CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Serial Number In Document Incrementing And Hexadecimal Digits?
Dec 30, 2012
I want to add serial number in the documents I am making to protect it from piracy... Or no, rather easier way to spot the pirate if I find my pattern floating somewhere..
To make it condensed I would like to use hexadecimal digits. So I can add a small serie of digits on a pattern piece (the pieces are tiny, averaging at about 4-5 cm, filled with information) so this is my reason of why I want hexadecimals.
I will stuff it with six digit groups for different identifiers and then revision numbers too.
On every document copy, that is, pattern sheet I would like to repeat the same digit about 4-6 times, on the major pattern pieces, and on one license paper. So the digits needs to be identical on these 4-6 times.
But of course incrementing for each copy of the pattern sheet.
Let's say the serie is 1.01.0001-00.00.00 this is the format I am going to use. All the digits could be entered manually if it has to be done but at least the 4 digits group should be automated, and hexadecimal.
I have always the problem when I have to make some tickets with serial number on it.
I use some software for that job, but I don't like it. I prefer to work in CDR. I know that there are some scripts for numbering directly in Corel, but I'm not familiar with it.
what's the biggest filesize in terms of pages that you people have handled? I have handled a file with 84 pages, it was 122 mb in filesize. I split it into two parts for smooth working.
If I would like to compose a booklet in Corel Draw, how can I insert page numbers ?
I know the use of Master Layer. But contents on it will remain unchanged for all the pages. However the page numbers should auto increase page by page.
Adobe InDesign or pagemaker is useless infront of Corel Draw. But the problem of Footer (page numbering) has to be resolevd. So that Corel Draw will replace InDesign or related book work softwares.
Font Navigator was just finally working properly after giving me hell for the last few months, but now the Hotfix has broken it again. For as long as I can remember it has had a limit of about 64000 fonts in the library. All fonts are listed but once you got to the 64001st font in the list, it showed the preview for the first font in the list. Annoying, but i had about 66000 fonts in total available so it only affected a few fonts beginning with Y and Z.
Since the hotfix, it appears this 'limit' has been halved to around 32000 fonts. Which means I can't install any fonts beginning J - Z using Font Navigator any more, making it near useless. I've attached screenshots to show this.
I would like to make the number (1) to be aligned in the center of the box, so I select all and then (Click+C & E) as in the attached file.
I noted that I got the vertical in the center, but I got the left of horizontal a little bigger. I knew that I could get it centered both horizontally and vertically by converting texts to curves. I, however, don't want to convert it to curves because I need to edit the texts.
I've got CorelDRAW HOME & STUDENT SUITE X5. According to EULA I'm allowed to install it on 3 Computers athome. Actually X5 is installed only once on my Notebook under WinXP.
Now I'm going to upgrade the Notebook to Win7 or Win8 and re-install the CorelDRAW HOME & STUDENT SUITE X5 then. Will this re-installation be registered as a 2nd installation? If yes, how can I de-register the old XP-Installation? I plan to provide the other two installation options to my 2 children and don't want to loose one, therefore.
I am attempting to hyperlink from my CorelDraw file to a separate PDF. I want the link to work when I export my CorelDraw page to pdf, and I would like to be able to hyperlink to a different pdf file. A quick google search turned up a file:\ syntax to lead with in the hyperlink but I'm having trouble getting it to work.
Is there any way to lock or protect the image and text in a corel draw when you export as cdr, ai or pds. I need to give a document to a photoshop users but I don't want the person to be able to remove or export the image or copyright text line.
When making numbers for the side of a race car for example, you want both the numbers to angle (lean) towards the back of the car. So on the left side of the car, the number is leaning to the right, and on the right side of the car the number is leaning left. How do you change the text to get the number to lean the way you want it too?
I found the page number option in the prepress menu. that is coreldraw adds page number in the bottom centre to all the pages. Is it possible to edit the font and location of page number?
Till now i have been using page numbering macro that's built inside coreldraw by default. but its not dynamic. i have to do page number all by start if i delete a page in my document.
How do I renumber a page, starting at any number, eg 120.Reason: I have a catalog, divided into 4 files, gives the first page 1 to page 50, the second page gives the 51 to 100 and so on .. are 214 pages .. how do I get in this second part, put the number of pages, starting with page 51?
I have been trying to create artwork for university style hoodies, where text is created to form the shape of a number.
I have successfully converted a number into a text box for this purpose. The text is inside and looks great.
However, I need to convert this number / text box to curves in order to keep its appearance when e-mailing. When I convert it to curves, the text shifts its position to outside of the text box. The strangest part is that it only happens with numbers that have a gap in the middle (4, 6, 8, 9 and 0).
So in document color settings in color management, should the primary color mode be RGB or CMYK? I only print inkets and never send stuff out to a regular printer.
should all color settings be at RGB if the option is offered?
Yesterday, suddently when editing text in a document, clicking outside of the text edit, CDR crashes:
Runtime error!
Program: c:Program Fi...
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an
unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I have tried to do the tricks, I googled, like resetting to factory, editing the xml file and running as administrator. Nothing works. It is when I edit any font, and in a new document also. AND update of CDR X4 with service pack 2 did not work.
Got the "Cannot open a blank document" ERROR Message when I went to open a recently created Corel Draw X5 file. Using Windows 7 Professional.First time I've gotten this message.
I have a senior project within CorelDRAW X6 (Student) that spans around 1200 pages spread across about 25 different .CDRs. I need to export all of those pages as .JPEGs so I can manipulate them in another program.
I know that you can batch export using a macro. But I only need exactly what's on the page at the page size. My solution was to crop each page (yes, one by one) and then later do a batch export on all of them. However, when batch exporting to .JPEG, I noticed that I was getting different results than when I had exported pages individually in the past. At first I thought this was a macro issue. But when I was trying various things I realized that anytime I closed a document after cropping it, upon reopen my drop shadows would be gone. And of course, I didn't realize this until I had already cropped all 1200 pages and was doing my batch export. I've tested it and if I crop a document and then batch export the pages before closing the document I can get the results I need. But that would require me to crop all 1200 pages again and my time is running short.
(Ignore the color differences here...I'm fairly certain it's because I didn't pay attention to my color settings on export here) Export before closing via file converter macro:
Export after closing file and then batch exporting via macro:
Any macro for cropping to page size and then exporting to jpeg (or other format) all in one fell swoop? This would hopefully bypass this issue and save me the huge problem of having to crop them all again. I could just open each document and run the macro. In theory, that would be quick.
When I export or publish to pdf from CorelDraw X6 the document size changes.If lets say i export an A4 page and then inport it again the size of the page has changed from 210x297 to 209,903 x 296,686 !
Windows Vista 64, corel crashes on creating new document or opening existing one. It crashes twice actually. First crash spews out this:
Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH Nazwa aplikacji: CorelDRW.exe Wersja aplikacji: Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4f4c60a4 Nazwa modułu z błędem: MSVCR100.dll Wersja modułu z błędem: 10.0.40219.1 Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4d5f034a Kod wyjątku: 40000015 Przesunięcie wyjątku: 00000000000761c9 Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6002. Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045 Dodatkowe informacje 1: e139 Dodatkowe informacje 2: ed2429a1e405cd1a6fea3328235a733b Dodatkowe informacje 3: 08d2 Dodatkowe informacje 4: 7206fe9a4464dcae865f27c5d1766c68
second with this:
Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH Nazwa aplikacji: CorelDRW.exe Wersja aplikacji: Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4f4c60a4 Nazwa modułu z błędem: mfc100u.dll Wersja modułu z błędem: 10.0.40219.1 Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4d5f1436 Kod wyjątku: c0000005 Przesunięcie wyjątku: 0000000000001b33 Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6002. Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045 Dodatkowe informacje 1: 433d Dodatkowe informacje 2: c4f485ce7f6b39f48369e75a4a5c6af7 Dodatkowe informacje 3: f657 Dodatkowe informacje 4: bc294d6383f97effacd7dcb23980b3fe
Both are Visual C++ related as far as I can see. I have all the Visual C++ redistributables installed and up to date.
I saved a book a friend of mine worked on using coreldraw 12 on a cd and tried to open it in X6 but it won't open. I think My sys. Os is a 32 bit, I have a trial version of x6 on this comp. and full version 12 on another. When I ok convert to bitmap Error message says invalid file format.
I've been trying to insert new barcodes into a label document on Coral Draw and it comes up with an error message saying “Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in system registry”.
if I create a new document, say A4, and then import a TIFF photo to that document, the photo appears much larger than my background A4 document. So, do I edit my photo and then export it as a TIFF again, or should I resize my background document from A4 to match the size of my photo before exporting? What I'm asking is that I don't want to lose the original size of my TIFF image, so when I export my image will CD save the TIFF image in it's original size or resize it to that of my created A4 document?
I need to make a bunch of barcode tags for a client. I know CorelDraw isn't the best tool for this, but it's what I have and this is a one-time job.
To partially automate the process, I'm trying to use print merge to make the parts of the tags that aren't barcode, but I include the text that belongs in the barcode on the page. The print merge works correctly, I get what I expect. The next step would be to cut the barcode text, choose Insert Barcode, and then paste the barcode text into the barcode dialog.
Except, when trying to paste the text intended for the barcode I discovered that I was actually copying the <var1> field--not the text. I verified this by copying the "text" from the print merge document and then pasting back into the same document--what I got from the paste was not the expected text, but <var1>.
Since the barcode type I was using does not support the "<" character, it gave me an "invalid character" error.
My attempted solution was to publish to a PDF file and then import into a new document. This worked except for some reason CorelDraw makes a new layer named, inexplicably, "Layer 1" (there's a "Layer 1" by default, why make a second layer with the same name?) BUT when the import is done the new layer is NOT chosen in Object Manager, the original "Layer 1" is. Which means, when I go to copy the text and insert the barcode it ends up UNDER the other parts of the barcode tag which are on the NEW "Layer 1".
How can I get good faxed result after the graphic had been created and pasted to Words and Excel document? Even normal text in black would comes out faded not sharp.