Photoshop :: Blend Layer Modes?
Mar 19, 2003Is there a way we can get like gradients of one layer mode to another. Or from normal to "overlay in a gradient fashion?"
View 1 RepliesIs there a way we can get like gradients of one layer mode to another. Or from normal to "overlay in a gradient fashion?"
View 1 Repliesproblems with the the blend modes in the "stroke" layer style, or am I doing something wrong?
right click on layer > blending options > stroke > blend mode
I want to use "fill type"="gradient", but the blend modes do not even work with "fill type"=color. For both fill modes, the stroke does not let any pixels of the layer shine through, no matter what blend mode I choose.
I often use blend modes, for example "darken", etc. I know how they work, but somehow for the stroke layer style it seems not to work at all.
I've created some graphic artwork in Photoshop RGB, and now its time to output these graphics to an Illustrator CMYK file.
I have a bunch of layers that I have created for lens flares / light effects and I created these via filling a layer black and then using the Lens Flare Filter and then converting the layer to a Screen layer blend.
I notice that when I convert to CMYK in photoshop I lose the effect of those screen layers, is there anyway I can get those layers to look the same in CMYK without having recreate them from scratch in the CMYK space?
In my illustrator file I have a gradient background and was hoping to bring in these transparent lens flare lighting effects to place over the top of the gradient. I was thinking I might be able to merge the layers in Photoshop but unfortunately I need those screen layers to remain transparent.
I also tried turning the layer to normal 100%, convert to CMYK, placing into my CMYK illustrator file and then changing the layer to screen mode there but its doesnt look the same, its turn transparent like I wanted but it looks like where there is transparency there is a 25% opacity white.
My blend modes aren't working. If I try to apply a blend mode, no effect.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have photoshop 6.0, trouble with blending 2 images. I wanna know how do I place the texture above the image. So that says that the Texture is Layer 2 and the real image is the backround.
other question.
I have 3 images I wanna create an animation with.
Does anyone know the formulas or know of links for the formulas representing the different Photoshop blend modes?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know the shortcut for cycling through a preview of blend modes is to use the Shift keys and the + or - sign. What must I do to consistently get this shortcut to work. Am using CS5.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with the blend modes. I created a logo and i want to use it on a web page. On the sample picture i have created a random logo to show where my problem lies. The logo has a sunburst behind it which has transparent effects on the outside. Also i have made a big dot behind the logo with a soft brush. I have used blend modes - hard light on the logo and overlay on the white brush.
Now the problem is that i want to flatten the logo and the brush. And keep the background separate from that. The background is a tiled image so it would be better to use it on a web page instead of one flat image. But when i flatten the logo and the brush, then the blend mode effects disappear. I cant use the regular opacity because i want the grain to be shown through the sunburst. Also i cant cut out the image because the sunburst is transparent from the edges. So is there any way to flatten the logo and brush separately from the background and still have the blend mode effects to be shown?
I know what the documentation says that they do, but it doesn't appear to be the truth. For example, if I take my image and overlay it with a 50% gray layer set to Luminosity mode, I would expect to see the hue and saturation of my image, with the luminosity of every pixel set to 50%, but that isn't what actually happens.
View 12 Replies View Relatedone of my top questions ever about photoshop is where could I found some documentation about the real math equations and algorithms that plays inside blend modes operations?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a huge issue in designing my up and coming website.
I've numerous layers within my soon to be designed page - however, a few of these layers are set to different blend modes (Overlay, Screen and Lighten).
I need to ensure that these layers remain looking the way they do on my page when they're part of my flattened site, but it's just not working for me. When I flatten all layers, it looks as I want it - however I can't do that, as I will ultimately be using a tiled background layer, and the background layer I'm using now is only as a guide.
how I can merge down a ('Screen', for example) layer, without it losing its screen look?
Is there a keyboard command to cycle through blend modes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor successive layers, all have different blend modes ... for finding the pixel values seen on screen, we should start with the bottom most layer ... isn't it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI found an image of the sun as a PNG file on Google Images. It had an entirely black background, but no alpha, so I decided to use the Screen blend mode and the black surrounding it was effectively removed, making it transparent. However, if I try to export to a PNG, this effect is not exported. I would like to import it into Flash, so it's important that I find a workaround for this soon, or I will need to find a different image of the sun that already has alpha. (I don't have time to create an alpha channel myself.)
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to kill all the blend modes in an illustration and convert them to just plane old fill colors? I'm exporting these things to HTML5 where blend modes aren't supported.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIt would be nice to have the full set of blend modes available to the AXIS tool in the timeline.
Quite often the most used blend modes for quick color treatments....Overlay, Hard Light and Soft Light etc...are not available in the timeline AXIS soft effect.
Is this a limitation of the soft effect as opposed to using ACTION or say Blend&Comp nodes?
New users would probably not find where the extra layer blend modes where, and may simply think that Smoke lacks these most used blend modes.
Well, I'm making a book cover...I have a background on top of which i put a label which will contain the name of the book but will "cut out" through the label to show the would I do this in Illustrator, but with a actual object and a font instead of erasing out of a rectangle on an iPhone.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have "group1" and inside that group, only one layer: "layer1". The blending mode for "group1" is vivid light and for "layer1" it's "normal".
Now, if I change "group1" to "pass through" and "layer1" to "vivid light" ... the result is completely different, while it should be the same, shouldn't it?
For the projects I'm working on, I use the same template beneath the different layer groups of each different project. When I move a "color" layer into the group, however, it doesn't show up like it's supposed to. It behaves as if the 'color' layer is a blank layer, and has no effect. Is there any way to get this to work or?...
ALSO: I can't open images by URL.
I just downloaded GIMP 2.8 (on Windows 7) and was using the layer groups to organize a project I'm doing. I noticed that whenever I put the layers into the layer group, nothing I do to them actually affects the image (for example if I change the opacity of the layer, it doesn't actually change). If I drag them out of the layer group they function perfectly; sometimes if I edit them and then drag them into the group they also work fine.
As I was writing this post I tested dragging a layer set to "dodge" into the group and it didn't work. It kept the dodge setting, but it looked as if it was on normal; however, I drug another layer set on dodge into the group and it worked fine.
Is this feature just broken on Windows, or does it not work like I thought (where you can drag them in and edit them individually, or edit them all by editing the layer group itself)?
this is my problem:
Pic 1. I have an image I want to use as a background, however the image is not complete. I need a part of pic 2 to fullfill it.
Pic 2. The colors around the object doesn't match the colors of Pic 1.
Normally it would be best to cut the object out. However in this case it wouldn't look nice (the object is mixed out (in color) with the rest of the image). If I cut out something the object won't look "proper".
My question:
How can I blend pic 2 on pic 1, using the original object from pic 2 (as it is), and at the same time blend the colors around it, so that it matches that of pic 1 / or simply remove it somehow?
I have used Photoshop for years, but never in the capacity. I'm trying to blend layers together and then have the ability to save the top layer with the effects as its own layer. I'm sure that is not too clear so I have attached a screen shot.
Basically, have a B/W raster as a layer. Then I placed a smart object from Adobe Illustrator (a bunch of line vectors) on top of the raster. I then used my layers panel with a Screen option and I get the effect that I want. Where the line crosses a light area on the background it becomes light, and where it crosses a dark area it becomes dark (See Screenshot). Now what I want to be able to do is save my line layer as PSD document and not have the background layer on there.
If I flatten the layers, I obviously get the background layer. If I turn off the background layer, then I loose my screen effect.
This may be an easy fix, or impossible. I'm not sure.
I have a PSD from a designer where they created icons using "darken" or "multiply" modes over a background, such as this:
However, since it will get on a CSS gradient, I need to extract the icons as a transparent PNG file, which of course gets me this in the web browser:
I can't just flatten it with the background, since the background is a gradient AND I need to be able to adjust the image's position in HTML. Also there, are several instances of this situation in the design. The best way to do this is to have a transparent PNG of each icon. But, how can I first get the artwork at least close to the way it appears in Photoshop (in darken mode over red)?
How do I make the edges of the top layer blend in with the bottom layer so you cannot tell that there is a line??? I want to make it look like a heart but I don't know how to smoothen the edges to make it look like it is part of the bottom layer so when I merge the layers there is no goofy lines looking like someone cropped another fire picture out...
fire3.xcf (Size: 489.68 KB / Downloads: 38)
In the section "5.8 Practical Uses of Blending Modes" of the book "Grokking the GIMP" (see, e.g.,URL.... there is an example of how to use blending modes to alter the colour of a cat.
Specifically, I refer to Figure 5.29(a) where the re-coloured cat does not appear to sit naturally on the person's shoulder (cf Figure 5.26(a)). How can the defect be overcome? But would the bucket fill also be feathered?
Did Adobe do something to Illustrator CC that the layers with the same object colors are no longer blending. No matter what blend mode I apply the object never blends with the object with the same color behind it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you blend one layer into another..
so it like fades into the next one.
I am wondering if Xara supports layers in the same way as my other graphics programs. I am able to bring a bitmap into a layer over another bitmap layer and by applying a particular mode, lets say Overlay or Soft Light, it will change the appearance of the new layer. By doing this I build up new designs for digital papers.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to blend the background of one layer into the background layer.
Here's the picture without the layer I want to blend:
And here's the picture with the layer I want to blend:
I want the background of the pic in the middle to blend in with the gradient background.
I'm using 2 different images of 2 different people, and layer masking features from one person on to another. I tried using a Color Balance Adjustment Layer..
1. Should I be adjusting the midtones, shadows or highlights?
2. I added a little bit of red, is there ever a time when you might add add magenta or green to blend skin tone? What about yellow or blue?
3. Any other general tips for doing this?
I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes. I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting. I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers. It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode.Â
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