Photoshop :: Brush Preset Settings "spacing" Value
Jun 4, 2008
When using a hard-edged brush (round in this case), and using Shift+click to draw a continuous segment, the segment isn't perfectly straight at top and bottom. I know this is because of the "spacing" value of the brush, so the question is... can you make a global change for ALL brushes to have a spacing value of 1%?
1. When I use a low opacity to gradually build up highlights in a drawing the opacity seems to skip a few strokes: Nothing is actually happening after a fes brush strokes and then suddenly there's a bright line, nothing inbetween. It looks like i was drawing with 50% opacity even though it was actually 5%. All other option such as pressure sensitivity are turend off.
2. When drawing a straight line with the brushtool, and then zooming in, I can see the individual spots that make up the brushstroke. It looks like brushspacing was on even though it wasn't.
I use cs6 on a windows 7 platform and have a wacom intuos 4.
Can I disable brush "spacing" for all brushes, and save the settings?
(For those that don't know: Brush spacing is set to 25% by default for all brushes. Brush spacing makes the brush jump 25% of its size as you move the mouse, no matter how fast or how slow. This is great if you want evenly spaced brush "clicks" to be simulated. However, I want pixel-perfect accuracy with larger brushes, i.e., I don't want the brush to jump by this spacing, so I need to disable this!)
Can I disable brush "spacing" for all brushes, and save the settings?
(For those that don't know: Brush spacing is set to 25% by default for all brushes. Brush spacing makes the brush jump 25% of its size as you move the mouse, no matter how fast or how slow. This is great if you want evenly spaced brush "clicks" to be simulated. However, I want pixel-perfect accuracy with larger brushes, i.e., I don't want the brush to jump by this spacing, so I need to disable this!)
I'm using PS CS2. 'How to make a dotted line brush in Photoshop', it describes how to do this. It shows a brush palette that I can only assume is an older version (attachment 'Palette B.pdf'), because it is showing a spacing slider that mine doesn't (attachment 'Palette A.pdf').
I have made several presets in ACR (CS3 on XP pro) and I'd like to save them out to share with friends or use on other computers, is there any way of doing this?. I know it can be done with Lightroom, so I'm guessing theres a way with CS3 ?
I have a bunch of different Crop Tool settings. I use Preset Manager to sort them into a logical order. If I exit & restart PShop (CS3) they are back in the order in which they were created. How do I ensure that the preset preferences are restored between sessions?
On Illustrator CC. Set up a new document, setup 4 artboards with a 10mm spacing between each board... hit OK. Now how do I change this spacing now? I can't find reference to it anywhere.
There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
Can you save custom brush presets in CS6 for people in lower versions to install and use?? So far hasn't worked... error compatibility message. I've designed all of these things, and now only those with CS6 seem to be able to utilize!
i'm trying to make a new brush from a scanned photo. now i've done this before, and never had a problem, but it seems that with this particular picture, i can't. i've selected it, erased the background, turned it to grayscale etc.. looked in the tutorials, help, in many many forums.. i made sure the feathers were turned to 0, and the option "define brush preset" remains untouchable.
In an older version of gimp I was able to set the spacing of a brush (for smudging and such) and I currently have gimp 2.8 but I don't have the option to anymore. How to change the spacing of a brush now?
I'm unable to find a brush option for using a brush to change the density of an existing density to a preset density in the same way color fil is used to fill a tone. An example of the use would be...a shadow or reflection on a 255 white background; when the brush with the color or shade is used to paint over the background, it fills only the shadow/reflection in with the preset density. Thus allowing you to have the same exact color/density for all shadows/reflections. This is how the color fill or color setting in brushes works only that doesn't change density, only color/tone.
how to change the numbers to the brush name in the brush preset picker?
When you hover over a brush in the picker you get the name of the brush. I think it would work better if the numbers were replaced with the name of the brush.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a MacBook Air running OS X 10.8.2...I have managed to change the brush in my quick selection tool, or at least the way it looks on the screen, and I can't figure out how to get it back.
It now looks like a paint brush with light rays around it instead of the circle with the plus sign in the middle. It does not change size when the ] key is hit.
The current preset says its Quick Selection Tool Hard Round 250 1...In addition when I use the marquee tool I can not see the crosshairs when I am inside the image.The only thing I have knowingly done is to create a preset for a dashed line and imagine in doing that I have messed up the other. I have also changed the preferences for the cursor back and forth between standard and precise but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I've done it before in earlier versions and I assume it's in the same place but where is the option to rotate a brush in CS6, I have to many layers to deal with transform after applying I know it's here somewhere?
I've loaded a set of brushes I created into CS6. They show up fine in the menu bar brush window, in the Preset Manager, in the Brush Preset palette above my layers palette, but they will not appear in the brush preset fly-out window. This is where I do all the manipulating of my brushes, of course, so this is essential. I have created many, many brushes and done this many, many times and have never had this problem.
In the older versions adjusting the settings to negative numbers was as easy as highliting the text, clicking on the lead button and entering -0.075 Now, I can't adjust to negative line spacing.
when using the arctext command I am not able to change the character spacing setting. Also, if I select the arc text which I created and select properties, then attempt to change the character spacing setting my AutoCAD 2010 system reads fatal error and crashes.
I am sure that in the past Texture settings saved when I loaded a saved Art History Brush tool preset. But suddenly, the Texture setting - specifically Depth, is not being remembered. In other words - I have saved an Art History Brush as a Tool Preset. I have then used some other brushes and experimented with texture including the Depth setting. When I go back to the saved tool preset, the Texture Depth setting has changed to whatever it was when I last used it - not its saved value. I thought the point of Tool Presets is that they save all brush characteristics.
I'm using CS6. The tool presets and their Texture attributes work fine in CS5. Maybe I need to reinstall CS6.
I'm using scatter brush to draw multiple lines with random size and angle(image 1.), and trying to increase only the horizontal size(image 2.), keeping the interval the same. But when I do, the interval is also increased since 'Spacing' option follows the size of the base object. I could adjust and decrease the spacing value, but the problem is, spacing option cannot go below 1%. So if want to increase the line size and maintain the interval, there's no way to do it. expending then scaling could work, but that's not what I want.
trying to create a signature brush for signing my work in cs2.
I have done everything you are supposed to do but after I marquee my free form signature and text I cannot define the brush preset under edit. It is greyed out.
I can export a brush to an .abr file but it doesn't keep its settings like Shape Dymanics, Color Dynamics or Scattering?How do I do this? I'm using CS6.
I have a line path and I want to apply a brush stroke to it. I know how to do this and i was wondering if there is a way to apply a gradient colour to the stroke at the same time. it is a curved line so a gradient mask doesn't achieve what I need. i want the line to consistently change colour as you go along it even round curves.
For anyone having horrible Brush lag, please try the following settings and report your findings in this thread.
After much configuring and comparing CS4 vs CS3, I found that these settings do improve CS4's brush lag significantly. CS3 is still faster, but these settings made CS4 brush strokes a lot more responsive.
NOTE: these do not improve clone tool performance, the best way to improve clone performance right now seems to be to turn off the clone tools overlay feature.
Perhaps Adam or Chris from Adobe could explain what is happening here. The most significant option that improved performance appears to be the "Use for Image Display - OFF". I have no idea what this feature does or does not do but it does seem to be the biggest performance hit. The next most influential setting seems to be "3D Interaction Acceleration - OFF"
Set the following settings in Photoshop CS4 Preferences: