Photoshop :: CS6 Video Editing - How To Remove Image Noise
Aug 29, 2012
When you import a video that has image noise into Photoshop cs6 is there a way of removing it? Is it done in the same way as what you would do in removing noise from a photograph?
Using Gimp 2.8 in Windows 7. I have a scanned image of a topological map. At areas where the contour lines get too close, squares appear in between the image (See attached photo). Is there a good way to remove these extra squares in the contour lines rather than tracing the lines manually?
I'm struggling with a stock agency on a few images where the rejection is for "Artifact" and "Noise". First, let me ask - are these the same? They sometimes list these problems independently. They state that "camera setting and RAW processing are the likely cause". I don't "think" my camera settings are the problem - 100 ISO, 16.7mp RAW's.
So the question is this; how do I tell if I have these issues in a file? They are inspected at 100%.
Next, if I have these issues, what is the best way to fix them? I know of the noise reduction filter, however, not sure of the best settings. Or, should I be considering 3rd party software?
way to remove noise from picture taken by digital camera (particular those taken at low light condition)? These noise are scattered all around the picture. I tried to use the filter -> Noise --> reduce noise function, but the result is not good. There are still plenty of little grains when viewed at 1:1 scale. If I apply the neutralize, the whole picture will be blurred out.
I have a Canon EOS 450D and started taking photos in RAW and edited the photos afterwards with the PS RAW editing function. Often, the result on the "RAW screen" is good enough and I do not open PS CS5.
The following happened (I edited nearly 100 photos like this, but printing them was a disaster!). Image during editing in RAW:
Setting under image in RAW:
Printing photo- a scan:
Watching the photo for the first time in PS:
What went wrong? Did I sharpen too much and if so, why did the picture still showed very nice on the "RAW" image? The size of most of the photos are more than 10 MB.
I edited the project-properties to HD, according to the hints Trevor gave in this topic:
As a work-round----Change the project properties to use 1920 x 1080 and your images will be 1920 x 1080.
Settings-Project Properties (Alt+Enter) Edit File Format ---Microsoft Avi Files Edit Avi Tab Compression to Microsoft Video 1 (there may be others you can use—Div X ??) General Tab Frame Size---User Defined to 1920 x 1080
Ok now the screen shots should all use the larger image size.
Using Corel VS X4. I am trying to reduce or remove wind noise from video clips. These clips also have narration, which at times is inaudible due to the background wind noise! Any way to remove or reduce this background noise?
Whenever I use any transition, it causes a flash of white noise on the video as the transition starts. It goes away if I make the transition very very long.
I have rather large blueprint that is black and white. Their is some noise around some of the black lines / text / etc on the drawing that I want to get rid of as well as get rid of the white back round all together (which I am hoping will reduce the file size a bit).
How to best remove the white backround / remove the noise from this large drawing?
I have pictures that have different objects over a canvas like/un uniform back ground.
I need to remove that background without any part of the objects them self.
I mange to get most of the background out using the magic wand , but i'm left with many random single/groups of noise pixels left in the picture since they were not captured with the magic wand.
most of the time i can remove those using the eraser or use the selection tools with different shapes around the pixels and press delete.
but those methods take lots of time, specially around a complex objects and as i'm getting near to them, i need to make my selections/eraser radius smaller and smaller.
I have tried to use a plugin called "Reduce Noise" that i found , but it does not work.
faster way how to remove this noise pixels without any part of the objects?
a plugin that "scans" the image/selected area and remove all pixels that are surrounded by transparency in it?
p.s I can't always select only the object/s itself/them self and just move it/them to a new picture.
p.s.2 maybe a plugin that the user can choose up to what size, a group of pixels, should be removed ?
I'm newbie in graphics, so the problem is: I've got an image (495*500) of not perfect quality. I need to make it ~ twice bigger and take off this ****, that appears, when the image is larger - pixel dirt, dust, noise, blur, bad color and other crap .....
I find it annoying that changes in the resulting pixels are not displayed while a control in the Gradient Fill, Layer Style Gradient Overlay, Gradient Editor and Color Picker dialogues is being dragged. The mouse button has to be released for the change to be displayed in the resulting pixels. (I realise that the controls can be manipulated in ways other than dragging to see instantaneous changes to the image pixels. For example, the mouse wheel or keyboard arrows.)
Another annoyance is that the Gradient Editor window prevents operation of controls (such as scale and orientation) in the Gradient Fill and Layer Style Gradient Overlay dialogues.
future Ps will not have these restrictions.
The lack of feedback in the image while mouse-dragging controls affects more than just the editing of gradients, of course. many dialogues are not restricted in this way, for example, image adjustments.
I have several hours of video aerials shot with a JVC GY-HM750U camera. The camera creates a .MOV video file. Great looking stuff but I have some lens dirt showing up in everything. I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 because I saw a tutorial demonstrating how to use smart layers and the dust and scratches filter to get rid of the problem. Still working on the best settings for the filter to best take care of the problem.
But when I exported a test clip in an H.264 or QuickTime format, both rendered files only played part way through then the image froze but the progress bar in the player kept moving. The image changed abruptly to somewhere down the clip and then ended. I also edit all other video in FCP6. When I import the .MOV file into FCP it behaves the same.
I am trying to make some first steps with the video editing in Photoshop cs6 but I cant make past stage one....getting a file to open properly.
I shot some video on my Panasonic gf1. Its a .mov file. When I look at it in bridge, or open it in PS cs6 it only gives sounds but no image. I have updated Photoshop today.
So I guess I have some settings wrong. Maybe I had wrong settings in my camera. What to do? I can watch the video's with windows media player.
I am using an iMac,OS 10.7.5, Lion. When editing video with PS CS 6, how do I get the "safe zone" grids for text and action to show on the image, either stills or video?
Does the Photoshop CS6 (Standard Version) video editor can do the following:-
Steam video from a camcorder Correct camcorder or camera shake . I rang Adobe Customer Services, who transferred me to the "Sales Department", who transferred me to the "Technical Support Department", who in turn transferred me to the "Video Department" and nobody could answer the above questions.
They couldn't even tell me if the capabilities were the same or similar to Premier Elements 10, so how are they going to sell this latest product, when nobody knows anything about it?
Having subscribed to adobe CC I can download video clips but 1.They will not play I am unable to trim the clips.No pop-up display appears when I attempt to trim the clips.
I am unable to open video in PS CS4 Extended. I tried two different extensions, .mpg and .mov. I get an error that says the file can not be opened. I am sure I have PS Extended.
I've just upgraded to C&PGD from Xtreme v4. Adding a small amount of noise to background images seems to be becoming more popular these days. I've seem tutorials on YouTube for PS and this technique but couldn't find one for Xara.
When I convert all .jpeg images into .tiff format for printing (I did this in Photoshop). When I placed the images in Illustrator, I noticed that some of the images show too much noise... do you know why this is happening? It look fine in Photoshop, but not in Illustrator. Both files is in CMYK format as well...
Is it possible to remove the background from a video in Photoshop CS5 and replace it with a still image? The video is really simple (black and white). I know it's possible in After Effects or Premiere Pro but I need to stick to Photoshop. Also, I cannot do anything that involves manually adjusting images frame by frame as I work with really high frame-rate videos (10000/sec).
There is a squiggly blemish in some shots that I have taken. I opened the sequence in Adobe bridge and then Photoshop, so now I have a hundred photos with a squiggly line (the line always remains stationary).
Can I just remove the blemish on the first jpeg with spot remover or clone tool and then apply the work I've done in that first one to all the jpegs in the sequence, then export it?
Export history settings or apply work or something like that? How do I do that?
I'm using Photoshop CS6 to edit some video clips together, but it's super leggy. How do I make it so it's less leggy? Will putting my video files on an external harddrive work?
I'm using a MacBook Pro which is fast, but the video editor eats up my computer's speed like tiger.