how to copy and paste a portion of a document open in photoshop into another document that is open in photoshop?
i have never been able to figure this out despite trying to do it from time to time and i basically cannot figure out if this is dependent upon actual images size, resolution, the size that the various images are on the screen etcetera, etcetera.
i am not even sure what other questions to ask except that i guess i could avoid all of this if i could copy a section of an image and then paste it into another document in a way that would give me the ability to RESIZE the incoming paste.
i basically want to get a logo into another document in a way that i can size and orient it so it looks good graphically...
I have tried numerous times to make my paper size and actual plot size the same. My paper size is 24 x 36 but for some reason it rotates the paper and the output is 36 x 36, every time! When I look at it on the preview, it looks correct but then the paper comes out with a foot of paper at the top of the drawing. I've created new page sizes, etc.
I really can't believe that it is not possible in Corel Draw.
1) How to define size of object, for example rectangle before I actually draw first time the custom shape of the rectangle? So far I draw any rectangle and then change the size which is not professional way I guess, because it causes many problems. (like for example I cant change ratioif it is going to be rectangle with rounded corners)
2) Very often in my work I need to change % size of my artwork or object because a client wants to have something 80% size or 20% smaller. I found it impossible to do because CorelDraw keeps remember all % transformations since original size was created. Now, provided that my 1) problem has no solution we end up in such a situation:
- my first rectangle is always NOT in correct, precise size
- when I amend the size it has a correct size but already has different than 100% value.
- Corel Draw forces me to choose: 100% value and not precise size or correct size and for example 113,9%
I completely don't understand what for is the feature that remembers the original size, it's not so needed in practice especially that IT IS A VALUE BASED ON ALWAYS WRONG INITIAL SIZE. Is it so difficult to place a button next to % value called RESET to 100%? (without going back to initial size of course) I know there are tricks for exampleto group the object temporary with other object but it is not a proper way, is it?
Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.
Iv written text in a word document and copied and pasted it onto a background in photoshop. Now i have a problem because when i dropped the text into PS it said it had rendered the text it and now i cant change any of the text i can add to it but i cant change words that iv either miss spelt or need to remove from the text.
I have created a document in photoshop sized 8.5x11, the same size as my printer paper, at 300dpi. I am using the ruler guidelines onscreen to make an image 6 3/4" wide, but it is printing out too small at 6".
I am not measuring onscreen by putting an actual ruler up against my screen, I am using the photoshop ruler (so I am sizing according to the 6 3/4" ruler in photoshop, even if it is 8" on my screen)
In the print settings, I uncheck "scale to fit media" and "center image".
When I open files in Photoshop they don't open in their actual size. Guess it's connected to their large screensize. But before working with them I always zoom them to actual 100%. Force Photoshop open automaticly in 100%?
I was watching a video about Photoshop and the pro broached the subject of how to set your PS preferences, so that you get a true representation of your documents print size. Seems this was a topic a while back and I'm not sure it was ever answered. Here is an explanation and the fix.
Seems that Adobe sets the default for screen resolution in Preferences/ Units and Rulers to 72ppi. Today's monitors are usually more than that, so when you tell PS to show you Print Size, it's going to show you something less than what it actually is. To fix this is actually pretty simple. Here's how.
1. Create a new document 9" x 9" @ 300ppi, use white for the background color. 2. In your zoom mode activate Print Size 3. Grab a tape measure and carefully measure what your seeing on the screen. If it is not 9x9, then your setting is not set properly in Preferences/Units and Rulers. 4. More than likely your measurement is smaller by a good bit. At this point, create a correction factor by dividing 9 by the actual measurement. 5. Then, in the Preferences as previously described, if 72ppi, multiply by the factor you just created and enter it exactly (not rounded) to the decimal point.
Now, when you ask PS to show Print Size it will show you the actual, not something less.
I work with images of jewelry. I need to be able to make them actual size with out distorting the image. I have tried creating a canvas that is the size of the image I need, but cannot get the picture to fit perfectly in it with out distortion. Resizing the original does not work, because of course I have to constrain proportions.
I have been creating different designs in various sizes, such as 4x6 and 12x12 or letter size. What I need to know is how to view the design in photoshop at those sizes without having to hold a ruler up to my computer? A few years ago I was told of a shortcut key, I think it was Ctrl+1, to make it full-size. It turned out not to be accurate advise. I learned this after creating fifty 4x6 designs and after they were printed I discovered they print was way too small. I need a more accurate and scientific way to have Photoshop resize the view to the actual size of the graphic so I can span the design and confirm everything is legible and visiable before I print it.
Ok so my image size is about 24x20 and when I save the output of the image is almost half the size. The project has a lot of details so it looks like a big blob shrunken down to half size. I've played around with the settings for hours in save for web option and I get the same results. how to save so the output is nearly the original size, or just so you can see the details!
I have a very uncommon problem that , when i update my banner of website which has photo of handmade leather messenger bag and leather backpack and wit size of 1343px x 460 px and i make exact same size image in Photoshop using 72 dpi and after uploading and updating my website banner get cropped automatically.
I tried everything in code of my website but every time i change it crops the image. what resolution i must take to make my image say similar as source. My website is
Every time I try to copy an image (with a transparent BG) and paste it into my overall project I'm working on, both opened in GIMP, I always get just the selected dotted lines as an outline of the image.
I have a problem on resize images. How to resize the images from 72dpi to 300dpi without changing the image size in Photoshop CC? It enlarges the images or pixels, but i just want the pixel to stay the same.
I have an application that creates stock charts. I want to use those stock charts on a website. But the application itself has no image features. I can copy the chart though and past it into photoshop. Now my problem is that I want every chart to have the same size (look). I was thinking of making the charts w x h = 400 x 600, in that way they fit nicely on my website. And I want to save it ready for the web so that I get small files.
My desktop has a setting of 1280x1024. My stock application has windows for the charts so I can basically make them any size as long as they fit on my screen. I copy the chart and then i go to photoshop but that is where I don't know exactly what to do to get uniform looking charts.
how to get uniform looking pics. Should I create always the same canvas size, with the same pixels? Or how would I go around this?
When I cut and paste, Autocad lags for up to 30 seconds before continuing to go back to the command prompt. This problem only happens after pasting, whether it is one line or multiple lines/objects. The quantity of data pasted makes no difference to the lag. Also, if it's a new file with nothing in the drawing the issue still happens. The scale list is purged along with the entire drawing, so even on a blank new file it happens?!
I am running autocad 2014 LT and migrated from 2010 recently, where the problem began. I don't have cutting and pasting problems in any other programs like photoshop either, so I have localised it to a cad being the issue.
Also I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but this doesn't fix the problem.
I'm running on intel core duo 2, 4gb ram and 64 bit operating windows system.
URL....My logo on the file that i created it in looks perfect. When i create a new, blank AI file and paste it into it, it pastes as a faded version of my logo. I have gone through all the settings i could find between my two files and made them identical, it still happens. When i paste the logo into the same file it was created in it pastes correctly.
I draw the surface of a pillow block which is 90mm x 45mm and want to print it actual sixe to use it as a pattern but no matter what I cant printing to actual size
When using the type tool in Illustrator, setting the font size to 150mm give me a character size of 107,373mm and in the H value window it says the size is 185,15mm wich mean that none of the sizes is actually correct when using text and for me that is usless because I get drawings with spesific text hight and length.
I am having an issue copy and pasting text. Whenever I copy text from a source (word, another dwg) and paste it into a new dwg, it all comes in uppercase. Also everything i type in a new MTEXT is all caps.I do not have caps lock on.
Printed some rectangle that are 7.5 x 14.5 inches wide on the corel page on the monitor, but they did not actually print 7.5, they were about 1/4 inch smaller! the 14.5 dimension was fine. got to measuring other images I have printed and some are perfect, some are off.
I’m wondering if there is a tool on the Revit that enables displaying the actual printing size on the screen. This feature is quite useful as we can see exactly how the drawing will precisely looks like on the paper.
For example, if I need to print with a scale of 1:200, then is there a tool that displays the actual size on the screen. Other software, like ArcGIS, has this feature.
I've used Photoshop for 13 years now and slowly over the years, the subsequent versions have had a problem with the brush cursor maintaining the correct size. Now, with CS6 the problem has become unmanagable! I used to have to go fairly often to preferences to reselect the option to display the actual size of my brushes and pens etc. While a pain, I could deal with it because it only happened once in a while. Now with CS6 it is in a permanent crosshairs mode and will not change no matter what prefs I select! Obviously this makes the program significantly less useful. I'm on a new Mac with Mountain Lion.
This has been an issue for me for a while, not just in CS6. When copying text from Photoshop into Illustrator the font comes through but the size is always about 4 times what it was in Photoshop. Both documents are set to the same dpi. I don't understand where it's getting this arbitrary size info from. Any trick to get the size to come though correctly?