I am doing a school project on Photoshop and some of the math behind it. I am focusing on the Hexadecimal Color Picker and how Photoshop calculates the interaction between colors.
Fore example. If I lay down a color on a layer with a brush then change the transfer mode to "Multiply" And then brush over the first color. How does Photoshop calculate the resulting color?
I have a PSD from a designer where they created icons using "darken" or "multiply" modes over a background, such as this:  However, since it will get on a CSS gradient, I need to extract the icons as a transparent PNG file, which of course gets me this in the web browser:  I can't just flatten it with the background, since the background is a gradient AND I need to be able to adjust the image's position in HTML. Also there, are several instances of this situation in the design. The best way to do this is to have a transparent PNG of each icon. But, how can I first get the artwork at least close to the way it appears in Photoshop (in darken mode over red)?
On opening Elements 2, foreground color is white but changes to yellow if a file or image is opened. Checked hexadecimal values and they are the same. Operating system is Windows XP.
I have some c# code (though it could be any language) and I am trying to copy the colors used therein into an Illustrator design. Â Here's the code: Â private static readonly Dictionary<string, SolidColorBrush> _DefaultModeColours = new Dictionary<string, SolidColorBrush> {
[Code].... Â The colors are specified using hexadecimal numbers for the ARGB values. Â In Illustrator I have the following color chooser: Â I could fire up a calculator and convert each of the (nonobvious) hex values into decimal, but I imagine there is an easy way to change the Illustrator settings for the document to use hex values. Is there? If so where do I set it?
Is there a Hexadecimal Swatch Palate or Color Picker for Illustrator CS5? If not -- in CS6 - as I'm thinking of upgrading.But it seems like such a thing is so basic, surely I'm just missing it?
I know what the documentation says that they do, but it doesn't appear to be the truth. For example, if I take my image and overlay it with a 50% gray layer set to Luminosity mode, I would expect to see the hue and saturation of my image, with the luminosity of every pixel set to 50%, but that isn't what actually happens.
While using Photoshop CS4 Extended version 11.0.1, whenever I change Screen Modes, it causes the color of all photos to display improperly. The pictures become very dull and gray. Even the whitest whites (255/255/255) appear to be a dull gray, as if a black layer set to 30% opacity is placed in front of the picture. The color still displays properly in the thumbnails of the Layers Panel.
Every picture I have open is affected in this way. Closing the pictures and reopening them does not help. Any new pictures I open are also affected. Changing back to the original screen mode does not fix the problem. The only thing that fixes the problem is closing Photoshop altogether, and then restarting it.
It doesnt matter how I change Screen Modes, whether I change it from the Screen Menu, the Applications Bar, or cycle through the modes using the F key. Even hitting the Tab key to hide the panels causes this to happen. Being a long-time Photoshop user, I have long been in the habit of cycling through screen modes frequently, so suggesting I not cycle through Screen Modes isnt an option because itll take months to break me of the habit.
I am editing a file for a Realestate customer of mine. For some reason her previous designer didn't understand to make print material in cmyk ( I cant believe how many "designers" dont understand the difference.). I am now going back and correcting that issue so they will print accuratly. Usually I can do this in Illustrator and just go to the edit menu and then go to edit colors and choose convert to cmyk. That option is greyed out in this situation. I am attaching a screen shot. I am using illustrator cs6 on a mac running 10.7.5.
Half way through my trial of Photoshop CS5 it stopped rendering hexidecimal colours correctly. If i take a background colour from my css page and put it in the colour picker, use it to border a photo and put that image back into the background it stands out like a sore thumb. This was not the case earlier in the trial, everything rendered fine. I have tried dozens of times to get it to work and i've checked everything i can think of, it still will not render the colour correctly. My operating system is Windows 7 on a Lenovo Thinkpad.what is going on and how to fix it.
I have just switched to Photoshop from Fireworks, and so far I'm not happy. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to adjust the dang hexadecimal code inside of Photoshop CS4 for the desired color!
I made the switch from Studio 8 to CS4 not too long ago, and have been learning CS4 for a while. But I'm having a problem that's holding me back. How do I adjust the hexadecimal code (i.e. #e8e8e2) manually? I see no place to insert your code, and I kind of need that for doing web design.
I create 16x16 pixel icons for use in my mapping software. I notice, when picking colours from the colour palette and dropping them into my grid using the brush tool, the initial colour is not its full intensity and that it is increased each time I click the mouse. This resulted in different hexadecimal values for each pixel square, which is unacceptable for my purposes. However, I discovered while writing this post, using the pencil tool drops the full colour intensity into the square. Now I am curious to understand why the two tools operate differently and how one knows, if using the brush tool, when full intensity is reached.
I want to add serial number in the documents I am making to protect it from piracy... Or no, rather easier way to spot the pirate if I find my pattern floating somewhere..
To make it condensed I would like to use hexadecimal digits. So I can add a small serie of digits on a pattern piece (the pieces are tiny, averaging at about 4-5 cm, filled with information) so this is my reason of why I want hexadecimals.
I will stuff it with six digit groups for different identifiers and then revision numbers too.
On every document copy, that is, pattern sheet I would like to repeat the same digit about 4-6 times, on the major pattern pieces, and on one license paper. So the digits needs to be identical on these 4-6 times.
But of course incrementing for each copy of the pattern sheet.
Let's say the serie is 1.01.0001-00.00.00 this is the format I am going to use. All the digits could be entered manually if it has to be done but at least the 4 digits group should be automated, and hexadecimal.
I have Photoshop CS6, and I just got a Windows 8 computer a couple days ago. I just now have realized that the Screen and Linear Dodge (Add) blending modes are not working at all. They have no effect on my layers. I know that the Overlay blending mode works... I haven't tested all of them.
I understand that others are having problems with Photoshop and Windows 8. Is this a related problem, or is it unrelated and is it something that needs to somehow be fixed?
Just curious what is the difference between Basic, Normal and Advanced OpenGL modes? I know Advanced method is more "GPU intensive" but how can I see the difference?
i'm an art student and have been for over 3 years now, i did a degreee in arts and technology , and they made us use Corel Painter most of the time , and a bit of photoshop as well...
so basically i'm used to painters tools , specially with the blending tools, where you have choice between smudge, blur, stomp, smear, blend...etc
I have tried to find similar tools in photoshop , but couldnt find anything close to it ( so far the water drop and the correction tool).
i am working in cs6 and starting to frustrate more and more, tried everything and nothing seems to work. Layer blending modes just seems to stop working at one moment, or at certain layers, i dont know. I have two layers one on top of other, and when i set blending mode on top layer everything just goes white.
I have used Photoshop for years, but never in the capacity. I'm trying to blend layers together and then have the ability to save the top layer with the effects as its own layer. I'm sure that is not too clear so I have attached a screen shot.
Basically, have a B/W raster as a layer. Then I placed a smart object from Adobe Illustrator (a bunch of line vectors) on top of the raster. I then used my layers panel with a Screen option and I get the effect that I want. Where the line crosses a light area on the background it becomes light, and where it crosses a dark area it becomes dark (See Screenshot). Now what I want to be able to do is save my line layer as PSD document and not have the background layer on there.
If I flatten the layers, I obviously get the background layer. If I turn off the background layer, then I loose my screen effect.
This may be an easy fix, or impossible. I'm not sure.
I am trying to code a site for a client that has several layers that are partially transparent with different blending modes on the fx options. Normally I'd export it as a solid image if the background repeated horizontally and could be done that way. Problem is that the design I am trying to code does not have a solid color background or a pattern, instead, it has an image.
I need to know how I can get all of these blending modes and into one static layer. When I merge the layers, it just removes the blending mode which causes it to look horrible.
about advanced blending modes, it shows how to use the the "blend if this layer is " and "blend if layer underneath is.."
It starts with some basic textures, an eye and a clock and the result is a mix of these pictures with a clock where the eyeball is supposed to be.
how to use displacement maps, the crucial thing about this tutorial was that a the map was used on a green image which provided a very nice "closeup of a green leaf"-effect with streaks and lines.
I have photoshop 6.0, trouble with blending 2 images. I wanna know how do I place the texture above the image. So that says that the Texture is Layer 2 and the real image is the backround.
I have a project in which I created two layers, the top one of which is in Luminosity mode. My printer is printing the top layer only, and I cannot figure out how to print my project with the layer interaction.