Revit :: Vertical Schedules - Possible To Edit Schedule Template?
Jun 17, 2011Is it possible to edit a Revit schedule template? We need the schedule to be vertical not horizontal.
View 4 RepliesIs it possible to edit a Revit schedule template? We need the schedule to be vertical not horizontal.
View 4 RepliesIn customizing a sheet template, I entered into a "Schedule: Revision Schedule". I made the minor adjustments, but can not get back to the sheet template.
The 'Project Browser' only has "Schedules" under 'Views'. (refer to attached image) I know the rest of the content from the sheet (eg. titleblock) are still in the file, as it still is present when I "Load into Project".
How do you exit the schedule editor from a sheet template file?
Is it possible to export a room finish schedule to CAD? If so, how is it done?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
Fiddling around with schedules, I found a workaround to set the row height. Simply:
1 - Add a field which doesnt' contain any data to the schedule;
2 - In the schedule view, select the field's column and in the appearance tab, define a font size to whatever size of rows you would like.
3 - When you now add the schedule to a sheet, you can see that the height of each row is bigger
4 - If you selected to show gridlines, you can define the newly added column in the schedule view to have no borders
And that's my workaround. It's way better than adding spaces and adjusting widths.
Is it possible to organize the schedules/quantities into filters and folders, like the way that views are grouped and organised?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an issue where filtering my framing member schedules per Level by, for example, Level equals LEVEL 3 causes the entire schedule to be filtered to empty. We clearly have members constrained to and occuring on LEVEL 3.
The same happens when filtering for, say, at or above LEVEL 3, but interestingly not at or below LEVEL 3, in which case nothing happens -- that is, it still displays members clearly occuring only on and constrained to Reference LEVEL 5.
Is there a way to combine several multi-category schedules, so that the calulation of the total cost can be displayed in one final schedule?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project doing cost estimating and product specification for interiors. First project ever using Revit!
In my "Wall Finish Schedule" I need to show the finish material, the Area (SF) and cost. For tile on the wall I have created basic walls which works great. For my painted walls I used the split face tool and applied the material with the paint tool. Double checking the SF calculations for the applied paint - they are incorrect and seem to calculate the whole wall instead of the split area with material applied.
What is the best solution to properly apply wall materials so they schedule properly?
I am using Revit 2013 and I am wondering if there is any easy way of getting my generic model schedules to get the length of the object without having to manually type it in?!
I have attached 2 images to explain what I am talking about. I have created my own countertops and decided for scheduling purposes it would work best to have them as generic models. As you can see from the "Counter Top Properties" image that it has the length of my countertop in the program, but as the "Counter top Schedule" Images shows I can not choose "Length" as an available field. I had to create a parameter for the length ("Length of Unit"), which is just a dimension parameter, and I have to type in manually what the length is. Is there a way to get my schedule to get that length dimension automatically without having to manually type it in!?
I created schedules inc. cost for Light fixtures, Lighting control etc. For each of the 3 schedules I was able to add the cost (based on the cost I put into the family). The problems I'm having are:
if i show the cost in the schedule view, it will show up on the sheet set. i just want to use if for cost estimating, but not show on the plans (i don't want to manually hide/un-hide all the time when i want to see the cost) - i could duplicate that schedule and hide the cos columns on the one i put on the sheet. but that seems archaic and doubles the number of schedules i don't see a way to combine the cost. Right now I only have 3 schedules and can add those up in my head, but like to automatically do that for many schedules. i know i could export to Excel.. but that takes away the whole "Revise instantly" idea and I want to be able to see right away what cost changes when I add or delete items.
This is linked to me previous door query. We are working in a bit of a vacuum here and I am really interested to see how people set up their door families / types / instances for scheduling - as we are struggling to identify a 'best practice' approach.
At present we have set up a host family for the doorset that contains the opening and framing, with a nested doof leaf family in which is nested a door furniture family (and possibly vision panel face hosted family as well). It seems quite complicated, and in the current setup all the door / frame / leaf parameters are established in the door Type, and we have no Instance parameters other than Mark, level etc.
We are trying to set up a system where we will have Types for:
Main Door Assembly Type (dictates the frame type, overall fire and acoustic resistances)
Door Leaf Type (Thickness dictated by the fire resitance set in the host)
Door Furniture type (Door furniture set on the door leaf type)
We intend to have 'Door Furniture' nested in the 'Door Leaf' Nested in the overall 'Door Assembly'
There is another potential set of Types for the Door Frame / Architrave - which for the moment we have only as Profiles with their own parameters.
It does seem to be getting very complication, with lots of Types and I'm not sure whether that approach is worth the time in setting it up.
I was chatting to someone who says they deal with most of the parameters as instances within a handful of Door Types (1 Type for each main elevation appearance for a door, so 1 type may have instances of FD30, FD60, FD00, Veneer Finish, Laminated Finish etc.) This seems far simpler than our approach, but I'm not sure on the trade offs in flexibility.
I was hoping to set up a door family set that we could use from project to project that has quite a bit of flexibility. How do you arrange your doors / schedules in a typical project ?
I have a problem where I am unsure if my upgraded template is incompatible with Revit 2013 or is there something else at play.
If I create a precast stair in default template I get "end with riser" turned on automaticaly. If I copy that stair to my template and create new stair, "end with riser" is turned off and I manually have to adjust stair afterwards.
Problem is "end with riser" is now an instance parameter of stairs and I can't find where to change the default value.
Why is the stair type that works in default template stuffed when copied to my template?
I am having trouble trying to edit the title fonts in a door schedule. No matter which font I pick under "Edit Schedule Table Style" after a selection of the schedule and right clik, the title font will not change. The listed doors font does change. Is it not poosible to change the title and descriptor font?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have more than 4 filters for a schedule?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can create structural column schedule but i cant create for architectural columns.i wonder that i do something wrong or simply i cant be done?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add new parameters to revision schedule
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to control if the door tags is displayed by the schedules?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to add additional filters to a schedule? I have a sheet list that needs a total of 6 filters.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to do the parameters of Schedule/Quantities.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to export a schedule from Revit to Excel,
I’m wondering if there is a way to export schedule from Revit to Excel..
We have a custom built schedule which has the typical "Comments" field. As we aork in our project and add items to that particular row, the "Comments" field gets reset to be blank.
What we are trying to do in effect is to establish a reference point so the we know where we are in relative to the reference point.
Is there a way to make the "Comments" field stick?
is there any way to schedule objects by id number?, maybe through a formula within the schedule that may call the id or the revit API and if that is the case
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to style my sheet list schedule. ... trying.Is it true that I can't
* style (fontsize, fontweight etc) a 'sorting header'?
* style the scheduleborder to only underline the sheetlist-rows
* seperate the header styles from sheetlist styles? (I don't want the header to have a border.... while sheetlist-row should be underlined)
* format the height of a row
I am trying to add the typical category of "glazing" to a door schedule, but when I add a door with glass into my project, I cannot make this information show up on my schedule. I need typical information such as "!/4" Temp" and "1" Insul" under the category of glazing. I added the "Door: Glass" heading in the schedule, but nothing appears when I add a glass door into the project. I was able to easily do this in AutoCAD Architecture.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble creating my own column and beam
structural column schedule
structural framing schedule
i do not know the settings to be ticked for me to create the schedules and make them appear after i create new scheduling...
also i want to know how the graphical column and beam works...
then setting the level in the schedule to make them reflect instead of using the comments section...
Attach here is a screenshot of the levels...
Here is the end of the journal file:
'CT [Modifier la nomenclature ou les quantités]:
'{1} Dialog_Revit_ScheduleBar_a
'{458} Dialog_Revit_ScheduleBar_b
'{458} Dialog_Revit_ScheduleBar_c
'{458} Dialog_Revit_ScheduleBar_d
'{458} Dialog_Revit_ScheduleBar_e
Revision schedule sorting improperly? For some reason it seems this particular schedule is sorting by month and ignoring the year.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am fairly new to my current employment. Their default for door thickness in the schedule does not suppress zero feet. Every dimension under the thickness column reads 0'-2" instead of just 2" or whatever the thickness may be. I could just make a new parameter, but I was hoping to edit the current thickness parameter.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to create a wall schedule with areas. To find out how much plasterboard, paint etc. I need for a building.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I've created a door schedule and added all the parameters I needed. But to get the "room name" to list and be associated with the door tags I had to choose either if the doors were going to a room or from a room, so I chose to, however, some of the doors swing are leaving the room so instead of tagging them with the corridor we want them associated with the room. But I can't edit the column the room names are in. If I click on a cell it gives me a drop menu on the side of what I can choose for that cell and it doesn't have the listed room that I need. It does not let me just type in the cell is there a way to fix this?! The blue highlighted name shows my option of what I can list as the room name or I can leave it blank, it lets me click inside the cell as if I could just put text in it but it actually doesn't show anything that I type.
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