Photoshop :: What Brush Preset Should Be Used With Quick Selection Tool
Feb 24, 2013
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a MacBook Air running OS X 10.8.2...I have managed to change the brush in my quick selection tool, or at least the way it looks on the screen, and I can't figure out how to get it back.
It now looks like a paint brush with light rays around it instead of the circle with the plus sign in the middle. It does not change size when the ] key is hit.
The current preset says its Quick Selection Tool Hard Round 250 1...In addition when I use the marquee tool I can not see the crosshairs when I am inside the image.The only thing I have knowingly done is to create a preset for a dashed line and imagine in doing that I have messed up the other. I have also changed the preferences for the cursor back and forth between standard and precise but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
After using this tool, the image is left with horizontal bands running throug the entire image from top to bottom. In between the bands the image is clear.
I just got Photoshop cs6, and I am probably at intermediate level in expertise. When I try to use the marquee tool, the lasso tool or the quick selection tool on an image, the image just goes black. I have to click back to "Open" on the History the get the actual image back. I have Windows 7 64 bit. I have never had this problem with other versions of Photoshop.
I am sure that in the past Texture settings saved when I loaded a saved Art History Brush tool preset. But suddenly, the Texture setting - specifically Depth, is not being remembered. In other words - I have saved an Art History Brush as a Tool Preset. I have then used some other brushes and experimented with texture including the Depth setting. When I go back to the saved tool preset, the Texture Depth setting has changed to whatever it was when I last used it - not its saved value. I thought the point of Tool Presets is that they save all brush characteristics.
I'm using CS6. The tool presets and their Texture attributes work fine in CS5. Maybe I need to reinstall CS6.
After only two selections the tool becomes unresponsive for minutes.
I'm on a 2.6 Ghz retina MacBook Pro, 16 Gb RAM, and this in connection with an SSD should make this tool very good to use. Operating system: OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion", latest update.
Unfortunately, it seems to develop some kind of overload, during which you cannot use Photoshop at all. No commands like "undo selection", "quit", "close file" are accepted.
Hint: it seems to happen when you option select (subtract from an existing selection).
Hint: the freeze can be shortened by a tool switch (has to be through clicking on a tool, keyboard commands are frozen as well)
Hint: the "subtract selection" move that caused the freeze appears after Photoshop comes back to life after a couple of minutes. The subtraction to the selection seems to be random, makes no sense, and is not the regular function of the tool.
First step after this freeze would be to undo the last selection, and continue working.If you do several "add to selection" moves, they add up in a kind of waiting line. If you do the subtract from selection move, this doesn't work, and the freeze happens.
So far, I have not noticed the freeze when adding to a selection. Adding to a selection was always quick and instant. The bug must sit in the "subtract from selection" code.On most freezes, the ants continue walking, I just had one (again with subtracting selection) where even the ants stopped walking.
I don't think it has anything to do with Photoshop working. I have used the quick selection tool regularly under CS5 on my old machine (which was a museum piece), and while I had to wait sometimes, it was never ground to a freeze/halt like the quick selection tool under CS6.
Every time I use Quick selection tool it selects the area which I don't want to use. I have a website called JoGuru Social Travel Network for which I need to edit it's logo. Now since the logo has many green and blue variation I can't select the area I need.
I thought of changing the color of logo so that it looks refined but green color signifies travel and i can't think of using any other color. It would have been easy to pick other color. For me Green is God. I must use that only. I also need to encorporate small road in it that defines journey to infinity. This tool use to work well before. It's giving me problem for the first time.
I just can't make it work.. I need to use QUICK SELECTION TOOL to select part of image and then cut it out and paste it exactly in the same place. But whenever I do it, that tool automatically add feather to the edge so I can't paste it in same place again!
I already turn on hardness to 100% and I don't see any other options I can alter to eliminate it.
When I use the quick selection tool to remove something, I am always left with a shadow counture of the area that I want to get rid of. I guess I have to make another kind of setting or something, but I cannot find any that works. Photoshop CS6 W7.
I'm trying to compare a selection made with the Auto-Enhance check box on and off with the Quick Selection tool, though I'm not seeing a difference. My understanding is that it gives the selection a smoother, less blocky edge,
1. even though I'm not seeing a difference, is there a reason to just not keep it checked all the time? 2. Can you apply this checkbox after making a selection or only prior to doing one?
On one computer when I select my selection tool I have a circle with a + inside or - whichever I choose to select or deselect an object. BUT, on my other computer I have a large cross hair type thing and I can't tell whether I am selecting or deselecting... what the heck is going on!!
Before using the quick selection tool, I am able to smoothly zoom in and out by holding Ctrl+Space and dragging with the mouse.If I use the quick selection tool, however, the marching ants line turns into a strange box. I no longer am able to zoom smoothly but instead with the technique above I draw a rectangle which I zoom into. This indicates to me, that OpenGL has been deactivated. I want my smooth zoom back!
I noticed that the preferences always show OpenGL as active, no matter which of the above "state" I'm in. I tried updating my AMD graphics card's driver without success. I found a post describing similar OpenGL problems on the same graphics card and installed the linked driver; the post was 2 years old, but it worked. Re-installing more recent version (Catalyst-Version 12.6) brought the problem back. Newer versions of the driver seem all to suffer from the same problem.
I'm using Windows 7 64-bit,64-bit Photoshop Extended from CS5 Production Premium,AMD Radeon HD 4600 (currrently Catalyst-Version 13.1). I tried: "Downgrading" the driver (only really old version worked, as mentioned above),reseting Photoshops preferences (Ctrl+Alt+Shift at start),deactivating OpenGL (reactivating only works after restart and problem reappears) but I miss the smooth zoom.
I was using this nice tool for the forth time or so and I accidentally put the radius to 10, and suddenly these horrid jagged edges on model shirts disappeard.
The feather was at 2, and smoothness at 12. (in refine edges)
So should I now think of the radius and the the best method for edges rather than feather.
I'm trying to get use to this quick selection tool , i have an image i need in the middle of the photo and all round the sides i want to whiten, the tool once draggin down either side selections all the picture no mater what setting i use,
I'm currently jumping back and forward between quick mask mode and my standard layer. When I am in the standard layer the brush tool is performing as it should, but when I go into quick mask it is erasing my selection (red) rather than filling in where I draw!
The quick selection tool now doesn't work on the image I'm editing at all. When I try to select only the leaf, the marquee jumps straight to the edge of the photo, effectively selecting the whole of the image and background. Here is a screenshot:
I recently moved up from Photoshop Elements to CS5 which included a Selection Brush Tool in addition to the Quick Selection Brush. The Selection Brush Tool allows you to paint a selection free style without being bothered by the "Quick" feature that provides guesses about where you might want to select. I could not find the Selection Brush Tool in CS5. Is there one? The lasso is not as easy to use.
I am looking for a lisp routine that, when activated, asks the user to select the "preset view" (similar to the preset view command found in the ribbon, but instead smaller and quicker), enter name for the view, end.
If possible, perhaps a command, relating to the routine above, that can be placed in the short-cut menu (right-click), which will list the preset views (made by the user), and be selectable.
The approach is instant view change, where it is possible to apply the command, then reapply to go to another view.
if possible, surely there'd be some people that may be interested in this capability.
Can you save custom brush presets in CS6 for people in lower versions to install and use?? So far hasn't worked... error compatibility message. I've designed all of these things, and now only those with CS6 seem to be able to utilize!
i'm trying to make a new brush from a scanned photo. now i've done this before, and never had a problem, but it seems that with this particular picture, i can't. i've selected it, erased the background, turned it to grayscale etc.. looked in the tutorials, help, in many many forums.. i made sure the feathers were turned to 0, and the option "define brush preset" remains untouchable.