Illustrator :: How To Maintain Text Size When Pasting Type From Photoshop
May 16, 2012
This has been an issue for me for a while, not just in CS6. When copying text from Photoshop into Illustrator the font comes through but the size is always about 4 times what it was in Photoshop. Both documents are set to the same dpi. I don't understand where it's getting this arbitrary size info from. Any trick to get the size to come though correctly?
Today Illustrator CS4 decided to start crashing on me when I try to paste text into the art board. It will also not allow me to type text into the artboard. Whenever I try to type, it just does all the tool shortcuts. I have alread tried deleting the preferences and that hasn't worked at all.
I have vector artwork that is not aligned to a pixel grid in Illustrator. In CS5, I would be able to paste the vector object as a smart object into Photoshop file that was larger than the illustrator image and resize larger while holding shift to keep the ratio the same.
However with Creative Cloud, if I have a square in Illustrator that happens to be 17.3px by 17.3, then paste to Photoshop in a file that has a larger canvas than the paste, I get uneven horizontal and vertical ratios (width = 18; height = 17). It seems to overestimate the width and make it appear fatter horizontally (which is the wrong aspect ratio). This is very noticeable when vector objects (like perfect circles and small icons) get scaled up in Photoshop.
I have tried unchecking and checking "Snap Vector Tools and transforms to Pixel Grid" but this doesn't seem to fix it. The only way I've been able to get this ratio to be kept is to create a new document with the size automatically changed to clipboard dimensions (which are the desired 17x17). When you paste as smart object, it now uses the correct aspect ratio.
I have tried making a text box in CS6 with a type size of 4mm. When I copy and paste into the text box, the type stays the same as what has been copied and I cannot change it. I have a text box that says it is 4mm text but it has condensed type and all different fonts within it. I cannot get it to unify the font and font size together.
I use CS4 and when working in Illustrator ( and later taking into a book in InDesign) how do I maintain custom page size with bleed in Illustrator when saving as PDF . I have been told my files are not print ready and have no bleed even though I set a bleed and accurate (custom)page size initially. It seems I lose these when I save as a PDF for Printers to use.
In Illustrator I want to maintain the stroke settings while creating several paths with the pen tool. However, every time I start a new path, the stroke settings revert to what must be a default. E.g. I set 16pt + Variable width profile + Basic and stroke a path. When I start a new path, the settings revert to 1pt + Uniform + Basic, and I have to reset back to my original. Other art programs I've used maintain the tool settings most recently used until they are manually changed. How can I get the settings to stay through multiple uses of the pen tool?
Im running Photoshop and Illustrator CS on a G5 with os X and ever since I've installed them I've been unable to copy and paste text from illustrator without converting to outlines.
I get an "operation cannot complete because of an unknown error" message
Illustrator CC, Mac OS 10.8.4 : When pasting text formatted with a Paragraph Style, the style drops off and the text converts to Myriad. I am copying and pasting from/into the same file - even into the same text box.
I'm running CS6 16.2.1. When I copy some colored text it is persistently pasting in black. I've restarted CS6. I'm on a brand new iMac and have opened CS6 for the first time so I know the prefs are brand spanking new. I'm not running any clipboard managers either.
Since upgrading to Illustrator CC, I've noticed a strange issue (on Mavericks). When I copy and paste text (within the same Illustrator doc) Illustrator ignores the colour of the original text andwill always pastes the text as black.
How to get Illustrator to paste the original colour or turn this behavior off?
Encountered a bug when copying and pasting text from one text box to another? It seems to paste more text than I originally selected. I am on Mac OS X 10.6.8 and my AI is 16.0.4.
What is the cause of text that I copy and paste not retaining the colors it had? I have many text blocks with large numbers and letters each having their own color and when I copy them in order to paste them elsewhere, the letters/numbers have different colors. For example all numbers that may have been pink are now black.
I have an issue with copying cells containing text from Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac and pasting them into Illustrator CS5. I select the whole cell(s) from Excel, open a blank Ai document and, without anything selected so the format is preserved, I paste the cells.
The issue comes with the resulting copy of the cells in Ai. The type which was bold in Excel is bold in Ai... but not really. Ai pastes the bolded text as not bold, but then makes a copy of that same text, puts a stroke on it, then places that over the regular text, so it looks bold. But now I have two copies of the same word, one regular and one with a stroke on it right on top of one another.
This normally wouldn't be an issue but I have to edit this info in Ai later - and there's a second problem. When I paste the bold text from Excel in Ai, the resulting word is broken up into individual text blocks for each letter. Instead of preserving the whole word as one editable text block, I now have to click on each letter to change it.
There is a catch 22 to these problems: These cells that I am copying from include bolded and regular text, and the regular text pasted into Ai without any problems (even the text blocks are preserved). So it's the bold text that is causing the problems
I have a feeling this has to do with how the individual cells are formated in Excel, but I have to copy data from many different cells made by many different people, so I am at a loss of what to do.
I have include a screen shot of what's going on with cells after I paste them in Ai. I have moved the oulined "5" up so you can see the regular "5" below it.
As the title says Illustrator will not let me change typeface or type size. I am working on CS6 and Windows 8 platform. When I click the type button, the type size and selection does not appear, it stays with the stroke and variable width profile selectors. Is there any fix without unistall reinstall?
I am creating subway art and am creating various templates. I would like it so that when I have a text box with a 5 letter word, and I want to enter a longer word, they all fit and just kind of smush together rather than me having to fix the text boxes constantly.
I'm playing around with the new generate plugin and running into an issue. I have a pre-existing set of icons that need to maintain a 70x70 transparent background. Unfortunately when I set up Generate the assets are cropped to the pixel dimension of the graphic.
Is there a work around? Or do I need to go through each asset and resize it to 70x70?
Elements 7 used to place my photos in a new document and there was very little resizing to do. now with elements 10 and 11, my photos are placed way larger than the document and i have alot of annoying resizing to do on every one. There must be a way to change this.
I have a task I need to perform often. I create charts that have descriptive texts below bars. There are two lines of text... a company name, then data on the second line. The text is at a slant, so each bar has its own separate text (i.e., I can't create it as one continues piece of text... but the text below each bar —the two lines— are connected). I want the first line of text to be 8 points and 100% black. The second line of text is to be 7 points and 50% black. So let's say the text is 8 pt Arial. I highlight the second line and run the action on it to reduce it down to 7 points. No problem. Then I run a second action (ideally, I'd like to combine actions, but I can't as you'll see in a moment...) which turns that second line to 50% black. BUT... it turns BOTH lines to gray... not just the line I have highlighted. How can I stop it from doing this? It seems like if I have only certain text highlighted, it should only apply changes to that particulat text! Not ALL of it.
I'd like to combine both actions so that all I have to do is highlight the second line and run both actions. But I can't do that at the moment
I'll attach some photos that will hopefully make this make more sense.
I'm using CS6 on a Mac. The charts are initially generated online, if that makes a difference.
I have recived an illustrator file which ontains some text and I have to update the labels on the file but it seems the text has been chnged to Outlines Path. how i can convert them to regular editable text type?
trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace. The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all. I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS. Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen. I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer. This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space. If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.
If I change the size of, say, the "file open" box, and shut it down, then open it again, it goes back to the default small size. Is there a setting that I can change so that the dialog box size stay's to my selected size?
I have a 5 section book which I need to print. I usually export to a PDF then re import into a single indesign document. Then use print booklet to print the book. My problem is that I need bleed on my pages so I have set my page size to O/S A4 (32*22.5) When I export to PDF the pages end up A4. How can I export so the page size remains the same?
I have an Adobe Illustrator CS6 document with body copy set using 6.5 pt. Helvetica Neue LT Std. - Bold Condensed & Light Condensed.
After saving the file as a PDF in Illustrator using the [Smallest File Size] setting, closing the file, and opening the newly saved PDF in Illustrator - the 6.5 pt. text is now 5.53 pt. with a vertical scaling of 117.65%.
This PDF is for client review purposes - on screen or laser print - not for reproduction. We try to keep the file size as small as possible to make downloading and e-mail attachments manageable.
In this case, my client is opening the PDF in Illustrator to double-check the text point sizes for legal & regulatory purposes.
If I save the same Illustrator file as a PDF using other settings like [High Quality Print], the text size is unchanged.
I was able to repeat the issue using Helvetica LT Std in place of Helvetica Neue LT Std.
I have attached some screen shots for reference.
Illustrator Source screen shot
Acrobat PDF screen shot
I found this older thread from 2011 where someone had the same issue - but was never resolved: [URL] ....
I have an application that creates stock charts. I want to use those stock charts on a website. But the application itself has no image features. I can copy the chart though and past it into photoshop. Now my problem is that I want every chart to have the same size (look). I was thinking of making the charts w x h = 400 x 600, in that way they fit nicely on my website. And I want to save it ready for the web so that I get small files.
My desktop has a setting of 1280x1024. My stock application has windows for the charts so I can basically make them any size as long as they fit on my screen. I copy the chart and then i go to photoshop but that is where I don't know exactly what to do to get uniform looking charts.
how to get uniform looking pics. Should I create always the same canvas size, with the same pixels? Or how would I go around this?
I joined two video clips and saved them as a single clip. They are both .mov files. One is 18mb and the other is 15mb, so I assumed the new file would be 33mb. When I save the new file in .mpg, however, it is only 27mb. When I try saving it in .mov, it balloons to over 120mb. How should I save the new clip to maintain the original size and ensure I'm not losing any quality?
Also, when I save the clips it seems to be converting the original 640*480 aspect ratio to 720*480. How do I preserve the original aspect ratio?
how to copy and paste a portion of a document open in photoshop into another document that is open in photoshop?
i have never been able to figure this out despite trying to do it from time to time and i basically cannot figure out if this is dependent upon actual images size, resolution, the size that the various images are on the screen etcetera, etcetera.
i am not even sure what other questions to ask except that i guess i could avoid all of this if i could copy a section of an image and then paste it into another document in a way that would give me the ability to RESIZE the incoming paste.
i basically want to get a logo into another document in a way that i can size and orient it so it looks good graphically...