Revit :: Assigning Materials To ADSK Imported File?
Apr 28, 2010
We use Revit Arch as our main familiy modeling software. We are just starting to model familyes in Inventor since we noticed that an EAC exchange new enviroment allows to export Inventor modeled componets into revit whith some advanteges
The problem is than we cant assign materials to the solids, once that we had opened on Revit.
None instance material parameter exist in order to drive the material whit a family parameter, and assignin the material by category is not enought couse we had different components in the same category. sub category assigment is also imposible cause none Subcategory parameter is shown to assign the solid to on sub category created.
There are several i-drop items in a doors catalogue, having selected three for a tools pallette, one item is a 2 panelled door, a regular fitting, some infills are glass, so how to assign materials?
The principal panels do not list in Object Display, seem to be 'untouchables' while outter frame, stops, muntins can be assigned hardwood or softwood finishes. How to change a plain yellow object into a regular door, with or without glass?
After I create a window, and I go to the materials editor and assign a multi/sub-object material to it, I get the 10 slots as expected but there are no materials assigned to any of the slots.
When I watch tutorials, it seems like everybody else is getting the 5 sub-materials that correspond to each part of the window (glass, frame, etc.).
Best way to quickly paint materials on the surfaces of a linked file? We need it for documentation of our interiors. Paint does not work through to the linked surfaces.
I have a drawing in CAD (2013) and I am trying to assigned a Geo-coordinate system so I can import it into my ArcMap GIS program with the coordinates assigned to it already. Is there any way of doing this?
I have a Revit file with over 1,000 materials and associated appearance assets. It was created in a previous version of Revit before library support. What I want to do is create libraries from them. However, the only instructions to add them one at a time using dragging and dropping. That will take me days to do. Is there a way to simply create an asset or material library out of multiple materials from a project file at one time without having to individually select them?
I'm designing a piece of furniture in Rhino using Grasshopper. I would like to create my measured drawings of this piece in Revit (as a way of learning the software). I have linked the 5 components of the piece to my Revit project file (as SAT files but I could export them as something else if that would work). All I want to do is create a single sheet showing 1 plan view, 2 elevations, 1 section and an exploded axon. However, I cannot seem to dimension the components. I need overall dimensions as well as the size of radii at curved corners in elevation and filleted corners in plan, and also thickness of the material used.
Is there something I need to do to get the dimensions to 'see' this set of objects?
I want to automate the process of creating Revit family files (.rfa) by exporting a .adsk file from Inventor and importing it into Revit and saving it as a .rfa file.I can't find any documentation on how to do this.
I am working as the civil engineer on a design team for a building that is primarily using REVIT. My site design is done in Civil 3D in real world coordinates and elevations.
Unfortantely, the architect and the rest of the design team are working at 0,0 with a finished floor of 100. When I bring in the ADSK file, I can move it horiztonally to match my site but I can't figure out how to move it vertically so it ties in with my model.
Ok, so I understand how to take my Inventor designs and make them into a .adsk file for use as BiM info. Without having revit how in the world am I supposed to check what I'm sending out to my clients? It goes against everything I've ever learned to just make a file and send it out blindly without checking it.
Is this really how Autodesk thinks this process should work?
I have an SAT file that I inserted into a Conceptual Mass Family and then loaded into a Revit project. I have changed the name of the object in the Object Styles/Imported Objects dialog and assigned a unique material to it as well.
When I load it into the project its generally fine, sections/plans/elevations/section boxes work fine. When I try to update the material settings or the material it retains the original material settings. After the second attempt at assigning a new material: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
I opened the original Mass famiily and updated the material shading once and it worked fine. I did it again and: Crash Error Unexpected something or other Shut down.
This is not my first time to use this process. Probably the fiftieth time. However it is the first time I've used it in 2014 with the new(really old) improved (fixed) materials dialog.
Is there a bug or known issue in 14 vs. 13. Am I missing a hotfix? It works on 13.
I have a dwg that someone imported and I cannot find where this object is. I have tried searching the database with DBLink, Ideate BIMLink and I have gone into every view to no avail. I also used the reviTTools add-in which says there are no drawings in the file. Am I dealing with a corrupted file? I am super OCD and this is in our Template which makes it an even bigger problem.
What is the best way to assign different colors to different objects types (e.g. columns, and beams) or different colors to the same object type (e.g. columns) in a model?
I am curently working on a larger projekt, where we have aprox. 4500 pcs.of furnituer designed in 4 different kind of families, generic, furnituer, furnituer systems and specialty equipment. We need to be able to asign every pcs.of funituer a seqventual serial number, we have tried to do this using an extension with a funktion called element positionerning, but we have had no success with this tool, apparently it is taking up to much memory.
I'm having a issue with selecting a certain color and assigning it to a part in my nested family. The problem is that when I load it into the project its grayed out.. Is there something I'm forgetting to do, or could the program possibly have a bug? Revit 2012
I'm working on a 3-D rendering of an interior view for a client presentation. I need to create a custom material appearance for the carpet and paint to show exactly what the room is going to look like with the clients finish selections. I know there was a way to create custome materials and assign them custom appearance jpg and/or png images in Revit Architecture 2010. Is there a way to do the same thing in 2012?
None of my custom materials are rendering on the cloud. If I render it on REVIT, they come out just fine. Is there something that I need to do to get my materials to show up?
I am having trouble setting materials for a kitchen countertop that i created by modeling in place. I think that it has something to do with the installation, and am wondering how to fix it. When I am editing the model, in the properties pallete I choose the browse button next to materials and this is what comes up:
How do I set up the materials so that they are available to choose from? I have no other materials issues with walls, etc.
When creating custom materials and utilizing them within your Revit project, are the image files embedded within the RVT file and thereby increasing file size? I was needing to know before we load down the project file (.rvt) with many custom materials. Hopefully it is just a pointer to a separate material file.
I wanted to know about the effects of adding a lot of custom images to the Project Material Library and assigning these materials to objects in the project. Does this bring the entire image file, and therefore it's size, into the Revit project file. Can this create a file size and performance issue when fully utilizing many custom material images? I know that Renderings themselves within the project will add to the file but what about assignments.
For some reason when I render any of my items that have white materials, they will not be white. They appear grey. In the shaded view they are white, but even the realistic view is grey.
I'm having difficulty placing a pattern type on my materials. When I select the pattern from the list that pops up and I click "OK," the pattern selector pops back up and won't let me exit. I think that if I go back to my original pattern, it will go away. I've tried restarting Revit and various other matierals in other projects on different types of families in both the surface and cut pattern prompts.How do I chage my patterns?