Photoshop :: Color Shift From One Monitor To The Next (CS5)

Aug 24, 2012

I'm having a strong color shift in Photoshop going from one monitor to another. It's not a calibration issue because the color shift persists when I drag the window from one to another until I do something with the window, then it will shift (i.e. not exactly when I move the window). I'm essentially experiencing the problem described here, only I'm on Photoshop CS5 and his solution doesn't apply because that option is not available.
Windows 7 64bit
Photoshop CS 5 (12.1 x64)
Note the color change, one part of that image is on one monitor, and the other part on the other. (The left is the correct color fwiw.)
I'm guessing there's just some setting somewhere I can toggle?

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Lightroom :: Color Shift With Second Monitor Using Develop Module

May 23, 2012

LR 4.1 RC2, OSX 10.6.8 - when I'm trying to use the develop module with my second monitor, the image initially looks accurate. After a second or two and before any edits have been applied, the images desaturate and look very flat. Images viewed with the second monitor in Library module look great.

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Photoshop :: How Custom Monitor Profile Shift Within CS3

Oct 29, 2013

I have a vintage macBook pro running Snow leopard, PS CS3 & DW CS3.  I have a lenovo Business computer-Vista and a Dell-XP with PS 7.  My monitor died and I bought a Dell U2412 which I calibrated with i1 Display 2, the grey scale was good & neutral on every 3rd gradation but wandered dramatically in between measured targets, the colour was either good for the skin and dull on the primary and secondary colour targets or over saturated on the skin and too red in the blues and mag (but with correct Sat on primary secondary).  This monitor a good colour out of the box in reviews (but not on a mac, Dell profile loaded but no drivers for mac), so I tried it on the lenovo with a greyscale I made on the mac, the Phase One Lowres Colour Checker and a couple of profile targets I got from commercial labs close by (all had primary-secondary swatches greyscales and some natural examples). The greyscale was good very neutral (black grey meld together) and the skin colour and primaries were fine, this is viewing them in paint and windows photo gallery. Double checked them with the Dell, inside and out side PS they looked great using the Dell supplied profile and terrible with a custom profile by i1 Display 2!

I up graded to the i1 Display pro, on the mac the greyscale was very good all round, far better, the skin was good as were all targets but the blue (255 blue in PS is normally very deep 74% tone in the info pallet and very intense) is rendered, appears that is as a med cobalt blue with a visual tone of I would say no more that 50% and while a bright blue far from intense.  The magenta is the same a soft pure pink.  They measure as they should though 255 blue and 255 red and 255 blue for the mag.  I installed and profiled the lenovo with exactly the same settings and it looked great all over!  So a Mac PC issue? probably not the Dell exhibits the same behavior when using the i1 Display 2 profile and the Dell U2412 profile.  I made a double swatch (blue and magenta) in PS to e-mail to myself so I can monitor the problem a little easier using all 3 computers, as I attached it to the e-mail and I see it looks great in mail, very strange.  I loaded the image on a webpage and in DW and put it on my site, all browsers display it as PS does soft.  IE on the lenovo displays it as it should.  On the mac Preview also displays it correctly.


The U2412 is capable of displaying the colours.

The custom profile is loaded as the system profile on the mac and the PC.

The mac displays the 2 colours correctly in Mail and Preview.

The mac does not display the colours correctly in PS DW or web browsers.

The profile is being used by PS; The greyscale is perfect, opening the display preferences window and changing profiles shows a difference.

The profiles are loaded but are changed or corrupted in certain applications.

I cannot be the only one to bring a macBook pro, Snow leopard PS and i1 Display Pro together, am I the only one with a problem?

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Photoshop :: Consistent Color From Monitor To Monitor

Oct 11, 2012

What is the best way to get consistent color from one monitor to another. Is that even possible?

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Photoshop :: Color Shift From PS To IR - Why?

Sep 12, 2005

I'm building a webpage in PS CS2 and when I switch to Image Ready, the colors shift quite a lot. Why? How do I stop this from happening?

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Photoshop :: Color Shift In CS3 And Elements 7?

Apr 4, 2012

when loading an image into cs3 or elements 7 I am getting a large color shift to magenta and the image is getting very dark. I have reset the color settings and reset to default but no improvement in the images. the pictures look good in bridge or any other picture viewer on the computer.

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Photoshop :: Multichannel Color Shift

Jul 22, 2013

I have a project where I am converting images from CMYK to Multichannel in order to swap out the Cyan for a PMS color. As soon as I switch to Multichannel, the image reddens up quite some. I know it has to do with the View Gamut in Photoshop, and that it goes away upon the RIP for printing, but it is hard to work with color accurately whit the added Red. Do you know of any way to remove the color shift?
I am on a Mac Power book running OS X 10.7.5 with Adobe CS4.

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Photoshop :: Unwanted Color Shift

May 27, 2004

photos that were taken of product for our company website. At first, I converted them all to GIFs with transparent backgrounds, but that was starting to create major lagtime in accessing the site. Now I'm trying to convert the originals to JPGs with a background color that matches the website background, but my background colors aren't consistent, and I can't figure out why.

I started by taking the color I was using on the website and used that to paint the background of the photo. When I loaded that JPG on the site, the color did not match the page's background color. I used the eyedropper on the picture and found out the color was no longer the same color I specified (it wasn't an issue of eyeballing it incorrectly,... I had entered in the exact R, G, and B values).

I did some further testing with the "Save for Web" function and various RGB values to see if there was some pattern to the testing. It doesn't appear that colors are being scewed to a value relative to the original color, nor does it appear that the colors are mapping to certain nearby values.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift With ProPhot RGB In CS4

Nov 23, 2008

When I had CS3 I would be able to open a RAW image in Photoshop with the ProPhoto RGB color space. I would then change the color space as needed.

In CS4, I am using the 64-bit version, and there is a color shift when I open a RAW image in Photoshop with ProPhoto color space. The color is desaturated.

There is no color sift when I open the same image using Adobe RGB.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift When Saving For Web

Sep 12, 2005

I imagine this is something you get kind of often, but I searched around and couldn't find anything that I understood. I suspect I'm just not sure what to search for...

I have experience with Photoshop in general, but not at all with color profiles.

I take my own photos and have been printing them for a while, after editing them in Photoshop. I have my Proof set to Working CMYK. However, whenever I try to Save For Web these same images, they come out looking similarly to if I had changed the Proof to Monitor RGB.

How can I save my images to JPG without experiencing this color shift? I don't want to change my proof to Monitor RGB and re-level if I can possibly avoid it.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift (lightening) When Using...

Feb 21, 2008

Can someone please let me know why I'm getting a color shift (the entire image lightens noticably) when I export an image or animated gif with "Save for Web & Devices...". It happens on PCs and Macs, and with both CS3 and CS2.

I've been using this feature (flawlessly until a few months ago) long enough to realize that there are several settings to adjust the color table, dithering, web snap, etc., but adjusting these settings don't seem to fix the problem. When I use "Save As..." the color shift doesn't occur, and that's been my workaround, but I'm currently trying to save a few animated gifs, which must be saved with "Save for Web & Devices..." in order to retain the animation.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Video Rendering Color Shift?

Aug 14, 2012

I am using cs6 to make a time lapse video. When rendering this in H.264 format there is a significant color shift. For example green grass takes on an almost cyan look in the rendered file.

I am running Win7 64. My monitors have been calibrated using a Spyder 3 Elite, and color management works perfectly for me in all other areas (printing, etc.)

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Photoshop :: CMYK Color Shift When Placed In New File

Jan 23, 2013

I am working on a very large poster graphic and am coming across some odd issues, at least odd to me. I'm not sure the reasoning behind it, or if there is reasoning behind it? I must be doing something wrong.

I created a ribbon/wave graphic in Photoshop in RGB color mode then converted to CMYK. I then cropped the large (310.875") canvas in to 4 separate images).

I created a new Photoshop file for each canvas to then begin placing different text and graphics on each. The idea was to have the wave behind the images in the forefront of each poster be continuous and flow from one poster to the next. Once done I saved each poster as a tif and then laid them out in inDesign to verify the transition. To my surprise the color for each wave was off or slightly different than the other.

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Photoshop :: Print Screen Color Shift

Oct 6, 2008

I'm using a hueyPro to calibrate my monitor.

when I use the "Print Screen" button on my keyboard and paste into Photoshop there is a color shift.

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Photoshop :: Why Does Merging [color Shift] My Image?

Feb 3, 2008

I'm goofing around with Photoshop 7 and would like to scan in a board of a board game. The board is too big for my scanner, so I have to scan it in pieces.

When I scan the board, it won't lie flat on the scanner (because the scanner edges are not flush with the glass). Instead, it's a bit tilted as it runs over the raised edge, and the part that is tilted up (away from the glass surface) doesn't get exposed as well, so the board image shifts from light to dark as it goes from the part closest to the scan head, to the part that won't quite sit on the glass.

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Lightroom :: Color / Contrast Shift Between 4.1 And Photoshop CS6

Jun 5, 2012

When I export an image from LR 4.1 for editing in PS CS6, I notice a distinct loss of contrast and possibly saturation. Overall, the image looks duller and flatter. My working space in both apps is ProPhoto RGB. I use a custom profile generated by a hardware calibrator.
The screenshot below is of the same image rendered in both programs.

And here are my PS color settings:

FWIW, the image generated by Lightroom is rendered identically by Preview.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift When Pasting From CMYK To RGB Document

May 10, 2012

We're creating an image for a client that will eventually be printed 4c process, and we have to use some very specific CMYK values. However, since we need to use certain layer effects, we need to work in RGB. I assumed that since the CMYK values we use are within the RGB gamut, there would be no color shift when copying from a CMYK doc and pasting into an RGB doc, but I'm apprently mistaken.
I'm not very familiar with color management, since we don't do any heavy duty color work in house, so this is likely a very rudimentary question: how do I keep colors from shifting when pasting from a CMYK document into an RGB document (which will eventually be converted back to CMYK for print)?

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Photoshop :: Screenshots Suffer Color Shift When Pasted Into PS

Nov 3, 2007

I'll take a screenshot of something in my browser, and then paste the screenshot into a new PS document, and suddenly all of the colors have shifted red...a lot. Now, when I save and view the images outside of PS, the colors have returned to normal, but this makes me very nervous about designing in PS, color matching, etc.

I've played around with the Color Management settings, most recently just switching off all Color Management, but nothing seems to fix this issue. To be honest, though, I don't really know what I'm doing in there with those color settings. I thought just setting everything to US Web would fix the problem, but It hasn't changed anything.

When I first installed 8.0 on my older XP machine, I didn't have any of these problems.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift Using Paint Shop Pro Files...

Oct 23, 2008

I'm TRYING to move over into Photoshop after a happy ten years with Paint Shop Pro. I was doing fairly well finding equivalent tools and techniques in PS until I hit a brick wall. If I work on a file in PS the colors will shift and no longer blend into an existing PSP design.

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Photoshop :: Monitor Color Off In CS3?

Oct 15, 2013

I have a CS3 version on two computers. The color is way off on one although the monitor is calibrated. I have cross checked the preferences against each one, but can not find a difference. How to fix?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Mac Dual Monitor Color

Sep 12, 2012

Gear: MacBook Pro, Photoshop CS5, Wacom Cintiq 12WX as second display, Mac OS X 10.7.4
Problem: Photoshop seems to only use the Monitor Profile of the main display (i.e. the one with the menu bar in System Preferences>Displays>Arrangement) - some people say yes, this is the case, some people say no, Photoshop uses independent profiles for each display.
Manifestation: If I set my MacBook screen to the main display, color looks good in Photoshop on the MacBook and terrible on the Wacom and vice-versa. However, in Lightroom and other applications changing the main display makes no difference to the output on each display.
Preferred solution: I would like to have my MacBook as my main display with menu bars and dock etc, but then I want the Cintiq to be the display I use in Photoshop, for obvious reasons. In my workflow, I would like to have my image open in 2 windows, one on the Cintiq for retouching and one on the MacBook to check progress and color etc
Curveball: I have a trial of CS6 and the problem seems to be fixed.

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Photoshop :: Monitor Vs. Printed Color

Jul 28, 2004

When a piece is going to be printed in a magazine or even output to a desktop printer I have found that the color on the monitor (yes it is calibrated) bears very little relation to the printed product. Just curious as to what you guys do to compensate. Do you work brighter and more colorfully on the screen knowing that things are going to darker up in the translation?

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Photoshop :: Color Settings :: Monitor

Feb 18, 2006

When ever I save any of my works as a picture (png, jpg, gif, etc.) it always seems to save darker than what I see on screen. To get it to save right I have to work in my "monitor color" (name of the setting) then assign profile (edit-->assign profile) of sRGB IEC61966-2.1 to brighten it then save it and,

it saves it like I want. Is there a way I can fix this so that it will save as my monitor color without having to go through all that?

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Photoshop :: Strange Color Shift On Images When Docked In Main CS3 Window

Oct 18, 2007

photoshop CS2 stoped displaying the red channel correctly on all images. The red channel displays very muted color.

After deleting all preferences of CS2, cleaning out the Windows registry, and upgrading to CS3 the problem still remains.

In CS3 however, the color shift goes away if I drag the image outside of Photoshop's main window.

I have a screenshot of this,

Photoshop states that both of the large images are solid R:255 G:0 B:0. However, after print screening the images and pasting them back into Photoshop, it shows that the one on the left is actually R:201 G:88 B:34.

The same thing happens for green and blue as well, though the difference is much less dramatic.

I don't remember changing any settings and my laptop (Win XP, CS2) does not have this problem when loading the same images.

My computer is running VISTA 32bit with 3GB of ram. The graphics card is a NVIDIA 6800.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 RAW File Color Shift?

Dec 6, 2011

how LR interprets/presents RAW files.  I do understand that RAW files are just sensor data, and the preview that is shown by the camera is how the camera software itself is processing the RAW data into a JPG.  Also, I understand that different RAW processors interpret this data slightly differently.  That said, I like how my raw files look based on how my cameras (60D and Rebel xsi) show them.  The exposure, color, and saturation levels are great and based on this look, they would require only a few tweaks.  When I upload the RAW files to LR, initially, the files look the same or very similar as they did in my camera's preview. However, when I click on each file in library or develop, the file will initially, for about a second, show up as it originally came over, but LR will then say "loading" and the photo will get much darker and duller.  Why is this?  As I mentioned, I do understand that different programs interpret a camera's data differently, but it appears that LR is originally "seeing" the photos as I want them to look and then for some reason is interpreting them to be something different; why will the photo not stay as it originally looks when I first upload it?  This is requiring more editing on my end.  One other thing I have noted is that my RAW files already have adjustments made to them upon upload (exposure, brightness, etc.)  I noted another post that addressed this and indicated that there were settings that I would need to reset to correct this.  Is this also why the look of my photos is changing, or is that a different reason?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - LG IPS225V Monitor Color Profile Is Corrupted

Feb 20, 2012

I have recently purchased LG IPS225V Flat Screen monitor and installed CS5 trial version. But as I try to run it I get an error message that the "LG IPS225V monitor color profile is corrupted, run the calibration wizard" and then there are two buttons labelled: "Ignore Profile" or "Use Anyway". This is a new monitor and it is considered to be providing the best factory calibrated color.

I have other free editing programs like Picasa 3, etc.

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Photoshop :: Color Settings For Wide Gamut Monitor

Apr 7, 2012

I have a wide gamut monitor (HP LP2475w) which has already been calibrated. My question isn't so much about that, but the settings I should be using inside of Photoshop (CS5). As far as color settings (ctrl+shift+k) goes, what am I supposed to use? I have sRGB as the rgb working space right now. (never use CMYK), Gray % Spot = dot gain 20%, and preserve profiles are ticked on for all 3. Am I supposed to be using Adobe RGB in RGB working space to get the most out of my monitor? I'm asking because it would be embarrassing if I had a wide gamut monitor and am working within a sRGB color cap. What are the proper photoshop color settings, so that it works well across the board (browser compatibility, etc)
I am a professional digital artist who specialize in illustrations for print campaigns. So far from what I've seen, whatever's been printed out of what I produce from this monitor has come out pretty much looking the same, so I'm not worried about that. Again, I just want to make sure I'm not careless and am using settings which doesn't make use of a wide gamut monitor.

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Photoshop :: Monitor Blacks Out - Selective Color Adjustment?

Sep 17, 2013

In a file with several layers, my monitor temporarily blacks out when adjusting colors in a Selective Color adjustment layer.  Is there a solution?I changed the Advanced Graphics Processor Settings to "Normal" from "Advanced."  Seems better but am I losing performance?
Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.1.1 (14.1.1 20130910.r.414 2013/09/10:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
Version: 6.2
System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2


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Photoshop :: OpenGL Disables Color Management For 2nd Dual Monitor

Jan 7, 2009

i've just started using photoshop CS4 and noticed today that enabling OpenGL drawing under performance preferences (GPU settings) disables color management for my 2nd dual monitor.

2.4ghz intel core 2 duo, 4GB 667mhz, mac os 10.5.6 (fully updated 1/7/09)
GeForce 8600M GT, 256MB

photoshop cs4

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Photoshop Elements :: Easy Way To Color Calibrate Samsung Monitor?

Oct 22, 2012

How do I calibrate my Samsung monitor and PE 11?

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Illustrator :: Shift Color Hue From Gray Scale Art To Blue

Aug 5, 2013

How can I change gray scale art to a blue hue'd art?

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