Photoshop :: When Do You Use A "Difference Mask'?

Feb 3, 2007

When do you use a "Difference Mask'?

Yesterday I did a tutorial from Katrin Eismann's "Restoring and Retouching". It was the first time I had attempted a Difference Mask. When I had completed the tutorial I wondered why that method was recommended since an additional selection was required using another selection tool.

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Photoshop :: What Is The Difference Between A Layer Mask And Clipping Mask?

Apr 26, 2009

My subject line pretty much sums up what I want to ask.

The thing is I've learned how to do both of them, but every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.

Are they simply two different mechanisms for doing the same thing?

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Photoshop :: Layer Mask "ghosting"

Sep 28, 2007

I'm trying to do the usual paste-a-head-on-a-monkey type of task. When I use a layer mask to paint away the non-head parts (or to bring the background image to the front) the image leaves a ghost where I painted. It acts as though the opacity is incorrect, but I've checked everything and can't figure out what the problem is.

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Photoshop :: Static Picture, Make Water "shimmer" Or "move"

May 26, 2007

I have a picture of a cabin on a lake, I want to use this as the flash intro for a website. I would like a mist to cover the picture and then float away, and the water in the lake to "shimmer" or make it look as if it is "moving"...kind of like you were looking at a video clip, not a static picture.

Is this something I would do in any of the creative suite programs? or studio 8 programs? or is it something completely different.

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Photoshop :: Put 4"x8" Image Into 4"x6" Space Without Too Much Distortion?

Mar 29, 2013

I want to put a 4"x8' image into a 4"x6" space without too much distortion.

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Photoshop :: Remove "copy" From "save As"?

May 20, 2006

At work, whenever I "save as" a jpg or tif or whatever, it just renames the extension. eg. 'Work.psd' -> 'Work.jpg'. But when I work from home, whenever I "save as" it appends "copy" to the end, which I really hate. eg. 'Work.psd' -> 'Work copy.jpg'. I know this is a trivial matter, but it puts an annoying kink in my workflow having to remove "copy" from the file name during my extremly frequent saves. I've tried to google this, but I'm at wit's end trying to find where the preference is hidden.

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Photoshop :: 'Instruction At "0x1a3c4b6b" Referenced At Memory "0x00000028" Memory Could Not Be Read

Jul 22, 2009

when I try to open an existing file or create a new one -- the application will shut down unexpectedly and without warning.But I also experience application errors: 'Instruction at "0x1a3c4b6b" referenced at memory "0x00000028" Memory could not be read.

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Selecting Your Layer And Clicking Add Layer Mask

Apr 6, 2008

Is there a difference between selecting your layer and clicking Add Layer Mask Icon versus having that layer selected, hold down ctrl and select Add Layer Mask Icon?

Also regarding working in Lightroom, if I modify a jpeg, select another image from filmstrip to work on and then go back to the first image for more work, are those actions degrading image even though I never physically save and close.

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Photoshop :: "Paths" Or "Curves"

Oct 31, 2005

I'm having a heckuva hard time figuring this one out.

At the bottom of my canvas, I have a half-circle, with the curve facing up and the flat edge at the bottom border of my canvas.

At the top of my canvas, I have some text that is actually a graphic instead of text.

I'm trying to make the picture of the text curve to the same arc as the half-circle at the bottom of the canvas.

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Photoshop :: "outer Glow"/"inner Glow" No Longer...

Aug 16, 2009

I'm created a photo of an alien boy being beamed down to someone's house in a cone of bright white light from a flying saucer, and I tried to use the "layer style" to create the glowing light effect in this cone of bright light - but somehow I'm not getting the "glow" effect that I got before. I'm stumped as to what I'm doing wrong/not doing right to produce the glow effect.  In other words, the outer/inner glow effect no longer works. Can anyone please help me?

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Photoshop :: "save As" Becomes "save As A Copy" In Action

Jul 14, 2005

I've got a couple of actions that do various things and then as a last step do a "save as" (without a dialog). They work just fine on MOST images but on just a couple of images when they get to the "save as" step I get a dialog and the "as a copy" box is checked. It happens on the same images every time so it must be something about those particular images but I can't figure out what it is.

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Make Oval Dish 15" X 12" X 5" Inches

May 18, 2012

how to make an Oval dish that's 15" x 12" x 5" inches

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Lightroom :: Correct Way To Print A 16" X 20" Print On 17" X 22" Paper Using LR5

Jul 27, 2013

What is the correct way to print a 16" x 20" print on 17" x 22" paper using LR5.

In LR4, using 17" x 22" paper, I used to set the cell size to 16" x  20" and print. Doing the same thing in LR5 gives me a slightly larger print.

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Photoshop :: "Photoshop Jpgs" Vs "jpgs." Files Default

Apr 28, 2006

I have given a disc of photos to a client that she can't access without launching Photoshop on her Mac. They were scanned by me on an Epson as jpgs, then run through Photoshop (CS1) for touch-up and resaved as jpgs by me. Now I look under "get info" and see that they are all saved as "Photoshop Jpgs". this can be a big problem, as I intend to make a lot of discs for clients in the future. I don't want to have to tell them to use "Open with" every time they want to view a photo.

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Photoshop :: How To Create A "spot Of Paint" Or Whirlwind Image Effect?

Nov 22, 2006

(using his Mac)... It ended up our logo and I need have to make some changes desperately (to adjust it for printing on shirts/ change the image for embroidery logo, etc.). Despite all my efforts to find out how it was created.

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Photoshop :: Scrapping "Layer History" Plugin I Made (Pic Attached)

Feb 23, 2003

making a Photoshop plugin entitled "Layer History". What it does is provide History for each unique Layer (check out the pic i attached to this message). Right now i am not quite sure of its use to anyone out there and so i just wanted to ask all of you gurus what you think. I am just playing around in learning how to do plugins so dont think i am trying to go commercial or anything...please feel free to be as honest as possible! =)

Right now, i am able to capture pretty much anything about how a layer was created including brush strokes (as you can see in the snap). From there the user can move back in time by jumping to one of the previous states and modifying its content (while still maintaining later states) and thus creating a potential uniquely different compounded result. For example,i am able to say, select a brush stroke state (from the Layer History states panel --- the bottom panel of the 3 visible -- btw, the top-right two icons

toggle on/off whether the two other stacked panels which show "Snapshots" and "Folder Sets" appear as well so dont think they are on all the time...i left them on so you could see them ), and then select a different Brush type, Mode type, opacity which would automatically update the stroke inside the document to the new modifications, but also keeping the other states (possibly other brush strokes, etc) that follow it.

Right now it stores information about when the entry was made and allows for internal commenting, creating folder sets (you can select a group of states and organize them under folders for quicker access), color states based on type and by sets, reshuffle states, and modify them. Because the Layer history information can get huge (e.g. Brush strokes) i added in a compression technique while it stores Layer History information inside the PSD file (while saving) which seems to work quite nicely. Currently I also have a number of discard management options that can allow the user to select the # of states (or types of states) that can be in the window before they are discarded (or converted into a Snapshot). Notice the icon near the bottom of the pic on the left of the last "Brush Stroke" entry (its a gray arrow): Because subsequent entries may be the same e.g. multiple Brush strokes, it is able to know when more than 1 entry is of the same type and thus this icon appears to the left of the first of its type. When the
user clicks the arrow it collapses (hides) all states of that type (leaves the 1st entry though) thus clearing out space for the user inside this window. If the user clicks the collapse arrow again (now shown as an expand arrow) it re-expands the content revealing all the items of that type.

Is this program of any use to anyone? I am thinking of trashing it and moving on to another plugin...It was fun for my 1st plugin nontheless, but boy did they have a lot of bugs in the sdk. Though i actually made it compatible for photoshop 5.0,6.0, and 7.0.

When i think back about this Layer History plugin i guess no one would really find a use for it since no one has ever complained about needing one before and Actions, and History provide part of the solution.

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Photoshop :: "the Configuration Data For This Product Is Corrupt" Installing Adobe

Dec 30, 2005

Well this is the error I am getting when I try and install Adobe Photoshop CS 2 so I am at a loss as I cant find any help.

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Photoshop :: How To Create "Holy Grail" Type Of Outer Glow

Jul 25, 2004

What I mean by "Holy Grail" is that intense outer glow of crosses in religious illustrations but that looks natural in photographs. I am looking for technique, filter or third party plug in.

I have product photos to create this type of outer glow but I also want it to look natural.
I am looking for a fast, easy and adjustable way to do this -- if at all possible.

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Photoshop :: "Bullet-Time Effect In Slow Motion" From Matrix

Sep 6, 2005

I was wondering if in Photoshop i can add a "Bullet-time effect" which was in Matrix.For example a scene which was shown in slow motion where an Agent was firing at Neo and then Neo dodged bullets and we could actually see effects produced by bullets.Maybe i need to combine some filters/layers.

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Photoshop :: Color Correcting Images Using "correct" Image As Base?

Mar 19, 2004

I'm capturing television frames using a TV capture card, but the resulting images do not have the correct brightness/contrast and color values.

Instead of manually altering every image using trial and error, I'd like to take a "correct" source frame that I know is correctly balanced (such as a test pattern), and use it to correct my other captured images.

I've tried saving the source frame's levels and curves and then loading them into the captured frames, but this doesn't produce quite the effect I'm looking for.

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Photoshop :: Modal "File Save As" Action Ignores...

Aug 25, 2008

I am attempting to execute a set of actions containing two "Save" commands. The first works fine while the second does not. (The destination folder is ignored and the file is saved in the same folder as the first Save.) The only difference I can see is that the second "Save" is modal and the other is not. The fact that the destination folder is contained in the action makes me think this ought to work and I'm missing something obvious.

I have a JPG of the action set but I can't see how to attach it....

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Photoshop :: The Instruction At "0x1c904b6b" Referenced Memory .. Could Not Be Read

Apr 16, 2009

I installed Adobe Design Premium Suite CS4 4 days ago in HP Compaq dc5100 SFF. I have C drive over 9GB of free space and I am running with 2GB of RAM and 2.80 GHz speed. I encounter an error message popping out in couple of minutes, when I open Photoshop each time as following The instruction at "0x1c904b6b" referenced memory "0x00000028."  The memory could not be "read." Click OK to terminate the program The following steps I did to resolve the problem, but nothing resolved the problem1) I have increased the RAM to 2GB2) In Photoshop preferences setting, I originally had the default 50% ram given to adobe.. and then tried 75%.3) I uninstalled and reinstalled Adobe Design Premium Suite CS4 The error message is now recurring so that it is impossible for me to work. Any ideas to resolve this memory problem?

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Photoshop :: Over Exposed "blown Out" White Areas In A Picture

Jul 30, 2004

Is there any way to "fix" blown out white areas in a photograph? For example--portions of a wedding dress.

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Photoshop :: "light-enters-dusty-room-effect"

Jul 9, 2004

hey anyone know how to make the effect similar to when your have a dusty room and light enters through the window and you can see the rays?

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Photoshop :: Brushes As "stamps" How Do You Use Normal Colors Rather Than Textures?

Sep 15, 2008

when using brushes as "stamps" how do you use normal colors rather than textures?

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Photoshop :: Brush For "bite" Marks? And Trans Edges.

Aug 24, 2006

I just want a brush for PSCS that I can run across an image to look like someone, or something, was biting the edge.

It doesn't have to be fancy or super "real" looking. Just better looking then using a round eraser and chopping it up. Or a "leaf" brush or some other thing.

I also have another question. It's probably quick to answer so I'll just ask it here too. When layering photos over the top of each other; what is the best way to do gradient transparencies around one image, so the image below shows through and looks nice?

I try using just the eraser with a dropped down opacity, but there is no smoothness to the transparency. I tried erasing with a feathered selection, but that was erasing the main part of the "top" image along with the edges.

Whatever technique it is, it would have to be useable on a round image, or square, or utterly hacked up shape. Simply so it has a smooth transparency to the image below.
I can do this easy with a transparent gradient, IF the bottom was just a solid color.

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Photoshop :: Adding A Glossy Paint To A "flat Color"

Jan 23, 2004

how to get ANY shinniness to the paint when it is flat, i get a primered effect.

I already did a good number of things to this truck but can any 1 give me a few pointers?

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Photoshop :: "color Replacing" An Index Colored Image

Apr 10, 2007

I'm using Adobe Photoshop 9.0 cs2 and I need help with a large color replacement project. I'm an amature video game designer making a level for the classic P.C. game Doom 2 and I'm creating a new weapon and monster for the level I'm creating. For the monster I plan to alter the colors of the frames of the original monster and change the dimensions of key features.

use an indexed color mode that were extracted into individual .png files.

Today I made the big mistake of changing the frames over to RGB mode so I can use the color replacement tools available in that mode. I should have done one frame first then convert it back to indexed color mode because the frames look terrible when converted back from RGB mode. What it is doing is using all the colors of the RGB color spectrum to replace various colors. Unfortunately what this means is that its using colors that are not in the color palette I loaded in the original pic and when I convert it back it looks terrible. There are enough colors in the doom color palette to produce the look I'm after but the automated conversion process from RGB to indexed colors does not pic the best matches in most cases. By doing this I am taking an image consisting of about 150 different shades of color down to about 75 different shades of color. I cant find any color replacement tools for indexed colored images and its going to take me forever to do all frames pixel by pixel so I need one of two things to be able to accomplish what I need. Either a better way of converting these images back, or some tool I can actually use in indexed color mode. If there is a way to select a pixel and change all other pixels of that exact color to a new color then I can just do it pixel by pixel that way. I need something here or I'm going to lose hours of work. If there is a way to load my color table into RGB mode to limit what colors it uses that might work too.

I would just leave the pics in RGB mode if the game im editing for could use that format but unfortunatly anything I convert to RGB will have to be converted back to 256 colors for it to work in the game.

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Photoshop :: Imageready "slice Select Tool" Missing.

Mar 31, 2007

was working on a grapic in photoshop 7. The slice tool in PS had the 2 option "slice tool" and "slice select tool" but when i move into image ready from my current work and wanted to combine 2 slices, i only had the "slice tool" in my tools area.

The "slice select tool" which needs to be active to complete my action, is missing. pls help.. I tried resetting my tools but still no sign. The biggest question is how come it shows up in PS and not in imageready?

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Photoshop :: "assertion Failed" Message When Opening ImageReady

Oct 6, 2003

All of a sudden my ImageReady won't open and instead I get this "Could not fully start the application because an assertion has failed" message. I have tried reinstalling photoshop, but no luck. Can anyone help me with this?

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Photoshop :: Free-hand Drawing And Fixing "squiggles."

Oct 2, 2004

a way to draw free-hand in photo shop, and if so, which tool do I use?

I'd also like to know if there is a way to "fix" lines and curves. For example, if you take a pencil and draw an image free-hand, it's nearly impossible to get straight, unless you're a brilliant artist or use a ruler. If I drew and image, scanned it and opened it in Photo shop, is there a way or tool or something I could use clean up the lines, make them straighter (without the squiggles) and make certain lines broader or thiner?

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