Photoshop :: Put 4"x8" Image Into 4"x6" Space Without Too Much Distortion?
Mar 29, 2013I want to put a 4"x8' image into a 4"x6" space without too much distortion.
View 5 RepliesI want to put a 4"x8' image into a 4"x6" space without too much distortion.
View 5 RepliesI recently installed an upgrade from CS2 to CS4 on my Vista laptop. It is fully registered and updated. I seem to be having an issue with Photoshop. Any file I open, jpg, psd, pdf, etc. opens with lines and squares all over the image. I can't quite figure out what could be causing this. I thought maybe video card, but it too is current. I have included a picture to display what I mean.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm creating some website banners. They're beautiful. When I save them and open them, they look great. When I link to them on the web, they look awful. They're distorted - badly. I've rebuilt the images several times and each time, I get the same result. Is this a resolution issue?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhi all i have a epson 7800 printer that i print onto canvas 99 % are ok as i do landscapes,sunsets ect i have started doing photos onto canvas people email me the image at 300 dpi then i edit image in photoshop cs3 the problem i have sometimes it looks distorted not all the time sometime they send me a image that is 2x4 inches dpi is 300 when i blow it up to 20x16 inches or bigger it does not look right i know the image should be bigger that they send me is there a way round this so when i blow up a image it looks like it has not been distored i am ok with photoshop as i am learning new tricks evryday any info would be great
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an image (jpg file) where some of the portions been smudged with paint brush. I dont have the base file with me. Is it possible to remove such layers from the image to see the original image.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to a new computer and I am experiencing strange black bands blotches when opening many of my old Photoshop files or even when opening common files types (jpg/png). The problem doesn't occur with all file, some open just fine. The distortion only appears within Photoshop,
when I try to save the file for display everything looks fine as long as I don’t open the saved file in Photoshop. I feel like I’m missing something basic but I’ve used PS for years and never encountered this. All of my profile settings are exactly the same as they were on the old computer (basically default) so I don’t think there is a mismatch.
I'm trying to make an image 879X593 px into a banner about 950 x 130 px. Is this possible to do this in Photoshop without causing the image to stretch or distort the items inside it? Are there other options even in Fireworks?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a vertical image 3000 x 2400 and I need it 9000 x 3000. How do I increase without distortion?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor several years I've had excellent results with VideoStudio 9 & my trusty old Sony Digital 8 Handycam. But not so with my most recent project, where the rendered image has vertical distortions resembling pixelation. The film is watchable but disappointingly irritating! Raw footage played directly from the camera onto the TV/into the computer is crisp. I re-processed the footage through Windows Movie Maker, importing the .wvm into VS9 to burn the disk, with the same outcome. A knowledgeable friend suggested that .mpeg drivers in VS9 might have been overwritten/corrupted by another programme so I reinstalled & went through the full process for the 3rd time, again with the same result. The only hardware/other known changes have been a new flat/widescreen TV and computer monitor.
View 11 Replies View RelatedHow can I zoom the image without distortion?
In photoshop it is "convert to smart object" command.How can I do it with Paint Shop Pro?
I have attached the layered image (reducing opacity so you can both template and image). The vendor provided me a flat template, not a path, to do my artwork. As you can see I need to arc the image without distorting to fit a cup template. I am more comfortable in photoshop but I can export to AI if necessary to complete which appears what I need to do via envelope distort from what I keep seeing. However, the template provided is not a path. I tried to trace template shape manually with pen tool and use envelope distort to arc my image to conform but it looked very distorted and no even close to what I was trying to achieve. I tried to do tradition arc warp in photoshop but it still seems to distort proportions.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just started using Indesign CC a couple of weeks ago and am building a document with a lot of images. I'm dragging and dropping the images from Finder and about half the time the images are coming in distorted and out of proportion, the other half of the time, they are maintaining their original proportions. What is causing the distortion? Is there someway to control the placement so the image maintains it's original proportions?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am experiencing image distortion with vector shapes or outlined letters with scale down. Shift + Alt + Click locks in the proportions of the image as a whole but what happens is individual letters/shapes become distorted resulting in a completely different look.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have run into this problem several times. CorelDRAW has "envelope" which works for vector illustrations. (how I made the sample) Photo Paint does not have a similar tool. How can I pinch the middle in PP. How to make the image on the left into the image on the right.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created this using Gimp 2.6 on Mac 10.5: [URL].......
When I resize this to a smaller image, the text gets all distorted: [URL]......
I have been looking around on Google, but couldn't find much.Tried scaling with all the different ways (Linear, Cubical... etc). Also tried scaling from XCF and PNG files. Nothing seem to maintain the quality of the text on the image.
Morphing space! I would like to do what other advanced programs do by assigning points to an image and then morph/transpose those points to another space with the same number of defined points.
As a very crude geometric example if I have a 5-pointed star and want to transpose those 5 defined points onto an ellipse with 5 similarly defined points, what might be your approach be to execute this function. How to create and application/extension pack, or write the code for such a function? Any method of steps to create this transition process? (See Two Accompanying JPEGS) .
A vastly more complex situation, but one that continually is used it graphic arts applications would be to morph or transpose the spacial dimensions of one image into those of a second image which is assigned the same set.
I'm making an image that I want to have 5 different scales of. The scales are: 128x128, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 16x16. You guessed it, I'm making a favicon with multiple layers.
I create a canvas size 128x128 to start. Then I add my image to the canvas. I want the image to be transparent, so I remove the background by moving it up to layer 0 and deleting it. Now I hit (CTR + J) to create a copy of this layer to resize to a 64x64. The problem I have is when I copy the image it only copies the image and not the entire layer canvas size.the logo is about 126x90 so that’s what it copies. I need to make this image the entire 128x128, without losing transparency. Essentially what I am asking is can I add the extra 1 px to the width and 38 px to the height without actually changing the visual of the logo?
When I open an Image in Photoshop CC the image does not appear in my work space. The tab identifies that the image is opened, layers shows the image is open, however it is not on the screen. All tools, brushes etc work, but I can't see what they are doing. I can only see the image if i click the tab and move it around. Once my mouse lets go of the image window it dissapears again. After moving it around and such it gets buggy and the image crashes not Photoshop. i have attached two screen shots of my problem. the second with the image, i have my mouse clicked, held down holding onto the window to acheive this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have some large collections of images: columns of 8 to 10 images across with as many as 40 to 60 rows. These are exported from a program called CatDV Pro. Between each row is gray space -- my problem is that I need to reduce that gray separator between the rows to make a better visual display and also to get it to fit on the page of the book. I have about 30 to 40 of these image collections to process.
Some things I cannot do: reduce the size of the gray separators in CatDV Pro -- not possible. It is only possible to export the entire page of images together. Sure I could export each individual image but that would be a garganuan task -- not practical.
I don't want to cut and paste indivdual images or rows. Sure, it's possible but not at all practical.
I have tried Content Aware Scaling and it is not uniform enough. Some rows squish before others. I know about protecting some area in Content Aware Scaling but that doesn't seem practical either, not with 40 rows. Maybe I'm missing something there.
Here is a small sample of what I start with:
And here is what I want to end up with. (keep in mind the actual files have many more rows):
How can i remove the white space from this JPEG image (attached to this post) so that I can overlap it with another image without the white space showing?
The image is actually saved as a rectangle with the white space on the top right hand corner, where it curves.
How can I increase my work space (the photoshop file open) ? I've tried Image > Image Size but when height or width is changed, the whole picture is enlarged to fit into the new size.
I would like to keep the image and simply add 200px to the bottom of the file, is this possible?
how to use the polar coordinates filter but why is it even though I follow the tutorial exactly, when i go to apply the filter I can't use it along with many others.
would this be a software issue? maybe have to download filters or sumthing?
two things:
I'm using CS3 on a PC. I'm using the wave filter to distort an image. writing down all the characteristics ie, # of generators, wavelength, amplitude, scale ect. Is there anyway to recreate that EXACT wave pattern on a particular image once I've left the program? It seems to generate another algorithm even if I input the same numbers.
Also, I'm distorting an image at 72dpi as a test. When I replace the image with an exact replica at 300dpi and apply the wave distortion, I'm unable to get even remotely the same results. the wave patterns are much tighter. I've moved around all the characteristics with no result.
How do achieve this effect. I want to create tv distortion, but not in the form of noise. Like when things get stretched, distorted, and look all jagged horizontally. Very similar to when you are losing a video signal.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do you get the arced text without it distorting the text itself. the tops are bigger than the bottoms of the letters. So your font isn't the same anymore. I am just trying to do a simple arc like cheapo cd label programs do. Straight letters on an arc. Is there a circle text or something i can do?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI remember seeing a video tutorial on fixing lens distortion but I don't remember that video is and who did it. how to fix lens distortion in Photoshop CS4? I shot the photo with a widen angel 24mm Nikon lens. The picture looks somehow distorted.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSay I draw a simple square in Illustrator CS6 then export it to a PNG using Save for Web. The preview shows 1px thick of white space on the right side. Sometimes it's on 2 sides or more.
No other hidden elements are around the image. Clip to artboard in not clicked.
Suppose I have an image in Lightroom. I export it to Photoshop for editing. During the editing process I convert the image to Lab color space. I complete the edit and then save the file. It goes back to Lightroom. Is it converted back into RGB at that point? Is there a problem with doing this? I'd rather not do any more color space shifting than I absolutely need to.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do I find out the color space of an image in LR 4.1?
View 9 Replies View RelatedToday, all of a sudden, two of my most used functions—holding down the space bar to move the image around and holding down CMD-space bar to zoom—just up and quit on me (I do like the "Scrubby" but it took a little getting used to. It's very touch screen-esque).
I did all of the normal trouble shooting such as deleting the prefs, relaunching, restarting, etc. Nothing. The functions work fine in the other CS5 programs.
I checked through all of the prefs thinking that perhaps I accidentally changed something but I couldn't find anything. If all else fails, I'll do an uninstall/reinstall but only as a last resort.
I did notice that Adobe finally fixed the Distort (in Full Screen Mode) bug that was killing me in CS4.
[URL] Bug is where the Hand move (by holding down Space bar and dragging) stops working. Issue appears to be a conflict with web browsers.
This bug is still present in Photoshop version 12.1 (CS 5). I don't use Firefox, I use Safari and Chrome. Quitting Safari did not fix the problem. Quitting Chrome DID fix the problem.