Photoshop :: Opening PSD Templates At Times In CS5 And CS6?
Sep 23, 2013
I have had a problem with opening some PSD template files. It doesn't happen all the time and it doesn't happen with every template. All of the templates were downloaded as zip files and opened and saved using Photoshop CS 5 on a Windows XP PC. When this happens I am getting an error message to the effect that the file can't be opened as it was done in a different version of PS. When the files were saved, they were saved as PSD files and the compatibility check box is always checked. The thing is, sometimes the file will open and sometimes the same one won't.
When I try to open an X5 template in X6, nothing happens in X6. I don't receive any error messages. It looks like the template is opening, but I just end up with a blank grey (no file opened) slate. I am using the 32-bit build. Everything else seems fine.
running AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. From the beginning of my course I’ve had CAD opening to my template; from the options, under the file tab, then template settings, I set all four of the subcategories to my template and the appropriate folders. My template is set with an engineering drawing scale. A couple weeks ago, I fired up CAD and it opened to a different template where it’s using an architectural scale. I checked my template settings in the options and they are the same. I closed CAD, reopened it, and have gotten the same result since then. When I open my drawings that I’ve been working on the scale goes back to engineering or if I manually open my template, it is an engineering scale as well. Is there another area that controls how CAD opens besides the options for templates settings? I really don’t understand how that could have been changed in the first place since we have always used our templates from the first week of class.
we have just upgraded from Inv 2011 to 2013. I am trying to create the drawing templates in 2013 by using the blank 2013 template and then copying our border from 2011 onto it. This works a treat apart from 1 thing.
The i properties do not get copied over as well so the sheet is blank from drawing number, title and the custom properties etc.
I have a directory of 100 images in a directory that I am going to add to my online photo album. I want to run these images through some image optimization to reduce the size and enhance the colors. BUT, when I do this, the modified date of the image gets changed to the current date. My online photoalbum uses this modifed date as the pictures date. So after my pictures are all uploaded to my online photo gallery, the dates are not correct and pictures are not in any date order.
is there a way to tell photoshop to NOT update this date when modifying an image?
What are all of your processes for modifying images and tracking the actual image date?
I open any kind of file or when I create a new file it takes Photoshop at least 30 secs to open or create the file. I also have PS installed on another computer (with the same specs) where I don't have this problem.
why it takes PS so long to open/create files? I'm using a laptop with a Core 2 Duo processor and 2GB of DDR2 ram.
I have a small niglling issue with my copy of Photoshop CS3 on Vista Ultimate 64 bit and I never use to get.
For the past several months I have had to click the PS icon (usually in my quick launch) several times before photoshop will actually boot up. Sometimes I can get PS to boot up on the first click, sometimes 2 (usually) but other times I have to click it bout 6+ times before I see the PS splash screen and it starts?
However, PS is doing something on this non-booting clicks, cos my Task Manager shows I have several processes of PS running, but they all use significantly less memory than the actual opened PS. So for example, if I had to click 6 times, the one that is open may be using 71k, but all the other ones will be using 4k, I then manually stop those processes and PS works fine.
This isn't a major problem cos I can get PS to boot and function as it is suppose to, but it its somewhat annoying when I have to keep doing this process everytime I want to run PS.
My specs (incase its needed) are:
Windows Vista Ultimate Retail x64 Intel Q9550 @ 3.6GHz 4GB PC2-8500 Corsair Dominator Ram 1x 150GB WD Velociraptor 10,000RPM HDD 1x 1TB Samsung F1 HDD ATi 4870x2 2GB Graphics Card
Also, incase it matters, I have a copy of Flash CS3 installed too, both PS and Flash are 100% legimate copies.
Using PS CS6 on WIndows 7 64. All drivers updated. When I set 5 copies in the print menu, with either PSDs, TIFFs, or JPGs, PS sends the same job five times rather than telling the printer to just make 5 copies.
This happens when using either the color laser or Epson R3000. This does NOT happen when using non-CS6 products. On a 25 print run, this takes an abnormally long time.What I HAVE found is that PS is NOT passing the information to the printer. In other words, even though I set PS to multiple copies, when I click printer options the number of copies has not been passed to the driver.
way to make more than one copy of a layer at a time? You can right-click on a layer and duplicate it once, but often I'd like to make several copies on different layers.
why certain filters are grayed out sometimes. I am creating an image right now and I want to apply a pixelate filter to a layer and it's grayed out along with brush strokes, artistic and a few others, yet a little over half of the filters are available.
I'm using a template for a cd sleeve. One half of it is upside down so to work on the other half I have to rotate the image. I will have to rotate the image a hundred times before the project is finished.
Does this affect the quality? If so, any workarounds for me?
very long image loading times when loading an image into CS6 from LR4.When I right click an image in LR4 and select edit-in CS6, CS6 immediately starts up, and loads. But after CS6 is fully up on my screen, I get a spinning ball first, then spinning white/grey circles, until my selected image appears within CS6.
I am operatinng with an iMac 27 2.8G with 8G of memory and using SL 10.6.8 I have about 300G of free space on my HDD.
I am currently having a little problem working with Photoshop: I am designing posters and other prints for a festival here, and we usually print the largest posters on A1 intl paper full color. That means working in a huge 300dpi file with quite a lot of layers.
The issue I'm having trouble with concerns the loading and saving of the files (the biggest ones are around 1.1GigaByte). Simply loading the file into PS takes over 5 minutes, slowing down my computer drastically. Saving the file in a .psd format takes even longer, over 10 minutes sometimes.
I doubt this is an issue with the computer, as it has reasonable specs and is only a few months old. So how to reduce the file size of these .psds and thereby optimize their loading time. Because working like this is extremely time consuming and unproductive...
way of opening images in CS2 where after opening they will appear in the middle of the CS screen rather then in the top left corner?
I can drag and maximize so they appear in the middle, but on reopening another image they default to the top left again, I would like them to always open in the middle?
I have this picture which was low res when I started working with and it looks horrible when I enlage it. I need to smooth the edges and enlarge it by 5 times it's size.
im just getting used to using PS and IR together although ive been using PS for a while and i wanted to know if one of the ways to have a faster loading image was to save it for web and lower its res or to actually create more slices and have the HTML generator create a table to load the image faster?
im trying to get the best load times for a 28.8Kbps modem load (setting the bar low to get best results).
I have just started using Photoshop Elements 10 after having worked with Elements 6 for some time. I cannot print the same image more than one time on the same page. It prints out on separate pages. I was able to print the same image several times on the same page with Elements 6..
I have photoshop elements 11 and want to know how to take the same photo and duplicate it three times next to eachother in the same frame and then be able to enhance the photos separately
After printing a photograph cannot print another. Error message: "There was an error opening your printer. Printing functions will not be available until you have selected a printer and reopened any documents." have to close and reopen the program to print one more.
I have this program on my laptop as well where it does not have this problem. Have tried reinstalling but problem remains on my desktop.
I'm trying to make a very simple 20 second video clip of me hula hooping, and every 4 seconds, draw a circle around my hula hoop that remains there for the duration of the video. So at the beginning there will be 1 circle, at the end there will be 6. how to make one of these circles visible at a time. I've been googling and youtubing for the the past 2 hours.
Why is the file so large when I have not made any changes? there any thing that can reset to keep the original file size? I am using CS6 and Lightroom 4
I want to print the file with these layers selected individually, so that if I have two text layers "Cow" and "Dog", I get two similar images with different text.
How would i automate this? It would take a lot of work to select each layer and save the files individually.
So they say if you save a JPG image lots of time, the image starts to lose information...
If I open up a JPG image in Photoshop, make some edits, then use the 'save as' command (using a lower quality setting), overwriting the current file open, will saving it again further compress the image that is currently open? Or does photoshop store the original file (when it was first opened) information until closed?
we are running photoshop 8 in a windows 7 environment, and are experiencing daily hangups, slow save and output times, and software crashs....are there any patches or hotfix downloads avail? or maybe just tweaking? I've search thru the "help" section and can't really identify any.
I'm trying to find a template for a pocket folder. I have the dimensions, but I'd like to find a template that has the interior pockets all folded out, etc pre-designed where I can just go straight into designing without working on designing canvas sizes, etc..