I've just upgraded from Photoshop 7 to CS and I love everything (especially those very cool layer comps!). What I don't like is the fact I have an old PSD of a site I did and the client wants a new page as a template. One of the fonts I used in the layout was Myriad Italic which was a font I had access to in Photoshop 7, but not now in Photoshop CS.
Just for you information, I installed CS on a new hard drive. I've exported all my old fonts from the other system onto the new one, so I'm scratching my head over where the font could have went.
This sort of leaves me in a pickle with the client because I don't have the font for the header text of the page.
Did anybody have a similar problem? What did you do to fix it?
1) I'm not buying the font....
2) I'm not redoing all the headers on all the pages! (well....not yet anyway!).
When I first got CS5 I was having problems with color management. Not sure how to explain this, but the colors in the preview pane differed drastically after I clicked on the photo to edit . That is, as soon as I clicked on the photo I wanted to edit, it turned out much duller. the reds suddenly become brownish orange. and they're not raw, so that's not the problem. Although I shoot in Adobe RGB I set the color management to SRGB and (I don't remember what else I set) and when I clicked on a photo to edit, I would get the message where I had the ability to discard the icc profile (no color management) and that's what I chose. there were all my rich colors, and it was worth the hassle of doing that with every unedited photo.  I turned CS5 on and everything had changed. Now I'm back to seeing the dull colors in CS5, even the one's that I already edited. I have some photos with rich red, they're fine on my website, but in photoshop dull brown.  I'm temporarily back to using Corel, because for some reason it has no problem displaying the correct colors. So it's something going on with PS. I think somehow, though I don't know how, maybe some setting got changed. But am desperate. I've tried all sorts of combinations. using the adobe setting, switching things on and off and dull, dull, dull.
I'm getting the EPIC_APP will not launch problem trying to launch Acrobat, so I try to launch Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash, etc., get the License Agreement screen, accept it, it goes away, and nothing more happens (incl. no indication in Task Manager that it has started). I have a working internet connection (obviously, or I wouldn't be able to submit this question), but could it be a firewall issue anyway? If not, what gives? It's a fresh install of Adobe MC CS3 on a Toshiba Sattellite L305-S5933 running 32 bit Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 w/ 3GB of RAM. Please help: I'm trying to use Acrobat to edit my 1040 and, obviously, time is of the essence!
i have some pics that were taken at an outside picnic. the sky behind the subjects is almost white, but they are in really deep shadow. When i fix the subjects the rest of the photo is really bad. I've made some headway with adjustemnt layers and masks, but is there anything else i could be doing?
The Liquify filter in PS 13.0 x64 does not work correctly. The Forward Warp, Magnify and Hand tools work okay, but the rest of them produce the same strange effect of a jumbled combination of swirl and black on white dot patterns. ending with a circular "transparent" pattern. I have just installed after removing 5.5 and using the Adobe Cleaning Tool. There were multiple errors in the installation log file, which I saved. I'm running Win 7 fully patched and up to date. I have a Toshiba Tecra wiith 6GB of RAM and an ATI Radeon DH 6450M GPU.
All three of the non-functioning tools begin with a swirly pattern quickly being jumbled by dots and checkerboard. If you hold the click for a few seconds it ends up looking like the above image.I use the liquify filter a lot and I don't want to waste a fortune by going back to CS55.
I have tried and tried again but there is something preventing me from opening PSDs and JPGs. Along with that, when I first start up the program, I have about a thousand errors all having something to do with Plugin.dll.
I'm trying to export a video to upload on YouTube, but I am completely stumped. Â Everything is crisp until I render. It's odd that I lose quality AFTER I render. Now to add on top of that, when I export, it loses even more quality. Any troubleshooting options and preferred settings when exporting. Â I am on a Mac by the way.
I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
my major commands: (save, export, copy, etc.) are all frozen until I sign in, BUT when I attempt to sign in Corel error message pops up that I am not connected to the internet. I work at a large design firm and have full access to the internet, no firewall or anything and have no other problems connecting, so this is most likely a Corel issue and not my connection, I believe. Also, other people at my office have it installed and no problems.Â
Have a site plan and about to make a revision to building layout, storm, sanitary, parking layout. Have a project folder, with Drawings subfolder, and then subfolder for Model Files and Sheet Files. How do most go about archiving the original drawings without affecting shortcuts and xrefs.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I've attached two screenshots of my issue. I simply need to change my major station from 1000' interval to 500' interval. As you can see from the screen caps, I can manage to get the band details on the stations I want, through a workaround, but the vertical gridlines get all messed up.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
When I change to process 2012 on an image that has been worked in 2010 I'm seeing a big change in the image, much brighter, less contrast. Any way to closely preserve the old look while updating the process? Â Also wondering what the new 2012 process brings to the image, aside from access to the new tools. Will I see a better (or just different) rendering of the image from older files?
Is it possible to change the Alignment Labels Major Stations Increment for multiple Alignments ?I have 50+ Alignments. Each of them labelled with 100m increment for major stations.I would like to change them to 50m interval.
I have 5 separate .ipt's that were created within a major assembly. Is it possible to generate a subassembly of those 5 separate .ipt's within the major assembly keeping all the constraints?
Do I have to start a separate .iam file and import each .ipt and regenerate the complicated constraints all over again?
how to really optimize the performance of photoshop CS. I am not getting very good performance, but I don’t know what is wrong. I am a pretty savvy user, so I can set settings and understand whatever I need to, I am just ignorant right now of what photoshop needs to really run at it’s best.
Can I turn off the begin and end vertical grid of a profile? Currently it can be turned off using the GRID AT VERTICAL MAJOR, even though I'm starting/ending my profile view at stations that are neither major (100') nor minor (50').Â
Civil 3D 2010.
I attached a pdf to show the vertical line at 19+90 that I want turned off.
I had a decently organized folder structure with all photos from about 2005 on being organized by year (moved to their corresponding year folder on import from memory card).  However i had about 10,000 or so photos which were placed randomly in folders and sub folders from various backup/restores etc, which were imported into lightroom but not moved into their corresponding year folders.  I just purchased LR5 and i wanted to finally take the time to organize my file folder structure and create a new catalog. Following a method i researched found here: [URL]....  Here is what i did:  1) In Lightroom 4 i highlighted All Photos and saved metadata to file for every photo. (thinking this would keep all original metadata and any adjustments i made on the files)  2) Fired up lightroom 5 and started a new catalog. I then proceeded to import folders from my photo file folder and use the Import and Move option which imported and moved the files into the folders by year.  3) This seemed to work well but it seems i wound up with lots of duplicates (the older photos i had often had filename1.jpg and filename1-2.jpg which were often a cropped dupe) which was not a big deal and still ok so far.  4) I really liked the ability to click on the Year folder in the library and see all the photos for that year but i noticed that TONS of photos were missing within each year.  It turns out that a TON of photos which were in one of their own folders (not by year) folder were moved to 2013 folder and the original capture date had been re-written as 7-24-13 (the import date) overwriting what it was originally there and ruining my organization!  My catalog is a mess, all the files have been moved to a year folder and alot of the years are just plain wrong. I don't want to sort through my entire collection (48,000 photos) and find miss-labeled dates and out of place files!  what can i do to restore the original capture date and put my collection back in the proper order?
I'm trying to convert a multi-page PDF to individual GIF files, one per page, in Photoshop. Sounds pretty easy, but alas...
I have Photoshop 6.0 running on an eight-year-old desktop running Windows XP with 512MB of RAM, and I have Photoshop CS3 running on a four-year-old laptop running Windows XP with 1GB of RAM. (Photoshop 6.0 is faster. Why did I pay $1,000 again?)
I've a problem with "DWGtoPDF"-Plotter of Acad2013. I give the textstyle "arial" in Acad and plot it to PDF. In the PDF-Sheet i see the Fontname "ArialMT" in the document-options. I want to give the PDF's away and fear, that he gets an error while opening.
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
I had posted in another thread about wanting to clean up a signature and make it look more font like. I tried that and it seemed to be pretty difficult due to the amount of random in a hand written signature.
So I think I'd like to approach this from the other direction. I have a font I like but I don't want it to look like the font (way too common). Is there a way to alter the font (not the entire font set or even to create a new font but just for a one word Logo)?
I'd ideally like to connect two of the letters and also modify the shapes of the letters just a bit.
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
I'm wondering if there is a Font Preview plugin available that will do what Illustrator SHOULD HAVE done for many years - which is to actually allow you to toggle through your font list and display the text you entered in the fonts you are clicking through - - kind of like what CorelDraw has had for the last 15 years.  Imagine that... being able to review text in a selected font to facillitate the selection of an appropriate visual reference for logos, etc. Earth-shaking, I know.it seems there would be an Illustrator plugin by now that would do this???  Or do I have to continue to have CorelDraw opened up so that I can review text in various fonts to determine the best choice for a given project font?