Photoshop :: Texture Attributes Not Saving With Art History Brush Tool Preset?
Oct 2, 2012
I am sure that in the past Texture settings saved when I loaded a saved Art History Brush tool preset. But suddenly, the Texture setting - specifically Depth, is not being remembered. In other words - I have saved an Art History Brush as a Tool Preset. I have then used some other brushes and experimented with texture including the Depth setting. When I go back to the saved tool preset, the Texture Depth setting has changed to whatever it was when I last used it - not its saved value. I thought the point of Tool Presets is that they save all brush characteristics.Â
I'm using CS6. The tool presets and their Texture attributes work fine in CS5. Maybe I need to reinstall CS6.
Opened the myFile.psd file to continue edits from yesterday.
All layers are still visible, but when I attempt to use the History Brush Tool to continue editing the layer to paint over the image, nothing happens. It all was working yesterday.
Since I am new to Photoshop I was unsure if there was some default setting that needs to be changed.
My history brush tool doesn't seem to work! I am doing it just as I used to use it, so I definently know how to use it. Yes, I am using it on the desired layer. I don't know why, for these past few days, it hasn't been working like it used to!
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on a MacBook Air running OS X 10.8.2...I have managed to change the brush in my quick selection tool, or at least the way it looks on the screen, and I can't figure out how to get it back. Â It now looks like a paint brush with light rays around it instead of the circle with the plus sign in the middle. It does not change size when the ] key is hit. Â The current preset says its Quick Selection Tool Hard Round 250 1...In addition when I use the marquee tool I can not see the crosshairs when I am inside the image.The only thing I have knowingly done is to create a preset for a dashed line and imagine in doing that I have messed up the other. I have also changed the preferences for the cursor back and forth between standard and precise but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I am trying to learn layers and layer masks. I loaded an image, than control J to duplicate it. I then added a layer mask. Everything good so far. I then went to filters chose a blur. Then went to brushes with black as my foreground color, I just wanted to brush away the blur, and got an error message. "could not use the history brush because the history state does not have a corresponding layer."
Everytime I try to use my history brush, that error pops up and I have no clue why. If I try to just open a blank document and use the brush it does not give me this error and I can "use" the brush but you cant see anything on the project.
so when this error happens im trying to do a project and say I place a file(picture) into the project and this is the very first thing I do. I place it, then I size the image down some. I then make a new layer to use the brush for behind the picture and then this is when I get the error. I have no clue what is wrong
I am using Lightroom 4 and developed a picture in it last week. I saved the picture onto my desktop and sent it to my client. She loved the way it looked and wants other pictures to look the same way (tone/cold color, etc). I did not save the history as a preset before I exported it out. How can I get the history back from when I worked on it last week? Is it stored in the pictures data somewhere or do I have to try and recreate the image adjustments??
The tolerance feature of art history brush tool is explained in the reference as following:  "A high tolerance limits paint strokes to areas that differ considerably from the color in the source state or snapshot"  When I try to use this tool on a image's original state (no difference with the history state) with the 100% tolerance setting, some of the areas can be brushed.  So, I'm a little bit confused about the function of the "tolerance" slider.
From what I have read I think that I should be able to use as a source for the Art History brush any snapshot I have taken of an earlier layer. But when I tick the left hand box (ie put the Art History icon there)to make a snapshot active and then put the mouse cursor over the top layer of the image, I get an error message saying "Could not use the art history brush because the history state lacks a corresponding layer". But I can paint into it (the top layer) using the original image (with the art history brush icon next to it). In other words, I cannot use the art history brush with any snapshot as source.
What I am trying to do is have available two or three layers with different retouching treatments of the same image as snapshots so that I can paint them in to a new blank, but color filled, top layer. So, I want to have for example, a layer with little detail, another with lots of detail and another with increased color saturation and be able to add these by art histor brush into the blank top layer (which is filled with a background color).
I thought this should be possible. At the moment all I can use is the original image as an art history source.
Is there a history brush in Camera Raw ?  I am using CS6 In photoshop there is a history brush...but don't see one in Camera Raw. How do I go back?Â
I want to know if there is a shortcut key to "set the source for the history brush" in History Panel . I do retouching task and need to do this action very often.
It's an 8-bit PSD file. One layer (current, preferred edits) needs some pixels from the original (layer 0). I make sure to get just layer0 showing, make new snapshot, mark that for the Hx brush. Target the top layer/visible and go to where I want to repair the pixels. Paint with the Hx brush. NOTHING!  It was occasionally flakey in CS3 and CS5, but this is CS6 and should be rock-solid because I just upgraded.  Win7, maxed on RAM, huge HD, Quad core running at 3GHz each, graphics card enabled etc.
CS3, WinXP SP3, 2.5Gig RAM No other major applications running.I set up the history brush to get from one snapshot (either opening or another shapshot), make sure the layers are active, etc, history brush 101 stuff.Wacom tablet is working fine. Nothing happens.Opacity 100%Flow 100%Whether in "Normal" or "darken" or "multiply" or whatever, NOTHING HAPPENS!The brush icon is rubbing on the screen. I'm almost scraping through the Wacom protector screen. NOTHING!!No error pixels change.
Is there any way I can save the history palette when saving a file? I would like to do a step-by-step demo for someone, and while I always add a new layer for all color/contrast etc. changes, it doesn't work for the filters.
how to save a history in photoshop so that once you close it, you can reopen it and still have the history...for say using the history brush? I know how to make an external log,
I've moved from using destructive adjustments to the nondestructive adjustment layers, but I can't seem to get a handle on how to use the history brush? Â I've tried taking a snapshop of the current state with adjustments. then click back to the original snapshot as the source, hoping the history brush would work, but it doesn't. is there a way to use the history brush with adjustment layers? Â I've see one demo that doesn't exactly use the history brush, the paint black on the adjustment layer to expose whats beneath it.Is this how you need to work with adjustment layers?
I've activated a feature without meaning to and don't know how to undo it. With the Rectangular Marquee Tool, the border shifts from a rectangle to a round-edged shape when I release the mouse after selecting an area. Then, when I cut that area, it lifts only a transparent portion of the selected area instead of the entire layer. How do I turn this off?
Also, I was once shown how to make use of the history brush to restore deleted / erased information along the edge of a shape that were overtaken by the magic wand. I've not been able to do that again on my own.
Can you save custom brush presets in CS6 for people in lower versions to install and use?? So far hasn't worked... error compatibility message. I've designed all of these things, and now only those with CS6 seem to be able to utilize!
i'm trying to make a new brush from a scanned photo. now i've done this before, and never had a problem, but it seems that with this particular picture, i can't. i've selected it, erased the background, turned it to grayscale etc.. looked in the tutorials, help, in many many forums.. i made sure the feathers were turned to 0, and the option "define brush preset" remains untouchable.
I am using PS CS3. I would like to know if it is possible to save the edit history of a file - for example if I open a file I worked on a week ago I want to be able to find out what work had been done to it (eg levels, sharpening, curves etc). As far as I know, history is lost after a file is saved (in a flattened image).
When I use the art history brush at a very small size, it acts very weird. As soon as I click in the document, a bunch of snake like things appear all over. Like a bunch of little worms spreading all over the page. I've trashed my prefs, I've reset my tool, I've tried different brushes, I've checked scattering, noise, etc. in my brush settings, I've checked my blend modes, pretty everything I can think of doing, and they are still doing it.Â
I'm unable to find a brush option for using a brush to change the density of an existing density to a preset density in the same way color fil is used to fill a tone. An example of the use would be...a shadow or reflection on a 255 white background; when the brush with the color or shade is used to paint over the background, it fills only the shadow/reflection in with the preset density. Thus allowing you to have the same exact color/density for all shadows/reflections. This is how the color fill or color setting in brushes works only that doesn't change density, only color/tone.
how to change the numbers to the brush name in the brush preset picker?  When you hover over a brush in the picker you get the name of the brush. I think it would work better if the numbers were replaced with the name of the brush.
I've done it before in earlier versions and I assume it's in the same place but where is the option to rotate a brush in CS6, I have to many layers to deal with transform after applying I know it's here somewhere?
I've loaded a set of brushes I created into CS6. They show up fine in the menu bar brush window, in the Preset Manager, in the Brush Preset palette above my layers palette, but they will not appear in the brush preset fly-out window. This is where I do all the manipulating of my brushes, of course, so this is essential. I have created many, many brushes and done this many, many times and have never had this problem.