AutoCAD Inventor :: Assigning Weight To Downloaded Part Files?
Sep 4, 2013
I typically need to download iges, step files for assemblies and would like to assign their actual weights to the respective parts. These weights are typically not in the iproperties because they are just surfaces.
how to assign specific weights to the general properties in the iproperties box?
I would like to find the actual weight of a part in pounds.
I have attached one of the parts I would like to know the total pounds or ounces for. I’m using a specific material that I set in the Physical tab of iProperties.
Our Autocad parts lists used to calculate the weight of parts times the quantities. Now we are using Inventor and I see that the weight shown on a parts list is the weight of an individual part - although the quantity could be 2 , 3 (more than one). Is there a way to have the total weight shown equal to MASS times ITEM QTY?
i have an already edited part list (because there are parts that come from different assemblies and other ones that don't have to appear in that part list) and i like to show the total weight of my drawing, that doesn't correspond with any assembly.
So, there is any possibility of summing up the values of a part list column.
The weight of the parts is correct but if the quantity is greater than 1 in a weldment the BOM collumm does not do the math and multiply the quantity X the weight. If it is a formula what is the syntax?
Is it possible to use a custom properties within part builder to calculate pipe sizes?
Within part builder I have created a new parametric part under the rectangular pipe chapter.
This new parametric will represent a electrical conduit ductbank that will vary in size depending on the number of conduits in the ductbank. For example a 2 x 3 ductbank would have 2 columns and 3 rows of a 3" conduit. So the width and height of the rectangualr duct bank would be calculated this configuration. I will have up to 12 rows and coluimns in a single ductbank, so I might have a 10x10, 3x12, 12x 1, etc.
I have a custom pipes catalog and within the AeccPartParamCfg.xml I have created 2 custom propertes named ROWS & COLUMNS.
My question is can this custom property be used to calculate the the height & width on the rectangular pipe within part builder? Once I draw my pipe I would like the ability to edit ROWS & COLUMNS within the Pipes Properties to change its size. is this possible? See image below.
I'm having a issue with selecting a certain color and assigning it to a part in my nested family. The problem is that when I load it into the project its grayed out.. Is there something I'm forgetting to do, or could the program possibly have a bug? Revit 2012
Basically what I said in the title, and I can't change it to something that's easier to look at. I can change the color of individual faces if I use the "adjust" tool, beyond that the only way I can change it is if I go to the "Realistically Colored Model" and turn on "Ray Shading" which basically renders it. When I select the body and hover over the current color it says "As Application Surface Color". Thats what the first attached picture is. In the 2nd attached picture, it is clearly not light red. And its still transparent which is bugging me more. format of the attached pictures. Untitled.jpg
Im building a bracelet, and I built the bottom and top half in 2 files. After assembling them and putting on my pivot point I wanted to use the shape of the tip from the top half to make a matching depression in the bottom half.
I had a copy of Inventor 2013; It worked well up untilrecently. I moved some folders on my hard drive, and the program no longer could find the files. I went into options and changed the pathway for any prompt I saw had the former location. Next the part files I am working on are said to be missing. Something about the project location. I tried adding the files through managing the project found in options. Now Inventor says it is unable to open or even recognize the part files saved. How can I recover the files Attached are screenshots of the errors.
In testing my latest automation project, I've found that I can't save copies of a part multiple times (after deleteing the files off the disk) unless I close out of the top level assembly document, and reopen it. I used Process Monitor and determined that Inventor is trying to save to an existing file instead of creating a new file.
How can I make an assembly file independent from the part files that went into it? I tried converting it to STL then opening the STL document, but that causes problems with what I'm trying to accomplish.
I am creating part files for one of our machines, and how to proceed with making a smooth transition on the bevel, like it is showing on the print from our customer.
I need som code to assigning a material to a part in VBA.
Dim oApp As Inventor.Application Set oApp = ThisApplication Dim oDoc As PartDocument Set oDoc = oApp.ActiveDocument Dim oPropsets As PropertySets Set oPropsets = oDoc.PropertySets Dim Mat As String
We just installed the new version of 2012 Product Design Suite. I've spend many hours creating great little ilogic dialog boxes to populate iproperty fields using custom iproperties and then automatically place this data on the .idw file when the view is placed on the new drawing. All works great when the part is created with my new 2012 part template and then placed on my new 2012 idw template. The trouble is with parts that were created with 2011 Inventor. Obviously, the old template does not have the ilogic data built into it. Is there a way to upgrade/migrate the part template file from 2011 to 2012 on an existing part?
I think I'm asking for a miracle here, but I have an assembly with 40-50 parts that I created in 2011 and now need to build the idw files for them and would really like to be able have the customized iproperties added to the existing part files.
The goal of this project is to take a base part file, save new copies as needed, then modify the copies. They're rings for storage tanks that share the same tank diameter but differ in height and thickness. I have a SaveAsCopy rule in my template ring part that I run externally from my main assembly after passing down the new file names to the part rule. Since I'm testing a lot, I'm always deleting the parts from the assembly, then clearing out the new copies from my folder and running the rule again. Eventually after 1-5 times inventor starts giving me an error.
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) The More Info Tab:
System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData) at Inventor.Document.SaveAs(String FileName, Boolean SaveCopyAs) at LmiRuleScript.Main() at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem) at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)
The two other posts on here that deal with that error say it involves enumerating an array that is being changed and looking for an entry that is gone. I have a feeling it has to do with a left over variable (but this is all in iLogic rules so they get cleared at the end of the rule?), temporary files or remnant file references. It works again if I close the assembly and open it back up. Inventor 2013 SP 1.1
in the gimp plug-in registry i downloaded 6 scm files... I hunted for folders in the gimp program folder to see if I can find any folders currently housing scm files but was unsuccessful at finding any... where am i supposed to put them?
I would love for the day that ADSK allows users to assign materials to faces and surfaces at the assembly level. I know this can be done at the part level but this practice has it's flaws when trying to have an accurate BOM and Parts List as well as other "issues" when using that method.
Take a plated part for example. At my company our structure of a plated part would look something like this:
raw material - machined part - plated part. I'm sure it;s the same at many other manufacturing companies.
Typically we will have a material spec sheet for the raw material. We will have an IPT and INV dwg of the machined part file. We then place the machine part (IPT) into an IAM to become the plated part. We do this workflow because if we chance any geometry to the child (machined part) it will update and reflect a tthe parent IAM level (plated part). This also keeps out parts list and BOM structure in-line with our MRP system. So this workflow works great for us.
However there is an issue doing it that way. Inventor doesn't allow to assign materials to faces at the assembly level which seems just wrong to me. I kind of understand why they did that but it sure would be nice to be able to assign materials to faces in IAM files. Yes I know I could acheive this by using Derived Component but then my parts list and BOM structure does not reflect the base part. It only reflects the Derived part in my Parts List. Is there a way I'm missing to alter or change the Parts List to pull info of title, part number, etc of the base part rather than the Derived?
Ideally I'd just love for one day INV to allow material assignment to faces and surfaces in the assembly level. It looks rather strange on our drawings where we do a section view of the top l;evel assembly and see parts that are technically made of brass but look to be made of chrome or zinc plating instead because of how we had to assign material to the entire body of the component at the assembly level.
I am using windows 8.1 and cs6 both recently installed. I have a problem with my PC in that downloaded RAW files are much too large at something like 45mb when they should be about is a Nikon d700.
When assigning materials to a part in inventor the process is simple, however when one wishes to assign a specific steel type ie ASTM A516 as opposed to just a generic steel then this is where it gets a little more complicated.
This specific steel type will also need to be called up in the parts list relevant to the individual part that it is attached to.
I know that a custom material can be added to the favourites section in the materials library,and this can be done if required.
Have i delved deep enough into the inventor materials library , do the basic steel and others materials ie plastics break down into specific types with their elastic properties,yield stresses etc etc in other words a more comprehensive materials library or is this something that must be created by custom material input.
I don't assign or use keywords. It does it on all albums. I made new albums and it did not work, even on the new albums. There was one album that did not have the problem, but when I tried to transfer an affected album's files to it, it developed the problem. I reset the preferences in both Organizer and Editor, and that did not work. It prevents me from moving files out of as well as into albums.
I can't seem to figure out why I cannot manipulate this file. All tool bars are blacked out like it has the "read only" property. Which was first thing I checked to try to diagnose this issue. I've also tried save copy as, checking in & out of the Vault. Deleting local copies and opening from Vault. Even re-downloading the same file. Nothing seems to work. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or did whoever create this remove the write capability from it somehow. All I am trying to do is go into document settings and change the units from metric to standard.
I have an assembly that i need to know the mass of, easy enough, however the assembly needs to be weighed without some of the parts in it. I hought i could simply uncheck "enabled" of the unwanted parts and re check the mass, however it does not change. Any solution besides adding the wanted parts individually?
We have the weight inour title block tied to the mass property.It is set to populate automatically and it does very nicely.
The issue comes when I have an assembly and in the BOM I set certain components to be reference. When I go to Iproperties and then under the Physical tab select update,
the value updates there, but not in the associated drawing title block.
I am trying to include the weight for all components in assembly BOM as well as calculated overall weight in TB, but there are no available property to choose from in the drop-down list.