Using the 'Warp Text' dialog, and the Style 'Arc' one can warp the text upward. That is fine if one wishes to add text to the top of a circle but, how about warping that text downward so as to readable at the bottom.
one can rotate the image 180 degrees and put type at the bottom but, then it is readable only if one rotates the image.
The other warp options all distort the text if warping it downward so that is out.
I'm trying to warp a rectangular shape into something more arched, like the image below. There doesn't seem to be any transformation options under the Edit -> Transform menu. Can this be done? Can it be done to at least 180 degrees?
I'm currently making and f1 car in maya. I need to know how to warp the goodyear text into a circle. The UV layout is on a separate layer. The transform>warp tool isn't giving me good results.
How to you warp text onto a plane in 3D space? In other words, have it presented at an angle as if it were on a grid where the vertical lines converged to a vanishing point.
I have been playing with Maya and Photoshop inorder to create an icon for the Web 2.0 revamping of my website. Here is a rough sketch of what I am trying to do:
It is a pseudo-globe coming out of a box in a way that it looks like a gift for the user.
The pseudo-globe will look something like this
And the box will be something like this
The logo will be in 3D and the words "Complete" and "Translations" will appear as if they are printed on the floor where the box rests against the edges of the box.
I imagine this must be an easy thing for many people here to answer. How do I do this? I have the basic forms already in Maya in the 3D space. How do I put the letters on the floor?
I'm trying to do, but it's horizontal. I need to do it vertically with the letters on top of each other, not with the letters turned sideways, as in the "vertical text tool"
Today I went to puppet warp a layer, and as soon as I placed the first pin, the image part of the puppet warp disappeared - only the mesh was visible. I can't figure out where to put pins or adjust my layer if I can't see the actual image!  Have been using puppet warp with my current system config for a long time with no issues, and had, in fact, puppet warped several things just a few minutes prior with no issues. I have tried after restarting, using hardly any system resources, and with all other layers visible, and hidden. No matter what I try, as soon as I place the first pin, only the mesh remains and I can't see what I'm trying to warp at all. !
I am trying to make a film strip look like the river thames. i tried warping and this didn't work. i can use photoshop or illustrator.  so imagine a reel of film in the shape of the inner london river thames.
I've literally spent my whole night trying to get this down. Can't seem to even get close. Edit>Transform>Warp is more of a hassle if anything. Prespective barley works and using the Text toolbar warp tool is basically useless.
How would you go about wrapping text around the hat in this picture? people on youtube post videos of wrapping around a circle or a cup. Any 4 year old can do that, the hat is at an AWKWARD angle and facing down at a prespective.
Whats the best way to warp my text just like 'OBEY' text and the quickest, I am struggling and getting nowhere.
Any easy way to fit an image to path? fFor example, if I have a horizontal photo that is 10"long by 3" high, how can I warp/stretch/arc this imagr around a CD label so that the entire image wraps around the label?
You know those "warp a celebrity" flash or java games where you click on part of the celebrity's face and drag the mouse, and the image warps? Can this sort of thing be done to your images in photoshop 6.0? (That's the version I have)
If this can't be done in Photoshop 6.0, does anyone know of a simple freeware program that I can use to warp images "celebrity warp" style?
Does anyone have any advice on how to warp a logo to fit on a shot glass? I can't seem to get it so that it will curve and the writing still look straight on the glass.
anyone know of a warp-morphing plug-in? I need ti to be a mesh where I can add as many control points as needed to reshape a photograph that I've taken of a building at a low angle that I want to look like I took it straight on. The Distort feature in photoshop does not give me enough distortion points.
I'm trying to "bend" an image (or text) into a ring. I'm not talking about simply having the text follow a circular path, but rather more like the filmstrip on Apple's new dotMac logo,
How did they get the items - like the video frames in particular - to "wrap" around the globe like that? Perhaps Photoshop is not the right tool? I've seen this same effect with text and other images on various site, and I've always assumed it was done in Photoshop.
I'm working on a website with an image and film archive. I wanted to have a couple images for the entry pages that give the site a sort of archive-y, slightly cluttered and haphazard feel. I recently got Photoshop CS2 and have some experience using it and previous versions, though I'm not an expert designer by any means. The two things I'd like to do are:
1. Find a plugin/filter/process to make jpg photo images appear to be old photos sitting on the background. I.e. make them a little warped, give a sense of depth & slight shadow, maybe even a slightly tattered edge. Basically to give the viewer an impression of several photographs scattered on top of a surface (in this case, the white background), maybe some tossed partway on top of others.
2. For the film content, I wanted an image of a 16mm film strip with screen captures from the films displayed as if they were each frame. I can do this with an image of flat 16mm movie film with the screen caps sized to fit the frames, but I'd *really* like to make that film sort of wavy and/or looped. Is there a way to warp a flat image like that into something that looks convincingly wavy, as if the film was just taken out of the canister?
I need to make an intricate vector design look at is if it curved, like on the surface of a ball. BUT, I want to keep it editable. I tried the Warp tool first, but it made a mess, stirring up the shape rather than simply allowing me to curve it.
So I tried making a 3D sphere, then mapping it onto that. It worked, but now whenever I try to move or rotate the thing, it doesn't work right. Also, I can't tweak the design anymore.
Morphing space! I would like to do what other advanced programs do by assigning points to an image and then morph/transpose those points to another space with the same number of defined points.
As a very crude geometric example if I have a 5-pointed star and want to transpose those 5 defined points onto an ellipse with 5 similarly defined points, what might be your approach be to execute this function. How to create and application/extension pack, or write the code for such a function? Any method of steps to create this transition process? (See Two Accompanying JPEGS) .
A vastly more complex situation, but one that continually is used it graphic arts applications would be to morph or transpose the spacial dimensions of one image into those of a second image which is assigned the same set.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.
My Type Tool does not select type by double clicking or click and drag. (Windows CS 5 V15.1). This is what I have tried so far and the problem still exists. Â Check preferences for "Text": "Select text-object by path only" should be off. Checked. It was off. Didn't fix it. Check the toggle for Show/Hide Edges in the View menu. Cmd(Ctrl)-H. Checked. Edges Showing. Didn't fix it. Trashed my Prefeerences. Didn't fix it.
the type tool won't let me insert any type whatsoever in JPG or PSD files. I click the type tool and then click somewhere on the image and all it gives me is a dot but no flashing cursor. As I said, resetting my prefs/settings while starting up Photoshop did not help. Another weird thing it does is that when I go to Canvas Size for a medium sized image, it says that the width is 588 inches and the height is 288 inches.
Working on a poster in Illustrator. Have added area type, using the type tool. Now I'd like to increase the size of one line. I can't select or edit any of the type with the type tool. I moved the type to a new layer, saved, closed Illustrator, restarted my Mac (OS X 10.7.4). Looked in preferences, in case there's an issue there. No luck. Â By the way, I also don't see handles when in the selection tool any more. Don't know if that's related.
I have a type layer with some text in it (a headline, let's say). I click on the layer, I click on the Character Panel, and first thing I see is the color in the Panel is not the color of the font in the layer. Â I then click on any Panel property, and the text in this layer is replaced by text from another layer in my document ( a paragraph layer, let's say), but the color is not the same as the layer the text came from.
I choose the vertical type tool or the vertical type on a path tool or the vertical area type tool...and all I get are letters that are rotated 90 degrees clockwise that go down in a vertical line. The effect is the same as if I took one of these lines that I am typeing here and rotated the entire line 90 degrees clockwise. That is not the effect I want. I am tying to get vertical letters stacked on top of one another in a line going vertical. I watched videos and they simply pick the tool and it functions this way, but when I pick the same tool I do not get this vertical orientation of the individual letters, but the 90 degree rotated letter.Â
I was wondering if the is a way to go from a Inventor file type to a Solidworks file type. One of our customers is asking for one or the other following file types: .asm or .prt. Â Â
They also mentioned something about "shrink wrapping" the file to all the surfaces.
I want to put type on a perfect circular path.But first I need to stretch the type so it is longer vertically.Stretching type and using it as normal is easy.But how in the world do I use the stretched type on a path?