I'm sure I've seen how to do this somewhere, not sure if it's photoshop or flash. I want to split a picture into multiple small jpeg tiles so that I can have one thumbnail picture and a higher res one used to zoom.
Anyone know what this is called, the package used to achieve it or where I should start?
Sometimes when UV unwrapping, the map, for some reason ends up as individual tiles, even though the mesh is a single object. How can I fix that? Every single polygon has thick, green lines - like seams. When generating normal maps, it simply comes back as 'squares' of nothing, but laid out accordingly to the UV layout, so it's useless and holds no detail what-so-ever.
There are no inverted faces or overlapping faces, so that is not it. I can't weld every single vertex - there are thousands of them, of course, so it's rather baffling. The vertices, though, are connected, so that too is not the problem.
When i drop a file to the Timeline the file is always spliited into serveral smaller ones automatically I was wondering if it have mistakenly change a setting.
I've got a large file that is about 72x54. I want to cut it up into pieces that are about 24x18 and print it pieces that I will tile together as a whole image after I print them. Is there a way to save out my file as 24x18 pieces?
I have a large map style drawing I'd like to slice into smaller files. I dont want overlap, but a clean line in common. See attached image for details for a 4-quadrant map.
Very often when I press cmd touch in Photoshop CS6 my image comes smaller until to be a little point on my screen? this time with InDesign when an object selected and I touch the arrow keys to move the object, often it is my document that moves up or down!
I don't use Photoshop for extensive stuff, I like to make graphics for Glitter-Graphics for fun. I can't find out how to make an image smaller. When I go to the top and click on layer and try to make it smaller, it disappears althogther. How does the crop tool work? Also after I hve one picture open, if I open another the first disappears, why?
I have designed an album cover using some jpeg elements as well as vector based text and background color. I set the project resolution as 300 ppi. The size is 2.0 inch x 2.0 inch. So when i save that as a jpeg i get a file size of around 250 kb. I was hoping to get this file size down to around 100 kb or so for web use, without loosing the sharpness of detail.
I have tried the following : Image size: I change ppi resolution to 72. The picture than gets way too small to be able to post on a website. Is it possible to lower the file resolution for webuse without changing the file size?
need photoshop to split image to two parts and paste the second to the bottom of first in photoshop and need macro for this as i need to do for 1000 pages.
I would like to take face pictures and split the faces in half. After that, I would like to use the left side of the face and match it to the reverse left side face together(having 2 left sides which will look like a normal face after the 2 sides will be brought together).
1. picture of a human face (head)
2. slipt the face in half
3. remove the right side
4. highlight the left side and make a reverse image
5. put together the real left side and the reverse left side in one face
I have a large image at 72 ppi. When I reduce the size (pixel count) leaving the resolution at 72 ppi, the smaller image loses sharpness. Why is this happening?
For a project I am working on, I would be like to be able to slice a photograph up into a number of smaller segments. I can explain what I want to do best in terms of what this would look like if I were working with a physical print.
Let's say the print is 8 X 10 inches. I'd like to take that print and cut it up into 16 half inch strips along the 8 inch side, and then cut those horizontally into 20 half inch little squares. It would sort of resemble a jigsaw puzzle but of course all the side would be straight. Is there a convenient way to do this in Photoshop? I'd want to be able to remove these and rearrange them in PS or perhaps paste each segment into inDesign or Quark.
I have a png image, of 256x128 size. It has 8bits per pixel for color. Now this image's size is 97kB. I open it in photoshop, I save it as different png file, and then... this image is 7kB of size.
When i start a new document and select the size ( lets say for example 4x4 inches ) it appears smaller in the screen....if i put an actual ruler next to the screen it measures to something like 2x2 inches.
i have a client who needs a big image (2000x2830) resizing to 595x842 and saving to a .pdf file and still keeping its high quality resolution even when its zoomed in on. So far i have resized the image (just using IMAGE-IMAGE SIZE and put in the numbers 595x842) but it has lost its quality when zoomed in although it does look good at 100% but i need it to look good even at 500-600%.
I want to resize an image without loosing picture quality but I'm not making it larger - I'm making it smaller. For example, there are small stars in the background which seem get deleted when I resize it.
But here's the thing - After resizing it (but before "confirming" my changes), it looks perfect. Then I hit enter and then it deletes certain details. Basically I can look at the image at the size and quality I want in PS but I can't save it that way. And it's not a matter of saving it with a higher quality level, it happens as soon as I resize. WTF?
When printing in Orgnizer in Elements 11 the printout is as selected,but in Editor the image in Portrait format is always printed out smaller than selected e.g 15 x 10 cm image prints out as 10 x 9 cm. There is no 'Print Preview' facility available
I have an image (1200mm x 1200mm) very sharp and crisp. (A photo that i have worked on and has lots of detail) I drag this image onto a canvas size of 150mm x150mm - and the image loses all of its sharpness. It is not apparent until i zoom in to see the detail. (PSE10) I'm sure that there is a box somewhere to tick..........but i cannot find it.
when i drag it over, it is still the large size, so i grab the grips/handles and shrink to fit, then it pixelates?
I made all my polygons with the same technique but somehow interactive polygon split tool does not split all polygons... I attached a file with which I have problem. Split tool just "disappears" after submitting changes...
I am a hardcore Photoshop nut lol but I have recently approached learning how to use 'AI' to create my company Logo so that It can be Vector based and therefore Re-size it according to web and print as needed.
You've properly encountered this problem lots of times and i'm properly being really silly, but I am having major problems re-sizing and it, causing pixelisation on my Image, esp when going to 'Save for web and Devices'.
I did have 'drop down shadow effects' on the Logo but I believe I have deleted all of that in Appearences, Incase it is the raster effects causing the problems... but even back at its seemingly basics, I'm still having the same problems.
I tried making the Image smaller using the 'scale' & 'transform' tool before taking it into 'Save for Web and Devices' and even on my artboard it now looks pixelated..
My Artboard size is 1200 x 1200 and in 'Save for Web and Devices' it says the Original Image size is 800 x 600 (which I believe is the size of the document I chose when starting my project)...
I tried Playing with the PPI in the 'Document Raster Effects' settings, this doesn't seem to be making a difference.. Infact I'm sure playing with all the settings has almost caused my edges already to not be as sharp in view: 100% (RGB/Overprint preview) as they once were and I don't think I have the original document to go back too, due to thinking the Logo was fine, before relizing I had a problem in resizing & saving.
I have tried all of the save options in 'Save for Web and Devices' but still the Image looks pixelized, even when ignoring previewer and going ahead to re-opening the saved Image.
I've spent hours trawling the web tirelessly without any result and after being so happy with the Logo, it would be such a shame to have to delete it and try and start all over again either in Illustrator or back in Photoshop (where I know the quality won't be as good)..
I imported images from my 1D M4 and made themDNG rather than RAW. All the images, JPOG and DNG have a heading in image info at top of the image in Library or Develop as 4.0MP indicating that the information is very small. Canon tells me this camera should show MP as 16-18MP and large prints available. The smmaller bird will not crop to make an image over 4x4 and I pring 8x10. Canon believes it is a LR4 preference issue but I can't locate it in importing. I did note a export image smaller and changed it but regardless, I checked the importing file size and tey are all significant so it is a Adobe LR4 issue and preference somewhere. NAPP says it is not LR4 so I am caught?
I created this using Gimp 2.6 on Mac 10.5: [URL].......
When I resize this to a smaller image, the text gets all distorted: [URL]......
I have been looking around on Google, but couldn't find much.Tried scaling with all the different ways (Linear, Cubical... etc). Also tried scaling from XCF and PNG files. Nothing seem to maintain the quality of the text on the image.
In a nutshell - I am a seamstress attempting to make a pattern. Well, I have made the pattern - drawn it out on a large sheet of paper. I have manually "cut" it into letter-sized parts and scanned those parts onto my computer (with hash marks so that the parts can be matched back up to make the larger whole pattern).
I have spent a lot of time redrawing the lines in paint.net so they are neat and clean and more even. But then I went to print them and sizing is totally messed up and I am just not able to get my brain around this sizing thing. I need to be able to send these files to customers so they can print them out, put them together and have a pattern.
So, in effect, I have a large image that I want to print in puzzle pieces but they must maintain their *real* *life-sized* size. I'm attaching one of the individual files. What I need to do to it to make it be 8.5" x 11".
What I need to do is, take an image, split it into strips about 1/4 inch wide but have them so I can put them back.the actual size of the slices can be varied but each slice has to be the same size across the whole image.