Photoshop :: Screen Modes Cause Photo Color Display...
Mar 10, 2009
While using Photoshop CS4 Extended version 11.0.1, whenever I change Screen Modes, it causes the color of all photos to display improperly. The pictures become very dull and gray. Even the whitest whites (255/255/255) appear to be a dull gray, as if a black layer set to 30% opacity is placed in front of the picture. The color still displays properly in the thumbnails of the Layers Panel.
Every picture I have open is affected in this way. Closing the pictures and reopening them does not help. Any new pictures I open are also affected. Changing back to the original screen mode does not fix the problem. The only thing that fixes the problem is closing Photoshop altogether, and then restarting it.
It doesnt matter how I change Screen Modes, whether I change it from the Screen Menu, the Applications Bar, or cycle through the modes using the F key. Even hitting the Tab key to hide the panels causes this to happen. Being a long-time Photoshop user, I have long been in the habit of cycling through screen modes frequently, so suggesting I not cycle through Screen Modes isnt an option because itll take months to break me of the habit.
I've always used the screen display modes in the toolbox in prior versions. They are gone from the toolbox, can someone tell me where to access them? I want to have multiple files open where I can see them and work from them.
I photograph a bright red car in raw mode on a digital slr (Canon 20D) set to Adobe rgb 1998 and view it in Breeze Browser and it looks just as I remember it. I open it into Pshop CS5 extended (which is set to Adobe rgb1998, Europe ISO Coated Fogra27, (as I am UK and this is what a calibration company set our works proofer to) gray gamma 2.2 dot gain 20% and its become a little desaturated.
Sampling it and comparing screens and colours with Breeze Browser its definitely less red, a bit more orange red instead. I need to up saturation to return the red, both in RAW converter and also after image opened if not done so beforehand in RAW converter. Colors just look muted.
What tests can I carry out to find out what is going on ?
Perhaps create a rgb 255 0 0 image in a way not influenced by photoshop and photo the monitor, then open this in photoshop and sample it. However that would be influenced by the exposure of the camera. Maybe I need to create a Kodak grey card type image and establish correct exposure for the monitor brightness first. so what would that be as rgb ?
I know though that Pshop is displaying duller. Once upon a time we had Adobe gamma and one would go through the calibration wizard to set up Photoshop having already set up the monitor.
What do we have to do after installing CS5 extended or CS4 to ensure Pshops display is correct ?
I have Adobe gamma in the control panel, Is this something we still have to do in CS5, I wonder if its there because I still have Pshop 7 installed which used that wizard.
I recently ran into an issue where Photoshop was freezing (URL ..... - my issue starts at reply #4) and in order to solve it, I had to open Photoshop by pressing CTRL + ALT + SHIFT, which deletes all preferences. Now that I can open Photoshop, I can't toggle into the different screen modes. The F key doesn't do anything anymore and the options on the toolbar are disabled. I can only choose Standard Screen mode.
What's wrong and how can I fix this so I can work in full-screen mode again? I am on a MacBook Pro using the latest version of Photoshop CS6 from Creative Cloud.
• MacBook Pro • OS version 10.7.2 • Photoshop 12.0.4
1.) Sometimes when I open a file I can't see it, BUT I can see the layers in the layers palette. It's like the file is open but not visible. 2.) Sometimes the screen modes don't work; when I switch modes, all the palettes disappear and never re-appear properly.
Turning OpenGL on (or off!) occasionally fixes problem 1.Restarting the computer fixes problem 2, sometimes...
The flames' layer has a black background an its blending mode is Screen. I'd like to export the whole thing as a PNG file where the 'hole' in the paper should be transparent (with the overlapping flames still visible). The problem is, when I remove the red background layer, the hole becomes black (because of the black in the flames' layer).
I've created some graphic artwork in Photoshop RGB, and now its time to output these graphics to an Illustrator CMYK file.
I have a bunch of layers that I have created for lens flares / light effects and I created these via filling a layer black and then using the Lens Flare Filter and then converting the layer to a Screen layer blend.
I notice that when I convert to CMYK in photoshop I lose the effect of those screen layers, is there anyway I can get those layers to look the same in CMYK without having recreate them from scratch in the CMYK space?
In my illustrator file I have a gradient background and was hoping to bring in these transparent lens flare lighting effects to place over the top of the gradient. I was thinking I might be able to merge the layers in Photoshop but unfortunately I need those screen layers to remain transparent.
I also tried turning the layer to normal 100%, convert to CMYK, placing into my CMYK illustrator file and then changing the layer to screen mode there but its doesnt look the same, its turn transparent like I wanted but it looks like where there is transparency there is a 25% opacity white.
I would like to be able to change my screen color. It opens in white. For a lot of my work it would be easier for me to see what I am doing with a darker screen color. Can I change the screen color from white to a darker color.
I know what the documentation says that they do, but it doesn't appear to be the truth. For example, if I take my image and overlay it with a 50% gray layer set to Luminosity mode, I would expect to see the hue and saturation of my image, with the luminosity of every pixel set to 50%, but that isn't what actually happens.
I am doing a school project on Photoshop and some of the math behind it. I am focusing on the Hexadecimal Color Picker and how Photoshop calculates the interaction between colors.
Fore example. If I lay down a color on a layer with a brush then change the transfer mode to "Multiply" And then brush over the first color. How does Photoshop calculate the resulting color?
I am wondering if Xara supports layers in the same way as my other graphics programs. I am able to bring a bitmap into a layer over another bitmap layer and by applying a particular mode, lets say Overlay or Soft Light, it will change the appearance of the new layer. By doing this I build up new designs for digital papers.
I am editing a file for a Realestate customer of mine. For some reason her previous designer didn't understand to make print material in cmyk ( I cant believe how many "designers" dont understand the difference.). I am now going back and correcting that issue so they will print accuratly. Usually I can do this in Illustrator and just go to the edit menu and then go to edit colors and choose convert to cmyk. That option is greyed out in this situation. I am attaching a screen shot. I am using illustrator cs6 on a mac running 10.7.5.
New machine, nice and fast, but there is a quirk in the display with in Photoshop. When I click on a layer to move it about, the display within the Photoshop window flickers. Sometimes, when I click on a layer, the whole image, inside the Photoshop window, goes black. By clicking on the another layer, in the layer panel, the image will reappear.
The bottom of the window goes off screen so i cannot resize it by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. Also in Navigator I can see that I should be seeing more image as indicated by the red outline. I have tried resetting Essentials, tried opening Photoshop while pressing Option / Alt shift, and nothing seems to work.
When I click on the PSE 12 photo editor the first screen that appears will not fit on the monitor screen of my MacBook Pro. How to resize that screen so that it fits?
How can I calculate the size that text in Adobe Elements 6 will display on my monitor? I have set this visually so that it is approximately 0.2" on an image height of 6.6".
My OS is Windows7 Professional and my screen resolution is 1280x1024 pixels.I have cropped the image to 7x5 and resized it to 5290x3770 pixels (w,h). I have set the resolution to 571 pixels per inch. Placing the text at 17.3 pt gave me the 0.2" height I wanted on the 'Fit Screen' zoom.
The Display Option shown in the Control Panel is 'smaller' which I understand means approximately 96 dpi. I have read that points to pixels is calculated by: Pixels = Points * System DPI/72 giving 1.33 points per pixel. Thus the 17.3 pt text should be about 13 pixels high.
Thirteen pixels is 0.34% of the 3770 pixel high display which implies a text height of about 0.02" on the 6.6" high displayed image. Instead I am seeing a text height of about 0.2" (as required).
Photoshop Elements 12 will not display photos in Organizer in full screen mode. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the application but it still doesn't work.
when i do a screen grab of my desktop and paste it into a new window the display is giving me a radically different color than what it actually is. the color is set back to what it should be when i do a save for web. i have tried color setting etc. but to no avail. please help.
I just got ACAD LT 2012 and am trying to set it up for a two screen displayI'd like to put all the icons and command line on one screen and use the second screen exclusively for the paper/model space.
How could I , for example, make anything blue transparent, and anything partially blue - partially transparent, and anything not blue - not transparent? (without resorting to the wand tool)
So basically, if you imagine a selection in black and white, where white is the selection, and black is not, how can I do something similar so blue is treated as the selection (depending on how 'blue' it is).
I mean by color screen (since I can't remember the correct term),
As I launch a videocapture on videostudio pro X4, I don't get any video display on my screen, only hearing the sound. Afterwards, the generate file is OK with picture and sound.
I've been using CTB files to manage line colors, thicknesses etc - assigning a specific color number to a line color / thickness etc.
This results in great looking plots, but aren't the colors that appear on-screen.
I was wondering how can I make it look exactly like what you'll get but retain the automation/functionality of CTB files - rather than manually stuffing around with changing line weights/colors etc.
I noticed a "focus" problem using dual screen. When i activate the "Loupe" (1:1 mode) view on the 2nd screen, and i browse my pictures in the developp module (using the film strip and arrows on keyboard for example). The view on the 2nd screen is not displayed as sharp as it should be.
If i touch the detail slider (change the value and make it back to its previous value) the picture is update correctly (sharp) . Do not happen when i use the loupe in "one screen mode".
I have two photos, shooted probably the same day, by the same photograph in the same place !But the pose is a bit different. first one is in high resolution and in black & white nuance. second one is a small resolution and in full colors.
I wish re-color the black&white photo using exactly the same nuance from the colored one.
can i "copy" all the colors from the color-one to the b&w one ?
i hope there is a quick way to do that with adobe photoshop or with a commercial plugin. Something like : i load the first one (color), i load the second one (b&n), and i press Ok and magic appears !