Photoshop :: Remove Noise And Artifact -...
Feb 26, 2009
I'm struggling with a stock agency on a few images where the rejection is for "Artifact" and "Noise". First, let me ask - are these the same? They sometimes list these problems independently. They state that "camera setting and RAW processing are the likely cause". I don't "think" my camera settings are the problem - 100 ISO, 16.7mp RAW's.
So the question is this; how do I tell if I have these issues in a file? They are inspected at 100%.
Next, if I have these issues, what is the best way to fix them? I know of the noise reduction filter, however, not sure of the best settings. Or, should I be considering 3rd party software?
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Jun 18, 2004
way to remove noise from picture taken by digital camera (particular those taken at low light condition)? These noise are scattered all around the picture. I tried to use the filter -> Noise --> reduce noise function, but the result is not good. There are still plenty of little grains when viewed at 1:1 scale. If I apply the neutralize, the whole picture will be blurred out.
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Aug 29, 2012
When you import a video that has image noise into Photoshop cs6 is there a way of removing it? Is it done in the same way as what you would do in removing noise from a photograph?
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Nov 3, 2013
how to further sharpen this photo and further reduce noise
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May 11, 2012
Using Corel VS X4. I am trying to reduce or remove wind noise from video clips. These clips also have narration, which at times is inaudible due to the background wind noise! Any way to remove or reduce this background noise?
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Dec 13, 2013
Using Gimp 2.8 in Windows 7. I have a scanned image of a topological map. At areas where the contour lines get too close, squares appear in between the image (See attached photo). Is there a good way to remove these extra squares in the contour lines rather than tracing the lines manually?
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Dec 3, 2011
1.   When to apply noise reduction is very positive and unequivocal.
2.   There are no two ways about it.
3.   You better get it correct.
4.   You don't want your images to look like Phil's images. Read the following very carefully
PS: Is the DxO RAW converter still considered to be the best noise removal software on the market. How well will it do on my old JPEGs.
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Dec 25, 2010
can we remove noise from audio voice overs using video studio x3??????
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Dec 14, 2012
I have rather large blueprint that is black and white. Their is some noise around some of the black lines / text / etc on the drawing that I want to get rid of as well as get rid of the white back round all together (which I am hoping will reduce the file size a bit).
How to best remove the white backround / remove the noise from this large drawing?
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Sep 26, 2012
I have pictures that have different objects over a canvas like/un uniform back ground.
I need to remove that background without any part of the objects them self.
I mange to get most of the background out using the magic wand , but i'm left with many random single/groups of noise pixels left in the picture since they were not captured with the magic wand.
most of the time i can remove those using the eraser or use the selection tools with different shapes around the pixels and press delete.
but those methods take lots of time, specially around a complex objects and as i'm getting near to them, i need to make my selections/eraser radius smaller and smaller.
I have tried to use a plugin called "Reduce Noise" that i found , but it does not work.
faster way how to remove this noise pixels without any part of the objects?
a plugin that "scans" the image/selected area and remove all pixels that are surrounded by transparency in it?
p.s I can't always select only the object/s itself/them self and just move it/them to a new picture.
p.s.2 maybe a plugin that the user can choose up to what size, a group of pixels, should be removed ?
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May 19, 2008
first my system is BenQ r55: core2duo t5500, 2gb RAM, 100Gb HD, Geforce 7400go.
The main problem coming up when i move an object/text/smart object or make a new layer or make a fill in a selection , after doing those activity there will be a random dot(artifact) in a working screen maybe about 1px * 1px with a random color too. I've been reinstalling for a several time, and clean it with wincs3 clean, but is not solve the problem.
I've been trying to remove or switch a ram module one into another and it give the same result. Sometimes during errors occurs, photoshop will crash and give attention about ntdll.dll error too or something like that(dll error).
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Nov 29, 2005
since i got an FX5700 card i'm getting annoying artifacts in my pictures - odd coloured pixels have been appearing when i scroll about, or show/hide palettes. latest one was dafter : zoomed to like
75%, nothing,
100% could see a random pixel,
110% nothing.
then i was looking at my pic, pressed tab to hide the palettes adn a green pixel appeared. tab again, it vanished.
it's doing my head in! >:-/
been using PS7, upgraded to CS2, since removed it cos i did an XP reinstall and anyway i'd put it in the same folder as PS7 which you ain't supposed to do apparently.
not sure if this is a card or a PShop problem. been playing Delta Force Black Hawk Down too - all the graphic stuff is there, but clicking a menu option hangs the game for about ten seconds. sometimes when a mission starts, same thing, a hang then it runs fine. other things seem fine tho.
PS7 was working fine before, making me thing it's the card, but i'd expect more apps to crash/corrupt...??
i'm running v71 nvidiaa drivers - i tried the v78 pack, they failed to unzip, i tried the v77 and DFBHD menus were corrupted.
current set up :-
XP home
Athlon 2300+
ASUS A7n8x-x mobo
ASUS geforce FX5700 vid card
PShop on a different partition to XP, main scratch is another separate 10 partition.
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Dec 11, 2012
Notice the artifact line above the Photoshop CS6 icon after most recent update to Mac version? Here is a screen grab of the icon in it's folder:
Notice the black artifact line above the icon. This is also visible in Launchpad icon and is much more noticeable. Not sure if it is just my system or something is amiss with the icon update for the retina display (this is on a non-retina display MBP 17" (late 2011) and a Thunderbolt display).
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Feb 4, 2009
When I open up, let's say a picture of a cat, of ordinary size (10x 10cm) and above in Photoshop CS3, I get some strange squarelike artifacts that disappears momentarely when i move my cursor over it. I've added a link to the picture to illustrate my problem. What i can't figure out is when these artifacts occur I'm able to save the image in, let's say .Jpg, and the jpg records the box-artifacts into my final version (se link). I also get strange results while zooming in and out on canvas causing the image to change the box-artifacts into diffrent patterns.
Iv'e tried to update my drivers reagarding every graphical components in my computer but nothing seems to work. I've played with various settings in PShop but nothing changes.
My system info:
Photoshop CS3
Amd 64 X2Core
3.0Ghz, 2GB Ram
Win Xp Servicepack 3
Ati Radeon HD 2900 pro
Directx 10
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Jan 14, 2007
I scanned a batch of paper photos and one of the photos has a film developing error. There is a transparent artifact of some monument on top of another person. Is there a way to remove this artifact? I have saved this scanned file as a psd file. I'm not that great with Photoshop as I know how to do straight, crop, levels, curves, blur correction and sharpen, but I'm not that familiar with layers, wand, heal and other tools.
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Jun 8, 2012
Is there some good way to do this when there are subjects that have many small features, sure as leaves or bird feathers? I have tried different selection methods and feathering, but always wind up with halos or sudden changes at the boundary, that necessite huge amount of detail work to get rid of,Â
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Oct 31, 2012
I've been experimenting with using Gaussian Blur on uncompressed TIFF images. The TIFF images consist of scans of printed images with a screen ruling.
I've been noticing an 8x8 blocking artifact when compressing the blurred images to JPEG's. (The reason for not using the scanner's Descreen feature is so that I can selectively blur.)
Here, a JPEG without prior blurring appears on top, and a JPEG with prior blurring appears on the bottom:Â
Would blurring the JPEG, instead of blurring the TIFF beforehand, be preferable?
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Jul 3, 2012
I have a box (converted to editable poly) with one chamfered edge. The rendering gives odd texture color around the chamfered edge. What might cause this? Bottom image shows the edges, upper images shows the artifact. Material id-s and smoothing groups are correct. If i divide the ngon on the right side to 4 sided polgions, the result is the same artifact.
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Dec 7, 2011
I'm currently in CS5, but I believe this was happening in CS4 and maybe earlier.
When in the Save for Web dialogue (it doesn't matter what format I'm saving to or if transparency is on), sometimes an artifact line of some sort appears on the right edge of the image as seen in the screenshot below (the image is just white & black and the gray is off the artboard). It's not just in the preview…it's in the saved file as well. It seems to occur when the edge of the artwork lies at a certain distance from the edge of the artboard and I'm changing the size of the exported image. The exact pattern of the artifact is not consistent, but it's always vertical along the right edge. Changing the image size and whether it's art or type optimized (or not at all) changes the artifacts.
I can usually get around this by adjusting the edge of the artboard, and it sometimes goes away at a certain image size.
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Feb 11, 2013
Opening a Canon .CR2 in Photoshop CS6, Camera Raw generates a significant amount of noise or graininess in the image compared with the simultaneously saved .JPG file. This results in the image from the raw file being of reduced quality. I never had this problem using Photoshop CS5.Â
Is this the result of some setting being turned on? If so, I have been unable to figure out which one. The only other possibility is that there is a severe flaw in the latest version of the Camera Raw plugin.
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Oct 6, 2013
What is causing the colored noise in the above image? This appears before I do any editing. When I import the image from Lightroom 5.Â
I turn on the Gamut Warning, and it disappears. I know. But then, obviously, the gray from the Gamut Warning occupies parts of the image. I open the image as a 16 bit PSD.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have low-light photo taken at 1600 iso and I'd like to de-noise it and sharpen it a bit with high pass. Will it matter which comes first?
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Apr 7, 2009
I am trying to create a star field for this school project. I've been trying to create one using the Add noise feature on a black background. I get to the point were I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. I used some other adjustments like curves, brightness and contrast, and exposure. All of these created a pretty solid star field. However I've noticed two things when trying to save the image at hand as a JPG or apply the image to a new layer. Both instances yield the image reverting back to the initial add noise, as if it adds the original noise I started with when I first began the project and I'm at my wits ends as to why it's doing that.
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Sep 29, 2005
I hope this is the right place to ask. I have had some people complain that there is often noise in many my photos. The problem is I am unable to see it myself. Maybe it is my poor vision. Mt question is, "Is there a way that a person can make the area of a phot that has noise in it stand out like in a highlite or something making it obvious where it needs removed?"
I am envisioning a software that makes all areas of the photo red where the noise is. I have the software tools that you use to remove it but first I need to be able to see it. If this is the wrong forum for this question, please direct me to where the right one is. Notice, I did not say, "Tell me where I can go?.
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Feb 6, 2009
What Noise Reduction do you use/recommend for getting rid of heavy noise on
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Mar 27, 2008
a good noise reduction plug in to Photoshop, or alternatively a comparable program?
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Feb 20, 2005
what is meant by background noise? i come accross this alot but dont understand it and laso the video filters?
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May 11, 2008
I can't remember reading any tutorials on dealing with noise in Photoshop. Scott Kelby dedicates a whole paragraph in his CS3 book for digital photographers. I need to make a decision on what noise reduction plugin to buy, so if you can reply to thread I can get a consensus of what is being used most.
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Jun 7, 2006
I am trying to create a "blinged" skater. I have this so far: photo
Everytime I select the middle of the skater (the black) and try to add noise this is
what happens: the noise is gold and white.
I want to make the noise black and white rather than gold.
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Sep 22, 2008
I recently began creating an image and when it came time to flatten this image, the noise I intentionally put in was softened to a regular glow. I am using CS2 and i used the Layer Style > Outer Glow > and then I added noise with blend mode linear dodge and an opacity of 68%. Anyone know if there is a way I can flatten the image with a way to maintain the noise?
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Aug 13, 2008
PS CS3 Noise Filter better than PSElements 6 Noise Filter ?
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