Premiere Pro :: IPhone 5S 120fps Video In Timeline - Rendered Vs Unrendered
Apr 5, 2014
I'm a complete amateur and did some stupid things. Like shoot everything on my iPhone at 120fp.
Everything imported fine and played great in the the Source and Program monitors, and I could drag any of the clips into the Timeline and they would all play fine, all at normal speed (30fps).
When I fully render them, however, they play in the Timeline at 120fps, and the audio stays the same. In the montors they still play at 30, though. When they're just rendered for playback ("yellow"), it's fine. I would leave them unrendered, excpet sometimes they get rendered automatically, and I can never get back to regular playback speed for those clips.
But even better, when I export, all is well, and is at 30fps.
So, is there some way to make them play at 30fps, even when fully rendered, in the Timeline? Or even if there's just a way to convert them. (I'm likening the framerate thing to audio sampling rate. And made similar mistakes back in the day!) I looked at the "Interpret" option, but must not have fully understood it, since the results were disastrous.
Anyhow, that's about it. I'm not sure if it's germaine, but I did also bring in some 30fps stock footage. Just did a straight import. Same thing happened.
In Pro Tools, you can change the sampling rate of a "Session", is there a similar setting that I'm missing?
So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.
This is a daily occurrence. As I go along editing, I inevitably come upon some video clip (or audio clip) on my timeline that is missing it's original audio (or video) counterpart. I've previously deleted the audio portion (or video) at some point earlier in the edit, when it made sense to do so. Now, though, I change my mind, or I need to hear the audio to sync other clips, or just hear the audio for reference, etc.
How do I bring back the corresponding media? I love the new "Join Through Edits" command in Premiere Pro CC, it seems that a companion feature would be something like "Restore Original Linked Audio / Video"
Match Frame seems close to what I need, but involves a few more steps than a right-click, or keyboard shortcut (maybe I don't properly understand how it works). Does any command exist that would do what I'm needing? I can't imagine I'm the only one who would need this function DAILY.
I'm new to video editing and know little about the program I am using (Adobe Premiere Pro CC). How I can add the full size video or pics to the time line. It appears whenever I add something from my Gopro 3 HD camera I only get a partial of the video / pic.
The capture went just fine when digitizing my tape and the .mov file has both audio and video during playback in both quick time and Adobe Premeir Pro, but when I drag it into the time line only audio will show up. Even weirder it's 4 layers of audio instead of just one audio and one video. This only began with videos that I catured today. When using footage I captured on a previous day it works just fine. What went wrong? Where's my video!?
I am new to working with bigger projects in Premiere, I moved from FCP last year. I am currently editing a show which is based of Line recorded cameras.
I have 6 Tracks of video, plus mulitple audio tracks and 2 hrs long
My problem. Having made and lifted my selects in the timeline I now am finding the timeline to be very unresponsive to the point of pinwheeling even just to open the sequence. I can't zoom, move or edit anything in this timeline without a pinwheel and a 30 second delay. None of my other sequences are having this issue. All are the same codec.
Is there a way to set up larger sequences so that this does not happen? I find premiere 7.1 is fine until I build bigger sequences/projects. My inital thought was drive speed, however the issues only arose when I had lifted all the selects.
Could it be that I have too many tracks of video for premiere to handle? I have no problem playing the timeline (although it will initally pinwheel) its mainly navigation/clip selction along the timeline which causes an issue
I tried multicam also but that had too many issues
I work on a 2012 Mac Pro 2.4 Ghz 12-cores with 12 GB ram 9 of which is allocated to premiere. I also have my working caches on a dedicated single 3.5" 7200 rpm drive 1gb graphics card.
I am having trouble with the clarity of some photos being used in a project. The project has a mixture of both photos and video. The photos are inserted into the overlay tracks in the time line and some have a mask applied to them.
Some photos both with and without mask's appear pixelated both on the time line and when rendered.The file format for the photos are Jpeg and range from 1.85MB to 60MB in size and have no pixelation. In preferences i have in the image section both "anti-flickering" and "Cache image" checked. I have also tried the photos in the first time line and still are not clear.
Syncing in plural eyes is good with our pro res files, but when I try and sync with some mp3 files from a zoom h1 recorder it goes black at the bottom of the timeline and responds really buggy.
I am currently experiencing problems trying to import iPhone 4 video into After Effects CS5.
Firstly i'd like to note that the video plays perfectly fine on the iPhone, VLC and in Quicktime Player. The audio and video is in sync.
When I add the footage to After Effects the video becomes slightly out of sync with the audio. I have noticed this in RAM preview and also in renders I did just to test.
I also want to note that, both my iPhone and After Effects have latest software updates.
I've just got an iPhone 4S and shot a test video to edit. However, when I load it and try to create a file, VS10+ crashes every time within a few seconds.
All I'm doing is trying add a few simple titles with the output file being 'same as project settings' so the output should be mpg4, PAL, 720 x 576. This is the first time I've tried editing iPhone video and I've never had this problem with any stuff that I've edited in the past.
I am trying out video editing for the first time and I am trying out the VideoStudio Pro X5 Ultimate.
But each time I drag a MOV file from my Phone into the program it doesn't display the video. I can hear the Audio but the picture is blank. I have Re-installed Quicktime but I still get the same problem.
For some reason iPad1s cannot play videos that I render in Premiere CC as H264 MP4 (960x540 at 29.97fps). I've tried both Main and Baseline profiles. I had read somewhere that iPad1s can only play baseline H264.... but it seems not even them.
What other settings can I change that would enable playablility on iPad1s?
I took a short video on my iphone of my sister-in-law's wedding. I want to transfer the video to my CS6 Cloud. Can this be done? Can I transfer it to photoshop or is there another part of the CS6 that would work better for this type of project? I have "streaming" from my iphone to my mac computers and the pictures go into my iphoto library. Can I "stream" the video to photoshop instead and then create "still shots" so I can edit individual photos to put in a wedding album?
So to share an iphone 4s video, what are the best output settings, to retain the .mov settings, so that there is the least amount of re-encoding, which presumably will be the fastest?
I'm trying to export a video to upload on YouTube, but I am completely stumped.
Everything is crisp until I render. It's odd that I lose quality AFTER I render. Now to add on top of that, when I export, it loses even more quality. Any troubleshooting options and preferred settings when exporting.
Once I render and save a project, exit out, and come back in, the rendered files that I "saved" are not rendered. This all happened after the mavericks software update
Any good video codec to combine a rendered image sequence into a lossless video clip to use in video editing applications. I have tried using the Quicktime Animation codec, but it always drops a frame, for example, a 0-90 frame animation gets combined into a 89 frame video clip. This causes problems when trying to fade clips into one another, as the animations will not line up.
I'm trying to do my first timelapse video and am having problems rendering the video.I have Photoshop CS4 extended. When I try to find Window -> Workspace -> Motion I can't see 'motion'.
Then when I try to File->Export->Render Video I get the error message 'The procedure entry point CFWriteStreamGetTypeID could not be located in the dynamic link library CoreFoundation.dll After pressing 'ok' a few times I also get error message 'Theprocedure entry point CFPreferencesGetAPPBooleanValue could not be located in the dynamic link library CoreFoundation.dll
I then am taken to the render video dialogue box, but when I click render I get the error message 'Could not complete the render video command because invalid parameters were sent to a command'
When my project is rendered... and put on a DVD, is it possible to later change its narration to another language? I ask since I notice that, once rendered, the music, video and narration tracks become one. Is there a way of later separating them, say for changing the language of narration for viewing in another country?
I'm using Ulead VS 11. When I make a clip and render it as new video, the new video is repeating frames all over the place. As it renders I can see it happening. It's like the video renders minute/second 1:01, then jumps back to 1:00, then re-renders 1:01. All over the place. These repeat frames are not in the original video.
The format of the original video is MPEG2, 8000 bps, and is being converted to WMV (don't ask!). I have found that the only way to retain any semblance of quality in the new video is to change it to WMV, and for my purposes, this is adequate. I have tried about 10 of the different output formats offered in the "Create Video" option, including saving with settings the same as project settings, and the result is the same, with the exception that the WMV 720 is the only one where a decent quality is maintained. That's a whole other question -- why rendering with "same as project settings" gives me total junk.
Is there some other setting that could be causing these frame repeats? I don't believe I had these problems when the original video was WMV rendering to WMV. But MPEG2 to MPEG2 is not fixing it either, so there must be something else.
I have noticed this in a couple of videos I've done now, I put together some aerial footage I have done, and after I render it there is a low click-thump sound, almost like a slow heart beat. This is not in an added audio track, and it does not do this in the preview.
I am uploading a clip to youtube as I write this, (will update when done) where I left the native audio in place the whole time (rather than add a music track) so it can be heard.
The raw files are MP4 files from a GoPro HD Hero camera.
ps. in this video, you can hear the sound I am talking about, but only until I fade it out and start the music track
Is it normal for video to be sharper during the CIRCLE transition and then return to the 'normal' sharpness at completion of the transition.
I have just rendered a project which contains quite a few transitions including Crossfade, Side, Spin, Face and Circle. Every time I have used the Circle transition the image 'inside' the 'circle' appears sharper until the 'circle' fills the screen (i.e. the end of the transition) when the image appears 'normal'.
I think that there is something wrong with CIRCLE transition as I have also noticed that it does not display correctly (preview window goes black) when you 'drag' the scrubber along the timeline.
I just rendered a video slide show that liberally uses pan and scan zooming for every photo and it looks like garbage. It's jumpy and jerky with almost every pan and scan. I used the highest mpeg conversion quality but didn't mess with much else. Is there something I can do to make it not do that? It seems like it gives you the option to use a different mpeg rendering engine if you want...
What a drag. It took me 2 weeks to put this thing together and the final version looks like crap.
I’m using VS Fx4 and I am having a problem I have not experienced before. The audio in my Music Track has an annoying “pop” occurring. The pop does not occur when viewing the project (.VSP), only after it has been shared/rendered.
At first I thought that perhaps the poor quality was due to running other processes while the video rendered or something to do with the video format being used, however rendering the videos after hours and switching video formats (.wmv & .mpeg4) have not worked. You can view one of the videos I’m having an issue with here: [URL] ... The audio pop is noticeable in the first few seconds of the video.
I have two video files that are currently having this problem, both have Music Tracks.
I'm using a new iMac and Pegasus R6. If I put 1080 ProRes footage on the timeline it plays fine with the unrendered resize on it. Resize is only changing bit depth. The minute I render the clip, it will no longer play without dropping so many frames that it is unusable.
I have a number of video files captured at 1080X720 full frame resolution at 29.97 frames/second, shown on my PC as .MOV files.
When watching the original files either on my PC or TV, movement is fluid and smooth.
When watching a finished video created via VideoStudio Pro X4 using the aforementioned files, movement is jerky, and is particularly noticeable when watching a panned scene. The effect is so bad that it makes viewing on a large screen impossible as the picture movement jerks/judders about. I have looked at the project preferences, and notice under Project Option>General tab, the only available frame sizes are the standard ones which only go up to 720X576. The radio button to select a user defined frame size is greyed out and cannot be selected to input my own frame sizes. I’m therefore unable to actually input the frame size of the source video files.
Basically how do I render a finished video without jerky movement?
I have always rendered my projects to DVD (mpeg) video files and then used those to 'create disk' (ie create movie).
I also thought that to prevent 'create' disk' from rendering again that all the attributes (constant or variable, kbs, audio compression) used during rendering must be the same as when creating disk.
Is there any benefit from creating a movie (for burning) using either method? Is it faster overall 'creating disk' using project files than rendering first? The reason I ask is that today it seemed to take 'forever' to 'create disk' using pre-rendered files.
I realise that you always see the warning that 'this action will take some time to render' but I thought that if all the attributes were the same that no rendering was done.
How can I view a preview how all the video transition looks between 2 clips in Premiere Pro CS5 before I choose the one I want to use.
I always use Adobe Bridge CS5 when I need to see a fosmag on the effects in After Effects CS5, but can not get it to work and then I can also see the Video Transitions in Adobe Premiere CS5