Revit :: Selecting Certain Color And Assigning To Part In Nested Family
Aug 5, 2013
I'm having a issue with selecting a certain color and assigning it to a part in my nested family. The problem is that when I load it into the project its grayed out.. Is there something I'm forgetting to do, or could the program possibly have a bug? Revit 2012
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
I've created a family for an exterior canopy system that has many variations (see attachment). It works for all options except the final request from the intended users. When the canopy is very short, the interior outriggers do not need cable tiebacks to the exterior wall.
Currently, the outrigger family, which is nested and arrayed in the host family, is composed of multiple objects, four of which comprise the cable support that needs to be able to be turned off, and one that is the outrigger that is always visible. I've tried several ways of getting the cable assembly to turn off while leaving the outrigger visible, but all without success. I've tried editing the array and mapping the cable assembly components' visibility parameter to a Cable Option Yes/No parameter. I've tried making the cable assembly its own family and nesting that first in the outrigger family and then mapping its arrayed instance to a Cable Option parameter. I've tried various combinations of Instance versus type parameters in both the Outrigger and host Canopy families, all to no avail.
Given the way the family is now designed, can this be done or must the cable assembly be its own family and arrayed separately? Note that there are parameters to control the cable assembly size.
I assigned my students to create lighting fixture family. I wanted them to create a drop-down list of materials within the family to allow a user to select from the list of materials. This is accomplished by using a nested family - the inserted family has the materials defined. The drop-down list appears just fine in the properties, but we aren't able to apply it to the extrusion. I have tried inserting each family type and using the Label parameter, but Revit won't allow the link.
I have built a family and added various types; I have then nested this into my final family and would like to change the nested family type dependant on the final family’s type. (Hope that makes sense). I can do all of this until I want to make a catalogue.
This is what I did: -Made a family and added types. -Made a new family. -Bought in the 1st family. -Selected the nested family and added a parameter called "Attachment".
This all works fine I can change the type of the nested family in the edit type dialog box. But I need to make a type catalogue and when I export the family types as a txt document the attachment parameter doesn’t appear. So how do I reference this?
I have a family with some nested tube steel. In the family edit I can cut a section and the tube steel is shown. If I insert this family in a project and cut a section the tube steel doesn't show up. In all other views the tube steel is shown correctly.
I have developed a family-construction method that combines equipment with its dedicated electrical receptacles. It is designed such that once inserted, the user can drag the outlet symbol and outlet to the right or left and also move the outlet symbol away from the wall plane to permit symbol stacking in plan. Most of the time this works but on some families, though seeming constructed in the same manner, the link between the receptacle and the controlling plane gets broken. The link to the outlet annotation family always stays connected.
I've attached a Revit project contain two families, one that works and one that does not.
I have currently made a nested family for a basketball system and have a problem when i flex my elevation. As you can see my bracing that the Red arrow is pointing to is not flexing properly.. However when I edit the family its in, I have it constrained and it flexes no problem.
In a window family, is it possible to call for a nested element to be determined automatically, and for that family to be schedulable ?
In my case, I have a window type, that is arrayed so that it can adapt to suit openings that can vary considerably in size.
I would like the lintel selection to be determined automatically by the size of the opening - selecting a specific lintel type from within a common type based on the overall span. The lintel in question will vary in it's specification, it is not merely a size.
ie. Windows <1200mm - use Lintel Type A1 (100mm deep) 1200mm - 1800 use lintel Type A2 (215mm deep) 1800 - 2400mm use lintel Type A3 2400 - 3600mm use lintel Type A4 >3600mm use lintel Type B1 (different construction type altogether)
these should then be identified in the window schedule - identifying lintel type and length (length = window opening +150mm bearing at each end).
It may be quite a bit of work in getting this systme working, but we have a scheme with 250+ windows, and a further 3-4 buildings that will be using the exact same types - running to 1000+ windows in total. So to get this working would be a great time-saver.
The line color of my family is not showing up. It is just a symbol and it should be red, but it shows up black. I went to the overides in the project and nothing was overridden, so I went ahead and changed the imported families override to red just to see if it would change and it still didn't change. How do I fix this? When I open the family, the lines are red, just not in the project.
Is it possible to add a color region to a family in plan view? I need to add a color region to the plan view of a single flush door family for training purposes (several co-workers see color filled areas better than black and white single lines with the projector we have). I would like to add a color region to the door and frame in plan view of the door family.
Made a family with two family types, a red and a blue. when i load it into my project it comes up gray..Another component family the color comes in fine
My primary goal in this exercise is to select a nested polyline within a block and have access to its grips. I'm still not even sure if it's possible.
However, before I'm even getting to that stage I'm hitting some problems. I have some custom objects which all in some way or another inherit from BlockReference:
-Derived Abstract Class with common attributes
-Derived Concrete Class1
-Derived Concrete Class2
-Derived Concrete Class3
I insert instances of my derived concrete classes using jigs( Class2 for example is created using a polyline jig). However, when I select the block generated from it using a PromptSelectionResult, it returns a BlockReference, not the derived concrete class, not the derived abstract class.
When I try and cast that as the correct class type I get an error telling me I can't cast from the Base class to any of the derived classes.
So, firstly, why is it returning a BlockReference when the object I'm clicking on is an instance of a type that indirectly inherits BlockReference? And is it even possible to gain access to a nested entity's grips? I followed post here: [URL] .... but it doesn't give me what I need.
I've tried ed.GetNestedEntity and the AllowSubSelections property of PromptSelectionOptions and had little joy.
I am working on the part builder tutorials for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014. Every time I click "Save Part Family", I get the error message "Error Saving XML File".
I typically need to download iges, step files for assemblies and would like to assign their actual weights to the respective parts. These weights are typically not in the iproperties because they are just surfaces.
how to assign specific weights to the general properties in the iproperties box?
Is it possible to use a custom properties within part builder to calculate pipe sizes?
Within part builder I have created a new parametric part under the rectangular pipe chapter.
This new parametric will represent a electrical conduit ductbank that will vary in size depending on the number of conduits in the ductbank. For example a 2 x 3 ductbank would have 2 columns and 3 rows of a 3" conduit. So the width and height of the rectangualr duct bank would be calculated this configuration. I will have up to 12 rows and coluimns in a single ductbank, so I might have a 10x10, 3x12, 12x 1, etc.
I have a custom pipes catalog and within the AeccPartParamCfg.xml I have created 2 custom propertes named ROWS & COLUMNS.
My question is can this custom property be used to calculate the the height & width on the rectangular pipe within part builder? Once I draw my pipe I would like the ability to edit ROWS & COLUMNS within the Pipes Properties to change its size. is this possible? See image below.
There are several i-drop items in a doors catalogue, having selected three for a tools pallette, one item is a 2 panelled door, a regular fitting, some infills are glass, so how to assign materials?
The principal panels do not list in Object Display, seem to be 'untouchables' while outter frame, stops, muntins can be assigned hardwood or softwood finishes. How to change a plain yellow object into a regular door, with or without glass?
What is the best way to assign different colors to different objects types (e.g. columns, and beams) or different colors to the same object type (e.g. columns) in a model?
I have a pile family where i have created a Shared Text parameter under Identity data called Vert Load. I have nested this into a pile cap family in several locations and have the same Shared Text parameter. If i select the pile in the pile cap family i have the option to put a value in the properties dialogue box under Vert Load. The pile cap family is now loaded into my project and the parameters shared in the project. When i select the Pile cap in my project then i have the option to add a value for the Vert Load but in this pile cap i have 3 piles and i want to give different values for each. When i select an individual pile within the Pile cap family then the Vert Load value is greyed out.
I want these vert Loads to appear in a schedule... I've attached a couple of images.
I am doing a window nested family with two windows that have three voids to perform the wrapping of the stucco layer and the gypsum layer independently, but in the nested family I get a wall sleeve between both windows. I have used voids with parameters in the nested family, but when inserted in the projects the voids don't cut anything. See the images.
I can't control the section participation of individual parts or subasy in a IDW view. I want to have some parts & subs sectioned in the view & others not sectioned. They seem to follow whatever the IAM is set for. Note that I do not want to control the section participation in each Model from Documentation/Model/Particiapation becasue it will screw up other drawings referencing the models. Besides, I tried it & it stil wouldn't work.
The complicated part is that the view can be a cropped or detail view of a section view that is the child of the parent view-(I had to do it this way to get the view I needed).
is it even possible to individually control the sectioning in parts of nested views?
The RMB controls are available to do so but nothing happens, even if I close & open the file again.
Sometimes the RMB menu/Section Participation shows little filled in squares next to Sectioned & None. If I click on either, it becomes a check mark.
We use Revit Arch as our main familiy modeling software. We are just starting to model familyes in Inventor since we noticed that an EAC exchange new enviroment allows to export Inventor modeled componets into revit whith some advanteges
The problem is than we cant assign materials to the solids, once that we had opened on Revit.
None instance material parameter exist in order to drive the material whit a family parameter, and assignin the material by category is not enought couse we had different components in the same category. sub category assigment is also imposible cause none Subcategory parameter is shown to assign the solid to on sub category created.
I am curently working on a larger projekt, where we have aprox. 4500 pcs.of furnituer designed in 4 different kind of families, generic, furnituer, furnituer systems and specialty equipment. We need to be able to asign every pcs.of funituer a seqventual serial number, we have tried to do this using an extension with a funktion called element positionerning, but we have had no success with this tool, apparently it is taking up to much memory.
we have this issue that has affected us in Revit 2011 and 2012. For many of our families we have a 3D object, a 2d representation of symbolic lines, and then some editable text/annotation:
- The text is a Generic Annotation annotation family, with a single label, set to display the parameter "Text Frame"
- This family is then inserted into the family of the specific object being created, with, under label's Type Properties, the "Text Frame" of the label being linked with a "Text" parameter in the object family.
This seems to work all fine and dandy, however, we're getting an interesting problem: after working in the file for a while some percentage of the annotation on these families disappear in a view. Sometimes it's just a few, sometimes half, sometimes all of them just go away (everything else, including the symbolic lines, are still there). If you close the file and re-open, they will re-appear. If you nudge them, they will re-appear. Other views may still have them, at least for a time... then they too will dissapear.
This happens both on screen and, dangerously, during printing. You print a whole set, only to discover much of your annotation for objects is gone... (not to mention the cost and waste of trees when you re-print).
Is this a known problem (search only turned up one thread on this), or is there another way to do what I want (have editable annotation on a family) that avoids this issue and I stubmled onto the improper way of doing it?
I had done a logo in an older version of Corel, when I open it in Corel X4, the curves are invisible, and there appears to be no way to give those curves color. I can draw an independent curve and change the color of that curve, but cannot do the same with the existing curves from the older version.
Basically the question is if it is possible to explode families similar to blocks in AutoCAD.
Here is an example: A Family made for placement in the model has 2 nested families. Once placement is done is it possible to eliminate the initial family so only the nested families remain? All the parametric values can go away that’s fine and the nested families are also shared if that matters.
Since I come from AutoCAD and started with Revit v2012 it is basically like a block within a block which you could just explode so much until only lines are left.
I am getting the following error when trying to validate my part.
ERROR: Sample Expanded Table Row not fully expanded (calc error)
My part works fine as far as I can tell. when I change dimintions it changes to what it is supposed to. I don't know where to start to isolate what is causing this error.
I am using inventor 2010 sp1. I have a content center part that I want to replace the family template. I am having problems doing so on random components. Sometimes it lets me and sometimes not. I cannot pinpoint any differences or irregularities between the different library parts.
I am recieving the message indicating..."Import Part Invalid"
Here is my process
Open from content center and save to another folder with or without the same name. Open Content Editor right click and replace family template Recieve this message. "Import Part Invalid"