I hope this is the right place to ask. I have had some people complain that there is often noise in many my photos. The problem is I am unable to see it myself. Maybe it is my poor vision. Mt question is, "Is there a way that a person can make the area of a phot that has noise in it stand out like in a highlite or something making it obvious where it needs removed?"
I am envisioning a software that makes all areas of the photo red where the noise is. I have the software tools that you use to remove it but first I need to be able to see it. If this is the wrong forum for this question, please direct me to where the right one is. Notice, I did not say, "Tell me where I can go?.
I'm comparing the memory settings of my new installation of CS4 with my old CS2, and note the following discrepancy (under Edit -> Preferences -> Memory/Performance):
Available RAM CS4 2569 MB CS2 2698 MB
CS4 is thus missing 129 MB of available RAM.
these values are indicators of available addressable memory space only, and have nothing to do with the RAM actually free or in use by Photoshop at that time. In that case, they should be the same for both CS4 and CS2, but they are not.
For those of you with both CS4 and any prior version of Photoshop still installed, do you see similar discrepancies?
have Dell Precision M6400 with 12Gb of RAM and Photoshop CS4 (as a part of master collection).Here is my problem:Figure 1 (system spec showing my 12Gb of ram)Figure 2 (showing ps cs4 64bit system info read)Figure 3 (where did all my RAM GO? only 2963?)
When one opens an image via CS5's ACR, blown out regions are shown in red and there is a "recover" slider. How do I turn on the blown out detection in CS6's ACR and can I turn on a "recover" slider.
I need software (free?) to detect the edges of my subject then crop to a certain distance from the subject. Any ideas? Time is of the absolute essence. Or better yet I need a way to select my subject then place it on a white background using an action.
I currently have a Lenovo X61T Tablet PC and I am testing out Photoshop CS4.When I try to set the brush to be pressure sensitive I get the little "!" icon displayed saying that I must have a tablet installed for this feature to work.I also have the FREE program of “Paint.net” installed on this tablet pc and that is able to detect the pressure sensitivity perfectly. So I would have thought this would rule out any driver issue as the functionality is working its just that Photoshop doesn’t seem to detect it and enable it.
In Illustrator CC every time I click Merge Paint I need to go back to Live Paint > Gap Options > and reset Gap Detections to "Paint stop at Small Gaps". Despite I set "Paint stop at Small Gaps" as my default many times now, it seems that Illustrator CC does reset it automatically to "Custom Gaps" and therefore Merge Paint doesn't work correctly. A nightmare, I am forced to use Illustrator CS6!
Annoying time spend waiting while acad automatically detects hatch boundary? - usually a boundary of some sort, thats completely useless anyway.
I'm seeking full control and want to select the boundaries myself and hope some of you can tell how to switch off or avoid this automatic process of boundary detection that usually follows "h" ↵ ( "hatch" ↵ or "bhatch" ↵ ).
It seems to me at one time I was able to just click the check box "Enable Profile Corrections" and LR would automatically detect the lens I used and apply it. Now it wants me to scroll through the list to the bracnd name--then it applies it.
I want to have some kind of collision-detection within two symbols. So when one symbol collides with another there will appear be text like "squash" or something.
I haven't found anything about collision-detecting in edge animate, but I thought I could handle it with looking for the same css-parameters of both symbols. Obj1 is moving to Obj2 on a motion path. Now I want to have a Text, when it reaches Obj2.So I tried it like this:
var positionobj1 = sym.$("obj1").css("left"); var positionobj2 = sym.$("obj2").css("left");
if (positionobj1 == positionobj2){ sym.play("Text"); }
Opening a Canon .CR2 in Photoshop CS6, Camera Raw generates a significant amount of noise or graininess in the image compared with the simultaneously saved .JPG file. This results in the image from the raw file being of reduced quality. I never had this problem using Photoshop CS5.
Is this the result of some setting being turned on? If so, I have been unable to figure out which one. The only other possibility is that there is a severe flaw in the latest version of the Camera Raw plugin.
What is causing the colored noise in the above image? This appears before I do any editing. When I import the image from Lightroom 5.
I turn on the Gamut Warning, and it disappears. I know. But then, obviously, the gray from the Gamut Warning occupies parts of the image. I open the image as a 16 bit PSD.
I am trying to create a star field for this school project. I've been trying to create one using the Add noise feature on a black background. I get to the point were I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. I used some other adjustments like curves, brightness and contrast, and exposure. All of these created a pretty solid star field. However I've noticed two things when trying to save the image at hand as a JPG or apply the image to a new layer. Both instances yield the image reverting back to the initial add noise, as if it adds the original noise I started with when I first began the project and I'm at my wits ends as to why it's doing that.
I can't remember reading any tutorials on dealing with noise in Photoshop. Scott Kelby dedicates a whole paragraph in his CS3 book for digital photographers. I need to make a decision on what noise reduction plugin to buy, so if you can reply to thread I can get a consensus of what is being used most.
I recently began creating an image and when it came time to flatten this image, the noise I intentionally put in was softened to a regular glow. I am using CS2 and i used the Layer Style > Outer Glow > and then I added noise with blend mode linear dodge and an opacity of 68%. Anyone know if there is a way I can flatten the image with a way to maintain the noise?
If the circumstances force me to work on images with noise which have to be enlarged, and if I use noise reduction based on noise-pattern-recognition, is it better to carry out the noise reduction before or after the enlargement (and in case the answer is after, which resampling method would resample the image (and thus the noise) best for subsequent noise reduction?)
I would like to see if there is a routine that allows my iLogic code to detect if my assembly contains another assembly within it. If my assebly contains assemblies then I don't want "MyRule" to run. Else if it does then I want "MyRule" to run.
I do a lot of UI design and webdesign in Photoshop and as most people I like to apply a subtle noise here and there. I usually do it this way:
First I decide whether I want black or white noise. Secondly I create a new layer and fill it with opposite color. Then I choose Add Noise and apply 100% uniform monochromatic noise. In the end I choose between Multiply and Screen mode according to the noise I want and play around with opacity.
Now I am coding a website in HTML5 and CSS3, which allows me to recreate all elements without unnecessary images and workarounds, but I am not able to create appropriate texture to emulate the noise. For example black noise: I wanted to create the noise as I usually would, just skipping the Multiply blending mode part and rather trying to substitute white color with transparent (and accordingly for shades), meaning I will get document where some pixels would be 100% black, some would be 0% black, and the rest between. In CSS I would then repeat this over some element and change opacity accordingly.
Noise Ninja crashes my PS CS6. What'e even worse is PS CS6 can NOT be restarted without restarting the computer first! As the noise filter in PS CS6 works really poorly, any software that works? I use the 64 bit version. No other problems - so far.