how to change hair color and select it to modify it. I've tried using magic wand laso tools.. I know that if you make a selection you can modify color in hue/saturation but I can't seem to figure out a easy way to select and work just with the hair and coloring just hair. working mac pscs2.
I want to change hair color on a picture (from black to blonde). Those pictures are textures for a game so it is pretty clean and easy to edit usually
I have another pictures with the blonde hairs tones and colors in it. So i figured i had to save color range or something on the blonde hair picture to apply it on the black hair picture, right ?
I am trying to change a model's hair color in a photo from blonde to dark brunette (need one dark brown, and one black hair).
I can change the hair color to every other color and lighten and darken it using hue/saturation, burn & sponge tool, brush with overlays, but cannot seem to successfully get a realistic brunette. At the moment all I get is a black/white effect or a deep red.
Either I am not getting the combination and settings of these effects correct or I am not using the proper Photoshop tools. I can't imagine that this should be difficult.
Perhaps the photo is not bet suited to this? (can be viewed on )
trying every layer mask combo I could think of to create a realistic shade of white hair that doesn't look like I just used the brush tool to make it.
I've tried lighting up the shadows with the curves option then using the selective color option. But all that does is make a very fake looking film to put over the eyebrows (ya it's eyebrows I'm working on, I'm trying to get them to match a white wig the subject is wearing.)
I've also tried using the solid color option, and a color overlay and that just came out weird.
Has anyone ever turned pitch black hair to white and had it still look like hair?
I have this picture, of course a jpeg, so the quality sucks, and i'm having problems selecting the two girls' hair. It blends into the background to where i almost have an impossible time seeing it at all but if i just cut it out it doesn't look natural anymore.
ive been trying to select just the dog from this image for a while now. i played with the channel mixer and found that at high contrast the red channel allowed me to select the dog best, but i still am having great difficulty with the dogs hair out around her legs and head. how would you go about it? it might not be the best image for this as the chair is brown and also the dog is brown.
I'm having a problem with Adobe Illustrator CC 17.1.0 with colors, types and groups.
If I select a text or a group and try to change its color, the Fill color stays correct a the panel, but the text or the group maintains the old color, like the screenshot below.
The only way to change color its is selecting all text characters or all group's elements.
This may sound rude since ive just signed up but i installed photoshop 2 days ago and can't manage to get it working. (although i doubt i'd know how to do this anyway)
Would someone be able to change my hair colour at all? (im not sure how difficult it is).
I was wondering how you can change someones hair color, and make it look natural. Everytime I try... well lets not go there. Anyone have an example, or a good tutorial on how it is done?
I have CS6. Having trouble removing a background where part of the backgrouond is almost exactly the same color as the subject's hair. I've tried the refine edge tool- I get yucky greyed areas in the one spot where the hair & the similar background color meet. I have tried to use channels, but I am not very skilled in that yet.
You know how when you're painting, you can hold ALT and it will pick a colour from the canvas? Well, for some reason, mine still picks up the colour but it sets it to the background colour instead of the foreground colour.
And when I actually select the colour picker tool, it will only select the background colour but when I hold Alt, it selects the foreground colour. Basically it's flipped where it's supposed to select.
Why when I use green for foreground color and go to Fill and use the option of Foreground color the selection is filled with black? Also why when I open a file with a green square, it also turns to black? And since I am asking questions, how do I get back the ability to get content and search within photoshop, instead of always being directed to Adobe online? I am using CS5.
This problem happens when I am using a brush and try to select a foreground color by clicking on the "Set Foreground Color" in the toolbox. The "Color Picker" appears, I choose a color, click "OK," and then a never-ending number of Firefox windows begins to open with the Photoshop help page (as if I repeatedly pressed the F1 key extremely quickly). I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del and quit Firefox or the opening of windows won't stop.
This doesn't happen every time I use the color picker to select a foreground color, but whenever it happens, that's what I'm doing.
I'm using Windows XP Pro x64 with 6GB RAM, Photoshop CS4, and a Wacom PTZ-631W tablet.
when you make a localized brush adjustment, selecting tint you could chose the opposite LAB color from the picker.And I explain my self why do I need that.When I try to correct color temperature I can use the temp color but this will affect all the image and some times I need to correct color temperature only from a part of the image. The easiest way from me to do this is to pick the color zone that I want to correct and see what LAB color do I get. For example I could get an orange color like L=89, A = - 6 , B= +72. To correct color the only thing that I have to do, is to tint the desire zone with the oppositeLAB color, in this case L=89 , A = +6 , B = -72 witch is a blue color, and then applyopacity to get the desire look
When I open a picture in photoshop, any picture, I see the picture and all around it is a background color. It has nothing to do with the picture or any work being done on the picture. This has to do with the color that comes up on the screen regardless of the picture. It was black and I hit something and it is now blue. I want this to go back to black.
I tryed clicking on the link below, selecting black for a background color and clicking and nothing changes.
When I have an color image I sometimes need to select a certain color from all the image. Is there a way with Photoshop CS2 to make this selection so the program figures out which areas have the same color specified and select it also? (did I explained myself?)
In other words if I want to select, say dark red in all the spots with the same color range, can I make the first selection of the color anywhere in the image and then use any selection option so it selects all similar colors?
I cannot get a color balance adjustment layer to come up. Every time I do photoshop creates a levels layer. Selecting levels makes a levels layer. All of the other adjustment layers seem to be working normally.
How do I fix this? I have a deadline and no time to be reinstalling photoshop.
In Photoshop, there is a SELECT/COLOR RANGE tool that allows the selection of Highlights, Shadows, etc. Is there anything comparable in PSP X6? This would be very useful when trying to adjust for example blown highlights.
my corel crashing every time I try to select the color palette menu in the window dropdown, try to change the palette in the solid fill color window, and also in the outline color window. I have tried changing the color preset, reinstalling, resetting to defaults, am updated to the newest version (, installing the hot fixes, blah, blah blah....... everything.