Photoshop :: Change Line Color Of A Shape
Nov 2, 2005How can i change i line color of a shape (Rectangle, ellipse, etc)? I mean the Border color of a shape?
View 5 RepliesHow can i change i line color of a shape (Rectangle, ellipse, etc)? I mean the Border color of a shape?
View 5 RepliesI'm trying to create a rectangle with a red border and no inside fill. It's only to highlight some text of a bank form.
I know i have to right click the layer and choose blending options and stroke. But I've tried to change the color so many times and no matter what I do, the outer line remains gray and with rounded corners.
I want the corners of the rectangle to be squared, not rounded but I'm having a hard time changing this.
I'm using Photoshop CS3
show a picture of where to change the color of the outer line? I've tried everything.
I spend a great deal of time drawing arrows and labels in Photoshop. However, for space consideration, I would like to try changing my arrowheads to simple solid circles. Despite untold hours of searching, though, I cannot find a way to do this.
I am currently using CS6.
I have a client which wants me to change the color of his products - from bronze to chrome and vice versa. I'm specialized in web design in Photoshop, I tried different techniques but didn't manage to get a good enough result. I have to add that it's not only 1 product, but up to 100. Here are the images: [URL]....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI found out that you can't change line color in the line nova because a fix to prevent white on white or something like that. Is there another way to change the line color.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a cartoon line drawing. The black outlines are anti aliased so the edges of the lines have different grades of gray pixels on them. When I use the fill tool, and adjust the fill with the opacity and tolerance sliders, (I think that's what they're called in GIMP), I still can't get what I want. Only some of the gray pixels are colored in. Others are canceled out. Completely covered by the color, erasing some of the line.
Or some pixels remain uncolored. Just gray instead of a combination of the gray AND the fill color. What I'm looking for is an effect that looks like I placed a colored gel shaped like the cartoon character over the drawing. All the different shades of gray pixels should still be seen. Even the ones that are lighter than the fill color. With a gel, those pixels would appear darker, even though they were lighter than the fill color without the gel over them. The darkness of the color PLUS the added darkness of even the lightest gray pixels should make all the pixels appear darker. And the line would appear complete. Not partially erased.
Is it at all possible to get this effect?
I need to change some lines that are in a layer from a black/gray to brown. So I tried to change it by right clicking (PS 7.0) and blending options then tried a bunch of stuff and nothing seems to work: color overlay, blend mode, blend if... but I can't get the color.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone tell me how to do this? The color I need is somewhere between #734002 and #B16203.
I'm using Photoshop CS2. When I use pen tool to draw paths line, the line is in gray,which is hard to see some sometimes. I have seen path line in other colors before, however, I really don't know how to change the color.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to create a wavy line (the zigzag feature is not exactly what I need here) to outline a shape and then fill it with a solid color.
This is approx what I want; however the undulation needs to be more round and less peaked.
I have a black and white line drawing (jpeg or bmp) that I need to modify. A section of it needs to have the white background changed to a color background.
View 2 Replies View RelatedBeen using ACAD for 20+years...AutoCAD 2012/Civil 3D 2012 is driving me nuts. Simple question I am sure. I created a new layer with green as its color. It is showing up as yellow in my viewport. I checked my plot style(ctb), and is same as I have used for many years....prints black(pen 7). Typically shows green on screen and plots black. Looking in the Layer Properties Manager, I noticed that on the far right, there is a column labeled 'VP Plot Syle'. It has Color 2(yellow) shown. How do I change this as I am guessing this is causing issue.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I change the properties of a line? I can do it before drawing. What if I want to change after drawing in PhotoPaint?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I change the horizontal line color of a table (not the border line color)? I would like the border to be black, but the horizontal lines to be gray.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI would like the section line to have a special line type and color. How can this be changed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a script who could act as an Autocad plot (ie convert each color to black, with a different line weight).
Here is the first script I melted, who create my Black swatch
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
//add Black swatch
var newSwatch = app.activeDocument.swatches.add()
var newColor = new GrayColor();
newColor.gray = 100;
[Code] .........
And here is the second one, who replace one color by Black (it don't change the text, nor the lineweight yet…
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
//test de dialogue
function csDialog() {
var fabGroup = app.activeDocument.swatchGroups.getByName('Fabrics');
var allFabs = fabGroup.getAllSwatches();
var fabNames = Array();
[Code] ........
Is there a way to change the cursor color in the command line in AutoCAD 2013?
When I change the background (active command) to black, the cursor blends into it and not visible. Can’t see where is my current position when editing coordinates. The command background was black and text white for the last 10 years for 20 drafters; we would like to keep it this way
Is it possible to change the color of a line by changing the display configuration? If so, how?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn AutoCAD 2009 is there a way to make a leader line change color with per the layer it is on?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm currently trying to use the text tool so I can color a line of text in two differing colors. However when I highlight the characters I want to change the whole line changes.
How do I change the color of specific characters in a line of text?
I was trying to do one that can change color and line weight using a number provided by user. What i want to do is to ask a number to the user, 5 for example, and then change the color to 5, and the lw to .5. I was starting with this:
(defun c:ccv (/ eco lun ob cc clw)
(setq eco (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq lun (getvar "lunits"))
(setvar "lunits" 2)
but is not working, it has a bug with the clw variable.
How can I modify the line type/weight? How can I change the color? Where are my object properties?
I have seen a few threads with variations of these questions. I had the same ones, until now. I did some serious messing around and came up with this, I thought it may be useful:
To get the AutoCAD 2012 "Properties" panel in ACA 2012:
Disclaimer: This procedure involves modifying your software's configuration file(s). If you choose to follow it, you do so at your own risk.
1. Open the "Customize User Interface" dialog by a familiar method (I like the keyboard, the command is "CUI").
2. Switch to the "Transfer" tab.
a. If you can't see it, expand the dialog to 2-columns by clicking the ">" button in the lower right corner.
3. Set the left-hand column to "acad.cuix", I'll call this the "source file".
a. If you can not see the file, click the "Open" button and navigate to your "Application Data" folder.
i. Win7: {userProfile}AppDataRoaming
ii. WinXP: {userProfile}Application Data
b. Navigate further to the Autodesk Support folder:
i. {Application Data}AutodeskACA 2012enuSupport
4. Set the right-hand column to "Main Customization File", or another customization file you intend to use, the "destination file".
5. Expand both files' "Ribbon->Panels" nodes.
6. Locate the "Home - Properties" panel in the source file.
7. Right-click the panel and select "Copy" from the context menu.
8. Right-click the destination file's "Panels" node and select "Paste" from the context menu, it will be added to the end of the panel list.
a. NOTE: You may get a warning that the panel already exists. If you do, click the "Rename" button. The new panel will most likely show up as "Copy Of Home - Properties"
b. Right-Click the new panel and select "Rename". Set the name to "Home - ACADProperties"
9. Click the destination file's "Save" button.
10. Switch back to the dialog's "Customize" tab.
11. Using the drop-down, select your destination file as the file to customize.
12. Expand the (a) "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" and (b) "Ribbon -> Panels" nodes in the "Customizations…" (top-left) section.
13. Select the "Ribbon -> Panels -> Home-ACADProperties" panel, a preview will appear and the "Properties" section will populate.
14. Edit the panel's "Display Text" property, change it to "Properties" (this is the name that will appear on the panel once it's added to the UI).
15. Right-click the "Home-ACADProperties" panel in the "Customizations…" section and select "Copy" from the context menu.
16. Right-click the "Ribbon -> Tabs -> Home-ACA" node and select "Paste" from the context menu.
17. Click the "Save" button.
18. Click the "OK" button.
19. Observe your UI, the new Properties panel will appear at the right end of the "Home" tab.
20. Drag the panel to the location you would like it.
a. NOTE: Adding this panel to the tab causes the other panels to resize so the ribbon fits the screen/UI width. If there are any panels that you aren't using, turn them off to allow more room for the other panels. (I turned off the "Transparency" panel, the new "Properties" panel includes those commands in the slide-out, making it redundant.)
b. To turn a panel off, right-click a panel title, select Show Panels, then uncheck any panel you don't want displayed.
Now, my ribbon looks like this:
Just installed service pack 2 on Civil 3d 2012...
I go to open a drawing; drawing opens fine and views fine for a second, but then everything changes to viewing Color 9.... I am able to select a line or a piece of text and change it to any color imaginable but it always stays color 9. Although I am able to create a line and have it the correct color, it is just everything that had been existing in the current drawing at the time...
I have tried shademode, which if I put it into a 3d wireframe views fine in modelspace... but it always is going back to the 2d wireframe visual style that is the problem...
I cannot seem to find any problems with the drawing... I have run audit and purge all, I open backed up files and autosaves, all doing the same thing... I even had someone else open the drawing with the same occurence...
I want to change the color, line type, width and layer of all my blocks in my drawing. is there a way to do this with out opening all the blocks for editing? I am using AutoCAD 2009.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to copy a text or a simple line, circle... ; after I copied it, the last entity change its color to green.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLately when I plot my drawings the diagonal lines plot gray. I didn't change the line color. Can't figure it out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two layers on the bottom I have text, and on the top I have a shape.
How do I make the shape transparent so the shape may be filled with the background color?
When I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am adding a marker to a map, but I do not know how to align my marker (red) square with the street Laurie Shepway. Could anyone please tell me how I can align the shape with the street in Adobe Photoshop CS2?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to create something similar to this[URL]...It seems to be multiple outlines of the star
Do you know a technique to do that with Photoshop or Illustrator ?
I am using CS2.
I have a line drawing of a simple object that I would like to convert into a shape.
I have figured out how to cut the shape itself out of the original image using the magic wand select tool thing and altering the tolerance. So I have the cut-out shape on a transparent layer in a .psd file. All well and good.
I looked up "shapes" in the help center, and it says this:
"To convert type to shapes
When you convert type to shapes, the type layer is replaced by a layer with a vector mask. You can edit the vector mask and apply styles to the layer; however, you cannot edit characters in the layer as text."
It continues:
"Select a type layer, and choose Layer > Type > Convert To Shape".
Everything was going swimmingly untill that point - I go to the Layer menu - but "Type" is greyed out and therefore inaccessible.
I then did a search for "type layer" to find out what a type layer was - it says:
"About type layers:
After you create a type layer ...
tell me what a type layer is (I figure it has something to do with font, but I don't see how this relates to my line drawing), how to create one, or how to get my drawing into a type layer so I can convert it to a shape!
I would like to add the effect of hand stitched thread around some of my designs. The line tool can change a line to dashes but this is a bit too uniform for hand stitching. I have seen a tutorial on doing this in Photoshop where a brush is made with a few small different length strokes. this is then spaced out and made to follow a path. how to create a hand stitch effect using X5 that looks like natural hand stitching...
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