Revit :: Adding Identity Tags To Objects?
Feb 7, 2013
I works as a lighting designerand I just purchased Revit LT in order to meet some 3D-project managment requirements. I find the lighting fixture families to be very useful and simple to work with but I need some way to identify the fixture types used in the project without acctually clicking each fixture when in plan view. In Autocad 2D i create an text attribute which I block together with my 2D-symbol, is there any way to do a similar action in Revit? I tried to group my 3D-symbol with a text, but that dident work out to good when moving and copying the symbols.
I imagine al types of diciplines would need a similar action to keep track of what is drawn?
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Oct 3, 2012
create a tag for a group so can add on Identity
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Feb 28, 2014
How to create a parameter field to include the MasterFormat data using 'txt' file similar to Assembly code parameter already built into revit families. I don't want to use the Keynote field for this purpose. I am looking for a ways to create a new parameter under the Identity Data.
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Oct 23, 2012
I do a lot of cookie cutter type buildings with pretty much the same room names and finishes for each building. Is it possible to predefine the room names with the identity data (to incl. base finish, floor finish, occupancy etc) in my template file and then just select this as I place the rooms?
I have tried creating the room with the identity data but all I can do is select the room. The predefined identity data does not translate to the new room number.
For example:
I create a room called 'Room Test 1' with a base finish, ceiling finish, floor finish and wall finish. I then go to place a room on the drawing. I can select 'Room Test 1' but all it does is add another 'Room Test 1' with a different room number and no identity data.
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Feb 25, 2014
Is this a Revit Hard Code issue or am I overlooking something? I have created some In-Place Masses (with floor mass for each level) and I have created 2 Project Parameters for for the Mass Schedule. Parameters are Block and Sub Block as Text under Identity Data and in the Mass Category. When the Mass Heading is ticked all mass categories are ticked. So Im thinking, it should not matter what type of Mas schedule I setup. The Parameters should be available in the fields.
The Schedule is created as a Mass Schedule. and the Parameters show up in the field and data is populated as I expect.
I want to create a Mass Floor Schedule and the parameters are not showing up in the fields list. Also I can not Add Parameters from the Schedule dialogue window as those Parameters has already been created. When I select the Mass Floor in a 3D view the Identity Data fields in the Properties window are mostly greyed out. The Project Parameters do not appear as Identity Data fields and the Edit Type is greyed out (not that Edit Type maters but it adds to the thinking process)
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Dec 24, 2011
Is there any way to get Revit window tags to behave like the door tags? The door tags seem to be instance parameters while the window tags are type parameters. I would like to use separate numbers for each window even though they are the same type. This would allow me to specify header required for each window in the schedule. I understand that I could edit the window families and save them as different files but this is time consuming. Is there an easier way?
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Nov 2, 2012
have some questions about annotative objects.
The first, if i have created many annotative dimensions and texts and with the time many scales get attached to these objects during editing ( the scales which i don't use on my layouts anymore but have used on these objects ones) How can I quickly and efficiently delete all the scales that are not in use on my layouts in my viewports for all the annotative objects?
the second question is how can I create annotative tags( dynamic blocks that can be scaled like annotative texts)?
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Nov 15, 2013
When an object in an XRef is tagged (and the object has an object based PSD) the tag will not update to reflect changes made in the XRef.
This can be fixed in the XRef by running the PropertyDataBrowser command and unticking the Overrides (shown in the leftmost tickbox when two tick boxes present).
Any automatic way to keep the tags up to date? I have attached my VB.Net code attempt for this. It almost works BUT the MultiViewBlock Overrides are ReadOnly.
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Apr 9, 2013
Is it possible to control if the door tags is displayed by the schedules?
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Apr 30, 2010
An architect sent me his revit file, it contains the full model and all the floor plan views and drawing sheets. He has floor plan views set up for each floor and some enlarged views as well. On each floor plan view each room has a tag that contains room name and room number and every door has a tag that contains the door number.
When I create a new file and link in his file so I can then start working, doing what we need to do, adding devices, etc. The problem is, the architect's room tags and door tags dont link in, and if they do I cant see them. I've gone through every possible combination in the visibility/graphics options to no avail.
Room and door info linking in should be a basic function of revit; how could autodesk expect mech, elec, plumbing engineers to create drawings that have zero room and door info?
If it matters, I'm working in Revit 2010.
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Jul 4, 2013
I understand that revit is the future and that it is very impressive at doing very complex & mundane tasks, however it does seem to struggle to do the simplest of commands.We wish to be able to put tags (in this case room tags) either in the middle of the room or align them all to each other (i.e if there is a corridor with rectangular rooms on each side of the corridor all tags on the left hand side would be in a single line in the middle of each room, as they would be on the other side).When you place the room it gives you some cross hairs but you cannot locate these in the centre of the room.I have looked for draft line/reference lines/ghost lines and anything that you can put in temporary to use as a guide.
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Sep 13, 2012
I placed doors throughout my plan, but the door tags do not show. How do I turn them on and off for doors window etc.?
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Sep 28, 2013
Opened the Elevation Tags dialog (manage Additional settings) duplicate the 1/2" Square type call it External Elevation Tag. did the same to 1/2" Circle call it Internal Elevation Tag.
picked the elevation tool go to type selector and my new Elevation Tags not there - why?
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Jan 17, 2012
Is there any way to tag a legend component? I'm trying to draw a "door types" drawing which shows the elevation of each type of door and I want to be able to place a title under each door that displays the door type mark. This is a very standard type of drawing that architects draw for almost every project and..after all...what could be more basic to a legend component then to be able to label it?
Now I use text to label each type of door...but if someone changes the door type mark and fails to update the legend also....I get a very un-Revit-like mis-coordination with my door schedule!
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Dec 22, 2011
I new to 3ds max and watched a bunch of tutorials, but I'm having trouble trying to do something simple like moving one box on top of another box.
For example, I created a table and now I want to create a lamp and put it on the table. Is there some way I can just move the lamp and have it snap to the surface of the table when it's near?
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Feb 20, 2014
I am working with room tags that has multiple yes/no features. my problem is its hard aligning text because they wont snap to centers or refernece lines. How are people working with this. It causes for sometimes the leader line when used to not want to be straight or leaves some funky angle when change scale
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Oct 19, 2011
When I edit a note on a material tag on a wall section it changes multiple tags. For instance I have a wall section with insulation in it and have placed detail components (2x4's) as top and tie plates. When I tag the insulation it shows a question mark, I edit the question mark to the desired insulation note no problems. However when I go to tag the top and tie plates they come in with the same note as the insulation. When I edit the note for the top plate it changes the insulation as well. How do I keep this from happening?
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Oct 28, 2013
I have changed the scale of my sheets and the scale of my floor plans to accomadate my new sheets, but now all of my thermostat, wall strips ect. are all way too big. How do I change this?
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Feb 21, 2013
Trying to create Area Plan with Tag. Getting message ' no area tags loaded'. Looking at the Library, no Area Tags there. Where could they be? Is there an Area Tag Category Family?
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Mar 6, 2013
I was wondering if there is possibly a way to create, modify, or edit the section tags in Revit. I've tried going through Properties> Edit Type to change the size, and type of the tag (or the section head), but i notice there are only seven options, and no way to change the size of them. Is there a Family Type I can edit? Where would I find it? Is there a way to create my own, perhaps, and upload it into my model template?
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Apr 20, 2012
I have sections cut from floor plan that show up on my exterior elevations. I am able to stretch the tag ends using the blue dots. I also have placed section marks on the elevations that reference other section views. With those tags I am unable to stretch them up and down on the elevation views. When I try, they disappear. I am not stretching them outside of the annotation crop.
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Jan 19, 2012
Is there a way to display the HW Group within the door tag? I'm working on a new door tag for our office, and they have requested that HW Group #s be displayed, so the door installer knows which hardware group to install.
I find type parameters (width, Mark, Manufacturer, Etc) but no Instance parameters (HW Group, door materials, etc)
Would I need to make a shared parameter for this?
I can schedule HW Groups, so shouldn't I be able to tag them as well?
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Oct 20, 2013
i am opening file in autocad 2013, my all dimension tags and text and point are merged with my other drawing objects how can i separate.
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Feb 5, 2014
I am creating a room tag with various family types. unlike creating other families when I am in the family editing and I click through other types it hides the objects that are only visible for the proper value. How do I do the same. Being that I have a few types its getting sort of hard to see with the different amount of texts.
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Jul 26, 2013
Revit 2014.
We created floor plans, created actual wall sections. Then we placed countless section markers that Reference Other Views with the SIM text by them. I would expect to go into the roof plan or elevation and see those same section markers. For some reason they do not show in any other view besides the view in which they were placed. The actual wall section markers show up. Just not the ones placed that reference another view.
Same in reverse. Go into elevation, draw a section marker that references other view. I would expect that marker to show in plan. But again no. I have not had this issue in previous versions of Revit. Just so far in 2014 this has been killing me trying to figure it out.
All views are set to Discipline: Coordination, and the original section markers are set to hide on scales courser than 1"=400' so they should show. Visibility graphics has sections turned on. There is nothing that shows with the light bulb.
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Jan 31, 2014
how to make room tags than can break in two words and possibly how to remove the symbol crossing of area.
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Oct 1, 2013
I recently downloaded a car seat 3d model from turbosquid. It is a OBJ File (.obj). I am having a hard time adding a custom fabric material to the object in Photoshop CS5.5. The material is showing up as a plain blue color and is not adding in the actual pattern of the fabric.
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Jul 24, 2012
I am just learning AC and have the tutorial video by Brian Benton for 2012. He does a great job of explaining what layers are and how to manage them once they have been created but he does not touch on how to add objects to a layer after you create it? I watched the layers section 4 times and nothing about this.
I can create a new layer fine and also a new object but unless I am just blind and stupid (which is possible) I do not see any options in the layer manager letting you add an object to a layer? Got--- create new layer, freeze layer, isolate layer, etc, etc, etc but nothing to do the simple and most basic task of adding your newly created object to a layer-----either a newly created one you just made or an existing one?
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Dec 16, 2011
I have a drawing of a tennis court that I saved as a jpg. I want to add cones with numbers on them to illustrate where to hit the ball to. I saved the cones as png's so I could make the background transparent. I don't understand how to make the clones of the cones and add them to the jpg of the tennis court.
Should I have saved the tennis court as a png file also? The background doesn't need to be transparent.
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Apr 2, 2013
I'm using Organizer 11. First time evething was ok, persons/faces were detected correctly, then after a few month Organizer doesn't detected new faces and said every time that all faces were detected already also when I imported new fotos from my camera...
(I use the german version, so I can not tell you the exact error message in english, hope you unserstand what I mean.)
As I found no solution, I created a new catalog and imported all photos including their tags newly to this empty catalog. But allready tagged persons are not persons anymore - their tags are now in the "imported keyword tags" (German: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags") and not in the "person/face tags".
How can I tell the organizer that the imported Tags are persons/faces to having no douplicates in the person-tags and normal keyword-tags?
Here some Background Information about my system:
PSE 11, Windows 8, 64 Bit 8GB, Intel i7.
3 catalogs with each 8000-10000 photos.
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Oct 21, 2012
I have just upgraded my Swedish PSE7 to an English PSE11. Of course the people keyword tags did not get converted into people tags because People is called Folk in Swedish. I was not aware of this mechanism prior to upgrading. How can I convert those keyword tags now?
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