Illustrator :: Logo Fading When Copy / Pasting For No Reason
Dec 27, 2012
URL....My logo on the file that i created it in looks perfect. When i create a new, blank AI file and paste it into it, it pastes as a faded version of my logo. I have gone through all the settings i could find between my two files and made them identical, it still happens. When i paste the logo into the same file it was created in it pastes correctly.
i have to apply the logo to vaious files which are resolution 150 or 120 or even 300
I have an action created for doing that
My problem is that the logo resizes itself on a 120 res image and a 150 res image. as in it enlarges.
Its normal for that to happen i know due to differences in the resolution.
How can i constrain the logo from resizing onto different resolution images.
As in i cant lock my logo layer cause my action consists of creating guides, aligning the logo horizontal left and vertical below and merging the layers and finally saving the files.
What can i do to constrain the logo size from changing on different resolution images.
Iv written text in a word document and copied and pasted it onto a background in photoshop. Now i have a problem because when i dropped the text into PS it said it had rendered the text it and now i cant change any of the text i can add to it but i cant change words that iv either miss spelt or need to remove from the text.
Every time I try to copy an image (with a transparent BG) and paste it into my overall project I'm working on, both opened in GIMP, I always get just the selected dotted lines as an outline of the image.
how to copy and paste a portion of a document open in photoshop into another document that is open in photoshop?
i have never been able to figure this out despite trying to do it from time to time and i basically cannot figure out if this is dependent upon actual images size, resolution, the size that the various images are on the screen etcetera, etcetera.
i am not even sure what other questions to ask except that i guess i could avoid all of this if i could copy a section of an image and then paste it into another document in a way that would give me the ability to RESIZE the incoming paste.
i basically want to get a logo into another document in a way that i can size and orient it so it looks good graphically...
When I cut and paste, Autocad lags for up to 30 seconds before continuing to go back to the command prompt. This problem only happens after pasting, whether it is one line or multiple lines/objects. The quantity of data pasted makes no difference to the lag. Also, if it's a new file with nothing in the drawing the issue still happens. The scale list is purged along with the entire drawing, so even on a blank new file it happens?!
I am running autocad 2014 LT and migrated from 2010 recently, where the problem began. I don't have cutting and pasting problems in any other programs like photoshop either, so I have localised it to a cad being the issue.
Also I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but this doesn't fix the problem.
I'm running on intel core duo 2, 4gb ram and 64 bit operating windows system.
I am having an issue copy and pasting text. Whenever I copy text from a source (word, another dwg) and paste it into a new dwg, it all comes in uppercase. Also everything i type in a new MTEXT is all caps.I do not have caps lock on.
I am copy clipping some objects, and then pasting them back into the drawing as a block. At first everything worked fine, now when I perform that routine, and paste back into the drawing, it inserts it way off in left field. What parameter did I upset now?
i need to make his image into a site.. now i got some ?'s
he is using it for wallpapers, he wants the wallpapers part of the main image on its own layer, so that it is translucent then when you go over it, it will go to full color (no tranparency). do i have to do this as a gif and make it a rollover or something, do i need to make it a seperate image?
I have found myself trying to capture a logo that is round and copy it in order to paste it into another circle . (thus it has to be round , not rectangle or square)
The closest I have come was to use the Ellipe Select tool and "poke and hope".. but did finally get pretty much what I wanted.
I copy an image from Illustrator, go to my photoshop file (a mockup template that I use several times a day) and "paste" is not available (grayed out) like there is nothing on my clipboard. Usually after I make 2-3 attempts at the whole process (back to AI, copy... to PS, paste...etc) I can finally get it to work, but there is an abnormally long lag time when moving from AI to PS (ai acts likes it's trying to save information before it allows the PS window to come to the front). I realize there are other ways to get AI info into PS, but this is the quickest and has always worked before. All I am doing is dropping artwork onto a mockup template, it seems wasteful to save an additional file (in order to use the "place" command in PS) just to allow that.
This problem started last week, and at about the same time saving from Illustrator in some instances has become really slow (3-4 times longer than normal)
I have an illustrator file (various circles and half circles) built with various layers, I would like to copy and past these layers into Photoshop and change them to a shape layer, but when copying each layer and pasting the vector falls in slightly different place to the illustrator file, how can I keep the position the same as the illustrator?
I am trying to paste 3 shapes from Illustrator into Photoshop. The shapes are layered; I need them to be separate layers in PS. I am copying the shapes from AI and pasting into PS as separate Shape layers. The problem is that when I paste the shape layers, the position in which they land on the canvas is not consistent... they don't line up properly. This means I will have to manual reposition the shapes in Photoshop?
(as a side note, I'm baffled that there is not way to export my AI document as a PSD, and retain the layers as vector shapes... exporting to PSD requires I rasterize the artwork. Has this been added to CS6?)
Im running Photoshop and Illustrator CS on a G5 with os X and ever since I've installed them I've been unable to copy and paste text from illustrator without converting to outlines.
I get an "operation cannot complete because of an unknown error" message
how can i copy paste objects from one place to another at their exact location? for example i cut a circle located near the left edge of a rectangle, i cut it and paste it into new layer but it gets pasted at a different location just like it happens in photoshop. i have to move it separately to the desired location.
I have set both PS and Illustrator (both latest versions) to "North America Web/Internet". Both documents are RGB and have the sRGB IEC61966-1 profile.
When I copy a square in Illustrator and paste it into PS RGB 19,78,110 (the color in Illustrator) changes to RGB 18,78,109. It doesn't matter whether I paste it as pixel, smart object or shape layer. The sampled color differs from that in Illustrator.
It's really unnerving when you do web mockups in Illustrator and then copy/paste to PS for image creation.
I have just upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and I'm running into a major issue. When I used to copy charts from Excel into Illustrator CS3 it would paste in as vector artwork, but now with CS5 it pastes in as a jpeg image.
I'd like the excel charts to paste in as they used to with CS3 as vector artwork with paths, strokes and text.
I'm running CS6 16.2.1. When I copy some colored text it is persistently pasting in black. I've restarted CS6. I'm on a brand new iMac and have opened CS6 for the first time so I know the prefs are brand spanking new. I'm not running any clipboard managers either.
I organize my documents into different layers. The problem that I'm facing is that the paths jump places when I paste. If I want to move a set of paths into another layer, I cut and paste. But the paths either paste in front of the layer it started on, or on a layer other than where I commanded them to be pasted. I'm looking into pasting a set of paths in a layer by my choice, but it keeps on wanting to do its own thing. Also, I do know that layers can be clicked and dragged into different positions on the layers palette, but I have so many. This technique slows me down.
I create artworks using both Illustrator and Photoshop by pasting different elements as smart objects in Photoshop on different layers but I often have a problem.
To make the pasted content positioned exactly on the same place as in Illustrator, I create a box with no fill and stroke encompassing the whole artwork (with the thick pink frame on the image below) and paste different elements along with the encompassing box on different layers in Photoshop.
The problem is that often during the creation of the artwork it may require using a clipping path containing objects bigger than the encompassing box. Then when pasting in Photoshop the size of the bounding box containing the invisible parts of the objects is factored in instead of the visible parts only.
The image bolow is a simplified example. On the left side is the selection in Illustrator but when pasted in Photoshop although it keeps the same visibility as on the left size, the encompassing frame is the bounding box shown on the right side and this messes up the position of the placed objects. I know the problem can be avoided if I know in advance how big the eventual artwork including the invisible objects would be and create an encompassing box big enough but often this is not the case. What do yo think would be the easiest way to fix this problem once it occurs?
Since upgrading to Illustrator CC, I've noticed a strange issue (on Mavericks). When I copy and paste text (within the same Illustrator doc) Illustrator ignores the colour of the original text andwill always pastes the text as black.
How to get Illustrator to paste the original colour or turn this behavior off?
I am trying to paste a highly detailed ASCII artwork from a webpage into illustrator. Illustrator is aligning the text (at least as far as I can tell) to the left and distorting the artwork.
When pasting between illustrator documents all formatting is lost and images do not move over.example, working on a new flyer, I often borrow from existing flyers since copy and pricing is good, just usually making flyers that have different combinations of products etc.
So I select some text boxes and images from one illustrator document, control copy and then try to control v into another illustrator document and all that gets pasted is the text which is formulated. You'd think i had copied and pasted something from notepad.
The problem does not happen 100% of the time, but it's like 50/50 it seems.Sometimes when the problem occurs, I'll spam control c a few times and then control v will paste as you'd expect. But the problem occurs whether I use control c, or edit copy.I'm using CS3..It even happens when I try to cut and paste within the same document.
Ok, before a bunch of you tell me I need to go to my preferences and uncheck the "Resize image during place" option, I've already done that and it's till resizing which is whay I'm here.
Ok, so here's the story:
I built a pixel perfect graphic in Illustrator. Working space have identical pixel resolutions in both my illustrator and photoshop files. When I copy and paste my vector graphic to photoshop as a smart object it automatically resizes to an illogical size. SO currently, my 436x436 graphic tries to paste in to my 2048x1536 file as 1607x1607. I don't get it. I've rebooted with the same result. Everything I've been able to find on the forums so far seem to indicate that unchecking the "Resize" option should prevent this but it's having no effect. I am running the latest version of CS6 (subscription) and starting to get a little bit crunchy.
Encountered a bug when copying and pasting text from one text box to another? It seems to paste more text than I originally selected. I am on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and my AI is 16.0.4.
What is the cause of text that I copy and paste not retaining the colors it had? I have many text blocks with large numbers and letters each having their own color and when I copy them in order to paste them elsewhere, the letters/numbers have different colors. For example all numbers that may have been pink are now black.