Photoshop :: Boot PS Several Times...

Feb 15, 2009

I have a small niglling issue with my copy of Photoshop CS3 on Vista Ultimate 64 bit and I never use to get.

For the past several months I have had to click the PS icon (usually in my quick launch) several times before photoshop will actually boot up. Sometimes I can get PS to boot up on the first click, sometimes 2 (usually) but other times I have to click it bout 6+ times before I see the PS splash screen and it starts?

However, PS is doing something on this non-booting clicks, cos my Task Manager shows I have several processes of PS running, but they all use significantly less memory than the actual opened PS. So for example, if I had to click 6 times, the one that is open may be using 71k, but all the other ones will be using 4k, I then manually stop those processes and PS works fine.

This isn't a major problem cos I can get PS to boot and function as it is suppose to, but it its somewhat annoying when I have to keep doing this process everytime I want to run PS.

My specs (incase its needed) are:

Windows Vista Ultimate Retail x64
Intel Q9550 @ 3.6GHz
4GB PC2-8500 Corsair Dominator Ram
1x 150GB WD Velociraptor 10,000RPM HDD
1x 1TB Samsung F1 HDD
ATi 4870x2 2GB Graphics Card

Also, incase it matters, I have a copy of Flash CS3 installed too, both PS and Flash are 100% legimate copies.

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Photoshop :: Preferences / CS6 Won't Boot Up

Sep 5, 2013

Photoshop CS6 won't boot up!

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Photoshop :: Lockups On Boot

Jul 11, 2004

I've found that, upon boot, Photoshop takes 7 minutes to load. During this time, it stops for a LONG time on "Finding Plugins" and "Building TWAIN Menu List...".

Through much trial and error, I have found that if you ~ out the beginning of a folder name, PS will not load the contents on boot.

So I renamed:

C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-InsImport-Export
(which contains just TWAIN_32.8BA)


C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-Ins~Import-Export


C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-InsAdobe Photoshop OnlyAutomate


C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-InsAdobe Photoshop Only~Automate


C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-InsAdobe Photoshop Only~AutomateOnline Services


C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-InsAdobe Photoshop Only~Automate~Online Services

With this done, PS Cold Boots in 12 seconds, and warm boots in about 6-7. (AMD XP 1800 1.5Ghz, 1024MB DDR, Windows XP Pro).

I noticed that if you goto START > RUN > 'SERVICES.MSC' That the WIA (Windows Imaging Acquisition) Service is not started. WIA sounds like something PS would need to capture my Twain Compliant Scanner (Microtek SlimScan C6 US. Well, I tried to start it, but it times out, so I don't know if that's my problem or not.

If I dont' ~ out any folder names, PS DOES LOAD (after 7 minutes), but when I goto FILE > IMPORT > Microtek SlimScan (32bit)..., it takes another 2 MINUTES to bring up the ScanWizard for import into PS. Once I scan, the image comes in fine. But this is just WAY TOO LONG. Something is holding it up.

Also, when I don't ~ out folder names, I get all the commands on FILE > AUTOMATE. But when I do ~ out folder names, only 3 show up there. I'm not running any firewalls (software ones), I am behind a router, and am on Comcast Cable. I have NO plugins or any other customizations installed aside from the default install.

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Photoshop :: Worn Hiking Boot

Jan 25, 2005

Wondering if anyone has tips on how to make a hiking boot worn out with mud on it, and look as though you "hiked it out" I have all the tools Adobe CS suite, Macromedia MX suite, Corel Suite. Any ideas out there?

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Photoshop :: Odd PS:CS Startup :: 7 Minutes To Boot

May 14, 2004

Photoshop CS will take approximately 7 minutes to boot if I don't goto:

C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-ins

And place a ~ in front of the Imports & Exports folder (a ~ in front of a folder name will prevent PS from loading that folder's contents on boot)

The only file in this folder is:


Also, I have to goto:

C:Program FilesAdobePhotoshop CSPlug-insAdobe Photoshop Only

And ~ out the Automate folder (and the Online folder inside it) or I'll get another extremely long timeout on booting)

Does anyone know how I can re-enable these things?

The "ONLINE" folder got me thinking. I'm using a hardware firewall and a software firewall. But even when I disable the software one, I still get the long boots.

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Photoshop :: Random CS5 Slowness After Adding More RAM And SSD Boot?

Dec 17, 2012

I have just completed an update of a MacPro 3,1 by adding more RAM, going from 12-20GB of RAM, adding a 240GB SSD that is less than half full vs 7200rpm 1TB boot drive. I've also moved my LR and Bridge cache off the boot drive to a 60GB SSD eSata Raid 0 setup. I have increased my PS allocated RAM up to 71% of my total RAM or about 14GB, History state is set at 20 levels and cache levels @ 6 and cache blocks at 1024k. PS scratch is set to the internal SSD boot drive.
But PS CS5 is experiencing random slow downs and total stops where we can not do anything, including exiting the app. Mouse will work but we can not run actions or use tools then all of a sudden it just snaps out of it but it will still be slow. We can then quit PS and relaunch and for awhile it will be fine.

Is this possibly a RAM issue?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Not Opening From External Boot Disk?

Mar 23, 2013

Because OS 10.8.2 was the worst update in Apple history, for the first time ever I decided to  do the 10.8.3 update on an external boot disk before sacrificing my internal disk. I used Super Duper to make a bootable clone of my internal , booted from the external and then did the combo update.

The first app I tried was Photoshop CS 5.1. It tried to open but I got a window that said "could not inialize scratch disk because disk could not be found". After I clicked OK on that, another window said  "could not open because disk could not be found" .  I have never tried to open Photoshop any version from a bootable backup before and I don't know what this means. The scratch disk for Photoshop is set to be my internal drive Macintosh HD. 

Why would it not find it?  If I were booting from my internal and had set the scratch to the external it would find it. Why would the app be looking for itself on another disk?

After recloning my internal which is still 10.8.2, I have not yet booted from the external to see if the problem was somehow caused by 10.8.3, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. People have reported the usual weird behavior of an upgrade already on forums, but not this paricular problem

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Photoshop :: Reactivate After Reinstalling OS X From Its Boot Partition?

Oct 12, 2012

I recently had to reinstall OS X 10.7.4 because 10.8 will not run on my Mac. After the reinstall, Photoshop cannot find any licenses and does not offer me any way to re-enter my registration key.How can I get it to recognize the key or remove it entirely for a reinstall?

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Photoshop :: Why Doesn't CS6 Boot Into Extended Mode

Aug 14, 2012

Ok got a new laptop, quad core and went to install the trial of Photoshop CS6 Extended and it will not boot into extended mode but rather the original Photoshop mode, and I know this by the splash screen with the circles and the fact there is no 3D menu. A friend did the same on his laptop (different hardware) and his booted into Photoshop CS6 Extended. We used the same Adobe Download Assistant to do our installs. My GPU is the ATI Radeon 6520G and it has support for both Open GL & Open CL. It appears in the Performance preferences with GPU checked and Open CL is selectable in advanced. Now my question is why can't I get into Extended Mode? Why can't we just force it to do so? I have seen this issue all over the place and it seems to be related mostly to ATI/AMD chipsets. I would like to try out the 3D options.
I even tried installing the latest ATI Radeon drivers which are beta 2.7, same issue.

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Photoshop :: WinXP / 3GB Switch In Boot.ini To Increase RAM Available

Nov 27, 2008

Just a 'heads up' for anyone out there thinking of adding more RAM to their XP system and use the /3GB switch in their boot.ini to increase the RAM available for Photoshop:

If you're using an 'on the motherboard' video card there's a good chance it will no longer work properly (driver will fail to load). With the /3GB switch enabled the onboard video will no longer have access to the RAM it needs when it gets re-routed away from the system (that's what the /3GB does). The solution is to get a separate video card with its own memory.

This will affect some laptop users and anyone else who is trying to simplify their system by using the onboard video features that are common these days.

I'm not certain if this is the case with all systems. But I get the impression it's a known issue.

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Photoshop :: Loading A Workspace On Program Boot

Apr 23, 2006

Does anyone know how to automatically load/reload a workspace on boot?

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Photoshop :: Recovery Files Only Written On Boot Drive?

Mar 14, 2013

Cannot find explanations as for most recovery seems to work fine regardless of where the scratch drive is set.  For me it only seems to work if the scratch is set as boot drive, C:.
I became aware of this after recently adding an SSD to my system and accordingly setting the scratch disk to one of the other larger drives.  After a photoshop crash there was no recovery - surprising as it had worked flawlessly in the past.  I did a test, switching the scratch location among a few drives and seeing where the recovery files were written - the answer was C: drive.  In any other location the PSAutoRecover folder was created, but no files ever appear there.

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Photoshop :: Deactivate / Reactivate - Have To Replace Boot Drive

Nov 15, 2012

My boot drive has a bad block for the 2nd time in 6 months, so I'm going to replace. I will be cloning the drive via Mac Disk Utility to the replacement drive.

I don't want to waste any Activations, so do I DE activate prior to cloning and then Re activate after replacing the new drive? I assume this will count as only one Activation on one machine?
BTW, Adobe chat seemed clueless about this.

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Photoshop :: Locked Internal Non-boot Scratch Drive?

Aug 18, 2012

I just installed Photoshop CS6 on my wife's PC running Windows 7 Professional with all the updates.
In PS preferences I selected her internal D: drive (a non-boot drive), for her scratch disk.  Now when I try to start PS it says I need to unlock her scratch file. What that file is called. I DO have adminstrator priviledges  I cannot start PS so I can reset mer scratch drive preferences.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Deactivate 5.0 On Hard Drive That Will Not Boot

Apr 12, 2013

I have Elements 5.0 loaded on a hard drive which will no longer boot. I have a new hard drive and can access the old drive as an extra internal hard drive. I cannot use Photoshop, so I was thinking I need to deactivate the copy loaded on the old hard drive and reload it on the new hard drive. If so, how do I deactivate? When I start up the editor, it does not have an option for deactivating as I read about in another post. Under the help menu, there is a grayed out option for Registration. After a few seconds, a window appears saying there is a problem with my serial number and the application closes.  Also, I would like to load Photoshop on a laptop later, so I do not want to waste one of my allowable loads.

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Photoshop :: Mac Version Of 6 Not Launch If Scratch Disk Not Set To Boot Drive?

Mar 5, 2013

Mac OS 10.8.2. PS6 will not launch unless the boot drive is set as the number one option for the scratch disk. Even if I choose another internal drive and set it as the number one option for PS6 it will not launch. My boot drive is only a 120GB SSD so I don't want to use it as the main scratch disk.

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Photoshop Elements :: Boot To Full Edit Mode Not Organizer

Apr 1, 2013

When I click Start >Adobe PSE PSE starts in Organizer mode.  I want to go directly to Full Edit mode.  I looked for a setting in Edit > Preferences, did not find a setting there. How can I tell Adobe, PSE what mode to start in?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Takes 5 Minutes To Boot Up

Sep 24, 2011

Ronj2 - 4 hours ago

X4 works fine for me on my 2yr old Vista 64bit quad machine with 8gigs except that it takes almost 5 minutes to boot up so I can use it.

The application boots up to the edit screen than I just get the busy signal for the next 4-5 minutes. Task manager shows it is not responding. Works fine after that.

I also have X2 and it works just fine. If I make any changes to the uncataloged folders or file format exclusions under preferences in X4 it does the same thing (5 minites wait) untill the changes have taken affect. With that in mind I believe its a cataloging issue. Once its up and running its no problem. This is a trial if that makes any difference.I have tried the reset while booting it up ( hold down the crtl & alt keys) and that causes the program to crash after I select okay from the reset menu. The program is reset though after reloading it.

I don't use a graphic card and can not get GL 3.0 support or higher if that maked any difference like it does with Corel DVD movie factory which won't work on my computer.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Long Boot Time?

Sep 17, 2013

I purchased X5 Ultimate last spring and have been happy with the results. My only complaint is the extraordinarily long start up time. From clicking the icon to being able to use it takes about 2 minutes. The X5 outline or shell appears within 15-20 seconds and then there is a round blue circle spinning in the center of the work area for the remainder of the 2 minutes. Once initialization has completed X5 works very well for me.

I upgraded to X6 Ultimate and found it to be amazingly faster, which was my hope. 15-20 seconds and it is ready to use. This holds true for the 32 & 64 bit programs.

I would like to use X5 for the existing plugins that shipped with it. It is up to date with SP3.

Win 8 Pro 64 bit up to date.
16 GB ram

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GIMP :: Auto-load To Desktop On Boot-up?

Aug 20, 2011

How do you get Gimp to auto-load to the desktop on boot-up, in "Fedora-14", and in XP..?

Why does Gimp's resizing a pix always eventually fail intermittently in Fedora-14..?

I resize all my pix edits to 11-inches, to fit the screen properly.. After Gimp has resized about seven pix, on the next one, I delete the numbers after the decimal after the "11", and hit OK, but the numbers I deleted after the decimal all come back..

I must return to "Printsize", delete the whole height number, and key-in "11" for it to save the number of my choice..

How do I configure Gimp so it will resize pix without this glitch?..

Does Gimp bulk resize a collection of images?..

How do you make a HUGE Gimp-brush for color-painting extremely large areas?..

Can the user customize the default brushes?..

Is there a solid brush that the user can use to configure the angles the planes of the brush touches edits..? Would be sweet if one could touch the cursor to a spot on the brush, and twist it to the optimum position for the task, like how Fedora's color wheel changes its desktop background screen colors...

Will Gimp bulk resize a thousand pix edits to one height size..?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Have To Reconfig Tablet On Every Boot Up

Jun 20, 2012

This has started recently.  Previously once I configured the tabled it stayed configured.  Is there some setting I messed up somewhere? The Win Tab I use is "Tablet Manager, V7.11.02".  Running Win 7 ultimate, 64 bit, and R2012.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Program Won't Boot Up / It Blinks Off At RIBBON

Apr 12, 2012

I would like to wblock certain layers(0 and Marking) to a specific location as a DXF.  In the routine I would like to have a prompt that asks me what the file name (not the path, including .dxf) is.  The location I would like to write to is FXF/"filename".dxf. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Program Won't Boot Up - It Blinks Off At RIBBON

Feb 12, 2012

After working fine for a couple of months the program won't boot up. It blinks off at "RIBBON", setting up working invironment

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2011 - Modify Master Boot Record

Apr 28, 2011

I am a AutoCAD beginner and want use it for my Master Thesis project.

I installed AutoCAD 2011 on my Laptop. It's dual boot (Windows7 32bit and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64Bit)

When I start AutoCAD 2011 it seems that AutoCAD modify my Master Boot Record

so the Grub Bootloader dosn't work anymore and I have to reinstall the Grub Bootloader.

I can reproduce this behaviour and it's definitly AutoCAD 2011.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Crash On Start / Boot In Safe Mode / No Changes

Jan 7, 2013

As soon as I start up AutoCAD 2013 or 2012 64-bit, it loads all the way through and I get an error message:

FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 0h

I have uninstalled and  reinstalled AutoCAD multiple times, followed the clean install instructions.

I have run as administrator, run in compatability for XP and 7, run with the onboard graphics, run with my nVidia card, and have had no results. Boot in Safe Mode, no changes. Disabled my Antivirus when installing, and when running, no difference. Installed SP1, no difference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Flexible Cylinder (rubber Boot) In Assembly?

Jan 5, 2014

Usually what I do is download a 3D CAD part from McMaster Carr or some other place and start from scratch trying to recreate the part or, in this case, the assembly. I'm working on modeling a simple swing-arm type of machine I've made in the past and the I've been able to recreate all of the parts with their proper ranges of motion except one. It's an Inline Ball Joint Linkage that has a rubber boot around it to keep the dust out and possibly grease in. I want to know if it is possible to model the rubber boot so that it would mimic real life movement. Right now, the boot is basically a rigid cylinder and as the linkage swivels, the solid bodies clip through each other.

I've been able to make a flexible hose type of assembly as shown here: [URL]... However, creating a 3D drawing with a spline that attaches to work points on the other assemblies causes the Ball Joint to no longer work. It will only rotate as opposed to swiveling.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Designate Internal Drive As Scratch Disc (non Boot Drive)?

Aug 10, 2012

1) I'm unable to designate an internal drive as a scratch disc (non boot drive). Drive is clean, empty, I've chkdsk'd, permissions set to full, I can read and write files on it, and I'm able to designate it as scratch for Illustrator but PS6 doesn't like it. Says I don't have access.
2) I upgraded to PS6 extended (cloud) and after a week it now hangs during startup at loading Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. Hangs for about 3 minutes before continuing.

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Photoshop :: Dates And Times

Jun 7, 2004

I have a directory of 100 images in a directory that I am going to add to my online photo album. I want to run these images through some image optimization to reduce the size and enhance the colors. BUT, when I do this, the modified date of the image gets changed to the current date. My online photoalbum uses this modifed date as the pictures date. So after my pictures are all uploaded to my online photo gallery, the dates are not correct and pictures are not in any date order.

is there a way to tell photoshop to NOT update this date when modifying an image?

What are all of your processes for modifying images and tracking the actual image date?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Loading Times When...

Sep 22, 2008

I open any kind of file or when I create a new file it takes Photoshop at least 30 secs to open or create the file. I also have PS installed on another computer (with the same specs) where I don't have this problem.

why it takes PS so long to open/create files? I'm using a laptop with a Core 2 Duo processor and 2GB of DDR2 ram.

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Photoshop :: Opening PSD Templates At Times In CS5 And CS6?

Sep 23, 2013

I have had a problem with opening some PSD template files.  It doesn't happen all the time and it doesn't happen with every template.  All of the templates were downloaded as zip files and opened and saved using Photoshop CS 5 on a Windows XP PC.  When this happens I am getting an error message to the effect that the file can't be opened as it was done in a different version of PS.  When the files were saved, they were saved as PSD files and the compatibility check box is always checked.  The thing is, sometimes the file will open and sometimes the same one won't. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 Sends Same Job Multiple Times

Sep 25, 2012

Using PS CS6 on WIndows 7 64.  All drivers updated.  When I set 5 copies in the print menu, with either PSDs, TIFFs, or JPGs, PS sends the same job five times rather than telling the printer to just make 5 copies.
This happens when using either the color laser or Epson R3000.  This does NOT happen when using non-CS6 products.  On a 25 print run, this takes an abnormally long time.What I HAVE found is that PS is NOT passing the information to the printer.  In other words, even though I set PS to multiple copies, when I click printer options the number of copies has not been passed to the driver.

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