio for screen capture and have no problems other than it's expensive and much more than I need. I was hoping X5 would be the program that consolidated screen capture and video editing at a very reasonable price.

The problem I'm having is when I use screen capture to record a downloaded video (as an example) I get no sound. I have no problem when I use the screen record function set to capture sound over the mic (voice). If I record the same video with Camtasia Studio I have no sound problem.

I've been trying to solve this off and on for over two weeks. It would seem that if Camtaisa Studio has no problems Video Studio X5 shouldn't either.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture X6 Cross Hairs

Jul 26, 2013

Had a problem when screen capture stopped working, stating that I had an audio problem, so I uninstalled X6 Ultimate and reinstalled.

Screen capture is now working EXCEPT that as soon as the recording starts, red flashing cross hairs appear which I cannot remove and they show on the captured video. This did not happen before when screen capture was working. Is there a resolution on how to stop these cross hairs from appearing.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Defaulting To Mic / Can This Be Changed?

Oct 13, 2012

I have to manually change the audio setting to capture from the system speakers rather than the mic every time I use it. Its nailed me on more than one occasion, going through hours of lecture and discovering I didn't get the audio.Is there anyway to change it so it defaults to the speakers? Record the speaker output I mean.

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VideoStudio :: Get No Sound For Screen Capture Using System Audio

Mar 11, 2013

In Video Studio 5 Ultimate, I am trying to use Screen Capture on an application that plays music and has a window with an animation showing the chord progression as it plays. When I try to capture it using Voice as the Audio Settings, it works but the sound is low quality. I assume the reason is that it is recording the microphone listening to the speakers. If I use System Audio as the Audio Settings, then there is no sound in the captured video. I have verified this using Windows Media Player on the clip as well as in Video Studio 5. The sound _is_ coming out of the speakers, and the video part is OK. There _is_ a stereo sound track in the .wmv file that is created, but it is silent.

I get the same result trying to capture Windows Media Player playing a video clip that has sound. It captures the window and the video successfully, but there is no sound. On the other hand, I am able to capture the sound using other programs, such as Freecorder. Thus there is likely nothing wrong with my setup or drivers (and it can be done).

This is on Windows 7, 64-bit. I do not get any message saying System Audio is not available, as I have seen in other posts.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X6 - Screen Capture Will Not Work / Button Grayed Out

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Video Studio X6 trial and the Screen Capture feature does not work.The capture window opens but the Capture Button is grayed out along with the Sound Source button.

I am running this on an XP SP3 system with -
4 GB memory
2.66 Ghz dual core processor

Is there any information available as to what requirements my system may not have? All other programmes run OK on the computer.

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VideoStudio :: Change Screen Capture File Format To AVI?

Dec 11, 2012

is there any way to change the screen capture file format to AVI? The only thing listed on the format listbox is WMV, and the quality is bad. This is for VideoStudio X5 Pro.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture And Record Audio At Same Time

Jul 24, 2011

I just wondered if there's a way to get Video Studio 11.5 to capture video from your PC screen?

I ask because I've been trying to find a free program to do this (not having any money for stuff like Camtasia) when I remembered that I had Ulead Video Studio 11.5 - and I hoped that could do this instead.

Can it? If it can, can it also record audio at the same time? (I have a headset with Microphone)

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Setup - Enable System Audio?

Mar 13, 2012

In any case, when I try to enable System Audio in the screen capture setup, I get an error message saying that it can't find any system audio.

System audio is working fine on my system, and neither Camtasia, CamStudio nor two other screen capture applications that I use have any problem with this whatsoever.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Not Recording Menu Items In FL Studio

Aug 23, 2012

Screen Capture is not recording menu items in FL Studio

I am recording a series of video tutorials for the audio production software FL Studio. I have duplicated the problem in two version of FL Studio, FL Studio 8 & FL Studio 9. I start a screen capture and everything is recording fine. Part of my tutorial includes selecting a menu item in FL Studio. After my recording is finished I am noticing that the menu (dropdown) is not displayed in the screen capture. I can see the mousing clicking the menu items but the menu is not displaying. All other aspects of screen capture are working perfect.

I am using Corel Video Studio X5. No updates to the program have been made, the computer I am using it on was only connected to the internet during activation.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Using Capture Screen / Setup And Capture Features Are Grayed Out

Mar 21, 2012

I wanted to use the capture screen feature but when I go to file-import-screen capture - the setup and capture features are grayed out and I can't get to set up. What can I do.

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VideoStudio :: Capture Window Is Black Until Press Capture?

Jan 26, 2012

I have Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 as well as the trial version of X4 which I have just downloaded. I am having the same problem with both versions. When I go into Capture, there is no image coming through the Capture Window, it is just black. When I hit Capture Video, it does start capturing and it does record video correctly, however when I stop capturing, the preview window turns black again.

How can I get the video to be seen in the Capture preview window?

My computer is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition. I am using a USB capture device, the Diamond Multimedia VC500 One Touch VHS Video Capture USB 2.0.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Error / Failed To Initialize Video Capture Plugin

Jan 22, 2013

in capture mode, choosing "capture video"I get error message "failed to initialize the video capture plug-in another program may be using it or this file has been moved" " open driver failed" 15023.4.2 my video capture device is a USB WDM 2860 and shows in the "source" window but no "formate" can be chosen and no video comes through. The operating system is windows 7 64 bit. I have "Magix movie edit pro 17" and "Cyberlink Video Director" and both of these programs work with the same device and capture. Neather one of these applications are running while using Video Studio. I checked and nothing else is utilizing this USB WDM 2860 device. I reinstalled the software, installed the patches, and uninstalled the USB drivers and reinstalled them.

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Photoshop :: How To Do Screen Capture On Mac

Mar 5, 2012

Often I find there's a problem with the paint bucket where I click on the layer and it doesn't color it. Also, sometimes the color I already have in the background just keeps going to darker shades with each click on the paintbucket.
Also, how do you do a screen capture on a mac?
Lastly, worked with Sketchup in conjunction with PS? Is it easy to manipulate a Sketchup image once you get it into PS?

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Photoshop :: Screen Capture

Sep 10, 2008

How do you do a screen capture, say of just the histogram or tools, on a windows system. On a MAC, it's Command Shift 4.?

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