Photoshop :: .gif, .jpg, Save For Web Look Darker And Blurry
Sep 7, 2003They all look different than the .psd. The image generally comes out looking darker and more blurry.
View 2 RepliesThey all look different than the .psd. The image generally comes out looking darker and more blurry.
View 2 RepliesI have for a long time been an advocate for the darker interface, using it mainly in After Effects. So it's great that the CS6 apps have taken this to other apps in the Suite. However Save for Web has been missed out it seems. Anyone else think this should be able to be darkened like the rest of the PS interface?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI create graphs, etc in Illustrator, place them as Smart Objects in a master Photoshop file before outputting Save for Web JPEGs to use as PowerPoint slide backgrounds. Everything created in Illustrator or Photoshop through that process (Quality 80 or 100 with any of the SfW options on or off) Save for Webs are blurry when imported (at 100%) into PowerPoint.
The only way I have been able to get anything crisp in PowerPoint was saving a Photoshop pdf. However, that was only the text created in Photoshop. The Illustrator Smart Object part was still blurry. What is the best process to combine Photoshop and Illustrator files into one file for import into PowerPoint as a clean, crisp background?
How to save an Illustrator document as pdf and preserve good quality of its objects. Let's say I create a rectangle, save the document as pdf, see result - the rectangle is blurry.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI set levels in photoshop and then when I open them on my PC in Windows picture viewer they are much lighter and overexposed looking. How do I set up my photoshop CS2 to be at the same level.
View 3 Replies View Relatedway to get an image a have darker in the bottom , i need the image to get darker in a progressive way , starting from the middle and when get to the bottom , to be completelly black..
View 4 Replies View Relatedi'm downloading images and open them in photoshop. the only problem is that when i open them in photoshop, they all appear really dark, and when i view them in any other viewer they are lighter and how i saw them on the net.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to give the person in my photo a nice little tan, i added a new layer and filled it with a nice brown, that gave her the tan i was looking for but it also made everything else tan.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen I save an image in PS (it happens with tif and jpg) and then open it, it looks different from the original psd--usually darker or harsher contrasts. (Yes, I understand the compression factor for jpgs will change the image, but it also happens with tifs.) I also notice people making comments about photos whose details I can't see until I copy and paste it into PS. I know this probably doesn't make any sense, but I don't know how else to explain it.
See the grass in the foreground? In the forum I'm viewing the original, I cannot see the grass at all. Yet, when I copy and paste it into PS, there it is! I thought the Adobe Gamma corrected the whole monitor, not just for PS.
I was using Adobe Bridge to combine sets of 3 photos with different exposures to create HDR images and sending them to Photoshop. So far today I made 20+ such images and successfully saved them into PSDs.
I just ran into an odd problem. After clicking 'Merge to HDR' in the Bridge -> Photoshop option, Photoshop did it's thing of merging my 3 images. The preview window came up, it looked perfect, so I clicked 'Ok'. Then it created an Untitled document (as it always does), except that this image is much darker than what was shown in the preview. I tried doing some light adjustments, can't get it to be what I saw in the preview window.
All of my other HDR creations were exactly the same as I saw in the preview window. What's going on?
in photoshop CS4, I use Adobe RGB (1998) as my working profile. I open a document, I change it's profile from RGB, using "view"-"mode", to anything else, say Lab, and everything is fine up to now, but then I undo the change, and what I get is a darker image than before. I don't get the original image I opened. Same thing happens if I use the "convert to profile" option also.
I close the image and reopen it, it still looks darker. I restart photoshop and open the image, only then I get the original image with normal colors again. This happens only when I convert back to RGB, not from RGB and not between any other profiles.
at some point, change the color profile from RGB to any other profile and then back to RGB the image looks darker, and the only way to fix this is restarting photoshop. this didn't happen in any versions before cs4, what should I do?
After installeing CS4, all my images now look darker in PS. They all look at least 20% darker. I still have CS3 installed, and when I look into CS3, they images now also look darker. But when I flip back to Windows, all images look ok.
I thought it might be Adobe gamma - which I had disabled previously because it conflicts with my color spider calibrator. Sinec installing CS4, I looked in the startup folder of windows, but Adobe Gamma is not there... So I wonder what could possibly be affecting the way the images are showing in PS.
I tried a few different proofing methods in PS, but to no avail (only MAC proofing shows the image closer to what it should look like, but it's still not it).
Nvidia 8800 GTS
All latest drivers
4 GB ram (xp sees 3.25GB)
After I edit images in Lightroom 4, I export the jpg images to a new folder. When I open the jpg's in Photoshop or Bridge they are noticeably darker than they were when exported from LR.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have CS4 and have battled with this issue for a long time now. I am so tired of it. Before I throw out my Epson Pro Stylus 3800 and PS4 software I thought I would ask one more time. I calibrate my monitor, I have taken photoshop classes, been on webinars for calibrating my monitor, etc. And no matter what I do, my photos print several shades darker than what I see on my monitor. I use no color adjustment in my ps print settings as well as my printer settings.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have noticed a common trend among my .JPEG saves from Photoshop, they all seem to appear darker than when they were originally viewed and edited accordingly in Photoshop.
I don't know much about Color profiles and such, I have gone through the settings briefly, but do not want to mess anything up!
I am using Photoshop CS5.1 and using the Pen Tool to draw a line. How do I make the line darker?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy images look fine previewed in my digital camera (Leica Digilux1) but when I import them to Photoshop they are much darker. I import using a Dazzle card reader as my son shares it and his camera has a different chip.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a background that begins with one color and gradually changes to a lighter color.
This type of background is on both the side panel and main panel of the page.
I am not looking for textures or vertical or horizontal lines.
Just a simple effect.
How would I go about creating this type of background?
when I save my image (jpeg, gif, etc) the colors turn out slightly darker then they're supposed to. I tested it myself and infact the color code slightly changed when I re-opened a saved image back in Photoshop.
Also, when making a new document is the default supposed to be 8 bit or 16 bit? Because when I set it to 16 bit I can't export it as a jpeg or gif. Moreover, is there a way to change all the settings back to default so that I'm sure I didn't screw anything up?
I have been using CS5 64 bit and recently my prints have printed darker than the screen. I recalibrated the monitor and then new icm is being used. I also have the correct icc for the paper. I switched back to CS5 32 bit and the problem goes away.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I was drawing pixel art with green/ orange and i decided to change the colour to black/white. But when I use grey/ darker shades of black. the green/orange just becomes a darker shade of green/orange.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just came from a friends house I we were look at his cs5 and I noticed that his marching ants on selection tools were much lighter than mine. to the point of being hard to see were the anchor points...which brought me here with this question, "can marching ants be made lighter or darker" and if so where is the control for that
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust working on a little project for a good cause (Global Health Initiative). enhance the writing on the poster? Darker, more vivid, whatever to make it stand out more, while still looking realistic?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy colors and value are a lot darker and saturated in my navigator window.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to save a file as web content (either jpg or gif) but when I save the file it is much darker than the original.
If I view the saved version of the file in PS there are no issues, but once I view it in a browser, the issue arises.
Is there a way to control this? I've never had this problem before while working with photographs or other files.
For the record I'm using PS 6.0 for PC and the browser I'm using is IE 5.5.
One exposure is right for foreground but bleaches out the sky.The other is too dark for the foreground but leaves the sky nicely blue with clouds.How do I merge the light foreground with the darker sky ? All my attempts so far end with the same bleached sky.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy are photos viewed in Windows much darker than when viewed in Elements?
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverything is calibrated. That is not an issue.
When I work the photo (JPG, TIFF or PSD) to where it is what I want, the preview is darker in the print preview. Probably one f/stop in photo terms. And, THIS is how it actually prints.
What is causing that? And, is there a fix?
None of the "show paper color," etc. are checked, so that is not causing the difference.
Tried the same image printed using corel and Photoshop. same setup: let software handle color, color off in printer, same profiles and settings otherwise. the corel print is a bit darker and some colors are slightly different than the same image printed thru Photoshop.
I usually print designs created in corel as there is added text and graphic elements. Can't print those using PS. just odd there is noticeable color variations.
Prints from 2400 look good, but darker (about a stop darker) and bit more saturated that seeing on my calibrated Sony Artisan Monitor.
I can get good prints, but I now have to add an adjustment layer to files and lighten them all up, a real hassle. I don't remember this issue ever before.
I've tried all the different rendering intents.
I want to replace green background in the top image to darker and lighter pink stripes to match the color of the website.
I've been going in the direction of:
1) Select color range (Pick green and just + the other shades of green to it)
2) Create Clipping mask from the Selection (I actually have all the green backround on white and nothing else on the screen).