Photoshop :: Strange Color Shift On Images When Docked In Main CS3 Window
Oct 18, 2007
photoshop CS2 stoped displaying the red channel correctly on all images. The red channel displays very muted color.
After deleting all preferences of CS2, cleaning out the Windows registry, and upgrading to CS3 the problem still remains.
In CS3 however, the color shift goes away if I drag the image outside of Photoshop's main window.
I have a screenshot of this,
Photoshop states that both of the large images are solid R:255 G:0 B:0. However, after print screening the images and pasting them back into Photoshop, it shows that the one on the left is actually R:201 G:88 B:34.
The same thing happens for green and blue as well, though the difference is much less dramatic.
I don't remember changing any settings and my laptop (Win XP, CS2) does not have this problem when loading the same images.
My computer is running VISTA 32bit with 3GB of ram. The graphics card is a NVIDIA 6800.
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
I lost the text window that is normally docked on the bottom of the AC screen. I searched and found that F2 brings it up, but I can't find how to have it permanently docked in the bottom left hand corner, where it normally resides. I'm using AutoCad 2002.
I am using Photoshop CS4 on a 32bit vista Q6600. When I installed CS4, I had a graphics card based on a 8600GS. Photoshop run fine, even in openGL.
Not I upgraded the graphics card to a 9600GT for better performance. CS4 still starts, but when a photo is loaded, the photo appears correctly in the navigator, but the main window where the photo usually appeared remains grey, as the background. When moving around this window, the photo appear, but as soon as I release the mouse button, the window turn grey again...
When I deactivate openGL in CS4, everything seems to work.
I am having the latest NVidia drivers installed 178.24 (with both graphics cards).
I can open Photoshop just fine, all the buttons work. I can see everything that I'm doing in the layer preview thumbnail, but all I see on the main design screen is the 'transparent' background. The cursor shows up and looks the part of whatever brush I'm using, but nothing happens on the main screen. I haven't even got a chance to use this version
I have just installed Elements 12. I went to open some jpeg images. They appear in the Photo Bin but can't be made to appear in the main window. The Layer Panel shows the background copy of the images.
I'm not sure if Gimp developers are able to assist, but running Gimp inUnity seems to be a bit problematic at times. Because of the global menu,focus on the correct toolbox / area is needed. Furthermore, Unity / Gimpseems to apply the focusing a bit unintelligently. For example, if I moveto another workspace and return to the Gimp workspace, the focus is nolonger on the main window, but rather on the toolbox.
I want to "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File", but at startup when I hold down [ctrl alt shift] I get the "scratch disc preferences" window instead. It was fine for a long while and this just started recently. Â I have Windows and Photoshop CS5. The scratch disc preferences is on the first selection 'start up'.
PS CS4. Everything seemed to go fine, but now all of a sudden his images are displayed with a strong yellow tint. I don't mean a slight color cast, I mean a STRONG yellow tint. The images appear the same in Photoshop, the Bridge, and even ACR. I re-calibrated the monitor (Gretag McBeth) and generated a new profile just be sure, but that wasn't it. The same images viewed in other applications (Picassa, opened in a browser, etc.) on the same computer display normally. This appears to be only Photoshop related. What's also interesting is that CS3 now exhibits the same problem after the CS4 install. I reviewed all the color settings and workflow, and nothing is out of the ordinary. The Nikon raw images were imported via ACR, and opened in Photoshop with ACR workflow options set for 16 bit/Adobe RGB. Photoshop working space is Adobe RGB. I also installed the 11.0.1 update. But here are what may be a couple of clues. First, it's not just the image files that look bad. The colors are awful in the color picker in the toolbox. The entire color picker slider is almost all yellow and orange. And here's another good one. We tried importing some new raw images via the photo downloader in Bridge. With the downloader in Advanced mode, the image previews before download show the same yellow cast. But after I click the Get Photos button, the image colors appear correct as they flash on for a couple of seconds while being downloaded. This has got to be a big clue for someone. What's different about how the image is displayed during that two second preview during the actual download? The PC hardware is a 3.2Ghz Pentium 4 Dell tower (2G ram) running XP Pro w/SP3, with a nVidia GeForce 7800 graphics card, and the screen resolution is 1024x768. I'm thinking maybe a graphics card issue or corrupted system profiles, but I'm a Mac and he's a PC so my PC troubleshooting skills are limited.
Multiple objects are selected, I hold shif and cross-window over objects from right to left, I expect everything I cross to be deselceted. I my testing only one item is deselected.
Is there a variable I am forgetting about here or is something a miss?
In X4 I could set the pallettes I wanted (layers and History) to a docked position on the RHS. With X6 the pallettes cover the RH part of the window and the image, with the opened image centred on the whole screen so that the RH part is cut off. It can't be centred within the area visible when the pallettes are open. This gives a smaller visible image if the whole image is in view. This is a serious issue, which X4 handled ok ! I've tried all the options but cannot get X6 to behave like x4
I recently started using Maya on Mac OSX, after having always used it on Linux, and I'm really baffled by the child windows behavior (think Hypershade, Graph Editor, Script Editor, etc...)
The shortcut Cmd+~ does switch focus between the windows, but the child windows always stay on top of the main one. That means that if I open one of these, but need to work in the main maya window, I need to click on the minimize button or double-click the title bar (because Cmd+M doesn't work on these!!!), then need to click in the dock to recall them...
Surely I must have missed something, didn't I? Is there a way to ensure the child windows are hidden by the main window when I switch focus using Cmd+~? On Linux I remember we had a way to set the environment variable MAYA_SET_PARENT_HINT to change this. For sure it's possible under OSX, since that's how firefox / safari and other applications work (switching focus between the different child windows correctly manage which one are in the foreground / background)
I just now installed LR5, converting my LR3 catalog to LR5 catalog. Everything seemed to go fine. I picked one photo and converted to the 2012 process. The new sliders appeared. Â The problem: Any changes I make are seen only in the Navigator window, not the main window. I figured there had to be a simple fix, but I've scoured the web and can find no one having similar problems.
I love GIMP. As soon as I discovered it I quit using photoshop (which was old and a resource hog, and simply too complicated for what I wanted) and have only used gimp for the last few years.
Since installing the New GIMP - which looks fantastic - I've discovered a weird lag. When I zoom in to a large image, say 1204x1204 / or the largest size your big digital camera will put out, and try to pan across the image I get this weird, sliced lagging? And I was just wondering if this was normal with the new GIMP, since I never experienced it that I recall in the old versions, or maybe there's something wrong with my computer? (Drivers maybe? Though I updated them semi-recently)
I am playing with a design in simulation where the balance is effected by gravity. I have a part at a set angle to start off so a constraint is place and set to this angle,then in simulation I suppress the angle prior to starting the simulation to see what happens. Then I unsuppress the angle then edit it to adjust the simulation to a new angle I then resupress the angle to free it up and run the simulation again.
This can go on a few times until the angle is found in the simulation.The problem I have is it takes ages to do this. Basically it seems in simulation the tree is always collapsed and I want it expanded, how ever after each change the tree collapses?
Is there a way to have the tree always expanded so I can quickly find and adjust my constraint? Or even better is there a way to pull the constraint into the main edit window for direct editing?
It would be good if a small bow / window could be opened with the ability to add a setting/constraignt that needs constant updating.
I have been having a problem lately with my images displaying funky when they are uploaded to the web. The images become over saturated. The color space is sRGB so I am not sure what is going on. I never have had this problem till this year. I use lightroom, then export the image and finish editing the image in photoshop. When I export from Lightroom I pick srgb color space.
I'm having a strong color shift in Photoshop going from one monitor to another. It's not a calibration issue because the color shift persists when I drag the window from one to another until I do something with the window, then it will shift (i.e. not exactly when I move the window). I'm essentially experiencing the problem described here, only I'm on Photoshop CS5 and his solution doesn't apply because that option is not available. Â Windows 7 64bit Photoshop CS 5 (12.1 x64) Â Note the color change, one part of that image is on one monitor, and the other part on the other. (The left is the correct color fwiw.) Â I'm guessing there's just some setting somewhere I can toggle?
when loading an image into cs3 or elements 7 I am getting a large color shift to magenta and the image is getting very dark. I have reset the color settings and reset to default but no improvement in the images. the pictures look good in bridge or any other picture viewer on the computer.
I have a project where I am converting images from CMYK to Multichannel in order to swap out the Cyan for a PMS color. As soon as I switch to Multichannel, the image reddens up quite some. I know it has to do with the View Gamut in Photoshop, and that it goes away upon the RIP for printing, but it is hard to work with color accurately whit the added Red. Do you know of any way to remove the color shift? Â I am on a Mac Power book running OS X 10.7.5 with Adobe CS4.
photos that were taken of product for our company website. At first, I converted them all to GIFs with transparent backgrounds, but that was starting to create major lagtime in accessing the site. Now I'm trying to convert the originals to JPGs with a background color that matches the website background, but my background colors aren't consistent, and I can't figure out why.
I started by taking the color I was using on the website and used that to paint the background of the photo. When I loaded that JPG on the site, the color did not match the page's background color. I used the eyedropper on the picture and found out the color was no longer the same color I specified (it wasn't an issue of eyeballing it incorrectly,... I had entered in the exact R, G, and B values).
I did some further testing with the "Save for Web" function and various RGB values to see if there was some pattern to the testing. It doesn't appear that colors are being scewed to a value relative to the original color, nor does it appear that the colors are mapping to certain nearby values.
When I had CS3 I would be able to open a RAW image in Photoshop with the ProPhoto RGB color space. I would then change the color space as needed.
In CS4, I am using the 64-bit version, and there is a color shift when I open a RAW image in Photoshop with ProPhoto color space. The color is desaturated.
There is no color sift when I open the same image using Adobe RGB.
I imagine this is something you get kind of often, but I searched around and couldn't find anything that I understood. I suspect I'm just not sure what to search for...
I have experience with Photoshop in general, but not at all with color profiles.
I take my own photos and have been printing them for a while, after editing them in Photoshop. I have my Proof set to Working CMYK. However, whenever I try to Save For Web these same images, they come out looking similarly to if I had changed the Proof to Monitor RGB.
How can I save my images to JPG without experiencing this color shift? I don't want to change my proof to Monitor RGB and re-level if I can possibly avoid it.